7 research outputs found

    Ekmeklik Buğdayın (Triticum aestivum L.) F2 Döllerinin Farklı Ortamlarda Anter Kültürüne Tepkisi

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    The anther culture is one of the most important methods for producing doubled haploid plants and the efficiency of this method is influenced by several mentioned factors such as genotype and induction media. In this study, it was investigated that anther response of different F2 progenies of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) hybrids using MN6 and P2 induction media. The results indicated that callus production, regeneration, green and albino plant numbers are higher on MN6 media than on P2 media for all genotypes. In addition to, all investigated parameters varied between genotypes. It can be said that the response of anthers depends mainly both the genotype and media, and the most suitable induction media for obtaining doubled haploid from our wheat hybrids was MN6 medium. However, it may be needed to develop other culture conditions for this population to utilize it in an actual breeding program.Anter kültürü, double haploid bitki elde etmek için kullanılan en önemli yöntemlerden birisidir ve bu yöntemin etkinliği, genotip ve kültür ortamı gibi pek çok etmenden etkilenir. Bu çalışmada, MN6 ve P2 ortamları kullanılarak, farklı ekmeklik buğday melezi F2 döllerinin anter kültürüne tepkisi araştırılmıştır. Sonuçlar, bütün genotiplerde kallus üretimi, rejenerasyon, yeşil ve albino sayısının, P2'ye göre MN6 ortamında daha yüksek olduğunu göstermiştir. Buna ek olarak, incelenen tüm özellikler bakımından genotipler arasında farklılıklar vardır ve anter kültürüne tepkinin büyük oranda hem genotipten hem de kültür ortamından etkilendiğini ve kullanılan melezler için en uygun kültür ortamının MN6 ortamı olduğu söylenebilir. Ancak, etkin bir ıslah programında bu populasyonun kullanabilmesi diğer kültür koşullarının da geliştirilmesiyle olasıdır

    The Toxicity Assessment of Iron Oxide (Fe3O4) Nanoparticles on Physical and Biochemical Quality of Rainbow Trout Spermatozoon

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro effect of different doses (50, 100, 200, 400, and 800 mg/L) of Fe3O4 nanoparticles (NPs) at 4 °C for 24 h on the kinematics of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum, 1792) spermatozoon. Firstly, Fe3O4 NPs were prepared at about 30 nm from Iron (III) chloride, Iron (II) chloride, and NH3 via a co-precipitation synthesis technique. Then, the prepared Fe3O4 NPs were characterized by different instrumental techniques for their chemical structure, purity, morphology, surface properties, and thermal behavior. The size, microstructure, and morphology of the prepared Fe3O4 NPs were studied by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS). The thermal properties of the Fe3O4 NPs were determined with thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential thermal analysis (DTA), and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) analysis techniques. According to our results, there were statistically significant (p < 0.05) decreases in the velocities of spermatozoon after treatment with 400 mg/L Fe3O4 NPs. The superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities were significant (p < 0.05) decrease after 100 mg/L in after exposure to Fe3O4 NPs in 24 h. As the doses of Fe3O4 NPs increases, the level of malondialdehyde (MDA) and total glutathione (tGSH) significantly (p < 0.05) increased at doses of 400 and 800 mg/L

    The effects of Zn and Yb co-dopants on the electronic, radiation shielding, structural, thermal and spectroscopic properties of hydroxyapatite

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    This work presents a comprehensive investigation of the electronic properties of hydroxyapatite (HA) doped with zinc (Zn) and ytterbium (Yb). Four different compositions, namely 0.33Zn-0.33Yb-HA, 0.33Zn-0.66Yb-HA, 0.66Zn-0.33Yb-HA, and 0.66Zn-0.66Yb-HA, were studied using Density of States (DOS) and band structure calculations. The computed band gap values for each composition were determined to be 4.3097 eV, 4.1324 eV, 4.2527 eV, and 4.2088 eV, respectively. The observed decrease in the band gap energy from 0.33Zn-0.33Yb-HA to 0.66Zn-0.66Yb-HA signifies a significant impact of the dopant composition on the electronic properties of the material. Furthermore, the inclusion of ytterbium in the HA matrix resulted in the formation of a distinct band and peak in the density of states. This indicates the emergence of specific energy levels associated with Yb, suggesting a distinct influence on the electronic structure of the material. These findings provide valuable insights into the tunability of the electronic properties of HA through controlled doping with Zn and Yb. Such knowledge is crucial for tailoring materials with desired electronic characteristics, thus holding promise for various applications in electronic devices and biocompatible coatings. The as-modeled structures were synthesized via a wet chemical route. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), Raman, and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses verified the formation of the HA structure for each sample. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) results showed that all the as-prepared samples were thermally stable. The negligible mass losses were detected for all the samples in the thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) measurements. The addition of both co-dopants affected crystal structure related parameters and decreased the crystallinity and cell viability