34 research outputs found

    Selo – slobodan izbor ili sudbina mladih na selu (studija o seoskoj zajednici Vođinci)

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    The paper presents the results of a survey carried out in the Slavonian village of Vođinci in 2006. The survey focused on the young people’s opinion about the quality of life and disadvantages of living in a rural area, and on their intention to stay in or leave the village. The results indicate that the main drawbacks for the young living in the village are poor working conditions (including unemployment and lack of prospect in agriculture), unavailability of social and cultural amenities, and neglected public areas. The young prefer living in the village and working in a city. They feel socially excluded and remain passive in taking initiative and creating their own future in the village they live in. Women, the young under 20–24 years of age, those from workers’ and farming and large families, those who prefer the city to live and work in, those who believe unemployment is the major problem facing rural communities, and finally those who are not satisfied with their life in the country are the least spatially stable members of the community.U članku se iznose rezultati istraživanja provedenoga metodom ankete 2006. godine u slavonskom selu Vođinci. U središtu pozornosti su mišljenja mladih ljudi o kvaliteti života i nedostacima u selu, te njihove namjere o ostanku/napuštanju sela. Rezultati pokazuju da su u životu mladih u ovom selu najveći nedostaci loši radni uvjeti (uključujući nezaposlenost, pri čemu ne vide svoju budućnost u poljoprivredi), nepostojanje društvenih i kulturnih sadržaja i neuređenost javnih površina. Mladi imaju veće preferencije prema životu u selu, te prema radu u gradu. Oni se osjećaju socijalno isključenima od društva, a istovremeno su pasivni u preuzimanju inicijative i stvaranju vlastite perspektive u selu u kojem žive. U grupi koja kani napustiti selo više je žena, mladih od 20-24 godine, nezaposlenih, onih koji preferiraju grad kao mjesto života i rada, onih koji smatraju nezaposlenost najvećim problemom u selu te onih najnezadovoljnijih svojim životom u selu

    Selo – slobodan izbor ili sudbina mladih na selu (studija o seoskoj zajednici Vođinci)

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    The paper presents the results of a survey carried out in the Slavonian village of Vođinci in 2006. The survey focused on the young people’s opinion about the quality of life and disadvantages of living in a rural area, and on their intention to stay in or leave the village. The results indicate that the main drawbacks for the young living in the village are poor working conditions (including unemployment and lack of prospect in agriculture), unavailability of social and cultural amenities, and neglected public areas. The young prefer living in the village and working in a city. They feel socially excluded and remain passive in taking initiative and creating their own future in the village they live in. Women, the young under 20–24 years of age, those from workers’ and farming and large families, those who prefer the city to live and work in, those who believe unemployment is the major problem facing rural communities, and finally those who are not satisfied with their life in the country are the least spatially stable members of the community.U članku se iznose rezultati istraživanja provedenoga metodom ankete 2006. godine u slavonskom selu Vođinci. U središtu pozornosti su mišljenja mladih ljudi o kvaliteti života i nedostacima u selu, te njihove namjere o ostanku/napuštanju sela. Rezultati pokazuju da su u životu mladih u ovom selu najveći nedostaci loši radni uvjeti (uključujući nezaposlenost, pri čemu ne vide svoju budućnost u poljoprivredi), nepostojanje društvenih i kulturnih sadržaja i neuređenost javnih površina. Mladi imaju veće preferencije prema životu u selu, te prema radu u gradu. Oni se osjećaju socijalno isključenima od društva, a istovremeno su pasivni u preuzimanju inicijative i stvaranju vlastite perspektive u selu u kojem žive. U grupi koja kani napustiti selo više je žena, mladih od 20-24 godine, nezaposlenih, onih koji preferiraju grad kao mjesto života i rada, onih koji smatraju nezaposlenost najvećim problemom u selu te onih najnezadovoljnijih svojim životom u selu

    Peasants\u27 Attitudes Towards a Professional Education in Agriculture

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    The author’s starting point was a presumption that for a successful progress of Croatian agriculture, particularly that a family households (family farms) as a predominant form and way of its organization, so called knowledge capital is needed, shaping of new evolutive abilities of human resources founded upon knowledge and skills in technology, organization and running business, but them being enough flexible for quick accommodation and adoption of changes. This statement is corroborated by a small number of Croatian peasants who have acquired specialized, professional education in agriculture as well as undeveloped additional resources and sectors for intellectual services for family farming. The importance of proffesional education in agriculture is particularly emphasized by the process of transition, by the fact the a great part of Croatian rural areas are exhausted, weakened but also vulnerable, as well as by professionalization of the occupation agriculturist. Researches in the process of post-socialist rural and agricultural transition as well as those on the factors of development of exhausted and weakened countyside (rural areas) in developed countries point at necessity of human resources shaping, and at local cultural resources promotion and use. But, this presumes in the first place a professional education in agriculture for the members of peasant’s family households through a researching tuition. Following these presumptions the authors give in this work the results of the research of the ways the leaders of vital peasant’s family households (vital family farms) acquired their personal professional education and experience in agriculture. They also give peasants’ evaluation of the importance of professional education of agriculturists (peasants) and on favourable forms of professional knowledge transfer. A survey research carried out by means of enquiry made by post on a sample of leaders of vital family households (64,5% farmers replied) showed that most of peasants are aware of necessity and importance of professional education in the process of agriculture modernization and of their insufficient (inadequate) knowledge, as well as that their own permanent professional perfection is indispensable. Judging the most favourable form/way of professional knowledge transfer and information communication in agriculture, the peasants gave high priority to the role of agricultural-advisory service (agricultural extension), and the self-education through professional literature they considered the least important

    Artikuliranje interesa hrvatskih seljaka kroz prosvjede

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    Since early 90s, the Croatian peasantry has undergone significant changes caused by the processes of erosion of the family farms reproductive ability which started earlier but were then intensified by war and transition from socialist to capitalist economy. The effect of these changes was essentially worsened peasants\u27 social status and quality of life. The first attempt of the organized farmers\u27 activity through the Farmers\u27 Association of Croatian did not have any significant success. The Croatian Farmers\u27 Association, founded in February 1999 upon the initiative of the Croatian Peasant Party, has been the most successful in articulation of farmers\u27 interests. It has organized a number of farmers\u27 protests out of which the one held at the end of June and the beginning of July 1999 attracted the greatest media\u27 s attention. In this paper the authors examine the results of the research in the farmers\u27 attitude towards the protests comparing them with the students of agronomy and agricultural experts\u27 opinions on this issue. The research results show that unlike students of agronomy and agricultural experts, the farmers approve the blacking of roads as a method of protest. There is, however, almost unanimous consent of all three groups of respondents about highly unfavourable economic position of Croatian farmers, and in particular their reputation in society, about the fact that the farmers\u27 position is getting relatively worse and that there has been a general dissatisfaction with the current agricultural policy. And more, the government hasn\u27t provided motivative instrumentary adequate to the farmers current position and the internationally open market of agricultural products and food. The authors have also established that the farmers\u27 economic and social position and the current agricultural policy has been more favourably judged by the farmers who had completed secondary school or junior college and who earn more than by those with lower education and lower income. 0r more accurately, the present research has confirmed the connection between the family farm reproductive ability and its head\u27s attitudes - along with the family farms reproductive ability increases the rate of their heads who consider the farmers\u27 economic position and social reputation better.Autori u ovom radu analiziraju stavove hrvatskih seljaka prema prosvjedima kao načinu borbe za svoje interese te poboljšanje vlastitog ekonomskog i društvenog položaja i uspoređuju ih sa stavovima studenata agronomije i poljoprivrednih stručnjaka. Oni polaze od toga da su seljački prosvjedi odgovor na bitno pogoršanje njihovog položaja i svojevrsna posebnost na hrvatskoj političkoj sceni. Hrvatsko je seljaštvo, naime, od početka 1990-ih zahvaćeno značajnim promjenama sveukupnog ekonomskog i društvenog položaja. Te su promjene prouzročili procesi erozije reproduktivne sposobnosti obiteljskog gospodarstva otpočeli u socijalističkom razdoblju, a mijene su potencirali veliki teret Domovinskog rata i postsocijalistička tranzicija. Hrvatsko je seljaštvo, primjerice, u odnosu na druge društvene slojeve podnijelo razmjerno najveci teret i stradanja u Hrvatskoj nametnutom ratu. Učinak je bio bitno pogoršanje gospodarskog i društvenog položaja te kvalitete života, jer država nije razvila instrumentarij primjeren za poticanje proizvodnje, ne postoji stimulativan sustav kreditiranja, zajamčen plasman proizvoda, učinkovita zaštita domaćeg tržišta i dr. S druge strane, iako prošlost hrvatskoga seljaštva obiluje brojnim bunama, ustancima i drugim oblicima prosvjeda, sadašnje hrvatsko seljaštvo tih iskustava nije imalo. Svoje interese seljaci su prvi put u suvremenosti pokušali organizirano artikulirati i zaštititi kroz Seljački savez Hrvatske koji se kasnije prometnuo u Udruženje hrvatskih seljaka, ali bez značajnijeg uspjeha. Najviše uspjeha u artikuliranju interesa seljaka imao je Hrvatski savez seljaka osnovan u veljači 1999. godine inicijativom Hrvatske seljačke stranke. Hrvatski savez seljaka organizirao je niz prosvjeda od kojih je najveću medijsku pozornost imao onaj potkraj lipnja i početkom srpnja 1999. kada su seljaci traktorima zapriječili javne prometnice. Istraživanje na uzorku seljaka (201 ispitanik) u naseljima u kojima su seljaci traktorima zaprječavali prometnice provedeno je u kolovozu i rujnu 2001. godine, a kako bi što potpunije osvijetlili prosvjede seljaka autori u ovom radu rabe i podatke iz ankete među studentima agronomije u prosincu 2000. (N = 217) i poljoprivrednim stručnjacima u veljači 2001. (N = 64). Budući da je broj ispitanika premali za multivarijantnu analizu, cilj je rada steći - na više deskriptivnoj razini - uvid u ekonomske i socijalne probleme seljaka i spoznati njihove osnovne motive i uzroke prosvjeda. Rezultati istraživanja, ponajprije, pokazuju da su u prosvjedima sudjelovali seljaci u naponu snage koji su se u prosjeku školovali 10 godina (završili su osnovnu školu i dva razreda srednje) i koriste prosječno 24,9 hektara zemljišta, u čemu zakupljeno zemljište čini 14,6 hektara, te koji su pretežito pristaše Hrvatske seljačke stranke (potonje je samorazumljivo jer je prosvjed ta stranka i organizirala). Činjenica da gotovo dvije trećine ispitanika uzima zemlju u zakup govori o značajnim strukturnim promjenama u hrvatskoj obiteljskoj poljoprivredi. Drugo, utvrđeno je da seljaci prihvaćaju blokadu prometnica kao metodu prosvjedovanja, za razliku od studenata agronomije i poljoprivrednih stručnjaka. Međutim, postoji gotovo potpuna suglasnost svih triju skupina ispitanika oko toga da je ekonomski položaj seljaka, a poglavito njihov ugled u društvu veoma nepovoljan, da se položaj seljaka relativno pogoršava, kao što rašireno opće nezadovoljstvo s aktualnom agrarnom politikom. Štoviše, Hrvatska nema ruralne nego samo poljoprivrednu politiku, a i u tom pristupu nije razvila ni poticajan ni zaštitni instrumentarij primjeren aktualnom položaju seljaka i međunarodno otvorenom tržištu poljoprivrednih i prehrambenih proizvoda. Treće, autori su ustanovili da voditelji vitalnih obiteljskih gospodarstava, odnosno seljaci sa srednjom i višom školskom naobrazbom, većim posjedom i višim dohotkom povoljnije ocjenjuju ekonomski i društveni položaj seljaka ipostojeću agramu politiku, nego seljaci s nižim obrazovanjem i nižim dohotkom. Razlog je jednostavan: vitalna obiteljska gospodarstva posjeduju reproduktivnu sposobnost

    Bereitschaft zur Zusammenarbeit unter Landwirten. Ergebnisse einer Feldstudie aus der ländlichen Umgebung Zagrebs

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    Development of business cooperation is one of the basic preconditions for a successful transition of Croatian agriculture and for increasing its competitiveness on the national and international markets. This research conducted in the Zagreb rural area was an attempt at answering what the farmer\u27s general attitude was towards business cooperation in agriculture as well as the influence of socio-demographic and psychological characteristics on their willingness to cooperate. With regard to the declaratively expressed readiness for business cooperation, the farmers were divided into four groups "very willing", "willing", "less willing" and "unwilling". Statistically significant differences have been found between these groups with regard to: past experience and current inclusion in some form of business cooperation; level of education and psychological characteristics: innovativeness and entrepreneurship. The research shows a group of "more experienced" and more educated farmers showing more entrepreneurship and innovativeness which should be the basis of the process of development and more effective involvement of farmers into business cooperation systems in agriculture.Razvitak poslovnoga povezivanja među seljacima (zajedničkog rada, kooperacije i sl.) jedna je od temeljnih pretpostavaka uspješ noga preustroja hrvatske poljoprivrede, odnosno povećanja njezine konkurentnosti, na domaćem i na svjetskom tržištu. Istraživanjem koje je provedeno na ruralnom području Grada Zagreba pokušalo se odgovoriti na pitanje kakav je općenito odnos seljaka prema poslovnom povezivanju u poljoprivredi te u kojoj mjeri sociodemografska i psihološka obilježja ispitanika utječu na njihovu "voljnost" za poslovno povezivanje. Na osnovi deklarativno izražene voljnosti seljaka za poslovno povezivanje dobivene su četiri skupine "jako voljni", "voljni", "manje voljni" i "nevoljni". Statistički značajne razlike među tim skupinama seljaka utvrđene su s obzirom na dosadašnje iskustvo i aktivno sudjelovanje u nekom od oblika poslovnoga povezivanja, s obzirom na stupanj naobrazbe te s obzirom na psihološke osobine: inovativnost i poduzetnost. Istraživanje pokazuje da među seljacima postoji skupina "iskusnijih", izobraženijih i poduzetnijih koji trebaju biti oslonac u procesu razvitka i učinkovitijeg uključivanja seljaka u sustave poslovnoga povezivanja u poljoprivredi.Die Entwicklung geschäftlicher Verbindungen unter Landwirten (gemeinschaftliche Arbeiten, Kooperationen u.Ä.) ist eine der Grundvoraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche Umstrukturierung der kroatischen Landwirtschaft bzw. für eine Steigerung ihrer Konkurrenzfähigkeit im In- und Ausland. Eine Untersuchung, die in den ländlichen Gebieten um die kroatische Hauptstadt Zagreb durchgeführt wurde, sollte zeigen, welche Einstellung die Landwirte zur Herstellung geschäftlicher Kontakte haben. Dabei wollte man sehen, inwiefern diese Einstellung von den soziodemographischen und psychologischen Merkmalen der Untersuchungsteilnehmer beeinflusst wird. Aufgrund der deklarativ geäußerten Bereitschaft zur geschäftlichen Kooperation konnten vier Gruppen von Landwirten unterschieden werden: Die verschiedenen Gruppen äußerten sich jeweils "sehr [zur Zusammenarbeit] bereit", "bereit", "wenig bereit" und "nicht bereit". Es ergaben sich statistisch relevante Unterschiede zwischen diesen Gruppen hinsichtlich der bisherigen Erfahrung sowie bezüglich der aktiven Teilnahme an irgendeiner Form geschäftlicher Zusammenarbeit; Unterschiede ergaben sich außerdem in Bezug auf den Bildungsstand und die psychischen Eigenschaften von Innovativität und Unternehmergeist. Die Untersuchung zeigte, dass es unter den kroatischen Landwirten "erfahrenere", unternehmungslustigere und solche mit höherem Bildungsstand gibt, auf die sich die Förderung der Landwirtschaft und die Beteiligung von Landwirten an Systemen geschäftlicher Kooperation innerhalb der Landwirtschaft stützen muss

    Education for Family Farms and Gender Aspects in Croatia

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    Authors discuss the educational structure in Croatia and education of family farm members. The points of this research are lack of formal education in farm occupation and specific gender issues. Along with education levels of all population in Croatia that has been improving since WW II the agricultural population was following this trend but much slower. In farming occupation persons are in general less educated than in non farming occupations what is also related to gender aspect. Since very few studies in Croatia concern education of farmers, and rare respect gender issues in education, our paper tried to highlight specifics regarding these two topics. From our research it is evident that women on family farms are educated mainly for non-agricultural occupations compared to men who have agricultural education two times more then women. Correlation analysis showed highly related connections of age, education and family size to knowledge about farm tasks. Younger, more educated women have more knowledge about “modern” farm tasks like bookkeeping, laws and taxes and selling agricultural products, while older and less educated have more knowledge about “traditional” tasks like gardening, plant growing and animal breeding. Knowledge about mechanized work was graded as lowest among other farm tasks because it was seen as a masculine task and of no interest for women. Knowledge about “modern’’ tasks is necessary for market oriented farm business in this light woman’s education becomes a limitation, therefore the non formal (extension service) and formal education systems (secondary and tertiary) should introduce new programmes and subjects to farm and household economics

    Social reproduction on peasant farms in the Zagreb subregion

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    Research in the Zagreb subregion showed that four out of five respondents would like an heir on the farm, but that only one of the four would like the heir to be exclusively a farmer. An analysis of actually existing potential heirs shows that 30.6 per cent farms have no prospect of being reproduced in the following generation. According to type of farm, social reproduction is very narrowed on pure agricultural farms and 60 per cent of them have no heir. On the contrary, less than 10 per cent part-time and non-agricultural households have no potential heir. The existence of potential heirs and the form of social reproduction in the households studied also depends on the age, sex and occupation of the head of the household, the type and size of the family, and the size of the farm


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    U radu autori razmatraju ulogu poljoprivredne savjetodavne službe u ruralnom razvoju, na primjeru Vukovarsko-srijemske županije (VSŽ). Cilj istraživanja bio je opisati aktivnosti područnog Odjela poljoprivredne savjetodavne službe u Županiji, te ustanoviti mišljenja poljoprivrednih savjetnika o održivom ruralnom razvoju i viđenje poljoprivredne službe u budućnosti. Analiza počiva na na godišnjim izvještajima o radu savjetnika za razdoblje 2006.- 2009. godine i podacima prikupljenih anketom. U anketi je sudjelovalo 14 savjetnika područnog Odjela, a provedena je putem telefona. Obrada podataka obavljena je standardnim statističkim tehnikama. Istraživanje je pokazalo da poljoprivredni savjetnici područnog Odjela VSŽ provode približno dvije trećine godišnjeg radnog vremena, u davanju stručnih savjeta i informacija namijenjenih poljoprivrednicima. U promatranom razdoblju povećao se udio radnog vremena savjetnika za obavljanje administrativnih poslova, poglavito vezanih za provedbu mjera agrarne politike, resornog ministarstva i lokalne samouprave. U savjetodavnom radu većina savjetnika koristi kombinaciju više savjetodavnih metoda, i u prosjeku tjedno obiđu od 11- 20 obiteljskih poljoprivrednih gospodarstava. Anketa je pokazala da većina savjetnika u potpunosti ne razumije koncept održivog ruralnog razvoja. Također, mali značaj pridaju poljoprivrednoj službi kao razvojnom akteru, u poticanju ruralnog razvoja Županije. Ipak svoju ulogu u budućnosti vide u pružanju savjetodavnih usluga i informacija namijenjenih i ostalim skupinama ruralnog stanovništva.In this paper the authors anaylize a role of agricultural extension services in rural development of Vukovarska-srijemska County. The aim of the study was to describe the activities of the county Department of Croatian Agricultural Extension Services (CAES) and research agricultural advisors opinion about the concept of sustainable rural development and how they see position of the extension service in the future. The analysis is based on annual reports of CAES for the period of 2006 – 2009, and data collected by survey. The survey included 14 respondents and was conducted by telephone. Data analysis was performed by standard statistical methods. The research shows that advisors spend approximately two thirds of annual working time, giving professional advices to farmers. In the same time, the administrative works for farmers, agricultural ministry and local government are increased. The majority of advisors used a combination of several extension methods, and visited 11-20 family farms per week. The survey found that most advisors do not fully understand the concept of sustainable rural development. They attached to Agricultural Extension Services (AES) small importance as a development’s actors, in promotion rural development in County. However, they see the future AES role in giving advices and informations to all rural households

    The number of enrolled and graduated students in the field of agricultural economics at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb

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    Početkom šezdesetih godina 20. stoljeća na Agronomskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, osniva se Poljoprivredno-ekonomski odsjek za specijalističko obrazovanje agronoma područja agrarne ekonomike. Time se po prvi put na Fakultetu, ali i u Hrvatskoj, institucionalizira sveučilišno obrazovanje agrarnih ekonomista. U proteklim godinama došlo je do promjena u organizaciji studija i nastavnih programa, ali je „sačuvan“ kontinuitet obrazovanja stručnjaka tog područja. U članku se daje kronološki pregled broja upisanih i diplomiranih agronoma agrarnih ekonomista, obranjenih magistarskih radova („stari“ postdiplomski studij) i doktorskih disertacija od osnutka Fakulteta, odnosno Odsjeka. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je u proteklim godinama na Fakultetu bilo upisano više od 2700 studenata agroekonomskog usmjerenja, da je obranjeno 1039 diplomskih, 90 magistarskih radova i 71 doktorska disertacija.In the early 1960s Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb founded Agricultural Economics Study for specialist education in the field of agricultural economics. The university education of agricultural economists was for the first time institutionalized at the Faculty, but also in Croatia. In recent years there have been changes in the organization of the study and curriculum, but the continuity of educating experts in this area is preserved. The article gives a chronological overview of the number of enrolled and graduated agronomists-agricultural economists, defended master\u27s theses ("old" post-graduate study) and doctoral dissertations at the Faculty since the time of its establishment. Research has shown that over 2700 students in recent years enrolled in the Faculty, 1039 graduated, 90 students successfully defended master degrees and 71 PhD titles were awarded

    Farmers’ views on the application of information technology in agriculture

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    Ciljevi rada bili su utvrditi osnovnu informatičku pismenost poljoprivrednika i ustanoviti njihove opće stavove prema primjeni informatičke tehnologije u poljoprivredi. Istraživanje je provedeno 2019. godine na uzorku od 115 obiteljskih poljoprivrednih gospodarstava na području Krapinsko-zagorske županije. Rezultati pokazuju da većina poljoprivrednika procjenjuje da imaju relativno skromna znanja i vještine za primjenu osnovnih računalnih programa i korištenja interneta. U prosjeku rijetko koriste računalo za izradu kalkulacija i pohranjivanje poslovnih informacija o proizvodnji i gospodarstvu. Ipak, većina ispitanika općenito iskazuje pozitivne stavove o primjeni informatičke tehnologije u poljoprivredi.The objectives of the paper were to determine the basic information literacy of farmers and to identify farmers’ attitudes towards the application of information technology in agriculture. The survey was conducted in 2019 on a sample of 115 family farms in the Krapina-Zagorje County. The results show that most farmers estimate that they have relatively modest knowledge and skills for application of basic computer programs and using the Internet. On average, they rarely use computers for business purposes. However, most respondents generally have positive attitudes towards the application of information technology in agriculture