132 research outputs found
A contribution to the knowledge of fruiting cherry shoots
Rodno drvo trešnje čine dugi i kratki izbojci. Dugi izbojci su mješoviti jer u bazalnom dijelu lateralno nose generativne, a u gornjem dijelu vegetativne pupove. U kategoriji kratko rodno drvo razlikujemo: a) kratke mješovite izboje (u bazalnom dijelu su generativni, a u vršnom vegetativni pupovi), b) svibanjske kitice (kratki rodni izboji bez vidljivih nodija) koje imaju vršni vegetativni pup, a lateralno nose 3-5 (ili više) generativnih pupova, i c) buketne kitice (vršni pup je vegetativan, a bočni su generativni, ali imaju izražene nodije. Struktura rodnih izboja, uz ostale čimbenike, određuje rodni habitus.The fruiting cherry wood consists of long and short shoots. Long shoots are mixed because they bear generative buds laterally in the basal part, and vegetative buds in the upper part. In the short bearing tree category we distinguish: a) short mixed shoots (in the basal part are generative and in the apex vegetative buds), b) May spurs (short bearing shoots without visible nodes) which have an apical vegetative bud, and laterally bear 3-5 (or more) generative buds, and c) bouquet shoots (the apical bud is vegetative, and the lateral ones are generative, but have pronounced nodes). The structure of the reproductive shoots, along with other factors, determines the reproductive habitus of cherries
Modelling of Apple Fruit Growth by Application of Image Analysis
The possibility of RGB image processing and analysis for modelling of the development and growth of apple fruits was investigated during the two seasons under the orchards experiment in the four-years old ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Gala’ variety. The fruit detection depended significantly on the size and fruit’s colour of each growing stage, thus the correlation coefficients were continuously increasing from r=0.71 (2001) and r=0.73 (2002) after fruit tinning in June, up to r=0.88 (2001) and r=0.89 (2002) at harvesting in September respectively. The yield at harvest was estimated with the accuracy of 94% and 101% for ‘Golden Delicious’ and with 106% and 92% for ‘Gala’ respectively, whenever based on images captured on June 22 2001 and June 26 2002. Therefore, the image algorithm was proved to be equal or even better method for estimating the yield at harvest than the common ‘Prognosefruit’ method (accuracy 101% and 77% for ‘Golden Delicious’ and 72% and 63% for ‘Gala’ respectively
Effects of Irrigation on Cropping of \u27Elstar\u27, \u27Golden Delicious\u27, \u27Idared\u27 and \u27Jonagold\u27 Apple Trees
Four apple cultivars grafted on M9 rootstock were grown at high density (‘Elstar’ and ‘Jonagold’ 2500 trees/ha, ‘Idared’ and ‘Golden Delicious’ 3000 trees/ha). The trial was designed as split-block comprising two treatments (irrigation without fertilisers, and control - without irrigation and without fertilisers) and two timing variants of irrigation (from 1 May - 20 June – variant A, and from 1 May to 1 August – variant B). The treatments were imposed beginning in the second year after planting and lasted eight years (1992-1999). Cumulative yield of ‘Elstar’ was increased with irrigation, and index of alternate bearing was decreased. ‘Golden Delicious’ achieved the best results when was irrigated from 1 May to 20 June. Cumulative yield and percentage of bienniality of ‘Idared’ was not affected by irrigation. Irrigation had no consistent influence on cumulative yield of ‘Jonagold’, but increased degree of alternate bearing
Growth and cropping of ‘Golden Delicious’ apple related to fertigation with nitrogen
Istraživanja su obavljena sa sortom jabuke Golden Delicious (Malus x domestica Borkh), koja je cijepljena na slabo bujnu podlogu M 9, i uzgajana u gustom sklopu (3000 stabala/ha). U pokusu je istraživan utjecaj fertirigacije dušikom u dozama od 45, 60 i 120 kg/ha, natapanja bez gnojidbe, te kontrole (bez natapanja i uporabe gnojiva) na rast i rodnost jabuke Golden Delicious. Tretmani su primjenjivani u dva vremenska intervala tijekom vegetacije: od 1. svibnja do 20. lipnja, te od 1. svibnja do 1. kolovoza. Pokus je trajao osam godina počevši od druge godine poslije sadnje (1992-1999.). Istraživanjima nije utvrđen konzistentan utjecaj primijenjenih tretmana na dinamiku rodnosti, kumulativni prirod i učinkovitost rodnosti. Najveći kumulativni prirod, uz relativno nizak indeks alternativne rodnosti, postignut je uz fertirigaciju sa 60 kg N/ha, kada je ona primjenjivana u razdoblju od 1. svibnja do 20. lipnja. U svim varijantama pokusa dinamika rodnosti slijedila je sličan trend uz jače izraženu tendenciju alternativne rodnosti u varijantama bez fertirigacije s dušikom, a puna rodnost postignuta je u petoj godini nakon sadnje.The study was conducted in a ‘Golden Delicious’/M9 orchard (3000 trees/ha) to investigate the effects of fertigation with N at 45, 60 and 120 kg/ha, and irrigation without fertilizers on the growth and productivity of the crop. Treatment durations were from 1 May to 20 June, and from 1 May to 1 August. Treatments began during the 2nd year after planting, and lasted eight years (1992-1999). Fertigation with N at different rates showed no consistent effect on the dynamic of cropping, cumulative yield and yield efficiency. The tendency to biennial bearing in the treatment with N-fertigation was generally low and markedly higher in the treatment without fertigation. The highest cumulative yield, with low index of alternate bearing was obtained in the treatment receiving 60 kg N/ha from 1 May to 20 June. The yield was obtained increasing dynamic followed the similar trend in all treatments, and full productivity was achieved in the fifth year after planting
Utjecaj vegetativnih podloga različite bujnosti na kvalitetu ploda trešnje sorte Lapins
In the experiment, the \u27Lapins\u27 cherry variety was grafted on six rootstocks of different vigour (F12 / 1, Maxma 14, PiKu 1, Gisela 5, Weiroot 13 and Weiroot 158). The orchard was in full production (8 years after planting) and was planted at a distance of 5 x 3.5 m. The orchard was not irrigated. Samples were analyzed at full maturity. The study showed a significant impact on almost all parameters of fruit quality. The largest fruits were on the rootstock F12 / 1 and Gisela 5. The color indicators of the skin and flesh depended relatively little on the rootstocks. In the chemical composition, greater differences were manifested in the soluble dry matter, on W13 and PiKu 1 being highest, in which the vitamin C content was also higher. The largest differences were found in the content of phenol (199.0 mg / kg on the rootstock PiKu 1, and 68.3 on the rootstock W158) and in the content of neflavanoids (231.7 mg / kg on the rootstock PiKu 1, and 119.5 mg / kg on F12 / 1).U pokusu je bila trešnja sorte Lapins cijepljena na šest podloga različite bujnosti (: F12/1, Maxma 14, PiKu 1, Gisela 5, Weiroot 13 and Weiroot 158). Voćnjak je bio u punoj rodnosti (8 godina nakon sadnje) a posađen je na razmaku 5 x 3,5 m. Voćnjak nije navodnjavan. Uzorci su analizirani u punoj zrelosti. Istraživanje je pokazalo značajan utjecaj na gotovo sve parametre kakvoće ploda. Najkrupniji plodovi su bili na podlozi F12/1 i Gisela 5. Pokazatelji boje kožice i mesa su relativno malo ovisili o podlozi. U kemijskom sastavu veće razlike očitovale su se u topivoj suhoj tvari, pri čemu je veća bila W13 i PiKu 1 kod kojih je i sadržaj C vitamina bio veći. Najveće razlike očitovale su se u sadržaju fenola (199,0 mg/kg na podlozi PiKu 1, a 68,3 na podlozi W158) te u sadržaju neflavanoida (231,7 mg/kg na podlozi PiKu 1, a 119,5 mg/kg na podlozi F12/1)
Pear yield prediction on the basis of fruit diameter at he early phases of fruit growing
U pokusu, tijekom dvije godine, u ekologijskim uvjetima istočne Hrvatske ustanovljeno je da se dosta vjerno može procijeniti prirod na osnovi promjera u pojedinim fazama rasta ploda počevši od 60. dana nakon pune cvatnje u sorata: Precoce de Trevoux, Williams i Beurre Bosc, cijepljenih na podlozi dunja MA i uzgajanih u obliku palmete
Inducement of Sylleptic Shoots in Apple in the Fruit-tree Nursery
Istraživana je mogućnost pospješivanja razvoja lateralnih izbojaka u rasadniku na sadnicama jabuke sorti Jonagold i Golden Delicious. U rasadniku su sadnice, kada su postigle visinu oko 75 cm, podvrgnute sljedećim zahvatima: uklanjanje vršnih nerazvi-jenih listića, uklanjanje vršnih nerazvijenih listića u kombinaciji s tretiranjem s 0,25% Paturylom 10 WSC, tretiranje s 0,25% Paturylom 10 WSC (2 puta u razmaku od 24 dana), tretiranje s 20% Promalinom (GA4+7) dva puta u razmaku od 9 dana. Uklanjanje nerazvijenih listića povoljno je utjecalo na kut grananja, ali nije stimuliralo razgranjavanje sadnica. Tretiranje Paturylom negativno je utjecalo na visinu sadnica, ali je broj lateralnih izbojaka bio veći uz povoljan kut grananja. Uklanjanje nerazvijenih listića u kombinaciji s tretiranjem s Paturylom najpovoljnije se odrazilo na razgranjavanje sadnica. Promalin je povoljno utjecao na razgranjavanje, ali je kut grananja bio nepovoljniji nego u ostalim tretmanima.The ability of various treatments to induce sylleptic shoot development in nursery trees of the apple ‘Jonagold’ and ‘Golden Delicious’ on rootstock M.9 was investigated. The leader management techniques were: removal of sub-terminal leaves, removal of sub-terminal leaves with application of 0.25% Paturyl 10 WSC, and treatment with 0.25% Paturyl 10 WSC (two times at 24 days interval); application of 20% Promalin (GA4+7) two times in 9 days interval; and control, starting when scion length was 75 cm. Removal of sub-terminal leaves increased total branch length, but did not stimulate the lateral branching. Treatments with Paturyl resulted in the lower tree height, in the higher number of branches, and in the greater branch length. Removal of sub-terminal leaves in combination with Paturyl increased the lateral shoot number more than the treatment with only Paturyl. Promalin increased branching, but had little influence on the total branch length. In addition, Promalin decreased branch crotch angles
Dynamic of cropping of `Idared` apple related to fertigation with nitrogen
Istraživanja su obavljena sa sortom jabuke Idared (Malus x domestica Borkh), koja je cijepljena na slabo bujnu podlogu M 9, i uzgajana u gustom sklopu (3000 stabala/ha). U pokusu je bilo pet tretmana (fertirigacija s 45 kg N/ha, 60 kg N/ha, 120 kg N/ha, natapanje bez gnojidbe i kontrola – bez natapanja i uporabe gnojiva), u dvije varijante (tretmani za vrijeme vegetacije: od 1. svibnja do 20. lipnja – varijanta A, i od 1. svibnja do 1. kolovoza – varijanta B). Pokus je trajao sedam godina počevši od druge godine poslije sadnje (1992-1998.). Istraživanjima nije utvrđen konzistentan utjecaj primijenjenih tretmana na dinamiku rodnosti, kumulativan prirod i učinkovitost rodnosti. U svim varijantama pokusa dinamika rodnosti slijedila je sličan trend uz slabo izraženu tendenciju alternativnoj rodnosti, a puna rodnost postignuta je u petoj godini nakon sadnje. Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju da je sorta Idared vrlo prikladna za intenzivan uzgoj u sustavu gustog sklopa.The trial was conducted in an ‘Idared’/M9 orchard (3000 trees/ha), designed as split-block comprising five treatments (fertigation with 45 kg N/ha, 60 kg N/ha, 120 kg N/ha, irrigation without fertilisers, and control - without irrigation and without fertilisers), and two timing variants (treatments during vegetation period from 1 May to 20 June - variant A, and treatments from 1 May to 1 August – variant B). The treatments began in the second year after planting and lasted seven years (1992-1998). Fertigation with different amounts of nitrogen had no consistent effect on the dynamic of cropping, cumulative yield and regularity of bearing. Tendency to biennial bearing was low, dynamic of yield increasing followed the same trend in all treatments, and full productivity was achieved in the fifth year after planting. This means that ‘Idared’ is a very suitable apple cultivar for growing in the system of high density planting
A contribution to the knowledge of fruiting cherry shoots
Rodno drvo trešnje čine dugi i kratki izbojci. Dugi izbojci su mješoviti jer u bazalnom dijelu lateralno nose generativne, a u gornjem dijelu vegetativne pupove. U kategoriji kratko rodno drvo razlikujemo: a) kratke mješovite izboje (u bazalnom dijelu su generativni, a u vršnom vegetativni pupovi), b) svibanjske kitice (kratki rodni izboji bez vidljivih nodija) koje imaju vršni vegetativni pup, a lateralno nose 3-5 (ili više) generativnih pupova, i c) buketne kitice (vršni pup je vegetativan, a bočni su generativni, ali imaju izražene nodije. Struktura rodnih izboja, uz ostale čimbenike, određuje rodni habitus.The fruiting cherry wood consists of long and short shoots. Long shoots are mixed because they bear generative buds laterally in the basal part, and vegetative buds in the upper part. In the short bearing tree category we distinguish: a) short mixed shoots (in the basal part are generative and in the apex vegetative buds), b) May spurs (short bearing shoots without visible nodes) which have an apical vegetative bud, and laterally bear 3-5 (or more) generative buds, and c) bouquet shoots (the apical bud is vegetative, and the lateral ones are generative, but have pronounced nodes). The structure of the reproductive shoots, along with other factors, determines the reproductive habitus of cherries
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