99 research outputs found

    Interplay between ubiquitin networks and NF-KB signaling

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    NF-kB transcription factors were discovered 25 years ago and since then they have been in the focus of biomedical research. Their important role in immune system development is recognized and NF-kB is becoming more attractive because of its role in cancer biology. Understanding the molecular mechanisms controlling NF-kB activity appear important as possible therapeutic targets of numerous human diseases. Here we summarize how ubiquitin networks control the NF-kB pathway and specifically focus on recent findings implicating linear ubiquitin chains as critical components in this process

    Interplay between ubiquitin networks and NF-KB signaling

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    NF-kB transcription factors were discovered 25 years ago and since then they have been in the focus of biomedical research. Their important role in immune system development is recognized and NF-kB is becoming more attractive because of its role in cancer biology. Understanding the molecular mechanisms controlling NF-kB activity appear important as possible therapeutic targets of numerous human diseases. Here we summarize how ubiquitin networks control the NF-kB pathway and specifically focus on recent findings implicating linear ubiquitin chains as critical components in this process

    Carcass Composition of Turopolje Pig, the Autochthonous Croatian Breed

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    Objective of this research was to establish carcass composition in Turopolje pig breed by analyzing the percentage of muscle (M), fat (F) and bone (B) tissue, percentage of these tissues in different parts of carcass (ham, loin, back, neck, belly-rib part . BRP), as well as share of the parts in carcass. Animals were divided into two groups of different age and slaughtering weight (TI 584 Ā± 20 days and 81,9 kg; TII 679 Ā± 20 days and 100,3 kg Ā± 4,9 kg). Purpose of this investigation was to define the standards for traits mentioned for the remainder of the population of Turopolje pig and to set the selection and production programs, as this breed has been under protection since 1993 and re-establishment since 1996 as cultural and biological heritage of Croatia and the World. In order to define Turopolje pig in production sense, we presented characteristics of the old breeds Mongolitza and Black Slavonian and some selected breeds. Pigs were fattened in the outdoor system of flood forests and marsh meadows biocenosis (Quercus robur . Deschampsietum caespitosae), according to traditional Croatian technology of low input (Ɛikić et al., 2002). Slaughtering weight and weight of warm and cold carcass were measured on the slaughtering line. The halves were separately weight and dissected (tissues and parts) according to Weninger et al., 1963 and by total dissection. Data were processed by statistical-mathematical procedure GSM and SAS software package (1996) and results were compared within and between the groups ( t-test). In groups TI and TII the percentages tissues in carcass were established to be as follows: M 38.2% and 40.5%, B 10.6% and 9.7%, respectively, and were significantly different ( P< 0.05), while share of F, 34.2% and 33.8% were not significantly different. Fattened pigs in group TI, in relation to TII, had lower relative share of muscle tissue in the carcass of loin, back, neck and BRP and higher share of fat tissue of neck and BRP, as well as bone tissue of leg and loin. Muscle : fat tissue relation established for groups TI i TII (1.02 :1 and 1.07 :1) are higher than in Mongolitza, but lower than in Black Slavonian pig and selected breed

    Merkmale der landwirtschaftlichen Erzeugung in den Siedlungen der Starčevo-Kultur im Gebiet zwischen dem heutigen Vinkovci und Slavonski Brod, Kroatien

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    Obavljena su istraživanja deset lokaliteta starčevačke kulture u istočnom dijelu Hrvatske. Starčevačka je kultura na prostoru naÅ”ih istraživanja trajala od 6000. do oko 5100. prije Krista. Lokaliteti su smjeÅ”teni na povrÅ”ini od oko 1100 km2 između gradova Vinkovaca i Slavonskog Broda. Analizirane su tehnologije poljoprivredne proizvodnje, procijenjena mogućnost obujma proizvodnje i, na osnovi toga, mogući rast brojnosti stanovniÅ”tva. Upotrebljavane su efikasne tehnologije proizvodnje žitarica i mesa goveda. Za uspjeÅ”nu i opsežniju proizvodnju žitarica i mesa goveda bile su potrebne Å”umske biljne zajednice. Zaključeno je da je stanovniÅ”tvo doseljeno, jer nema nalaza koji bi dokazivali postupni razvoj poljoprivrednih tehnologija. Uzgajali su emmer (Triticum dicoccum) i einkorn (Triticum monococcum) te već domesticirane ovce, a mjesto domestikacije emmera, einkorna i ovce su područja Palestine i Anatolije. S istraženoga područja nastavilo se seljenje prema zapadu Hrvatske gdje se javlja linearnotrakasta keramika koja se daljnjim seljenjem, uz prenoÅ”enje žitarica (emmera i einkorna) i ovčarske proizvodnje, proÅ”irila do područja Nizozemske i Ukrajine, a brže seljenje odvijalo se u smjerovima na kojima su se nalazile Å”umske biljne zajednice. Prijelaz iz starčevačke u sopotsku kulturu koji karakteriziraju veće druÅ”tvene promjene, mogao je ubrzati iseljavanje stanovniÅ”tva iz južne i zapadne Panonije.Research of ten sites of the Starčevo culture in the eastern part of Croatia has been published. The Starčevo culture, in the area of our research, existed from 6000 to 5100 B.C. The sites are situated in an area of 1100 square km between the towns Vinkovci and Slavonski Brod. The authors of the research analysed technologies of agricultural production, assessed the possibility of production volume thus estimating the possible growth of population. Efficient technologies of cereal crops and beef production were used. For a successful and more extensive production of cereals and beef woodland plant communities were needed. It has been concluded that the inhabitants were settlers because there are no findings to prove a gradual development of agricultural technologies. They cultivated emmer (Triticum dicoccum), and einkorn (Triticum monococcum) and raised already domesticated sheep, Palestine and Anatolia being the places of domestication for emmer, einkorn and sheep. From the area researched movement continued towards the west of Croatia where linear-stripped ceramics could be found, moving further again with the crops (emmer and einkorn) and sheep raising, spreading all the way to the Netherlands as well as Ukraine, while a faster movement took place in the directions where there were woodland plant communities to be found. The transformation from the Starčevo to the Sopot culture, characterised by significant social changes, could have quickened the pace of emigration from southern and west Panonia.Der Artikel berichtet Ć¼ber die Erforschung von Siedlungsresten an insgesamt zehn LokalitƤten der Starčevo-Kultur im Osten Kroatiens. Die in diesem Raum nachgewiesene Kultur dauerte von 6000 bis etwa 5100 v.Chr. Die Siedlungsreste befinden sich auf einer FlƤche von ungefƤhr 1100 km2 zwischen den StƤdten Vinkovci und Slavonski Brod. Man analysierte die zu jener Zeit verfĆ¼gbare Technologie der Feldbestellung, unternahm eine SchƤtzung des landwirtschaftlichen Ertrags sowie aufgrund dessen eine SchƤtzung des Bevƶlkerungswachstums. Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass wirksame Methoden zur Getreidegewinnung und Rinderzucht angewandt worden waren. Zur Steigerung der Erzeugung von Getreide und Rindfleisch war der Aufenthalt in der unmittelbaren NƤhe von Wald-Pflanzengemeinschaften notwendig. Die Forschung kam zum Schluss, dass es sich bei den Menschen der Starčevo-Kultur um ZuzĆ¼gler handelte, da es keinerlei Nachweise gibt, die die allmƤhliche Entwicklung landwirtschaftlicher Technologien bestƤtigen. Angebaut wurden Emmer (Triticum dicoccum) und Einkorn (Triticum monococcum), als Haustiere dienten bereits domestizierte Schafe. Es ist jedoch bekannt, dass die genannten Getreidearten sowie das Schaf im Gebiet PalƤstinas und Anatoliens domestiziert wurden. Die Menschen der Starčevo-Kultur setzten ihre Wanderung in das Gebiet Westkroatiens, wo die ersten GefƤƟe aus Schnurkeramik gefunden wurden, fort. Von dort weitete sich die Schnurkeramik mitsamt dem darin transportierten Getreide (Emmer und Einkorn) wie auch die Schafzucht bis in das Gebiet der heutigen Niederlande und der Ukraine aus. In waldreichen Gegenden gingen die WanderzĆ¼ge schneller vor sich. Der Ɯbergang von der Starčevo- zur Sopot-Kultur, den bedeutende gesellschaftliche Wandel charakterisieren, hat mƶglicherweise die Auswanderung der in SĆ¼d- und Westpannonien lebenden VolksstƤmme beschleunigt

    Offspring - parent regression\u27s non-linearity in cows\u27 milk production

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    Hipotezu o nelinerarnosti regresije potomak - roditelj postavio je A. Robertson 1977. god. U naÅ”em istraživanju izračunat je regresijski odnos kćeri - majki za svojstvo količine proizvedenog mlijeka u 305 dana prve laktacije. Sve majke (n=224) bile su kćeri jednoga bika. Njihove kćeri proizvedene su sparivanjem s drugim bikom, pa su i one bile polusestre. Tako su majke imale istoga oca, a kćeri istog i djeda i oca. U tako srodnihi životinja utvrđena su linearna regresija kćeri - majke Y= -23,43 + 0,0462 X i krivocrtna regresija Y= -25,93 + 0,348767 X- 0,0002572 X^2. Testiranjem zakrivljenosti određen je F = 4,906, a tendencija zakrivljenosti bila je signifikantna na razini od 11,4%. Dobiveni rezultati omogućavaju postavljanje hipoteze o različitu odnosu aditivne varijance i varijance koja je posljedica interakcije gena u subpopulacija različito udaljenih od prosječne vrijednosti populacije.Offspring-parent regression\u27s non-linearity hypothesized A. Robertson in 1977. We calculated the regressive relation daughter-mother for milk yield during 305 days of the first lactation. All mothers (n = 224) were daughters of the same bull, theirs daughters were offspring of another same one bull, consequently they were half sisters as well. So mothers had the same father and daughters the same grandfather and father. Among these related animals we ascertained linear regression daughter-mother Y= -23.43 + 0.0462 X, and the curvilinear regression Y = - 25.93 + 0.348767 X - 0.0002572 x^2. Testing the curvilinearity we obtained F = 4.908, its tendency was significant at the 11.4 per cent level. According to own data it is possible to form a hypothesis relative to different relation between additive variance and variance resulting from the interaction of genes in subpopulations differently distant from the mean value of population


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    The effect of the age at first calving on the level of milk production during 305 days in first lactation was investigated in 130 simmental cows. The average age first calving was 829,11 days with range from 665 to1,252 days. The average milk production was 3.732.81 kg and 3,606.41 kg FCM with range from 2.614 to 5.735 kg and from 2.426 to 5615 kg FCM. Coefficient of regression between age at first calving and milk production in kg was 0.3624, and between age and milk yield in kg FCM 0.5509. Relation is given by coefficient of correlation which was found to be 0.7015 for the dependence of milk yield in kg on age, and to be 0.1087 for the case of yield in term of FCM

    Das Schachbrett-Motiv in der Vučedol-Kultur

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    "BaÅ” vučedolska kultura stoji u pogledu raznolikog i bogatog obrađivanja motiva Å”ahovskih polja iznad svih drugih kultura", napisao je Schmidt (1945.). Istraživanjima Å”to su prikazana u radu: "IshodiÅ”te Pitagorina poučka u vučedolskoj kulturi na prostoru Hrvatske" (Jurić i sur., 2000.) utvrđeno je da je u vučedolskoj kulturi, koja je trajala od oko 3000. do 2200. godina prije Krista, bio poznat sustav brojeva 3, 4, 5 i način kako crtati geometrijske oblike kojih se dužine stranica odnose kao cijeli brojevi (osnova ove spoznaje kasnije je definirana kao Pitagorin poučak). U ovome radu prikazana je povezanost raznih kombinacija kvadrata i četverokuta, nazvanih "Å”ahovnicama" sa sustavima brojeva 3, 4, 5, te 5, 12, 13 i 7, 24, 25. Pretpostavljeno je da su se Å”ahovnice u vučedolskoj kulturi koristile za prikazivanje raznih matematičkih izračuna. Od mnogobrojnih i raznovrsnih prikaza Å”ahovnica posebno je obrađena ona sa 72 polja, koja je brojčano sadržavala 12 trokuta sustava 3, 4, 5. Postavljena je i hipoteza da se ovakva Å”ahovnica mogla upotrijebiti u računanju vremena, te da su Vučedolci poznavali kalendar, po kojem je poslije zimskog solsticija počimala slijedeća godina."It is none other than the Vučedol culture that in terms of diverse and richly decorated checkerboard motifs stands above all other cultures", wrote Schmidt in 1945. In the research presented in the article: "The origin of the Pythagorean proposition in the Vučedol culture in Croatia" (Jurić et al., 2000) it has been determined that the Vučedol culture, lasting from cca 3000 to 2200 BC, was aware of the system of numbers 3, 4 and 5 and thus perceived the method of drawing geometric presentations whose lengths of sides related to one another as whole numbers, presenting the basis of what was later defined as the Pythagorean proposition. In this work the authors have explored the relations among the presentations of different combinations of squares and quadrangles, called "checkerboards" with systems of numbers 3, 4, 5 as well as 5, 12, 13, and 7, 24 and 25. It has been presupposed that the Vučedol culture checkerboards were used for presentations of various mathematical calculations. Out of the numerous differing presentations of checkerboards, the checkerboard with 72 fields numerically containing 12 triangles of the 3, 4, 5 system was specially analysed. Also, a hypothesis was put forward stating that such a checkerboard could have been used in time calculations, thus revealing that members of the Vučedol culture were acquainted with a calendar, according to which the new year started after the winter solstice.Gerade die Vučedol-Kultur stehe hinsichtlich der mannigfaltigen und schmuckreichen Ausgestaltung des Schachbrett- Motivs Ć¼ber allen anderen Kulturen, schrieb der deutsche ArchƤologe Robert Rudolf Schmidt im Jahre 1945. Der Aufsatz "Ausgangspunkt des Pythagoreischen Lehrsatzes in der Vučedol-Kultur, Kroatien" (Jurić et al., 2000) prƤsentierte Forschungsergebnisse, denen zufolge in der Vučedol-Kultur, die von ungefƤhr 3000 bis 2200 v. Chr. dauerte, die Zahlen 3, 4 und 5 bekannt waren. Aufgrund dessen hatten die Menschen erkannt, wie geometrische Figuren zu zeichnen waren, deren SeitenlƤngen sich wie ganze Zahlen zueinander verhielten; die Grundlage dieser Erkenntnis wurde spƤter als Pythagoreischer Lehrsatz definiert. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die ZusammenhƤnge zwischen Darstellungen verschiedener Kombinationen von Quadraten und Rechtecken ā€“ "Schachbretter" genannt ā€“ und Zahlensystemen, denen die Zahlen 3, 4, 5, ferner 5, 12, 13 sowie 7, 24 und 25 zugrunde liegen. Es wird angenommen, dass diese Schachbrett-Muster in der Vučedol-Kultur dazu dienten, verschiedene mathematische Operationen darzustellen. Von den zahlreichen und mannigfaltigen Darstellungen des Schachbrett-Motivs wurde ganz besonders eines mit insgesamt 72 Feldern untersucht; es enthƤlt 12 Dreiecke des auf den Zahlen 3, 4 und 5 basierenden Zahlensystems. Es wurde die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass ein solches Schachbrett-Motiv bei der Zeitrechnung dienlich sein konnte, dass die Menschen der Vučedol-Kultur also einen Kalender kannten, dem gemƤƟ die Wintersonnenwende den Ausklang des Jahres markierte und danach das neue Jahr anfing
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