37 research outputs found
Status and temporal dynamics of the flora and vegetation of the Deliblaot Sands
U radu je analizirana flora i vegetacija Deliblatske peščare. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje recentnog stanja i osnovnih karakteristika flore Deliblatske peščare, ali i analiza dinamike flore Deliblatske peščare u poslednjih 220 godina. Jedan od ciljeva je bila analiza sukcesivnih promena u flori i vegetaciji Deliblatske peščare i predikcija njihovog pravca i kvaliteta, kao i utvrđivanje diverziteta i sintaksonomske šeme vegetacije Deliblatske peščare uz klasifikaciju problematičnih vegetacijskih grupa u širem aspektu- na nivou čitave Srbije, ali i Pontskog i Panonskog regiona. Terenska istraživanja su vršena u periodu 2012-2018 godine. Floristički podaci su uzimani na istim lokalitetima kao i fitocenološki snimci. Ukupno je uzeto 282 fitocenološka snimka metodom po Braun-Blankeu. Za florističku analizu je obrađena 301 referenca, a na terenu su prikupljeni podaci za 440 vrsta, od kojih je 6 po prvi put registrovano na ovom području. U florističku analizu je uključeno ukupno prikupljenih 9.887 podataka. U radu je dat floristički pregled u vidu spiska taksona koji su zabeleženi na Deliblatskoj peščari (ima ih 1072), sa lokalitetima na kojima su do sada pronađeni, obeleženi su prvi nalazi za vrste i podvrste, a obeležene su i vrste koje su potvrđene na terenskim istraživanjima u okviru ove disertacije. Floristička analiza je realizovana klasičnim numeričkim metodama, u cilju prezentacije najzastupljenijih familija, rodova, životnih formi i horotipova. Predstavljene su endemične, reliktne i ugrožene i ivnazivne vrste Peščare. Na Deliblatskoj peščari je zabeleženo 16 endemskih, 22 reliktnih, 49 strogo zaštićenih, 8 iz Crvenje knjige flore Srbije i 54 invazivna taksona. Dinamika florističkih istraživanja je predstavljena analizom literaturnih podataka i dinamike istraživanja ovog područja, a u skladu sa značajnim društvenim promenama područja, od kojih se kao najznačajniji momenat izdvaja početak pošumljavanja Peščare. U pregledu vegetacije Deliblatske peščare su predstavljeni najznačajniji vegetacijski tipovi ovog područja, date su fitocenološke tabele snimaka koji su za ove zajednice uzeti u toku terenskog istraživanja, fotografije zajednica i mape sa tačkama na kojima su uzimani snimci. U okviru pregleda vegetacije Deliblatske peščare, pored već poznatih vegetacijskih jedinica, po prvi put su predstavljene tri asocijacije autohtone vegetacije i dve sastojine antropogenih zajednica. U cilju razrešavanja problematike klasifikacije peščarske vegetacije, prikupljeni su i analizirani fitocenološki podaci za čitavu Srbiju, ali i ceo Panonski i Pontski basen. Na ovaj način je detaljno razjašnjena klasifikacija psamofitskih zajednica Deliblatske peščare do nivoa subasocijacija. Dinamika vegetacije Deliblatske peščare je analizirana praćenjem sukcesivnih stadijuma obrastanja peska i zatvaranjem sklopa sastojina. Monitoring je podrazumevao i pedološke analize na na lokalitetima različitih vegetacijskih tipova. U okviru praćenja dinamike vegetacije, realizovana su istraživanja na područjima na kojima se vrši revitalizacija stepskih sastojina. Rezultati ukazuju da je su revitalizacijom postignuti dobri rezultati koje treba dalje usmeravati i korigovati u pravcu postizanja optimalnih uslova za opstanak i razvoj stepske, ali i drugih tipova vegetacije. Rezultati ove doktorske disertacije daju dobru osnovu za dalja floristička i vegetacijska istraživanja Deliblatske peščare, ali i drugih, sličnih, prirodnih područja i značajan doprinos proučavanju flore i vegetacije Srbije.In this research was analyzed flora and vegetation of the Deliblato Sands. The aim of the study was to determine the recent state and basic characteristics of the flora of Deliblato Sands, as well as to analyze the dynamics of flora in the last 220 years. One of the aims was to analyze the successive changes in the flora and vegetation of Deliblato Sands and the prediction of their direction and quality. Also, one of the goals was to determine the diversity and syntaxonomical scheme of vegetation through classification of problematic vegetation groups in the wider aspect - at the level of the whole Serbia, but also of Pontic and Pannonian region. Field research were carried out in the period 2012-2018. Floristic data were taken at the same sites as phytocenological plots. In total, 282 phytosociological relevés were taken using the Braun-Blanquet method. 301 different references were processed for floristic analysis and data for 440 species were collected in the field (6 of them were registered for the first time in this area). A total of 9,887 data collected were included in the floristic analysis. The research gives a floristic overview in the form of a list of taxa recorded in Deliblato Sandst (there are 1072 taxa), with the localities where they have been found so far, and the first findings for species and subspecies are marked, as well as the species confirmed in the field research within this dissertation. Floristic analysis was performed using classical numerical methods, in order to present the most represented families, genera, life forms and chorotypes. Endemic, relict and endangered and invasive species of Sandstone are presented. 16 endemic, 22 relicts, 49 strictly protected, 8 from the Red Data Book of Serbian flora and 54 invasive taxa have been recorded in Deliblato Sands. The dynamics of floristic research is represented by the analysis of literary data and the dynamics of research activities in this area. In accordance with the significant social changes of the area, it is noted that the most significant event was the beginning of afforestation of the Sand. The vegetation overview of the Deliblato Sands presents the most significant vegetation types of the area, provides phytosociological tables of relevés takenduring this research, photographs of communities and maps with points where the recordings were taken. In addition to the already known vegetation units, within the vegetation review of the Deliblat Sandstone, three associations of indigenous vegetation and two stands of anthropogenic communities were presented for the first time. In order to solve the problem of classification of sandy vegetation, phytocenological data were collected and analyzed for the whole Republic of Serbia, as well as the entire Pannonian and Pontic basin. In this way, the classification of the psammophytic communities of the Deliblato Sands to the level of subassociations was clarified. The vegetation dynamics of the Deliblato Sands were analyzed by monitoring successive stages of sand and steppe vegetation. Monitoring also included pedological analyzes at sites of different vegetation types. As part of the monitoring of vegetation dynamics, research has been carried out in areas where steppe stands are being revitalized. The results indicate that the revitalization has achieved good results that need to be further directed and corrected in order to achieve optimal conditions for the survival and development of steppe and other vegetation types. The results of this doctoral dissertation provide a good basis for further floristic and vegetation research in the Deliblato sands, as well as other similar natural areas and a significant contribution to the study of the flora and vegetation of Serbia
Uticaj lajnera na zapaljenje zubne pulpe
Introduction The study included application of liners and dental composites in to cavities of six experimental animals - rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Objective The aim of the study was to investigate rabbit dental pulp response to different liners. Methods Cavity preparation for class V were made on the maxillary central incisors and one lower incisor, while the second lower incisor served as a control tooth. These teeth were restored with the use of one of the following liners - Calcimol LC, ANA Liner and Fuji II LC Improved, and Ceram-X mono dental composite. After an observation period of five days animals were sacrificed and prepared for histological analysis. The existence and degree of the pulp inflammation was determined by using a light microscope. Results Results showed that the used liners do not cause distortion of the structure and continuity of the odontoblastic layer. Inflammation was not registered in the control group, while in each group of tested materials one tooth with mild signs of hyperemia was registered. Results showed that all three tested liners demonstrated favorable effects on the pulp of the tooth and did not lead to inflammatory reactions. Conclusion Histological analysis of the dental pulp of experimental animals suggests that the liners used in this study do not compromise the integrity of the odontoblastic layer, if it is applied over a thin layer of dentin. In each group of tested materials one tooth with mild signs of hyperemia and vasodilation was registered.Uvod Ispitivanje je obuhvatilo primenu lajnera i kompozitnog materijala u kavitete intaktnih zuba šest eksperimentalnih životinja - kunića. Cilj rada Cilj istraživanja je bio da se proveri uticaj različitih lajnera na nastanak i stepen zapaljenja pulpe nakon primene u kavitete zuba kunića. Metode rada Kod svake životinje su urađene preparacije V klase na dva gornja centralna sekutića i na jednom donjem sekutiću, dok je drugi donji sekutić služio kao kontrolni zub. U preparisane kavitete su aplikovani materijali koji su indikovani za primenu kod dubokih kaviteta neposredno pre postavljanja kompozitnih restauracija na zubima: Calcimol LC, ANA Liner i Fuji II LC improved. Svi kaviteti su restaurisani kompozitnim materialom CeramX-mono. Posle opservacionog perioda od pet dana životinje su žrtvovane i pripremljene za histopatološku analizu. Rezultati Svetlosnom mikroskopijom analizirani su postojanje i stepen zapaljenja u zubnoj pulpi. Rezultati su pokazali da korišćeni lajneri ne narušavaju strukturu i kontinuitet odontoblastnog sloja. Na zubima kontrolne grupe nije uočeno zapaljenje, dok je kod testiranih materijala u svakoj grupi zabeležen jedan zub sa blagim znacima hiperemije. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da su sva tri ispitana lajnera povoljno uticala na pulpu zuba i nakon aplikacije nisu doveli do zapaljenjskih reakcija u pulpi. Zaključak Histološka analiza zubne pulpe eksperimentalnih životinja je pokazala da lajneri korišćeni u ovom istraživanju ne narušavaju integritet odontoblasta eksperimentalnih životinja ukoliko se nanose preko tankog sloja dentina. Utvrđeno je samo postojanje blage hiperemije i vazodilatacije u po jednom uzorku pulpe zuba zaštićenih testiranim lajnerima
Značaj ulaganja u nauku : regionalna i nacionalna analiza
Ulaganje u naučnoistraživačke delatnosti doprinosi rastu kvaliteta i
predstavlja osnovni preduslov za razvoj privrede i društva u celini. Tendencija za postizanjem održivog, inkluzivnog i pametnog rasta podrazumeva značajna izdvajanja novčanih sredstava za
istraživanje i razvoj. Praćenje vrednosti ulaganja vrši se putem seta pokazatelja, od kojih je nazastupljeniji bruto domaći izdatak na istraživanje i razvoj kao % bruto domaćeg proizvoda (BDP) (gross domestic expenditure on research and development – GERD). Cilj rada je da pruži
prikaz situacije u regionu, uz deskriptivnu analizu situacije u Republici Srbiji i njene pozicije u odnosu na region, a na osnovu praćenja trenda izdvajanja za istraživanja i razvoj (%BDP) i broja objavljenih naučnih radova u referentnim časopisima u periodu od 2000-2013. godine
Diagnostic Value of MPO in Patients Admitted for Suspected Acute Coronary Syndrome- A Study of Adult in Mostar, Bosnia AND Herzegovina
We assessed the diagnostic efficacy of plasma Myeloperoxidasis (MPO) alone or in combination with cardiac troponin I (cTnI) for detecting ACS in patients presenting with chest pain initiating within 24 h before the hospital admission. In this prospective cohort study were included all respondents who have visited outpatient clinic of internal diseases, University Hospital Mostar because of chest pain and suspected acute coronary syndrome within 24 h of the onset of the period of 6 months and the total sample consisted of 114 patients. Troponin and myeloperoxidase were significantly positively correlated at the beginning of treatment, myeloperoxidase was significantly positively associated with adverse cardiovascular events during hospitalization and myocardial infarction (P0.05). Sensitivity of myeloperoxidase as a valid test detection of myocardial infarction at baseline was 0.15 and specificity was 0.85, suggesting good diagnostic value usable in the clinical practice
Povijesni pregled pošumljavanja Deliblatske pješčare
SummaryDeliblato Sands is one of the largest sandy areas in Europe. Given that developing of vegetation on the sand is a slow process, followed by human activities that devastate the plant cover (grazing, deforestation), the free-moving sand on Deliblato Sands exited until the 18th century. Unbound sand hindered the development of agriculture in the entire southern Banat region, so it was necessary to start a more intensive process of restraining sand masses. The afforestation of this area began in 1818 and is still ongoing. In the process of afforestation, nine periods can be recognized that differ in relation to afforestation/reforestation techniques, the choice of species or the organizational structure of the forestry units (and countries) of the area of Deliblato Sands belonged throughout history.The most significant results in the binding of free moving sand were achieved by the application of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) seedlings with juniper scrub (Juniperus communis L.) laid down on open sandy areas and sowing different species of grass between the rows of seedlings. This technique has been applied since the IV afforestation period (1878-1898). The largest areas were afforested in the V period (1898-1918), when parts of Deliblato Sands were formally protected for the first time in history as areas of importance for the preservation of biodiversity. The species most used in afforestation are black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.), Scots pine and black pine (Pinus sylvestris L., Pinus nigra J. F. Arnold), poplars (Populus sp.), and some shrubby (e.g. Juniperus virginiana L.) and herbaceous species (e. g. Ammophilla arenaria (L.) Link, Festuca vaginata Willd., Leymus arenarius (L.) Hochst., Carex arenaria L.). Today, Robinia pseudoacacia L. is most common tree species on Deliblato Sands and it occupies almost a third of the entire area.SažetakDeliblatska peščara jedna je od najvećih peščara u Europi. S obzirom da je obrastanje pijeska spor i dugotrajan proces, praćen ljudskim aktivnostima koje devastiraju biljni pokrov (ispaša, sječa šuma), površine ogoljenog pijeska na Pješčari zadržane su sve do 18. stoljeća. Rastresiti pijesak kočio je razvoj poljoprivrede u regiji cijelog južnog Banata, te je trebalo krenuti u intenzivniji proces obuzdavanja pješčane mase. Pošumljavanje ovog područja počelo je 1818. godine i još uvijek traje. U procesu pošumljavanja može se prepoznati devet razdoblja koja se razlikuju u odnosu na tehnike pošumljavanja, izbor vrste te organizacijski ustroj šumarskih jedinica kojima je područje Pješčare povijesno pripadalo. Najznačajniji rezultati postignuti su u vezivanju rastresitog pijeska korištenjem sadnica bagrema (Robinia pesudoacacia L) u kombinaciji s grmovima borovice (Juniperus communis L.) položenih među redove sadnica i uz sijanje različitih vrsta trava. Ova tehnika primjenjuje se od IV. razdoblja pošumljavanja (1878-1898). Najveća područja pošumljena su tijekom V. razdoblja pošumljavanja (1898.-1918.), kada su dijelovi Pješčare prvi put u povijesti formalno zaštićeni kao područja značajna za očuvanje biološke raznolikosti. Vrste koje su najčešćće korištene u pošumljavanju su bagrem (Robinia pseudoacacia L.), bijeli i crni bor (Pinus sylvestris L., Pinus nigra J. F. Arnold), topola (Populus sp.), a zasađene su i neke grmolike (npr. Juniperus virginiana L.) i zeljaste vrste (npr. Ammophilla arenaria (L.) Link, Festuca vaginata Wild., Leymus arenarius (L.) Hochst., Carex arenaria L.). Danas je u Deliblatskoj peščari bagrem najzastupljenija vrsta, zauzima skoro trećinu cjelokupne površine
Fifteen emerging challenges and opportunities for vegetation science: A horizon scan by early career researchers
With the aim to identify future challenges and opportunities in vegetation science, we brought together a group of 22 early career vegetation scientists from diverse backgrounds to perform a horizon scan. In this contribution, we present a selection of 15 topics that were ranked by participants as the most emergent and impactful for vegetation science in the face of global change. We highlight methodological tools that we expect will play a critical role in resolving emerging issues by providing ways to unveil new aspects of plant community dynamics and structure. These tools include next generation sequencing, plant spectral imaging, process-based species distribution models, resurveying studies and permanent plots. Further, we stress the need to integrate long-term monitoring, the study of novel ecosystems, below-ground traits, pollination interactions and global networks of near-surface microclimate data at fine spatio-temporal resolutions to fully understand and predict the impacts of climate change on vegetation dynamics. We also emphasize the need to integrate traditional forms of knowledge and a diversity of stakeholders into research, teaching, management and policy-making to advance the field of vegetation science. The conclusions reached by this horizon scan naturally reflect the background, expertise and interests of a representative pool of early career vegetation scientists, which should serve as basis for future developments in the field
Phylogenetic structure of European forest vegetation
[Aims] (a) To determine the contribution of current macro-environmental factors in explaining the phylogenetic structure of European forest vegetation, (b) to map and describe spatial patterns in their phylogenetic structure and (c) to examine which lineages are the most important contributors to phylogenetic clustering and whether their contribution varies across forest types and regions. [Location] Europe. [Taxon] Angiosperms. [Methods] We analysed the phylogenetic structure of 61,816 georeferenced forest vegetation plots across Europe considering alternative metrics either sensitive to basal (ancient evolutionary dynamics) or terminal (recent dynamics) branching in the phylogeny. We used boosted regression trees to model metrics of the phylogenetic structure as a function of current macro-environmental factors. We also identified clades encompassing significantly more taxa than under random expectation in phylogenetically clustered plots. [Results] Phylogenetic clustering was driven by climatic stress and instability and was strong in the areas glaciated during the Pleistocene, likely reflecting limited postglacial migration, and to a lower extent in areas of northern-central Europe and in summer-dry Mediterranean regions. Phylogenetic overdispersion was frequent in the hemiboreal zone in Russia, in some areas around the Mediterranean Basin, and along the Atlantic seaboard of the Iberian Peninsula. The families Ericaceae, Poaceae and Fagaceae were overrepresented in clustered plots in different regions of Europe. [Main conclusions] We provide the first maps and analyses on the phylogenetic structure of European forest vegetation at the plot level. Our results highlight the role of environmental filtering, postglacial dispersal limitation and spatial transitions between major biomes in determining the distribution of plant lineages in Europe.The study was supported by the Czech Science Foundation (19-28491X). IB and JAC were funded by the Basque Government (IT936-16). JCS considers this work a contribution to his VILLUM Investigator project “Biodiversity Dynamics in a Changing World” funded by VILLUM FONDEN (grant 16549)
Fifteen emerging challenges and opportunities for vegetation science: A horizon scan by early career researchers
With the aim to identify future challenges and opportunities in vegetation science, we brought together a group of 22 early career vegetation scientists from diverse backgrounds to perform a horizon scan. In this contribution, we present a selection of 15 topics that were ranked by participants as the most emergent and impactful for vegetation science in the face of global change. We highlight methodological tools that we expect will play a critical role in resolving emerging issues by providing ways to unveil new aspects of plant community dynamics and structure. These tools include next generation sequencing, plant spectral imaging, process-based species distribution models, resurveying studies and permanent plots. Further, we stress the need to integrate long-term monitoring, the study of novel ecosystems, below-ground traits, pollination interactions and global networks of near-surface microclimate data at fine spatio-temporal resolutions to fully understand and predict the impacts of climate change on vegetation dynamics. We also emphasize the need to integrate traditional forms of knowledge and a diversity of stakeholders into research, teaching, management and policy-making to advance the field of vegetation science. The conclusions reached by this horizon scan naturally reflect the background, expertise and interests of a representative pool of early career vegetation scientists, which should serve as basis for future developments in the field
2020 consensus guideline for optimal approach to the diagnosis and treatment of HER2-positive breast cancer in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The HERe2Cure project, which involved a group of breast cancer experts, members of multidisciplinary tumor boards from healthcare institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, was initiated with the aim of defining an optimal approach to the diagnosis and treatment of HER2 positive breast cancer. After individual multidisciplinary consensus meetings were held in all oncology centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a final consensus meeting was held in order to reconcile the final conclusions discussed in individual meetings. Guidelines were adopted by consensus, based on the presentations and suggestions of experts, which were first discussed in a panel discussion and then agreed electronically between all the authors mentioned. The conclusions of the panel discussion represent the consensus of experts in the field of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The objectives of the guidelines include the standardization, harmonization and optimization of the procedures for the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patients with HER2-positive breast cancer, all of which should lead to an improvement in the quality of health care of mentioned patients. The initial treatment plan for patients with HER2-positive breast cancer must be made by a multidisciplinary tumor board comprised of at least: a medical oncologist, a pathologist, a radiologist, a surgeon, and a radiation oncologist/radiotherapist
2020 consensus guideline for optimal approach to the diagnosis and treatment of HER2-positive breast cancer in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The HERe2cure project, which involved a group of breast cancer experts, members of multidisciplinary tumor boards from healthcare institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, was initiated with the aim of defining an optimal approach to the diagnosis and treatment of HER2 positive breast cancer. After individual multidisciplinary consensus meetings were held in all oncology centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a final consensus meeting was held in order to reconcile the final conclusions discussed in individual meetings. Guidelines were adopted by consensus, based on the presentations and suggestions of experts, which were first discussed in a panel discussion and then agreed electronically between all the authors mentioned. The conclusions of the panel discussion represent the consensus of experts in the field of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The objectives of the guidelines include the standardization, harmonization and optimization of the procedures for the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patients with HER2-positive breast cancer, all of which should lead to an improvement in the quality of health care of mentioned patients. The initial treatment plan for patients with HER2-positive breast cancer must be made by a multidisciplinary tumor board comprised of at least: a medical oncologist, a pathologist, a radiologist, a surgeon, and a radiation oncologist/radiotherapist