7 research outputs found

    Studying Unimodal, Bimodal, PDI and Bimodal-PDI Variants of Multiple Soil Water Retention Models: II. Evaluation of Parametric Pedotransfer Functions Against Direct Fits

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    A high-resolution soil water retention data set (81 repacked soil samples with 7729 observations) measured by the HYPROP system was used to develop and evaluate the performance of regression parametric pedotransfer functions (PTFs). A total of sixteen soil hydraulic models were evaluated including five unimodal water retention expressions of Brooks and Corey (BC model), Fredlund and Xing (FX model), Kosugi (K model), van Genuchten with four free parameters (VG model) and van Genuchten with five free parameters (VGm model). In addition, eleven bimodal, Peters–Durner–Iden (PDI) and bimodal-PDI variants of the original expressions were studied. Six modeling scenarios (S1 to S6) were examined with different combinations of the following input predictors: soil texture (percentages of sand, silt and clay), soil bulk density, organic matter content, percent of stable aggregates and saturated water content (θs). Although a majority of the model parameters showed low correlations with basic soil properties, most of the parametric PTFs provided reasonable water content estimations. The VGm parametric PTF with an RMSE of 0.034 cm3 cm−3 was the best PTF when all input predictors were considered. When averaged across modeling scenarios, the PDI variant of the K model with an RMSE of 0.045 cm3 cm−3 showed the highest performance. The best performance of all models occurred at S6 when θs was considered as an additional input predictor. The second-best performance for 11 out of the 16 models belonged to S1 with soil textural components as the only inputs. Our results do not recommend the development of parametric PTFs using bimodal variants because of their poor performance, which is attributed to their high number of free parameters

    Studying Unimodal, Bimodal, PDI and Bimodal-PDI Variants of Multiple Soil Water Retention Models: I. Direct Model Fit Using the Extended Evaporation and Dewpoint Methods

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    This study focuses on the reliable parametrization of the full Soil Water Retention Curve (SWRC) from saturation to oven-dryness using high resolution but limited range measured water retention data by the Hydraulic Property Analyzer (HYPROP) system. We studied the performance of five unimodal water retention models including the Brooks and Corey model (BC model), the Fredlund and Xing model (FX model), the Kosugi model (K model), the van Genuchten constrained model with four free parameters (VG model), and the van Genuchten unconstrained model with five free parameters (VGm model). In addition, eleven alternative expressions including Peters–Durner–Iden (PDI), bimodal, and bimodal-PDI variants of the original models were evaluated. We used a data set consisting of 94 soil samples from Turkey and the United States with high-resolution measured data (a total of 9264 measured water retention data pairs) mainly via the HYPROP system and supplemented for some samples with measured dry-end data using the WP4C instrument. Among unimodal expressions, the FX and the K models with the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) values equal to 0.005 cm3 cm−3 and 0.015 cm3 cm−3 have the highest and the lowest accuracy, respectively. Overall, the alternative variants provided a better fit than the unimodal expressions. The unimodal models, except for the FX model, fail to provide reliable dry-end estimations using HYPROP data (average MAE: 0.041 cm3 cm−3, average r: 0.52). Our results suggested that only models that account for the zero water content at the oven dryness and properly shift from the middle range to dry-end (i.e., the FX model and PDI variants) can adequately represent the full SWRC using typical data obtained via the HYPROP system

    Developing Pseudo Continuous Pedotransfer Functions for International Soils Measured with the Evaporation Method and the HYPROP System: II. The Soil Hydraulic Conductivity Curve

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    Direct measurement of unsaturated hydraulic parameters is costly and time-consuming. Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) are typically developed to estimate soil hydraulic properties from readily available soil attributes. For the first time, in this study, we developed PTFs to estimate the soil hydraulic conductivity (log(K)) directly from measured data. We adopted the pseudo continuous neural network PTF (PCNN-PTF) approach and assessed its accuracy and reliability using two independent data sets with hydraulic conductivity measured via the evaporation method. The primary data set contained 150 international soils (6963 measured data pairs), and the second dataset consisted of 79 repacked Turkish soil samples (1340 measured data pairs). Four models with different combinations of the input attributes, including soil texture (sand, silt, clay), bulk density (BD), and organic matter content (SOM), were developed. The best performing international (root mean square error, RMSE = 0.520) and local (RMSE = 0.317) PTFs only had soil texture information as inputs when developed and tested using the same data set to estimate log(K). However, adding BD and SOM as input parameters increased the reliability of the international PCNN-PTFs when the Turkish data set was used as the test data set. We observed an overall improvement in the performance of PTFs with the increasing number of data points per soil textural class. The PCNN-PTFs consistently performed high across tension ranges when developed and tested using the international data set. Incorporating the Turkish data set into PTF development substantially improved the accuracy of the PTFs (on average close to 60% reduction in RMSE). Consequently, we recommend integrating local HYPROPTM (Hydraulic Property Analyzer, Meter Group Inc., USA) data sets into the international data set used in this study and retraining the PCNN-PTFs to enhance their performance for that specific region

    Developing Pseudo Continuous Pedotransfer Functions for International Soils Measured with the Evaporation Method and the HYPROP System: I. The Soil Water Retention Curve

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    Direct measurements of soil hydraulic properties are time-consuming, challenging, and often expensive. Therefore, their indirect estimation via pedotransfer functions (PTFs) based on easily collected properties like soil texture, bulk density, and organic matter content is desirable. This study was carried out to assess the accuracy of the pseudo continuous neural network PTF (PCNN-PTF) approach for estimating the soil water retention curve of 153 international soils (a total of 12,654 measured water retention pairs) measured via the evaporation method. In addition, an independent data set from Turkey (79 soil samples with 7729 measured data pairs) was used to evaluate the reliability of the PCNN-PTF. The best PCNN-PTF showed high accuracy (root mean square error (RMSE) = 0.043 cm3 cm−3) and reliability (RMSE = 0.061 cm3 cm−3). When Turkish soil samples were incorporated into the training data set, the performance of the PCNN-PTF was enhanced by 33%. Therefore, to further improve the performance of the PCNN-PTF for new regions, we recommend the incorporation of local soils, when available, into the international data sets and developing new sets of PCNN-PTFs

    Impact of soil compaction and irrigation practices on salt dynamics in the presence of a saline shallow groundwater:An experimental and modelling study

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    Soil salt accumulation is a widespread problem leading to diminished crop yield and threatening food security in many regions of the world. The soil salinization problem is particularly acute in areas that lack adequate soil water drainage and where a saline shallow water table (WT) is present. In this study, we present laboratory-scale column experiments, extending over a period of more than 400 days that focus on the processes contributing to soil salinization. We specifically examine the combined impact of soil compaction, surface water application model and water quality on salt dynamics in the presence of a saline shallow WT. The soil columns (60 cm height and 16 cm diameter) were packed with an agricultural soil with bulk densities of 1.15 and 1.34 g/cm−3 for uncompacted and compacted layers, respectively, and automatically monitored for water content, salinity and pressure. Two surface water compositions are considered: fresh (deionized, DI) and saline water (~3.4 mS/cm). To assess the sensitivity of compaction on salt dynamics, the experiments were numerically modelled with the HYDRUS-1D computer program. The results show that the saline WT led to rapid salinization of the soil column due to capillarity, with the salinity reaching levels much higher than that at the WT. However, compaction layer provided a barrier that limited the downwards moisture percolation and solute transport. Furthermore, the numerical simulations showed that the application of freshwater can temporarily reverse the accumulation of salts in agricultural soils. This irrigation strategy can help, in the short-term, alleviate soil salinization problem. The soil hydraulic properties, WT depth, water quality, evaporation demand and the availability of freshwater all play a role in the practicability of such short-term solutions. The presence of a saline shallow WT would, however, rapidly reverse these temporary measures, leading to the recurrence of topsoil salinization

    9th International Congress on Psychopharmacology & 5th International Symposium on Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology

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