12 research outputs found

    Noncommutative geometry and stochastic processes

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    The recent analysis on noncommutative geometry, showing quantization of the volume for the Riemannian manifold entering the geometry, can support a view of quantum mechanics as arising by a stochastic process on it. A class of stochastic processes can be devised, arising as fractional powers of an ordinary Wiener process, that reproduce in a proper way a stochastic process on a noncommutative geometry. These processes are characterized by producing complex values and so, the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation resembles the Schroedinger equation. Indeed, by a direct numerical check, one can recover the kernel of the Schroedinger equation starting by an ordinary Brownian motion. This class of stochastic processes needs a Clifford algebra to exist. In four dimensions, the full set of Dirac matrices is needed and the corresponding stochastic process in a noncommutative geometry is easily recovered as is the Dirac equation in the Klein-Gordon form being it the Fokker--Planck equation of the process.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures. Updated a reference. A version of this paper will appear in the proceedings of GSI2017, Geometric Science of Information, November 7th to 9th, Paris (France

    Time scales and exponential trends to equilibrium: Gaussian model problems

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    We review results on the exponential convergence of multi- dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes and discuss related notions of characteristic timescales with concrete model systems. We focus, on the one hand, on exit time distributions and provide ecplicit expressions for the exponential rate of the distribution in the small noise limit. On the other hand, we consider relaxation timescales of the process to its equi- librium measured in terms of relative entropy and discuss the connection with exit probabilities. Along these lines, we study examples which il- lustrate specific properties of the relaxation and discuss the possibility of deriving a simulation-based, empirical definition of slow and fast de- grees of freedom which builds upon a partitioning of the relative entropy functional in conjuction with the observed relaxation behaviour