44 research outputs found

    Technology ā€“ Based Assessment of Soft Skills in Higher Education

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    The importance of soft skills, both for the learning process and employment, is well outlined in a number of documents and strategies. At the moment, digital badges seem to be an important technology that can be used to assess soft skills. Digital badges, or more specifically, Open Badges, provide a whole new way of issuing credentials to individuals that demonstrated certain skill. Furthermore, badges allow individuals to complete with themselves or others, and are good instrument that can motivate continued engagement. Taking all this into concern, it should be pointed out that digital badges have great potential to validate evidences of educational achievements in formal education. This paper describes the 4-phase model SAGRADA, developed within the EU LLP project GRASS, in order to support awarding badges. The whole process is additionally explained trough application case developed at one partner institution. The paper also gives overview of studentā€™s reactions towards the whole badging principle and discusses the outcomes. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Technology ā€“ Based Assessment of Soft Skills in Higher Education

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    The importance of soft skills, both for the learning process and employment, is well outlined in a number of documents and strategies. At the moment, digital badges seem to be an important technology that can be used to assess soft skills. Digital badges, or more specifically, Open Badges, provide a whole new way of issuing credentials to individuals that demonstrated certain skill. Furthermore, badges allow individuals to complete with themselves or others, and are good instrument that can motivate continued engagement. Taking all this into concern, it should be pointed out that digital badges have great potential to validate evidences of educational achievements in formal education. This paper describes the 4-phase model SAGRADA, developed within the EU LLP project GRASS, in order to support awarding badges. The whole process is additionally explained trough application case developed at one partner institution. The paper also gives overview of studentā€™s reactions towards the whole badging principle and discusses the outcomes. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Tjelesno mapiranje pomoću termografskih mjerenja pri različitim utjecajnim čimbenicima

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    The presented research focuses on the use of thermography to observe influences of different influencing factors on the changes of lower body temperatures. Based on the outcomes of the research fit of garment plays an important role for the retention of heat between the textile material and skin, especially in the zone of both upper and lower shin. Also only tight model of trousers is capable to preserve the temperature in zones of thigh and knees of male volunteer. The given body-maps present differences in values of average temperatures (Ī”T) considering the garment fit. In the indoor environment, tight model of female trousers has significant influence on the average temperature in the zone of upper shin. This observation is even more pronounced in the outdoor environment. For the male volunteer, higher differences, between temperatures are seen in the outdoor environment only.Istraživanje se bavi koriÅ”tenjem termografije za promatranje utjecaja različitih čimbenika na promjene temperature donjeg dijela tijela. Rezultati upućuju da pripijenost odjevnog predmeta ima važnu ulogu u zadržavanju topline između tekstilnog materijala i kože, posebno u zoni gornje i donje potkoljenice. Nadalje, samo pripijen model hlača može zadržati temperaturu u zonama natkoljenice i koljena kod muÅ”kog ispitanika. Predstavljene tjelesne mape prikazuju razlike vrijednosti prosječnih temperatura (Ī”T) s obzirom na pripijenost odjevnog predmeta, tj. koliko tijesno ovaj pristaje uz tijelo. U zatvorenom prostoru tijesan model ženskih hlača znatno utječe na prosječnu temperaturu u zoni gornje potkoljenice. Ovaj je nalaz čak i viÅ”e izražen u vanjskom prostoru. Kod muÅ”kog ispitanika veće razlike u temperaturi primjećuju se samo u vanjskom prostoru

    Project Management Tools for the Fashion and Apparel Industry

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    When managing any commercial, professional, scientific, or other project, it is necessary to plan all segments to integrate the various components and achieve the set plans. Nowadays, tasks such as drawing Gantt charts, network diagrams, and creating project reports are unthinkable without computer programs. The development of project management programs simplifies this work, allowing project team members to focus on project tasks, develop plans and strategies, and assess risk. In addition to project management computer programs that can be used for various projects, some programs have been developed specifically in the fashion and apparel industry. This paper focuses on the comparative analysis of programs developed specifically for project management in the fashion and textile industry and presents their specific features

    Uvođenje stručne prakse za povezivanje teorijskih znanja i praktičnih vjeÅ”tina

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    Kratki prikaz o uvođenju stručne prakse za povezivanje teorijskih znanja i praktičnih vjeÅ”tina na SveučiliÅ”tu u Zagrebu Tekstilno-tehnoloÅ”kom fakultetu

    Uvođenje stručne prakse za povezivanje teorijskih znanja i praktičnih vjeÅ”tina

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    Kratki prikaz o uvođenju stručne prakse za povezivanje teorijskih znanja i praktičnih vjeÅ”tina na SveučiliÅ”tu u Zagrebu Tekstilno-tehnoloÅ”kom fakultetu

    Design of fancy yarns for the collection of evening dresses

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    Different samples of fancy yarns are designed and produced using the twisting machine with hollow spindle. The designed yarns are used to create a collection of evening dresses and the main inspiration for the collection was the use of metalic yarn. In order to get the feedback from potential buyers of designed yarns, subjective assessment of yarns is carried out. At the core of methodological approach is the use of paired comparison test

    Poticanje razvoja studentskih kompetencija kroz provođenje stručne prakse i karijerno savjetovanje

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    Na SveučiliÅ”tu u Zagrebu Tekstilno-tehnoloÅ”kom fakultetu (TTF-u), uspostavljen je Centar za karijere i stručnu praksu kao jedan od ciljeva projekta UP. Razvoj i provedba stručne prakse na Tekstilno-tehnoloÅ”kom fakultetu ā€“ RAST. Poticanje razvoja studentskih kompetencija kroz provođenje stručne prakse i karijerno savjetovanje zadatak je Centra