30 research outputs found

    Effect of Technical Quality of Thermomechanical Die Forging of AA2099 Alloy

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    The paper presents the results of investigations of a multicomponent third-generation aluminium alloy, classified as AA2099. The actual forging conditions were determined basing on the assessment of the quality of side surface of specimens subjected to compression in Gleeble 3800 simulator and on flow curves of the alloy, as well as numerical modelling of forging process performed with application of QForm 3D v.7 software. Compression tests were realized at temperatures 400-500 掳C, with a strain rate of 0.001-100 s-1, up to a specified constant true strain value of 0.9. Microstructure examination in as-delivered state was performed with application of Leica DM 4000M optical microscope. The obtained results of isothermal deformation of specimens were correlated with the analysis of a characteristic layered pancake-type microstructure. The simulation of die forging of a complex-shape forging (high-current contact tip used in power engineering) at the temperature 500 掳C, was performed. The shape of a forging makes it possible to fully analyse the influence of thermomechanical process conditions on technical quality of a product. The simulation of forging process showed full correctness of material flow, with no signs of instability. At the same time, the analysis of investigations allowed to prepare and realize the industrial forging trials for a forging of a very complex shape, in a single step, at the temperature 500 掳C, with application of thermomechanical treatment. The forging attained high quality of shape and surface. Directional specimens were taken, in order to be subjected to microstructure examination and hardness testing. The data obtained from industrial tests, combined with the results of testing using Gleeble simulator as well as from numerical modelling, make up the guidelines for mechanical processing of AA2099 alloy at the temperatures 470-500 掳C

    Effect of Technical Quality of Thermomechanical Die Forging of AA2099 Alloy

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    The paper presents the results of investigations of a multicomponent third-generation aluminium alloy, classified as AA2099. The actual forging conditions were determined basing on the assessment of the quality of side surface of specimens subjected to compression in Gleeble 3800 simulator and on flow curves of the alloy, as well as numerical modelling of forging process performed with application of QForm 3D v.7 software. Compression tests were realized at temperatures 400-500 掳C, with a strain rate of 0.001-100 s-1, up to a specified constant true strain value of 0.9. Microstructure examination in as-delivered state was performed with application of Leica DM 4000M optical microscope. The obtained results of isothermal deformation of specimens were correlated with the analysis of a characteristic layered pancake-type microstructure. The simulation of die forging of a complex-shape forging (high-current contact tip used in power engineering) at the temperature 500 掳C, was performed. The shape of a forging makes it possible to fully analyse the influence of thermomechanical process conditions on technical quality of a product. The simulation of forging process showed full correctness of material flow, with no signs of instability. At the same time, the analysis of investigations allowed to prepare and realize the industrial forging trials for a forging of a very complex shape, in a single step, at the temperature 500 掳C, with application of thermomechanical treatment. The forging attained high quality of shape and surface. Directional specimens were taken, in order to be subjected to microstructure examination and hardness testing. The data obtained from industrial tests, combined with the results of testing using Gleeble simulator as well as from numerical modelling, make up the guidelines for mechanical processing of AA2099 alloy at the temperatures 470-500 掳C

    Effect of Processing Conditions on Forgeability and Properties of Hot and Warm-Forged Steel 300M

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    Results of investigation of the effect of processing conditions of medium-carbon alloy steel AISI 300M on forgeability and microstructure-properties are presented here, including as-forged and heat treated condition of the material. The presented results concern two vital aspects of plastic forming of high-duty impression-die forgings, which underlay a selection of technological conditions which enable the accomplishment of the required quality of the forged part. These are: firstly, the microstructure and mechanical properties and their uniformity within a part and secondly, technological realization of forging the required geometry in the given processing conditions

    Effect of Processing Conditions on Forgeability and Properties of Hot and Warm-Forged Steel 300M

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    Results of investigation of the effect of processing conditions of medium-carbon alloy steel AISI 300M on forgeability and microstructure-properties are presented here, including as-forged and heat treated condition of the material. The presented results concern two vital aspects of plastic forming of high-duty impression-die forgings, which underlay a selection of technological conditions which enable the accomplishment of the required quality of the forged part. These are: firstly, the microstructure and mechanical properties and their uniformity within a part and secondly, technological realization of forging the required geometry in the given processing conditions. In order to define a favourable processing window, dynamic behaviour modeling in variable forging conditions was carried out, establishing a coefficient of energy dissipation 畏% and the metal flow instability areas, which indicated the temperature regime and strain rate range for the forging process. The constructed processing maps were subject to experimental verification in the die-forging tests, carried out on a screw press. Hot and warm forging conditions were applied accordingly to selected areas of the processing maps, representative for unique forging conditions occurring in the industrial practice

    Numerical modelling of the multistage die forging process

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    Przedstawiono analiz臋 oblicze艅 numerycznych procesu kucia matrycowego okuwki wyd艂u偶onej kutej w matrycach otwartych na zespole agregat贸w z zastosowaniem walcowania przedkuwki i kucia na prasie. Obliczenia numeryczne wykonano dla kilku alternatywnych technologii przy za艂o偶eniu r贸偶nych kszta艂t贸w i masy wsadu. Analiz臋 przeprowadzono uwzgl臋dniaj膮c rozk艂ad odkszta艂ce艅, temperatury i parametr贸w energetycznych procesu kucia oraz wielko艣ci uzysku ku藕niczego dla przyj臋tych technologii.In the paper numerical modelling of the multistage die forging process of connecting-rod was analysed. Numerical calculation was performed for a several alternative technologies with different weight and shape of a billet. In the analysis of the assumed technologies strain, temperature and energy parameters distribution and forging yield have been investigated

    Numerical modelling of influence of deformation velocity on forging's parameters of aircraft wheel

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    Analizie poddano proces kucia odkuwki felgi ko艂a samolotu, charakteryzuj膮cej si臋 bardzo du偶膮 powierzchni膮 w p艂aszczy藕nie podzia艂u matryc, wykonywanej z dwufazowego stopu tytanu Ti-6Al-4V. Warunki brzegowe opracowano dla kilku technologii, przy za艂o偶onej temperaturze wsadu i narz臋dzi, tarciu powierzchniowym oraz pr臋dko艣ci odkszta艂cania (prasa hydrauliczna, m艂ot). Ocen臋 procesu kucia wykonano na podstawie map rozk艂adu intensywno艣ci odkszta艂cenia, temperatury i napr臋偶e艅 艣rednich. Otrzymane wyniki s膮 podstaw膮 do okre艣lenia parametr贸w procesu kszta艂towania w warunkach przemys艂owych wyrob贸w ze stop贸w tytanu czu艂ych na pr臋dko艣膰 odkszta艂cenia.Forging process of aircraft wheel with large surface in parting plane of dies made of two-phase titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V was analysed. Bonduary conditions was prepeared for several technologies, assums stock forging and tools temperature, friction factor and strain rate which is determined by velocity of tools (hammer and hydraulic press). The process estimation was carried out based on maps of distribution for effective strain rate, temperature and mean stress. The results of analysis are the base for definition forging process in industrial for products in titanium alloys which are sensitive to strain rate

    Rozk艂ad odkszta艂ce艅 w procesie wyd艂u偶ania swobodnego wlewk贸w z wewn臋trznymi nieci膮g艂o艣ciami

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    In this paper is presented analysis of cogging process of the 16 Mg ingot in the three-dimensional state of deformation, using commercial program QForm 3D to valuate effective strain distribution. Additionally voids closing were analysed, which were purposely inserted (various diameters and shapes) in selected areas. Numerical calculations were carried out for two following processes: upsetting of the reforged ingot and cogging process. Cogging operation of reforged material was simulated according to two schedules from the head and the bottom side of the ingot. As a criterion of valuation of the cogging process with flat dies were accepted maps of effective strain distribution.W pracy przedstawiono analiz臋 procesu wyd艂u偶ania swobodnego wlewka o masie 16 Mg w przestrzennym stanie odkszta艂cenia przy wykorzystaniu programu komercyjnego QForm 3D pod k膮tem oceny rozk艂adu odkszta艂ce艅. Dodatkowo analizowano mechanizm zamykania, celowo wprowadzonych - o r贸偶nych rozmiarach i kszta艂tach - w wybranych obszarach, wewn臋trznych nieci膮g艂o艣ci we wlewku. Badania symulacyjne przeprowadzono dla dw贸ch kolejnych operacji: sp臋czania wst臋pnie przekutego wlewka oraz wyd艂u偶ania. Proces wyd艂u偶ania sp臋czonego materia艂u symulowano wed艂ug dw贸ch schemat贸w od strony: uchwytu (g艂owa wlewka) oraz stopy wlewka. Jako kryterium oceny procesu wyd艂u偶ania swobodnego w kowad艂ach p艂askich przyj臋to mapy rozk艂adu intensywno艣ci odkszta艂cenia

    Influence of height/diameter ratio of forging stock for variables of forging process of titanium alloy - physical and numerical modelling

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    Przeanalizowano proces kucia odkuwki z dwufazowego stopu tytanu Ti-6Al-2Mo-2Cr, charakteryzuj膮cej si臋 du偶ym stosunkiem powierzchni do obj臋to艣ci. Obliczenia wykonano przy za艂o偶eniu sta艂ej pr臋dko艣ci suwaka prasy, sta艂ej temperatury materia艂u wyj艣ciowego i narz臋dzi oraz tarcia. Zmiennym parametrem w obliczeniach by艂a smuk艂o艣膰 materia艂u wyj艣ciowego. Ustalono najkorzystniejsz膮 smuk艂o艣膰 materia艂u wyj艣ciowego zapewniaj膮c膮 zwi臋kszenie r贸wnomierno艣ci odkszta艂cenia w obj臋to艣ci odkuwki oraz minimalizacj臋 si艂y kszta艂towania. Otrzymane wyniki analizy numerycznej i fizycznej wykonanej na modelu z plasteliny mog膮 stanowi膰 podstaw臋 do okre艣lenia parametr贸w procesu kszta艂towania w warunkach przemys艂owych wyrob贸w ze stop贸w tytanu czu艂ych na pr臋dko艣膰 odkszta艂cenia.Forging process of parts with high surface/volume ratio made of two-phase titanium alloy Ti-6Al-2Mo-2Cr was analysed. In numerical modelling assums constant tool velocity, stock forging and tools temperature and friction conditions. Variable parameter in calculations was height/diameter ratio of stock forging. Most favourable height/diameter ratio of stock forging in order to obtain uniform strain distribution and minimization pressure load was determined. The results of numerical and physical analysis might be the base for definition forging process in industrial for products in titanium alloys witch are sensitive to strain rate

    Effect of friction on strain distribution and tool life during backward extrusion process - numerical modelling

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    W artykule przedstawiono analiz臋 procesu wyciskania przeciwbie偶nego na gor膮co odkuwki bazy zderzaka kolejowego. W analizie zwr贸cono uwag臋 na wybrane problemy technologiczne wyst臋puj膮ce podczas procesu wyciskania. Badano wp艂yw tarcia w zakresie odpowiadaj膮cym skrajnym warunkom wyst臋puj膮cym w praktyce przemys艂owej przy odkszta艂caniu na gor膮co stali niskow臋glowej. Ocen臋 procesu przeprowadzono na podstawie map rozk艂adu intensywno艣ci odkszta艂cenia, nacisk贸w na powierzchni styku materia艂u z narz臋dziem oraz wska藕nika zu偶ycia narz臋dzi.Backward extrusion process of a railway buffer base was analysed. The work was focused on selected technological problems occurring during the extrusion process. Effect of friction in range of extreme conditions met in industrial practice in hot deformation of low-alloyed steel. The process estimation was carried out based on maps of effective strain distribution, contact pressure and die wear factor in the contact surface metal - tool