4 research outputs found

    Uloga kvalitete obiteljskih interakcija u objaŔnjenju anksioznosti i depresivnosti učenika

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos između kvalitete obiteljskih interakcija te anksioznosti i depresivnosti učenika i učenica četvrtih i sedmih razreda osnovne Å”kole. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 205 osnovnoÅ”kolaca, od čega 98 učenika i 107 učenica. KoriÅ”ten je upitnik općih podataka koji se sastojao od nekoliko pitanja kojima su prikupljeni podaci o razredu, spolu, općem uspjehu te ocjenama iz Hrvatskog jezika i Matematike na kraju proÅ”le Å”kolske godine. Pored upitnika općih podataka, primijenjeni su i: SDD ā€“ Skala depresivnosti za djecu i adolescente (Vulić-Prtorić, 2003), SKAD-62 ā€“ Podskala ispitne anksioznosti (Vulić-Prtorić, 2004) i Skala kvalitete obiteljskih interakcija ā€“ KOBI (Vulić-Prtorić, 2002). Pomoću instrumenata se mjerila depresivnost u djetinjstvu i adolescenciji, ispitna anksioznost, kvaliteta interakcija s majkom i ocem te opća procjena zadovoljstva obitelji. Å to se tiče depresivnosti i ispitne anksioznosti, istraživanje je pokazalo kako su stariji učenici u prosjeku depresivniji i anksiozniji u odnosu na mlađe. Međutim, porast u depresivnosti se može pripisati jedino učenicama, dok je kod učenika depresivnost relativno stabilna, bez obzira na dob, a slično vrijedi i za ispitnu anksioznost. Rezultati su pokazali kako opće zadovoljstvo obitelji te interakciju s majkom i ocem u prosjeku većim procjenjuju učenici četvrtih razreda u odnosu na učenike sedmih razreda. Djevojčice pritom procjenjuju majku kao viÅ”e prihvaćajuću, a dječaci oca. Odbacivanje majke se ne razlikuje s obzirom na spol, dok je za oca ono izraženije kod dječaka nego djevojčica. Odbacivanje majke i nisko prihvaćanje oca prediktivni su za depresivnost. Iste su varijable prediktivne i za ispitnu anksioznost uz varijablu dobi pri čemu su mlađi učenici manje ispitno anksiozni.The aim of this research was to examine the relationship between the quality of family interactions and test anxiety and depression in the 4th and 7th grade primary school pupils. The research was conducted on a total of 205 pupils, 98 of which were male and 107 female. General data questionnaire was used to gather data on age, gender, GPA and grades in Croatian language and Mathematics at the end of the last academic year. Apart from the aforementioned basic information, several questionnaires were used to assess levels of depression and test anxiety, as well as quality of interactions within the family. Those were: ā€œSDDā€ ā€“ The Scale of Depression for Children and Adolescents (Vulić-Prtorić, 2003), ā€œSKAD-62ā€ ā€“ The Subscale for Test Anxiety (Vulić-Prtorić, 2004), and ā€œKOBIā€ ā€“ Scale of Interaction Quality within the Family (Vulić-Prtorić, 2002). Results have shown that older pupils were generally more depressed and anxious compared to the younger ones. However, the increasein depression is only applicable to the female pupils, whereas in male pupils, the level of depression was generally stable, regardless of age. A similar principle applies to test anxiety. The results have shown that the overall satisfaction with family, as well as the quality of interaction with mother and father was assessed higher in fourth graders, compared to seventh graders. Furthermore, female pupils assessed the mother as more accepting, whereas male pupils assessed the father as more accepting than girls did. Maternal rejection was independent of gender, but paternal rejection was more prominent in boys, compared to girls. Finally, higher maternal rejection and lower paternal acceptance were predictive of depression. Similar results were obtained for test anxiety that could also be predicted by age with younger pupils expressing lower test anxiety

    Uloga kvalitete obiteljskih interakcija u objaŔnjenju anksioznosti i depresivnosti učenika

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos između kvalitete obiteljskih interakcija te anksioznosti i depresivnosti učenika i učenica četvrtih i sedmih razreda osnovne Å”kole. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 205 osnovnoÅ”kolaca, od čega 98 učenika i 107 učenica. KoriÅ”ten je upitnik općih podataka koji se sastojao od nekoliko pitanja kojima su prikupljeni podaci o razredu, spolu, općem uspjehu te ocjenama iz Hrvatskog jezika i Matematike na kraju proÅ”le Å”kolske godine. Pored upitnika općih podataka, primijenjeni su i: SDD ā€“ Skala depresivnosti za djecu i adolescente (Vulić-Prtorić, 2003), SKAD-62 ā€“ Podskala ispitne anksioznosti (Vulić-Prtorić, 2004) i Skala kvalitete obiteljskih interakcija ā€“ KOBI (Vulić-Prtorić, 2002). Pomoću instrumenata se mjerila depresivnost u djetinjstvu i adolescenciji, ispitna anksioznost, kvaliteta interakcija s majkom i ocem te opća procjena zadovoljstva obitelji. Å to se tiče depresivnosti i ispitne anksioznosti, istraživanje je pokazalo kako su stariji učenici u prosjeku depresivniji i anksiozniji u odnosu na mlađe. Međutim, porast u depresivnosti se može pripisati jedino učenicama, dok je kod učenika depresivnost relativno stabilna, bez obzira na dob, a slično vrijedi i za ispitnu anksioznost. Rezultati su pokazali kako opće zadovoljstvo obitelji te interakciju s majkom i ocem u prosjeku većim procjenjuju učenici četvrtih razreda u odnosu na učenike sedmih razreda. Djevojčice pritom procjenjuju majku kao viÅ”e prihvaćajuću, a dječaci oca. Odbacivanje majke se ne razlikuje s obzirom na spol, dok je za oca ono izraženije kod dječaka nego djevojčica. Odbacivanje majke i nisko prihvaćanje oca prediktivni su za depresivnost. Iste su varijable prediktivne i za ispitnu anksioznost uz varijablu dobi pri čemu su mlađi učenici manje ispitno anksiozni.The aim of this research was to examine the relationship between the quality of family interactions and test anxiety and depression in the 4th and 7th grade primary school pupils. The research was conducted on a total of 205 pupils, 98 of which were male and 107 female. General data questionnaire was used to gather data on age, gender, GPA and grades in Croatian language and Mathematics at the end of the last academic year. Apart from the aforementioned basic information, several questionnaires were used to assess levels of depression and test anxiety, as well as quality of interactions within the family. Those were: ā€œSDDā€ ā€“ The Scale of Depression for Children and Adolescents (Vulić-Prtorić, 2003), ā€œSKAD-62ā€ ā€“ The Subscale for Test Anxiety (Vulić-Prtorić, 2004), and ā€œKOBIā€ ā€“ Scale of Interaction Quality within the Family (Vulić-Prtorić, 2002). Results have shown that older pupils were generally more depressed and anxious compared to the younger ones. However, the increasein depression is only applicable to the female pupils, whereas in male pupils, the level of depression was generally stable, regardless of age. A similar principle applies to test anxiety. The results have shown that the overall satisfaction with family, as well as the quality of interaction with mother and father was assessed higher in fourth graders, compared to seventh graders. Furthermore, female pupils assessed the mother as more accepting, whereas male pupils assessed the father as more accepting than girls did. Maternal rejection was independent of gender, but paternal rejection was more prominent in boys, compared to girls. Finally, higher maternal rejection and lower paternal acceptance were predictive of depression. Similar results were obtained for test anxiety that could also be predicted by age with younger pupils expressing lower test anxiety

    Explaining students\u27 test anxiety and depression: The role of family interaction quality

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    Aim: To examine the relationship between the quality of family interactions and test anxiety and depression in a sample of 4th and 7th grade primary school pupils. Methods: The Scale of Depression for Children and Adolescents (SDCA, Vulić Prtorić, 2003a), The Subscale for Test Anxiety (STA, Vulić Prtorić, 2004a), and Scale of Interaction Quality within the Family (SIQF, Vulić Prtorić, 2004b) were used. Results: Older pupils were generally more depressed and anxious compared to the younger ones. However, the increase in depression was observed only in female pupils, whereas in male pupils, the levels of depression were generally stable, regardless of age. A similar pattern was found in test anxiety. Overall satisfaction with family, as well as the quality of interactions with mother and father was higher in fourth graders, compared to seventh graders. Female pupils assessed their mothers as more accepting, whereas male pupils assessed their fathers as more accepting than girls did. Maternal rejection was independent of gender, but paternal rejection was more prominent in boys, compared to girls. Higher maternal rejection and lower paternal acceptance were shown to be significant predictors for both depression and test anxiety. Conclusion: Results confirmed our hypothesis that early-adolescents, as well as girls, have more pronounced depressive and test-anxiety symptoms, when compared to younger children and boys. (Pre)-adolescentsā€™ perceptions of family dynamics have an important role in explaining depressiveness and test anxiety, which implies their value in prevention of mental health problems in (pre)adolescents

    Uloga kvalitete obiteljskih interakcija u objaŔnjenju anksioznosti i depresivnosti učenika

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos između kvalitete obiteljskih interakcija te anksioznosti i depresivnosti učenika i učenica četvrtih i sedmih razreda osnovne Å”kole. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 205 osnovnoÅ”kolaca, od čega 98 učenika i 107 učenica. KoriÅ”ten je upitnik općih podataka koji se sastojao od nekoliko pitanja kojima su prikupljeni podaci o razredu, spolu, općem uspjehu te ocjenama iz Hrvatskog jezika i Matematike na kraju proÅ”le Å”kolske godine. Pored upitnika općih podataka, primijenjeni su i: SDD ā€“ Skala depresivnosti za djecu i adolescente (Vulić-Prtorić, 2003), SKAD-62 ā€“ Podskala ispitne anksioznosti (Vulić-Prtorić, 2004) i Skala kvalitete obiteljskih interakcija ā€“ KOBI (Vulić-Prtorić, 2002). Pomoću instrumenata se mjerila depresivnost u djetinjstvu i adolescenciji, ispitna anksioznost, kvaliteta interakcija s majkom i ocem te opća procjena zadovoljstva obitelji. Å to se tiče depresivnosti i ispitne anksioznosti, istraživanje je pokazalo kako su stariji učenici u prosjeku depresivniji i anksiozniji u odnosu na mlađe. Međutim, porast u depresivnosti se može pripisati jedino učenicama, dok je kod učenika depresivnost relativno stabilna, bez obzira na dob, a slično vrijedi i za ispitnu anksioznost. Rezultati su pokazali kako opće zadovoljstvo obitelji te interakciju s majkom i ocem u prosjeku većim procjenjuju učenici četvrtih razreda u odnosu na učenike sedmih razreda. Djevojčice pritom procjenjuju majku kao viÅ”e prihvaćajuću, a dječaci oca. Odbacivanje majke se ne razlikuje s obzirom na spol, dok je za oca ono izraženije kod dječaka nego djevojčica. Odbacivanje majke i nisko prihvaćanje oca prediktivni su za depresivnost. Iste su varijable prediktivne i za ispitnu anksioznost uz varijablu dobi pri čemu su mlađi učenici manje ispitno anksiozni.The aim of this research was to examine the relationship between the quality of family interactions and test anxiety and depression in the 4th and 7th grade primary school pupils. The research was conducted on a total of 205 pupils, 98 of which were male and 107 female. General data questionnaire was used to gather data on age, gender, GPA and grades in Croatian language and Mathematics at the end of the last academic year. Apart from the aforementioned basic information, several questionnaires were used to assess levels of depression and test anxiety, as well as quality of interactions within the family. Those were: ā€œSDDā€ ā€“ The Scale of Depression for Children and Adolescents (Vulić-Prtorić, 2003), ā€œSKAD-62ā€ ā€“ The Subscale for Test Anxiety (Vulić-Prtorić, 2004), and ā€œKOBIā€ ā€“ Scale of Interaction Quality within the Family (Vulić-Prtorić, 2002). Results have shown that older pupils were generally more depressed and anxious compared to the younger ones. However, the increasein depression is only applicable to the female pupils, whereas in male pupils, the level of depression was generally stable, regardless of age. A similar principle applies to test anxiety. The results have shown that the overall satisfaction with family, as well as the quality of interaction with mother and father was assessed higher in fourth graders, compared to seventh graders. Furthermore, female pupils assessed the mother as more accepting, whereas male pupils assessed the father as more accepting than girls did. Maternal rejection was independent of gender, but paternal rejection was more prominent in boys, compared to girls. Finally, higher maternal rejection and lower paternal acceptance were predictive of depression. Similar results were obtained for test anxiety that could also be predicted by age with younger pupils expressing lower test anxiety