70 research outputs found

    Traditional and alternative methods of tourist event evaluation: case study of the Czech Republic

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    This contribution presents and discusses selected methods and techniques applied in the area of tourist event assessment with a main focus on their economic effects evaluation. Besides the traditional evaluation models, such as the Input-output analysis or the CGE model, one newer and less common methodology–the local multiplier LM3 is introduced. This evaluation method has not been applied yet (in its full version) on any particular event, but it seems to have a potential to become more widespread, especially for evaluating events of local character and impact. This paper also observes the current research stages in terms of event tourism in the Czech Republic, where event industry increased its importance in the last decades. It offers an exhaustive listing of all the studies observing primarily event economic impacts in the Czech regions. The results of this study present a classification of the Czech events\u27 economic impact studies according to the applied methodology and also some recommendations for selection particular methodology according to a specific type of an event

    Risk Related to Selecting a Supplier Using Fuzzy Logic

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá výběrem a hodnocením dodavatelů příslušenství pro mobilní telefony pro firmu ZONES s.r.o. a stanovení jejich hodnoty rizika. V práci je vytvořen rozhodovací model pomocí fuzzy logiky. Hlavní část práce tvoří návrhy na řešení hodnocení dodavatelů společnosti. Na začátku práce jsou rozebrána teoretická východiska, která jsou použita pro zpracování dalších částí práce. Rozhodovací modely jsou tvořeny v programech Microsoft Excel a MATLAB. Fuzzy model je vytvořen na základě požadavků společnosti. Další část práce se zabývá rozborem a porovnáním výsledků z obou programů. Výsledkem práce je model, který je snadný na ovládání, a který zlepší výběr a hodnocení dodavatelů ve firmě ZONES s.r.o.The diploma thesis deals with selection and evaluation of phone accessories suppliers for ZONES s.r.o. company and evaluates their possible risks. In thesis is created decision model which is using fuzzy logic. The main part of the thesis consists of proposals for the evaluation of the company's suppliers. At the beginning of thesis are theoretical bases which will be used in the practical parts. Decision models are created in Microsoft Excel and MATLAB. The fuzzy model is based on requirements of the company. Another part of the thesis deals with analysis and comparison of results from both programs. The result of this thesis is the model which is easy to use and improves selection and evaluations of phone accessories for ZONES s.r.o. company.

    Detached House Olbramovice

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá projektovou dokumentací rodinného domu se zubní ordinací, určeného pro pětičlennou rodinu. Dům je situován na území Jihomoravského kraje, okres Znojmo, v obci Olbramovice, katastrální území č. 709930 – Olbramovice u Moravského Krumlova. Objekt je navržen jako zděná stavba. Svislé a vodorovné konstrukce jsou navrženy z konstrukčního systému Porotherm. Základové konstrukce jsou navrženy z prostého betonu. Hlavní část objektu je zastřešena šikmou střechou se sklonem 30°. Konstrukce šikmé střechy je provedena jako dřevěný krov a to jako vaznicová soustava. Garáž je zastřešena plochou nepochozí střechou. Zubní ordinace je zastřešena plochou pochozí střechou. Objekt má v hlavní části dvě nadzemní podlaží. V bočních částech budovy (garáž a zubní ordinace) má objekt pouze jedno podlaží. Objekt je novostavba a má členitý půdorys.This bachelor thesis deals with the design documentation of a detached house with a dental surgery, designed for a family of five. The house is situated in South Moravia, Znojmo district, in Olbramovice village, cadastral area no. 709930 – Olbramovice u Moravskeho Krumlova. The building is designed as a brick building. Vertical and horizontal constructions are designed from the Porotherm structural system. Foundation structures are designed from concrete. The main part of the building is covered with a pitched roof with a slope of 30°. The pitched roof is constructed as a wooden frame and a purlin system. The garage is covered with ply flat roof. The dental surgery is covered with a flat walkable roof. The building has two floors in the main part. In the side parts of the building (the garage and the dental surgery) object have only one floor. The building is newly built and it has a dissected plan.

    Mortar with alkali-activated matrix

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá alkalicky aktivovanými materiály a surovinami pro jejich výrobu. V teoretické části jsou popsány materiály pro výrobu alkalicky aktivovaných materiálů a jsou zde definovány požadavky na vstupní materiály. Dále se práce zabývá odolností alkalicky aktivovaných materiálů a jejich trvanlivostí. Konkrétně pak síranovou odolností, chloridovou odolností, odolností vůči kyselinám, mrazuvzdorností, porozitou, odolností vůči karbonataci, odolností vůči abrazi a odolností proti vysokým teplotám. V experimentální části byly navrženy čtyři různé směsi alkalicky aktivovaných materiálů. V čerstvém stavu byla stanovena objemová hmotnost. V zatvrdlém stavu byla stanovena objemová hmotnost, pevnosti v tahu za ohybu, pevnosti v tlaku, mrazuvzdornost, odolnost proti působení vody a chemicky rozmrazovacích látek a tvorba trhlin.The thesis addresses the issue of alkali-activated materials and their manufacturing components. In the theoretical part the description of such materials is provided and the requirements for source materials are defined. The theoretical part further addresses the resistance of alkali-activated materials and their lifespan - namely sulphate resistance, chloride resistance, acid resistance, frost resistance, porosity, carbonation, resistance, abrasion resistance and heat resistance. The experimental part of the thesis focuses on compounding four different mixtures of alkali-activated materials. In the loosened stage, the weight was measured. In the hardened stage the weight was measured as well as the tensile strength when bending, the strength under pressure applied, heat resistance, water and defrosting chemicals resistance and formation of cracks.

    Block of flats

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá projektovou dokumentací bytového domu. Bytový dům je situován na území Jihomoravského kraje, okres Znojmo, v obci Olbramovice, katastrální území č. 709930 – Olbramovice u Moravského Krumlova. Objekt je navržen jako zděná stavba s kontaktním zateplovacím systémem. Svislé konstrukce jsou navrženy z konstrukčního systému Porotherm. Vodorovné nosné konstrukce jsou navrženy jako železobetonové konstrukce. Základové konstrukce jsou navrženy z prostého betonu. Objekt je zastřešen jednoplášťovou plochou střechou. Objekt má čtyři nadzemní podlaží. V prvním nadzemním podlaží je technické zázemí a také jeden byt navržený jako bezbariérový. V ostatních podlažích jsou jednotlivé byty. V budově je 10 bytů. Pět bytů má vlastní lodžii a dva byty vlastní terasu. Jedná se o novostavbu s půdorysem ve tvaru L.Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the design documentation of a block of flats. The block of flats is supposed to be situated in South Moravia, Znojmo district, in Olbramovice village, cadastral area no. 709930 – Olbramovice u Moravskeho Krumlova. The building is designed as a brick building with a contact thermal insulation system. Vertical constructions are designed from the Porotherm structural system. Horizontal constructions are designed as reinforced concrete structure. Foundation structures are designed from concrete. The object is roofed with a warm flat roof. The object has four floors. On the ground floor is technical hinterland and also one flat is designed to be barrier-free. The other floors are individual flats. There are ten flats in the building. Five flats have their own loggia and two flats have terrace. The building is newly built and it has a L-shaped plan.

    Selection of quantitative and qualitative methods for comprehensive evaluation of PPP projects focusing on the Czech Republic

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    The article deals with the theoretical back-ground and concepts providing the basis for the use of forms of financing and acquisition of public goods and services through partnerships between the public and the private sectors (public-private partnership – PPP). The aim of this article is to introduce a new original methodology using a selection of qualitative and quantitative methods for evaluating investments and to form a complex output that will clearly and distinctly testify about the appropriateness of using the PPP method. For this purpose, processes which are normally used for business valuation – generators of values, property valuation, yield valuation, valuation based on market analysis, are combined and incorporated/recast in the current assessment methodology, which is based on the Public Sector Comparator and determinants of value for money (VFM), are being used. Although this new methodology was developed in response to the problematic situation regarding PPP projects’ evaluation particularly in the Czech Republic, it can also be applied in other countries.</p

    Antimicrobial Cost-Effective Transparent Hydrogel Films from Renewable Gum Karaya/Chitosan Polysaccharides for Modern Wound Dressings

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    The newest trends in wound healing management and the development of the next generation of dressings are pointing toward natural polymeric materials with important beneficial properties such as antimicrobial effects, renewability, easier process of preparation, and biological activity. Here, we present the preparation and in vitro evaluation of a unique biopolymeric blend composed of natural polymers based on the positively charged polysaccharide chitosan and negatively charged gum karaya. A plate lysis assay of gum karaya and chitosan solution mixtures proved the synergistic antimicrobial effect against specific strains of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and yeast. This polymeric mixture was used for hydrogel film preparation and determination of the composition effect on physical properties (swelling behavior in different solvents, pH, diffusion mechanism, hydrolytic stability, mechanical and optical properties). While the pure gum karaya with poly(vinyl alcohol) exhibited the highest hydrolytic degradation (68%), the mixture of poly(vinyl alcohol) and gum karaya with chitosan (in the 25:75 ratio) exhibited the lowest degradation value (41%) due to the strong physical interactions. Cytotoxicity tests performed with hydrogel extracts using two different in vitro models, adherent fibroblasts (NIH3T3) and non-adherent suspension B-lymphocytes (BaF3), exhibited excellent biocompatibility and no cytotoxicity. As expected, the antimicrobial activity of 3-day film extracts showed a significantly improved antimicrobial effect of mixtures involving a chitosan biopolymer. The physical and biological properties of prepared biopolymer-based hydrogels meet the requirements of modern wound dressings

    Zero to eight : young children and their internet use

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    EU Kids Online has spent seven years investigating 9-16 year olds’ engagement with the internet, focusing on the benefits and risks of children’s internet use. While this meant examining the experiences of much younger children than had been researched before EU Kids Online began its work in 2006, there is now a critical need for information about the internet-related behaviours of 0-8 year olds. EU Kids Online’s research shows that children are now going online at a younger and younger age, and that young children’s “lack of technical, critical and social skills may pose [a greater] risk” (Livingstone et al, 2011, p. 3).peer-reviewe