295 research outputs found

    Examination of auctions for the last five years in Artvin regional forest directorate

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    Orman işletmeleri gelir kaynağının büyük bir kısmını, odun hammaddesi açık artırmalı satışlarından sağlamaktadır. Açık artırmalı satışlar; ekonomik, ekolojik ve sosyal nitelikli ormancılık faaliyetlerinin finansmanında ve bu faaliyetlerin sürdürülebilirliğinde büyük önem arz etmektedir. Bu bildiri çalışmasında, Artvin Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü 2005-2009 dönemindeki açık artırmalı satışlar sonucu oluşan satış fiyatları ve miktarlarının gelişimi incelenmiştir. Söz konusu dönem içerisinde tomruk ve kağıtlık odun reel ortalama satış fiyatlarının 2005, 2008 ve 2009 yıllarında diğer iki yılara göre daha düşük seviyede gerçekleştiği görülmüştür. Bu noktada, özellikle Artvin OBM sınırları içinde görülen böcek tahribatı ile küresel ölçekte etkili olan ekonomik kriz faktörlerinin söz konusu yıllar dikkate alındığında reel ortalama satış fiyatlarının düşüşünde önemli bir payı olduğu görülmüştür.Forest enterprises obtain most of their income from wood auctions. For this reason, auctions play an important role in financing of economic, ecological and social forestry activities and sustainability of these activities. In this study, progress in auction prices and amounts for the period 2005-2009 in Artvin Regional Forest Directorate has been examined. In the said period, real average sales prices of timber and pulpwood in 2005, 2008 and 2009 has been lower than other years. At this point, especially insect damage within Artvin Regional Forest Directorate and global economic crisis has played an important role in real average sales price decline

    Road classification for two-wheeled vehicles

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    This publication presents a three-part road classification system that utilises the vehicle's onboard signals of two-wheeled vehicles. First, a curve estimator was developed to identify and classify road curves. In addition, the curve estimator continuously classifies the road curviness. Second, the road slope was evaluated to determine the hilliness of a given road. Third, a modular road profile estimator has been developed to classify the road profile according to ISO 8608, which utilises the vehicle's transfer functions. The road profile estimator continuously classifies the driven road. The proposed methods for the classification of curviness, hilliness, and road roughness have been validated with measurements. The road classification system enables the collection of vehicle-independent field data of two-wheeled vehicles. The road properties are part of the customer usage profiles which are essential to define vehicle design targets

    Customer loads of two-wheeled vehicles

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    Customer usage profiles are the most unknown influences in vehicle design targets and they play an important role in durability analysis. This publication presents a customer load acquisition system for two-wheeled vehicles that utilises the vehicle's onboard signals. A road slope estimator was developed to reveal the unknown slope resistance force with the help of a linear Kalman filter. Furthermore, an automated mass estimator was developed to consider the correct vehicle loading. The mass estimation is performed by an extended Kalman filter. Finally, a model-based wheel force calculation was derived, which is based on the superposition of forces calculated from measured onboard signals. The calculated wheel forces were validated by measurements with wheel–load transducers through the comparison of rainflow matrices. The calculated wheel forces correspond with the measured wheel forces in terms of both quality and quantity. The proposed methods can be used to gather field data for improved vehicle design loads

    Effect of Production Year on Log Sale Prices: Example in Artvin, Turkey

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    Aim of study: In this study, effect of production year on sales price of logs which are sold at auctions in Turkey, was determined. Area of study: This study was carried out in Artvin Regional Directorate of Forestry, Turkey. Material and method: Data of 83 third class normal length log parties (spruce, fir and yellow pine) which were produced in 2008 and 2009 by state forest enterprises in Artvin and sold in 2009 auctions, were used. Main results: It was determined that there was a statistical difference between average sales prices of third class normal length log parties produced in different years (2008 and 2009) by Mann-Whitney U test and this difference was in favor of parties produced in 2009. As sales price of products produced in previous year is lower, it causes revenue loss. Hence there is 20% sales revenue loss in third class normal length log. Research highlights: In order to eliminate this revenue loss, it is necessary to evaluate the market situation and prepare production and sales programs/plans by considering market demand and expectationÇalışmanın amacı: Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’de açık artırmalı satışlara konu edilen tomrukların satış fiyatları üzerinde üretim yılının etkisi belirlenmiştir. Çalışma alanı: Çalışma Artvin Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü’nde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Materyal ve yöntem: Artvin Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü’ne bağlı devlet orman işletmeleri tarafından 2008 ve 2009 yıllarında üretilen ve 2009 yılındaki açık artırmalı satışlarda satılan toplam 83 adet üçüncü sınıf normal boy tomruk (ladin, göknar ve sarıçam) partisine ait verilerden istifade edilmiştir. Temel sonuçlar: Mann-Whitney U Testi sonuçlarına göre farklı yıllarda (2008 ve 2009) üretilen tomruk partilerinin ortalama satış fiyatları arasında 2009 yılı lehine istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı bir fark olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Bu şekilde satıldığı yıldan önceki yıl içinde üretilen ürünlerin fiyat seviyelerinin düşük gerçekleşmesi, devlet orman işletmeleri için gelir kaybı potansiyeli oluşturmaktadır. Nitekim bu kayıp üçüncü sınıf normal boy tomruk partileri için satış gelirlerinin %20’sine karşılık gelmektedir. Araştırma vurguları: Söz konusu satış geliri kaybını ortadan kaldırmak için devlet orman işletmeleri düzeyinde piyasanın mevcut durumunun çok yönlü olarak değerlendirilmesine, üretim ve satış programlarının / planlarının piyasa talep ve beklentileri dikkate alınarak hazırlanmasına ihtiyaç vardır

    Marketıng problems and their solutions in Artvin forestry regional directorate

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    Ülkemizde devlet onnnan işletmelerinin sürdürülebilirlik anlayışı içinde topluma mal ve hizmet sunabilmeleri için, diğer işlevler yanında pazarlama işlevine de gereken önemi vennneleri gerekmektedir. Bu bildiride, Artvin Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü'ne bağlı devlet orman işletmelerinde yürütülmekte olan pazarlama faaliyetleri kapsamında, özellikle işletme çevresinden kaynaklanan başlıca sorunlar belirlenmeye çalışılmış ve bu sorunlann çözümüne yönelik bazı öneriler geliştirilmiştir.Marketing function is very important for state forestıy enterprises produdng forest goods and services for the sodety.In this paper the marketing problems of state forest enterprises of Artvin Forestıy Regional Directorate was investigated and some suggestions were done to solve the marketing problems

    Impact detection using a machine learning approach and experimental road roughness classification

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    First, this publication presents the experimental validation of a road roughness classification method. Second, an impact detection strategy for two-wheeled vehicles is proposed including a classification of service loads, mild special events, and severe special events. The methods presented utilise the vehicle’s onboard signals to gather field data. The modular road roughness classification system operates with the vehicle’s transfer functions, and continuously classifies the road profile, according to ISO 8608. The method was successfully validated on test tracks with known road profiles. The impact detection strategy was developed using a supervised machine learning technique. Six road obstacles were ridden over using different velocities to invoke mild and severe special events. The most popular classifiers were trained for comparison and prediction of future observations. The developed impact detection strategy shows a high accuracy and was successfully validated using a k-fold cross-validation. The combination of the road roughness classification system and the impact detection strategy, enables a holistic field data acquisition of customer usage profiles, in the context of durability engineering. The collection of customer usage profiles improves vehicle design targets and enables a virtual load acquisition