11 research outputs found

    The nutritive value of poultry diets containing sunflower meal supplemented by enzymes

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    The international limitations imposed on the utilization of meat and bone meals in animal diets, together with the increasing demand for soybean meal, create a necessity to search for other protein sources to economically balance compound feeds. In this regard it is important to note that sunflower is the best adapted high-protein crop available in some European regions and that is useful to use it in poultry farming as the replacement of other protein sources. Protein and many other nutrients are “imprisoned” to variable degrees, inside sunflower meal fibrous structures, and remain less available for digestion by the poultry’s own proteases and other endogenous enzymes. Added exogenous enzymes (phytase, hemicellulase, cellulase, carbohydrase, protease, etc.) offer a number of creative possibilities for breakdown and “liberation” of these nutrients, their easier digestion and absorption, and thus development of new nutritional standards and new diets formulation. Supplementation of poultry diets containing sunflower meal by different enzymes increasingly contribute to sustainable poultry farming by enhancing production efficiency, increasing the effectiveness of nutrient utilization and upgrading in environmental protection. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III46012

    Fizičke karakteristike i nutritivni kvalitet odabranih genotipova kukuruza iz srbije različitih u tvrdoći i boji zrna

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    Physical quality traits (1000-kernel weight, density, milling response and soft endosperm portion), basic chemical (starch, protein, oil, cellulose and ash) and amino acids composition of ten ZP maize genotypes differing in kernel hardness and colour were studied. The objectives of this study were to characterize differences in ZP maize genotypes regarding to various physical traits and nutritional quality parameters such as basic chemical and amino acid composition and the data was correlated to find the interrelationship between these parameters. Kernel physical traits and chemical composition significantly varied among tested genotypes. A significant negative correlation was found between protein content and portion of soft endosperm as well as a significant positive correlation between protein content and two physical traits, milling response and density. Protein content showed a non-significant negative correlation with starch content. The results showed that the protein content exhibited negative correlation with lysine as well as positive correlation with methionine. It has not been observed a significant improvement in the amino acid composition regarding the specialty genotypes such as the selected white and red kernels and popping maize genotypes. The information presented in this study could be useful for the utilization improvement of maize kernel and the development of maize-based ingredients to prepare nutritious feed and food products.Ispitivane su fizičke karakteristike zrna (apsolutna masa ili masa 1000 zrna, gustina, otpornost na mlevenje i udeo meke frakcije endosperma), osnovni hemijski sastav (sadržaj skroba, proteina, ulja, celuloze i pepela) i sastav aminokiselina kod 10 genotipova kukuruza različitih po tvrdoći i boji zrna. Ciljevi ovog rada bili su da se izvrši karakterizacija ZP genotipova kukuruza u odnosu na različite fizičke osobine i nutritivne parametre kvaliteta kao što su osnovni hemijski i aminokiselinski sastav, i podaci potom korelacionom analizom obrade u cilju utvrđivanja međuodnosa ovih parametara kvaliteta. Fizičke osobine zrna i hemijski sastav značajno su varirali između ispitivanih genotipova. Utvrđena je značajna negativna korelacija između sadržaja proteina i udela meke frakcije endosperma kao i značajne pozitivne korelacije između sadržaja proteina i dve fizičke osobine, otpornost na mlevenje i gustina zrna. Sadržaj proteina pokazao je negativnu korelaciju sa sadržajem skroba. Rezultati su pokazali da sadržaj proteina u zrnu ima negativnu korelaciju sa sadržajem lizina, kao i pozitivnu korelaciju sa sadržajem metionina. Nije utvrđeno značajno poboljšanje sastava aminokiselina kod genotipova specifičnih svojstava, kao što su genotipovi belog i crvenog zrna, i genotipovi kukuruza kokičara. Informacije predstavljene u ovom radu mogu biti korisne za poboljšanje upotrebne vrednosti zrna kukuruza i razvoj komponenata na bazi kukuruza za hranu za životinje i prehrambene proizvode

    Potencijal pelina (Artemisia absinthium) kao dodatak u hranidbi kunića: utjecaj na kontrolu kokcidioze, antioksidacijski sustav i proizvodna obilježja

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    The objective of the study was the investigation of dietary inclusion of Artemisia absinthium as a potential anticoccidial drug in rabbit diet, as well as a growth promoter and antioxidant in rabbit nutrition. The in vivo investigation was carried out on 120 male New Zealand white rabbits. The rabbits were distributed into four dietary treatments with ten replicates each. Two levels of whole wormwood plant were used: 100 g/kg (WW100) and 200 g/kg (WW200). The control treatment (C) was basal diet, and one treatment (CR) received chemical coccidiostat robenidine, supplemented in the amount of 6 g/kg. The rabbits were given ad libitum access to water and feed throughout the entire trial period. Feed intake was measured on a daily basis, while body weight was monitored at an individual level during the entire experimental period every seven days, for a total of 77 days. Blood and liver samples were collected for enzyme analyses, where oocyst counts were determined in 1 g of rabbit feces. At the end of the trial, the addition of 200 g/kg of wormwood led to the highest body weight (3047 g), as well to the lowest feed conversion ratio (3.20 kg/kg) with significant differences compared to the control treatment (3.75 kg/kg). The highest recorded glutatione reductase value was with treatment WW100, with significant differences to other experimental treatments. Consumption of coccidiostat and dried wormwood plant in different levels led to a notably lower malondialdehyde content in liver homogenate compared to the control treatment. Finally, the lowest number of oocysts was found in the treatment receiving wormwood in a concentration of 100 g/kg. On the basis of the results achieved, it may be noticed that wormwood supplementation in the diet of rabbits has a positive influence on growth performance, as well on antioxidative systems in rabbits. Subsequently, it was shown that wormwood can successfully be used in reducing the number of oocysts in rabbits.Cilj je ovog rada bio istražiti dodatak pelina (Artemisia absinthium) u hranidbi kunića kao potencijalni antikokcidiostatik, ali i kao promotor rasta i antioksidans. Pokus je izveden in vivo na 120 bijelih novozelandskih kunića muškog spola, a bio je ponovljen četiri puta pri čemu je formirano 10 skupina. Korištene su dvije koncentracije cijele biljke pelina: 100 g/kg (WW100) i 200 g/kg (WW200). Kunići u kontrolnoj skupini (C) bili su hranjeni smjesama bez ikakvih dodataka, dok je u hranidbi pokusnih kunića (CR) dodan kemijski kokcidiostatik robenidin u količini od 6 g/kg. Voda i hrana bili su im dostupni ad libitum tijekom cijelog pokusnog razdoblja. Utrošak hrane bio je mjeren na dnevnom razini, dok je tjelesna težina bila praćena na individualnoj razini tijekom cijelog pokusa svakih sedam dana, ukupno 77 dana. Uzorci krvi i jetre bili su prikupljeni za enzimske analize, dok je broj oocista utvrđen po 1 g fecesa. Na kraju ekperimenta utvrđeno je da je dodatak 200 g/kg pelina doveo do najveće tjelesne mase kunića (3047 g) i do najmanje konverzije hrane (3,20 kg/kg) koja se značajno razlikovala u usporedbi s kontrolom (3,75 kg/kg). Najveća zabilježena vrijednost glutation reduktaze bila je u tretmanu WW100 sa značajnim razlikama u odnosu na druge eksperimentalne tretmane. Upotreba kokcidiostatika i osušene biljke pelina u različitim koncentracijama dovela je do znatno manjeg sadržaja malondialdehida u homogenatu jetre u usporedbi sa kontrolnim tretmanom. Također, najmanji broj oocista bio je zabilježen u tretmanu u kome je pelin dodan u koncentraciji od 100 g/kg. Na osnovi postignutih rezultata, može se primijetiti da dodatak pelina u hranidbi kunića ima pozitivan utjecaj na njihova proizvodna obilježja, kao i na antioksidacijske sustave. Također, ustanovljeno je da se pelin može uspješno koristiti za smanjivanje broja oocista

    Sunflower meal protein as a feed for broilers

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    The paper provides an overview of the nutritional aspects associated with the utilization of sunflower meal in broiler diets. To gain the maximum benefit from this feed ingredient, some of the characteristics of sunflower meal must be considered. In broiler diets, it is recommended that only high-quality decellulosed sunflower meal be used. Our own results and a broad variety of published reports have thus been consulted. Experiments with high protein sunflower meal in broiler diets have shown that sunflower meal can successfully replace soybean meal, provided that diets are supplemented with adequate amounts of lysine and energy. Consequently, the inclusion of sunflower meal in broiler diets may vary depending on the fiber content of the meal, the lysine and/or energy supplementation of the diet

    Quality control of full-fat soybean using urease activity: Critical assessment of the method

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    A critical assessment of the method for determination of urease activity, as an indicator of the degree of full-fat soybean (FFSB) processing, has been undertaken. FFSB was processed by dry extrusion at five temperatures, ranging from 115ºC to 165ºC, and analyzed for urease activity by two laboratories and by two analysts at each laboratory, using the pH-difference procedure. The in vivo trial with chickens fed the processed FFSB has also been conducted. While the results of two analysts at each laboratory did not differ significantly (P>0.05), there was a significant difference (P<0.05) in urease activity results between the two laboratories. The overall conclusion of this study is that the urease activity determined by pH-difference method can not be recommended as a reliable indicator for FFSB quality control

    Model prediction of ruminal dry matter digestibility of serbian maize genotypes

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    The focus of this study is on the physical quality traits, the carbohydrates and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) of various maize kernel genotypes produced in Serbia. Furthermore, the aim was to determine the relationship among these quality traits, as well as, their effects on the IVDMD. Ten maize genotypes with different endosperm type and kernel color have been studied (2018 growing season). All kernel traits significantly varied among selected maize genotypes. IVDMD ranged from 83.1-91.2%. In vitro regression model of IVDMD in ruminants was obtained. The physical quality traits such as test weight (TWt), 1000-kernel weight (KWt), density (Den) and hard endosperm portion (HE) had significant role in predicting the digestibility of maize kernel. The IVDMD was mostly affected by test weight and density in the FOP model (p<0.01 level). The determined in vitro digestibility model can serve for screening various maize kernel genotypes due to estimate their utility value for feed industry

    Determining the degree of powder homogeneity using PC-based program

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    The mixing of powders and the quality control of the obtained mixtures are critical operations involved in the processing of granular materials in chemical, metallurgical, food and pharmaceutical industries. Studies on mixing efficiency and the time needed for achieving homogeneity in the powder mashes production have significant importance. Depending on the characteristic of the materials, a number of methods have been used for the homogeneity tests. Very often, the degree of mixing has been determined by analyzing images of particle arrays in the sample using microscopy, photography and/or video tools. In this paper, a new PC-based method for determining the number of particles in the powder homogeneity tests has been developed. Microtracers®, red iron particles, were used as external tracer added before mixing. Iron particles in the samples of the mixtures were separated by rotary magnet and spread onto a filter paper. The filter paper was sprayed with 50% solution of ethanol for color development and the particles counted where the number of spots presented the concentration of added tracer. The number of spots was counted manually, as well as by the developed PC program. The program which analyzes scanned filter papers with spots is based on digital image analyses, where red spots were converted through few filters into a black and white, and counted. Results obtained by manual and PC counting were compared. A high correlation was established between the two counting methods

    Conductometric method for determining water stability and nutrient leaching of extruded fish feed

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    Water stability of eight samples of extruded salmon feeds was first determined by applying two gravimetric methods developed by the authors: gravimetric static and wet sieving method. Then, the conductometric method, primarily developed for investigation of nutrient leaching of feed into the water by the authors, was used for each sample. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of the conductometric measurement as a technique for determining water stability of extruded fish feed. In order to find any correlation between the results of two gravimetric tests and conductometric method, correlation analysis was employed. The results of static and wet sieving method were expressed as water stability index, which was expressed as the percent of remained dry matter of sample after being disintegrated in the water. The results of conductometric method were shown as conductivity curves for each sample, giving the insight in rate of nutrient leaching during the time. The obtained values of water conductivity showed no significant (p < 0.05) correlation with the results of static water method, while there was a negative significant (p < 0.05) correlation with the results of wet sieving method during first four hours of pellets soaking in water. The highest correlation coefficients were obtained within the first hour of conductivity measurement, demonstrating that proposed conductometric method had a potential to be applied as a rapid and simple method for determination and relative comparison of salmon feed water stability.[ Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. III46012 and Grant no. TR31011

    Changes in milk composition of domestic Balkan donkeys’ breed during lactation periods

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    Changes in the milk composition during early, middle and late stage of lactation period were monitored in 10 individual autochthonous donkeys of the Domestic Balkan breed. Animals were grazing ad libitum during early and middle lactation, while supplements (meadow hay, corn and corn stalks) were added during the late lactation period. The aim of this study was to evaluate the main compounds of donkeys’ milk during different periods of lactation. Based on the obtained results it was noticed that nutritional effects on milk composition were the greatest in the early and middle lactation. Chemical analysis indicated that donkeys’ milk was quite poor in dry matter (8.82-9.68%), fat (0.54-0.67%) and protein (1.44-1.79%), and conversely was high in lactose content (6.06-7.12%). Concentration of vitamin C varied significantly (P<0.05) during the lactation period and was very high (12.84-26.89 μg/mL) in comparison to milk from other animal species. Likewise, the content of lysozyme (1.95-3.29 g/L) and lactoferrin (1.56-3.14 g/L) during the early and middle lactation period showed an increase. Donkeys' milk did not show any significant differences in MUFA, n6-PUFA and UFA contents, while n3-PUFA, n6/n3 and UFA/SFA ratio showed a significant variability (P<0.05) during the lactation period.[Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. III46012

    Mycotoxins in maize: Annual variations and the impact of climate change

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    The presence of aflatoxins (AFs), ochratoxin A (OTA), zearalenone (ZEA), deoxynivalenol (DON), and fumonisins (FUMs) was examined in maize samples from the Republic of Serbia. The maize samples were collected during the period 2012-2016, and analyzed every year after harvest using validated Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) method. The obtained results were considered regarding the weather conditions parameters recorded during the investigated maize growing seasons. Significant differences in weather-related parameters recorded in the five-year period resulted in different mycotoxin profiles between the investigated years. Obtained results indicate that the presence of ZEA and DON in maize is characteristic of years with abundant precipitation, while AFs and OTA mainly occur in maize during hot and dry years. Furthermore, FUMs were detected with different contamination frequency in maize samples from every year. Based on the findings obtained in this study, as well as on noted changes in weather conditions in the recent years it could be assumed that maize from Serbia may become susceptible to problems concerning mycotoxins. Therefore, there is a necessity for monitoring and research related to the mycotoxins occurrence in maize from Serbia