31 research outputs found

    Zakonodavstvo Republike Slovačke vezano uz divljač i meso divljači

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    Basic legislative frame of breeding of game as farm animals is included in the Veterinary care law No. 488/2002 Z.z. with amendments, Food act No. 152/1995 Z.z. with amendments. Veterinary care law (488/2002 Z.z.) establishes veterinary requirements for live animals and also for products of animal origin, including animal products in relation to the public health protection. Government regulations were added to the Veterinary care law in the process of implementation of EU Directives into national legislation. Food act 152/1995 Z.z. establishes conditions of production of food and other animal products, their handling and placing on the market to support and protect consumers and their health, and the roles and organisation of food supervision and keeping of rules. Requirements for health safety, hygiene, composition and quality of food, ingredients, technological processes used in food production, packaging, marking, storage, transportation, handling and distribution, and also rules for sampling and sample analysis procedures are established in the Food code of the Slovak Republic.Osnovni zakonski okvir za uzgoj divljači na farmama uključen je u Zakon o veterinarskoj skrbi br. 488/2002 Z.z. s izmjenama, Zakon o hrani br. 152/1995 Z.z. s izmjenama. Zakon o veterinarskoj skrbi (488/2002 Z.z.) određuje veterinarske zahtjeve za žive životinje kao i za namirnice životinjskog porijekla, uključivši životinjske proizvode, a koji se odnose na zaštitu ljudskog zdravlja. U Zakon o veterinarskoj skrbi dodani su državni propisi u procesu primjene EU propisa u nacionalno zakonodavstvo. Zakon o hrani br. 152/1995 Z.z. određuje uvjete proizvodnje hrane i drugih životinjskih proizvoda, rukovanje s istima te stavljanje namirnica životinjskog porijekla na tržište u cilju potpore i zaštite potrošača i njihovog zdravlja, kao i ulogu i organizaciju zdravstvenog nadzora namirnica, te poštivanje propisa. Zakon o hrani Republike Slovačke određuje zahtjeve za zdravstvenu i higijensku ispravnost namirnica, njihov sastav i kakvoću, sastojke, tehnološke procese koji se primjenjuju u proizvodnji hrane, opremanje, označavanje, skladištenje, prijevoz, rukovanje i promet, kao i propise za uzorkovanje i postupke analize uzoraka

    Epizootiologija cisticerkoze kod jelenske divljači

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    The protection of game from diseases is important for several reasons. Mainly, this is concerned with the health of the animals themselves, which under the conditions obtaining in the Slovak Republic are at an increasing rate exposed to negative factors arising from the activities of man. Among other factors, exposure to diseases, including these caused by parasitic infections, is increasing. In order to assess the prevalence of Taenia species in wild carnivores, which is indicative of or related to infection in cervids, 323 animals were investigated. The taenias were represented by 7 species: Taenia hydatigena (Pallas, 1766), Taenia krabbei Moniez, 1879 (syn. T. cervi Christiansen, 1931). Tetratirotaenia polyacantha (Leucart, l856), Mesocestoides litteratus, M. lineatus (Goeze, 1782), Ralliet, 1843 and Echinococcus multilocularis. The presence of T. hydatigena was established in 12 red foxes and two wolves and T. krabbei was found in one wolf and three foxes. The presence of cysticerci was investigated in 114 game ruminants post-mortem (32 red deer, 61 roe deer and 21 fallow deer). Cysticercus tenuicollis (Taeniae hydatigena) was found in 3 game species (red deer, roe deer, fallow deer) and cysticerci of T. krabbei in the myocard of red deer.Zaštita divljači od bolesti važna je zbog nekoliko razloga. Prvenstveno zbog zdravlja samih životinja, koje su u sadašnjim uvjetima u Slovačkoj pojačano izložene negativnim čimbenicima uzrokovanim ljudskom aktivnošću. Između ostalog, povećana je izloženost bolestima, uključujući one uzrokovane parazitima. Da bi se istražila učestalost Taenia vrsta kod divljih mesoždera, što je indikativno i za zaraženost cervida, pregledane su 323 životinje. Zastupljeno je 7 vrsta: Taenia hydatigena (Pallas, 1766), Taenia krabbei Moniez, 1879 (syn. T. cervi Christiansen, 1931). Tetratirotaenia polyacantha (Leucart, l856), Mesocestoides litteratus, M. lineatus (Goeze, 1782), Ralliet, 1843 i Echinococcus multilocularis. Prisutnost T. hydatigena je utvrđena kod 12 lisica i dva vuka, a T. krabbei je nađena kod jednog vuka i tri lisice. Cisticerki su post-mortem istraženi kod 114 primjeraka divljih preživača (32 obična jelena, 61 srne i 21 jelena lopatara). Cysticercus tenuicollis (Taeniae hydatigena) je utvrđena kod tri vrste divljači (jelen obični, srna, jelen lopatar) a cisticerki T. krabbei u miokardu običnog jelena

    Crystal Structure and Magnetic Properties of new Eu-Pd-Sn Compounds

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    We report on the synthesis, crystal structure determination, and magnetic susceptibility measurements of Eu₃Pd₂Sn₂, EuPd₂Sn₄, and EuPdSn₂. For all three compounds a divalent state of Eu ions was obtained from the fitting of the magnetic susceptibilities. At low temperatures Eu₃Pd₂Sn₂, EuPd₂Sn₄, and EuPdSn₂ order magnetically at 23, 12, and 13 K, respectively

    Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita u muškog muflonskog janjeta (Ovis ammon musimon)

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    In March 2007 a few days old male mouflon (Ovis ammon musimon) lamb was found within an enclosure for fallow deer (Dama dama) and mouflon rearing, managed by the Rozhanovce Game Management Centre, Košice University of Veterinary Medicine. Because of its severe limb malformations and consequent inability to stand up, the lamb was caught and euthanized. Following the euthanasia procedure the lamb was subjected to macroscopic and X-ray examination, necropsy and histopathological examination. Multiple alterations were observed and classified as arthrogryposis, kyphosis and deviation and reduced length of the left hind leg. Arthrogryposis is a term for constant contraction of joint/s found throughout the body at birth. It is generally associated with fetal akinesia due to different fetal abnormalities or maternal disorders. It can also be related to damage of the central nervous system (i.e. intrauterine infection with Akabane, bluetongue or some other viruses), ingestion of poisonous plants by the pregnant female, fetal inactivity or other anomalies such as scoliosis, torticollis or cleft palate. The combination of observed alterations along with nonspecific results of histopathology and the fact that this was a single case excludes an infectious agent as a cause of this condition.Tijekom ožujka 2007. godine, nekoliko dana staro muflonsko janje pronađeno je na području ograđenog uzgajališta jelena lopatara (Dama dama) i muflona (Ovis ammon musimon). Navedenim uzgojem rukovodi Centar za uzgoj divljači Rozhanovce kao sastavnica Sveučilišta veterinarske medicine u Košicama. Zbog teških deformiteta udova i nemogućnosti stajanja spomenuto je janje uhvaćeno i eutanazirano. Nakon eutanazije janje je pregledano makroskopski, rendgenski, patološkoanatomski i patohistološki. Uočene promjene klasificirane su kao artrogripoza, kifoza te uvrnuće i skraćenje lijeve stražnje noge. Artrogripoza je naziv za stalnu kontranturu zgloba/ova prisutnu već pri rođenju životinje. Uglavnom je artrogripoza povezana s otežanim pokretanjem ploda tijekom bređosti uslijed različitih anomalija ploda ili maternice. Također se povezuje s oštećenjima središnjeg živčanog sustava (intrauterine infekcije virusima Akabane ili bolesti plavoga jezika), konzumiranjem otrovnih biljaka te neaktivnošću ploda uzrokovanu drugim anomalijama poput skolioze, tortikolisa ili rascijepljenog nepca. Kombinacija navedenih alteracija u sprezi sa nespecifičnim histološkim nalazom i činjenicom kako je u pitanju svega jedan utvrđen slučaj, isključuje mikroorganizme kao uzročnike ovog stanja

    The first description of Setaria tundra (Issaitshikoff & Rajewskaya, 1928) in roe deer from Croatia

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    Genus Setaria, Viborg 1795, comprises 46 species that parasitize in the peritoneal cavity of Artiodactyla, Perissodactyla and Hyracoidea. The majority of these infections pass unnoticed, but occasionally they can induce severe peritonitis or neurological signs in aberrant hosts and, rarely, even in humans. In this paper we describe for the first time the finding of Setaria tundra in roe deer in Croatia. We examined 45 roe deer and determined the presence of Setaria nematodes in 24.4% of samples, which were subsequently diagnosed as Setaria tundra using molecular methods

    Crystal Structure and Magnetic Properties of new Eu-Pd-Sn Compounds

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    We report on the synthesis, crystal structure determination, and magnetic susceptibility measurements of Eu₃Pd₂Sn₂, EuPd₂Sn₄, and EuPdSn₂. For all three compounds a divalent state of Eu ions was obtained from the fitting of the magnetic susceptibilities. At low temperatures Eu₃Pd₂Sn₂, EuPd₂Sn₄, and EuPdSn₂ order magnetically at 23, 12, and 13 K, respectively