2 research outputs found

    Novel composite based on zirconia and graphite. First results of application for synthetic dyes removal

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    In this research composite based on zirconia and graphite was synthesized using the sol-gel method. Aim of this research is to activate and increase the photocatalytic activity of ZrO2 by combining with graphite-based material. Our results show that we obtained material that can remove both cationic and anionic dyes by sorption and photocatalytic processes. Obtained composite is very effective in sorption of RB19 with up to 100% removal. Photocatalytic activity of composite is higher than pristine GO and goes up to 100% for RB19 degradation and about 50% degradation of MB. These results are promising and present an excellent base for further research. © 2022, Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Catedra de Filosofie Sistematica. All rights reserved


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    Recycling of printed circuit boards (PCBs) is an extremely complex and sensitive process. Physicochemical characterization of printed circuit boards is significant for choosing the optimal processing procedure. The aim of this research was the physico-chemical characterization of the boards and the separated fractions after cutting on a shredder and magnetic separation. Separated fractions (metal granulate, magnetic fraction, and plastic) were leached in three consecutive phases by use of sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and aqua regia. The experiments were performed on the fractions obtained by processing 100 kg of the sample and were compared with the results obtained by the chemical analysis of the sample obtained by manually unfolding 10 PCBs. Also, the grain size analysis of each separated fraction was determined.Reciklaža štampanih ploča (PCBs) je izuzetno složen i osetljiv postupak. Fizičko-hemijska karakterizacija štampanih ploča je od velikog značaja zbog izbora optimalnog postupka za preradu. Cilj ovog istraživanja bila je fizičko-hemijska karakterizacija ploča kao i izdvojenih frakcija nakon sečenja na šrederu i magnetne separacije. Izdvojene frakcije (metalni granulat, magnetna frakcija i plastika) su rastvarane u tri uzastopne faze, luženjem, uz korišćenje: sumporne kiseline, azotne kiseline i carske vode. Eksperimenti su izvedeni na frakcijama dobijenim preradom 100 kg uzorka i upoređivani su sa rezultatima dobijenim hemijskom analizom uzorka dobijenog ručnim rasklapanjem 10 ploča. Takođe, određivan je granulo sastav svake izdvojene frakcije