9 research outputs found


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    Praksa ukazuje na veliki varijabilitet u prodajnoj učinkovitosti prodavača. Iako se dio tog varijabiliteta može pripisati eksternim faktorima, poput uvjeta na tržištu, konkretnoj robi/usluzi koja se prodaje, kupovnoj moći i ostalim karakteristikama kupaca, istraživanja potvrđuju značaj osobnih karakteristika prodavača u njihovoj radnoj učinkovitosti. Neuspjeh u prodaji izravno se odražava na poslovanje tvrtke, a neuspješni prodavači su i u većoj mjeri skloni fluktuaciji, što stvara dodatne troškove zapošljavanja i obučavanja kadra. U ovom radu istražili smo utjecaj tri različita osobna obilježja prodavača - lokusa kontrole, prodajne samoefikasnosti i optimizma na samoprocijenjenju radnu učinkovitost i namjere fluktuacije. Mjerenje smo proveli na 32 zaposlenika Styria Media Group AG, koji se svi bave telefonskom prodajom oglasnog prostora. Pokazalo se da će prodavači koji iskazuju viši stupanj prodajne samoefikasnosti, koji su optimističniji i imaju niži eksternalni lokus kontrole, procjenjivati većom svoju prodajnu učinkovitost, a manjom vjerojatnost napuštanja tvrtke. Time su potvrđene glavne hipoteze rada

    Chest Radiography Findings in Primary Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Children

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    Plain chest radiography plays a major role in the diagnosis and follow-up of pulmonary tuberculosis in childhood. The aim of our study was to investigate the distribution of characteristic chest radiographic findings at diagnosis in children with pulmonary tuberculosis. The age of the patients and the type and localization of radiographic changes at admission were retrospectively analyzed. We reviewed chest radiographs in 204 children admitted from January 1, 1991 until June 30, 1994 for newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis. Mean age ± SD was 6.4 ± 4.2 years (range 0–14). The most common lesion was lymphadenopathy (found in 172 children, 84.3%). It was significantly more common in the youngest age group (0–4 years) and was more significantly present in the right hilo-mediastinal region. Parenchymal changes were found in 125 children (61.3%). They were also significantly more common in the young age group and in the right lung. Other less common lesions included pleuritis, atelectasis, destructive-cavitary lesions and miliary dissemination. In conclusion, the leading radiographic finding in pulmonary tuberculosis in childhood remains hilar lymphadenopathy, but parenchymal changes are clearly strongly present, and should be sought and appreciated in the diagnostic work-up for pulmonary tuberculosis in childhood


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    This paper deals with the dependence of the chronic sino-bronchial syndrome and respiratory tract acute diseases in children and adults (age 0-19) living in Zagreb (a town with developed industry and heavy road traffic) on meteorological elements acting on man\u27s thermal sensation. This study is based on the bioclimatic index i/H (air enthalpy and cooling power rate) and the relevant bioclimatic classification and on those meteorological elements that are included in the bioclimatic index calculation (air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and barometric pressure). A correlation analysis method has been applied on both daily data and 3-, 5- and 7-day moving average values. All analyses have been done separately for the cold and warm part of the year. The results for the cold and warm parts of the year differ. Chronic patients react earlier to meteorological strcss than acute ones. In the cold part of the year the warm periods are critical while in the warm part of the year the cold ones are critical. Along with the air tenrperature relative humidity is also significant. For acute patients periods with high relative humidity are particularly unfavourable, both in the cold and warm periods of the year, if they last at least three days. SO2 and smoke concentration in the studied period (1988-90) was within the allowed limits and their correlation with sino-bronchial diseases, chronic or acute, was not significant

    Kompjutorizirana tomografija u dijagnostici osteoartritisa: rijetka lokalizacija u ramenu kod 12-godišnjeg dječaka

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    Acute osteomyelitis is pyogenic infection of the bone and bone marrow. We report a case of successful diagnosis and treatment in a 12-year-old boy with right shoulder joint osteoarthritis. On admission, he was febrile (39.0 ºC) with pain in his right shoulder. Laboratory and biochemistry findings were as follows: leukocytes 10.9x109/L; hemoglobin 122 g/l; fibrinogen 34.7; C-reactive protein 56.8. No changes were observed using conventional radiography. Computed tomography (CT) scan was conducted on the right limb using LightSpeed 16 slices in native and contrast series. The area of interest was shown on axial section, less dense fluid within the joint cavity with a thickened capsule and joint soft tissue swelling around the joint. On bone structures, CT morphological changes were not observed. After deterioration of the condition despite antibiotic therapy, surgery had to be performed. The purulent content was removed by surgery. Prolonged antibiotic therapy and rehabilitation led to improvement of the condition. At two-month follow-up, ultrasonography and CT scan showed that there were no pathologic changes, while magnetic resonance imaging showed minimal tissue fibrosis that did no require surgical treatment.Akutni osteomijelitis je piogena infekcija kostiju i koštane srži. Ovdje opisujemo klinički slučaj uspješne dijagnoze i liječenja kod 12-godišnjeg dječaka s osteoartritisom desnog ramena. Kod prijma bio je febrilan (39,0 ºC) s bolovima u desnom ramenu. Laboratorijski i biokemijski nalazi bili su sljedeći: leukociti 10,9x109/L; hemoglobin 122 g/L; fibrinogen 34,7; C-reaktivni protein 56,8. Primjena konvencionalne radiografije nije pokazala promjene. Kompjutorizirana tomografija (CT) je provedena na desnoj ruci koristeći 16-slojni Light Speed uređaj u prirodnoj i kontrastnoj seriji. Ispitivano područje prikazano je na aksijalnom presjeku, unutar zglobne šupljine manje guste tekućine sa zadebljanom kapsulom i zadebljanjem u mekotkivnoj okolini zgloba. Na koštanim strukturama nisu primijećene CT morfološke promjene. Nakon pogoršanja stanja usprkos antibiotskoj terapiji morao se izvršiti operativni zahvat. Gnojni sadržaj uklonjen je operativnim zahvatom. Dugotrajna antibiotska terapija i rehabilitacija doveli su do poboljšanja stanja. Nakon dvomjesečnog praćenja, ultrazvuk i CT skeniranje pokazali su da nema patoloških promjena, dok je snimanje magnetskom rezonancom pokazalo minimalnu fibrozu tkiva za koju nije bilo potrebno kirurško liječenje