27 research outputs found

    A study on the flora of some natural and cultural sites of Hatay province (Turkey)

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    Bu araştırma 2015-2016 yılları arasında Hatay ilinde bulunan; Erzin Doğal Sit Alanı, Gölbaşı Gölü, Habib-i Neccar Dağı ve Antakya Kalesi, Saint Pierre Kilisesi ve Harabeleri, Harbiye Şelaleleri ve Yenişehir Gölü çalışma alanlarını kapsamaktadır. Araştırma sonucunda 52 familyaya ait, 129 cins, 108 tür, 25 alttür ve 22 varyete olmak üzere, toplam 155 takson belirlenmiştir. Araştırma alanında belirlenen taksonlardan 7 tanesi endemik olup, endemizm oranı %4.5'dir. Çalışma alanında belirlenen taksonların fitocoğrafik bölgelere dağılımı şu şekildedir; Akdeniz (Doğu Akdeniz dâhil) 57 takson (%36.8), İranTuran 7 takson (%4.5), Avrupa-Sibirya 6 takson (%3.9), geniş yayılışlı 37 takson (%23.9) ve bilinmeyen 48 (%30.9) taksondur. Çalışma alanında takson sayısı bakımından en büyük familyalar Fabaceae (22), Lamiaceae (15), Asteraceae (13) ve Liliaceae (9)' dir. Çalışma alanında takson sayısı bakımından en büyük cinsler Vicia (4), Silene (3), Stachys (3), Quercus (3), Salvia (3) ve Muscari (3)'dir.This research was conducted between 2015-2016. Study areas are; Erzin Natural Protected Area, Gölbaşı Lake, Habib-i Neccar Mountain and Antakya Castle, Saint Pierre Church and Harebs, the Harbiye Waterfalls and Yenişehir Lake located in Hatay province (Turkey). As a result of the research, 155 taxa belonging to 52 families, 129 genera, 108 species, 25 subspecies and 22 varieties were determined. 7 taxa identified in the research area are endemic and the rate of endemism is 4.5%. The distribution of taxa determined in the study area to phytogeographical regions is as follows; Mediterranean (including Eastern Mediterranean) 57 taxa (36.8%), Iran-Turan 7 taxa (4.5%), EuroSiberian 6 taxa (3.9%), 37 widespread taxa (23.9%) and 48 (30.9%) unknown taxa. Fabaceae (22), Lamiaceae (15), Asteraceae (13) and Liliaceae (9) are the largest families in terms of taxa’s numbers in the study area. Vicia (4), Silene (3), Stachys(3), Quercus(3), Salvia (3) and Muscari (3) are the largest genera in terms of taxa’s number in the study area

    Fatty acid, tocopherol, mineral composition, total phenolic, flavonoid and thymoquinone content, and antioxidant potential of Nigella stellaris

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    In the present study, the fatty acid composition of the fixed oil from seeds of Nigella stellaris has been investigated by GC-MS. Linoleic and oleic acids were the major fatty acids. The tocopherols determined by HPLC and α- and δ-tocopherols were detected in the oil. The seeds also were analyzed by ICP-MS to determine mineral content. Ca, P, and K were main elements among seventeen minerals in the seeds. Total phenolic and flavonoid contents of the aqueous methanolic extracts of different plant parts were assessed by Folin-Ciocalteu method and the AlCl3 assay. The seed extract was also analyzed by RP-HPLC analysis for its thymoquinone content. The present study showed that the seed extract contained low amount of thymoquinone. The seed extract exhibited the significantly higher total phenolic and flavonoid content than the extract of aerial part. DPPH radical scavenging activity was used to evaluate the antioxidant capacity of the extracts. Both of the extracts showed high antioxidant activity

    Radioterapi gören kanser hastalarinda tibbi ve aromatik bitkilerin potansiyel faydaları

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    Kanser, dünya çapında en fazla ölüme neden olan kompleks bir hastalıktır. Genetik yatkınlık, çevre kirliliği, beslenme alışkanlığı ve enfeksiyonlar kansere neden olan başlıca etkenlerdir. Kanser tedavisinde kullanılan en yaygın yöntem radyoterapidir (RT). Bununla birlikte, radyoterapi insan vücudunda bazı yan etkilere yol açar. Radyoterapinin en yaygın yan etkileri kaşeksi, kilo kaybı, yorgunluk, ishal, ağrı, uyku bozuklukları, iştah kaybı, mide bulantısı, kusma, cilt reaksiyonları ve oral komplikasyonlardır. Yeni klinik ve farmakolojik araştırmalarla iyi bir diyet ve bitki sekonder metabolitleri desteğiyle kanser hastalarında radyoterapi sırasında veya sonrasında meydana gelen yan etkilerin giderildiği görülmüştür. Çalışmamızda radioterapinin 20 yan etkisine karşı kullanım potansiyeli olan 66 tıbbi ve aromatik bitki belirlenmiştir. Allium sativum L. (sarımsak), Juglans regia L. (ceviz) ve Solanum lycopersicum L. (domates) tıbbi ve aromatik açıdan radyoterapi kaynaklı yan etkilere karşı kullanılan en yaygın bitkilerdir. Bu derleme, kanser hastalarında radyoterapinin (RT) yan etkilerinin ortadan kaldırılmasına yardımcı olan beslenme faaliyetlerinin ve bitkisel ürünlerin önemini belirtmektedirCancer is a complex and important disease that leading cause of death worldwide. Genetic asset, environmental pollution, dietary habit and infections are the major causes concurring to cancer. Radiotherapy (RT) is the most common method in cancer therapy. However, radiotherapy induces some side effect in human body. The most common side effects of radiotherapy are weight loss, fatigue, diarrhoea, pain, sleep disorders, appetite loss, nausea, vomiting, skin reactions and oral complications. Recent clinical and pharmacologic research show that good dietary and plant secondary metabolites/multivitamin remove to side effect in cancer patients during or after radiotherapy. Our study identified 66 medicinal and aromatic plants, spanning a total of 20 medicinal purpose categories. Most commonly used plants as follows: Allium sativum L. (garlic), Juglans regia L. (walnut) and Solanum lycopersicum L. (tomatoes) for medicinal purposes. This paper is an overview of important of nutrition activity and herbal products for help to remove side effects of radiotherapy (RT) in cancer patient

    Paracaryum bingoelianum (Boraginaceae), a new species from Turkey

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    Paracaryum bingoelianum Behçet & İlçim is described as a new species. It is confined to Bingöl in Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Paracaryum bingoelianum is closely similar to P. cristatum subsp. cristatum and P. kurdistanicum. It mainly differs from them in that it has a shrub-like woody base and numerous stems with sterile shoots, longer corolla, and bigger nutlets. The diagnostic characters are discussed and taxonomic comments are presented. Seed and pollen characteristics were investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy. Notes on its ecology are also presented. A distribution map of the new and related species is provided.Paracaryum bingoelianum Behçet & İlçim is described as a new species. It is confined to Bingöl in Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Paracaryum bingoelianum is closely similar to P. cristatum subsp. cristatum and P. kurdistanicum. It mainly differs from them in that it has a shrub-like woody base and numerous stems with sterile shoots, longer corolla, and bigger nutlets. The diagnostic characters are discussed and taxonomic comments are presented. Seed and pollen characteristics were investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy. Notes on its ecology are also presented. A distribution map of the new and related species is provided

    Astragalus topalanense (Fabaceae), a new species from Turkey

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    Astragalus topalanenseBehçet & İlçim sp. nov. (section Malacothrix Bunge) is described as a new species from Bingöl Province, East Anatolia in Turkey. The new species is similar to Astragalus macrouroides Hub.-Mor., a species endemic to Turkey, and A. macrourus Fisch. & C.A.Mey. The diagnostic characters and taxonomic comments on the species are presented. Seed and pollen characteristics are investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy. Notes are also presented on its ecology. A distribution map of the new and related species is also provided.Astragalus topalanenseBehçet & İlçim sp. nov. (section Malacothrix Bunge) is described as a new species from Bingöl Province, East Anatolia in Turkey. The new species is similar to Astragalus macrouroides Hub.-Mor., a species endemic to Turkey, and A. macrourus Fisch. & C.A.Mey. The diagnostic characters and taxonomic comments on the species are presented. Seed and pollen characteristics are investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy. Notes are also presented on its ecology. A distribution map of the new and related species is also provided

    Türkiye’deki Dorycnium hirsutum (Fabaceae) taksonlarına sistematik katkılar

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    Abstract: Some interesting plant samples collected from Samandağ district of Hatay province were examined and it was determined that these specimens belong to Dorycnium hirsutum var. syriacum. Its status in the Flora of Turkey is mentioned as suspicious. In this study, it is stated that the Dorycnium hirsutum species should be divided into two distinct varieties as Dorycnium hirsutum var. hirsutum and Dorycnium hirsutum var. syriacum to investigate the morphological, taxonomic and palynological features of these taxa. Diagnostic characters and detailed descriptions of taxa and species identification key are given and IUCN categories are proposed.Yapılan arazi incelemeleri sırasında Hatay-Samandağ bölgesinde toplanan bazı bitki örneklerinin, Türkiye florasında varlığından şüpheli olarak bahsedilen Dorycnium hirsutum var. syriacum olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada Dorycnium hirsutum türünün Dorycnium hirsutum var. hirsutum ve Dorycnium hirsutum var. syriacum olmak üzere iki varyeteye ayrılması gerektiği belirtilmiş, taksonların morfolojik, taksonomik ve palinolojik özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Taksonlara ait ayırt edici karakterler, ayrıntılı betimlemeler ile tür teşhis anahtarı verilmiş ve IUCN kategorileri önerilmiştir

    Aeropalynological spectrum of Hatay, Turkey, the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea

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    An aeropalynological study during the years 2014-2015 was performed in Hatay, which is a unique sociocultural and phytogeographical area located on the border of Turkey and Syria on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean. The sampling was performed by a Hirst-type volumetric sampler (Lanzoni VPPS 2000), and pollen grains of 54 taxa were identified, of which 83.21% of the annual sum belonged to woody taxa. The highest pollen concentration was recorded in February, of which a large amount came from the Cupressaceae/Taxaceae families. The diversity of the pollen reflected the vegetation of the area and plantations of the city center, but pollen grains from Euro-Siberian elements specific to Mount Amanos could not be recorded. Pollen types found at more than 3% of the annual pollen index and considered dominant pollen types were as follows: Cupressaceae/Taxaceae (50.86%), Olea europaea (12.67%), Moraceae (7.20%), Poaceae (5.99%), Quercus (5.35%), Urticaceae (3.79%) and Pinus (3.70%); almost all dominant pollen types in the city atmosphere were previously stated to be allergic. The main pollen season starting dates of common pollen types found were one or two weeks earlier than those of the surroundings. Many statistically significant correlations were found between daily pollen concentrations and daily meteorological parameters, e.g., Cupressaceae/Taxaceae Poaceae and Urticaceae pollen correlated negatively with mean temperature in both years, and in the hindermost two families daily pollen amounts significantly correlated with wind speed in the second year. Daily Olea europaea pollen concentration showed a significant negative correlation with the amount of total daily rainfall in the second year

    Dianthus vanensis (Caryophyllaceae) a new species from Turkey

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    Dianthus vanensis Behçet & İlçim is described as a new species. It is confined to Çatak District (Van) in Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. The diagnostic characters and taxonomic comments on the species are given. Notes are also presented on its ecology. A distribution map of new and related species is also provided.Dianthus vanensis Behçet & İlçim is described as a new species. It is confined to Çatak District (Van) in Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. The diagnostic characters and taxonomic comments on the species are given. Notes are also presented on its ecology. A distribution map of new and related species is also provided

    Centaurea bingoelensis (Asteraceae), a new species from Turkey

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    Centaurea bingoelensis Behçet & İlçim is described as a new species. It is confined to Bingöl in Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. The diagnostic characters are discussed and taxonomic comments are presented. Seed and pollen characteristics were investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy. Notes on its ecology are also presented.Centaurea bingoelensis Behçet & İlçim is described as a new species. It is confined to Bingöl in Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. The diagnostic characters are discussed and taxonomic comments are presented. Seed and pollen characteristics were investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy. Notes on its ecology are also presented

    Aristolochia altanii (Aristolochiaceae), a new species from Turkey

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    Aristolochia altanii İlçim & Behçet sp. nov. is described from Turkey and illustrated. The specimens were collected from Kahramanmaraş in South Anatolia. The new species is closely related to A. guichardii and A. brevilabris. However, this species differs in some important characteristics, such as the length of the pedicel and the perianth, the indument of the perianth limb, and the micromorphology of the pollen and the seeds. The diagnostic characters are discussed and taxonomic comments are presented