90 research outputs found
Non-ketotic hyperglycaemia presenting as epilepsia partialis continua
AbstractEpilepsia partialis continua (EPC) is a rare epileptic syndrome, observed in various cortical lesions and also in metabolic disorders. We report the case of a 57-year-old patient with EPC as the first manifestation of hyperosmolar non-ketotic hyperglycaemia (NKH) of diabetes mellitus. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were normal. Initial laboratory data revealing serum glucose 1540mg/dl, and serum osmolality 391mOsm/l confirmed the diagnosis. Electroencephalography (EEG) showed ictal discharges in the ipsilateral hemisphere during focal seizures. Seizures are resistant to anticonvulsant treatment and respond best to insulin and rehydration. Focal motor seizures or EPC are commonly a symptom of NKH in the elderly patients. We recommend that in such cases a metabolic disorder such as diabetes mellitus be ruled out
Phytotherapy in Gastrointestinal Disorders
Gastrointestinal disorders include various disorders affecting organs such as the stomach, intestines, and liver, and while they have an important place in human health, their treatment processes are also complex. These disorders constitute an increasing health problem today and pose a significant burden on both health services and individuals. In the treatment of these disorders, phytotherapy (herbal treatment) is considered an important alternative in addition to traditional medicine. The use of phytotherapy has become preferred because it offers more natural options for patients with fewer side effects. Phytotherapy provides positive effects on the digestive system with its many properties such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial features. In this article, various phytotherapeutic agents (e.g., aloe vera, turmeric, bitter melon, pomegranate, St. John’s wort, mint, black cumin, berberine, garlic, olive leaf, cinnamon, tea, ginger, carnation and nettle) used in gastrointestinal disorders such as gastroesophageal reflux, peptic ulcer, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, colon polyps, colorectal and stomach cancer are discussed and their effects on the digestive system and potential properties in managing symptoms are discussed
Ozon uygulamasının devital ağartma yapılan dentinde rezin simanın shear bağlanma dayanımına etkisi
Amaç: Ozon uygulanan ve uygulanmayan devital
ağartma yapılmış dentine iki rezin simanın
bağlanma dayanımının incelenmesi
Gereç ve Yöntemler: : Seksen yeni çekilmiş
sağlam insan maksiller kesici kuronları sekiz gruba
ayrıldı (n=10): (G1, G2). Ağartmayı takiben ozon
uygulanmayan (10% carbamide peroxide,
Opalescence Boost %38 Hydrogen peroxide) veya
uygulanan gruplar (G3, G4) (40%, 50 second, CR
probe, Biozonix; High-Frequency Ozone Generator,
Germany), ozonun ağartma yapılmadan
uygulandığı gruplar (G5, G6) ve herhangi bir işlem
uygulanmayan kontrol grupları (G7, G8). Kuronlar
akrilik rezin içine dentin yüzeyleri açıkta kalacak
şekilde yerleştirildi. Örneklerde iki rezin simandan
biri kullanıldı: Secure Cement (Sun Medical) (G1,
G3, G5, G7); Clearfil Esthetic Cement (Kuraray)
(G2, G4, G6, G8). 3 x 3 boyutunda rezin siman
oluturulan gruplar setleşme süresinden (37ºC,
100% nemli, 24 saat) sonra shear bağlanma
dayanımı ile test edildi ( 0.5 mm/minute). Veriler
MPa olarak hesaplandı ve Kruskal-Wallis testi ile
analizler yapıldı (P < 0.05).
Bulgular: Ağartma işleminin ozon uygulaması ile
kombine kullanımı hem Secure siman (G3) hem de
Clearfil Esthetic simanın (G4) bağlanma dayanımını
artırdı (p > 0.05). Ozon uygulanan Secure siman
örnekleri (G5), G1, G3, ve G7 gruplarından anlamlı
derecede daha düşük bağlanma dayanımı gösterdi
(P < 0.05). Clearfil Esthetic siman grubu (G4)
kontrol grubundan (G8) anlamlı derecede daha
yüksek bağlanma dayanımı gösterdi.
Sonuç: Bonding işlemleri öncesinde ozon
uygulaması ağartma sonrası geride kalan peroksitin
etkisini azaltabilir. Devital ağartma sonrası ozon
uygulaması rezin simanın dentin yüzeyine
bağlantısını artırabilir
Effects of Ozone and Prophylactic Antimicrobial Applications on Shear Bond Strength of Orthodontic Brackets
Objective:The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of ozone and prophylactic antimicrobial applications on the shear bond strengths and bond failure interfaces of orthodontic brackets.Methods:Sixty human canine teeth were randomly divided into three groups (n=20), receiving the following treatments: Group I-pumice prophylaxis (Isler Dental, Ankara, Turkey)+37% orthophosphoric acid (Dentsply, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)+Transbond XT primer and adhesive (3M Unitek, Monrovia, USA); Group II-prophylaxis paste (Topex, NJ, USA)+37% orthophosphoric acid (Dentsply, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)+ Transbond XT primer and adhesive paste (3M Unitek, Monrovia, USA); and Group III-ozone application (Biozonix GmbH, Munich, Germany)+37% orthophosphoric acid (Dentsply, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)+Transbond XT primer and adhesive (3M Unitek, Monrovia, USA). All specimens were stored at 37°C water for 24 h. Shear bond strength was assessed using a universal testing device (Autograph AGS-X; Shimadzu, Japan). Adhesive remnant index (ARI) scores were obtained through examination of teeth under stereomicroscope at 10× magnification after debonding.Results:Shear bond strengths of orthodontic brackets were 16.10, 18.01, and 19.23 MPa for Groups I, II, and III, respectively. No statistically significant difference in shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets was found among the groups (p=0.273), based on Kruskal-Wallis analysis. Additionally, no significant difference was found in the ARI scores of each group using chi-square analysis (p=0.992).Conclusion:Shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets and ARI scores was not found to be negatively impacted by ozone application
Recent Advances in Health Biotechnology During Pandemic
The outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which
emerged in 2019, cut the epoch that will make profound fluctuates in the history of the world
in social, economic, and scientific fields. Urgent needs in public health have brought with
them innovative approaches, including diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. To exceed the
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, various scientific authorities in the world
have procreated advances in real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) based diagnostic
tests, rapid diagnostic kits, the development of vaccines for immunization, and the purposing
pharmaceuticals for treatment. Diagnosis, treatment, and immunization approaches put for-
ward by scientific communities are cross-fed from the accrued knowledge of multidisciplinary
sciences in health biotechnology. So much so that the pandemic, urgently prioritized in the
world, is not only viral infections but also has been the pulsion in the development of novel
approaches in many fields such as diagnosis, treatment, translational medicine, virology, mi-
crobiology, immunology, functional nano- and bio-materials, bioinformatics, molecular biol-
ogy, genetics, tissue engineering, biomedical devices, and artificial intelligence technologies.
In this review, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of various scientific
areas of health biotechnology are discussed
Biogas energy opportunity of Ardahan city of Turkey
The importance of renewable energy usage is increasing gradually due to the reasons of energy supplying security, environmental pollution and reducing dependency on external sources in all over the world as also same in Turkey. Biomass is a clean and sustainable energy source that can be produced from various kind of organic waste. Turkey has considerable biomass energy potential, and about 6% of the total potential is located in the eastern region. Ardahan is one of the eastern cities of the country whose economy mainly relies on livestock farming. This paper presents biogas energy potential from animal manure and agricultural residue and corresponding CO2 emission reduction in Ardahan. Calculations were made according to the analysis of the animal manure and the agricultural crop quantities of 2015 data considering of the biochemical methane potential (BMP), availability factors, volatile solid ratio of the manure, harvested area and unit methane potential of cereals. The total electricity production potential of the evaluated biomass sources is 323 GWh/year. The total CO2 emission reduction is about 2 million tons/year in the case of biogas combustion power plant exists instead of coal fired power plants. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.SERKA Development AgencyThis research was funded by SERKA Development Agency. The author would like to thank Ardahan Municipality, Murat Cem Erturk and Gurkan Soyak for their kind supports to this study and the reviewers contributed the improvement of the manuscript.WOS:0004148795000862-s2.0-8502950119
Solid waste originated problems are one of the major environmental problems in Turkey. The Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning in The Republic of Turkey foresees a solution with the Regional Solid Waste Disposal Facilities over the associations that will be formed by more than one municipality. In this context, Edirne Solid Waste Management Association (EDİKAB) was established in order to realize waste management at regional level. In this study, the application example of EDİKAB solid waste disposal plant is evaluated. The amount of waste to be collected for the years 2020 and 2045 in the region is calculated as 94,665 tons/year and 274,497 tons/ year, respectively. Solid wastes to be disposed of are classified as packing wastes to be recovered, organic wastes to be composted and wastes to be landfilled. Packaging waste will be collected separately, classified and baled in sorting plant. Landfill gas production is calculated 3.8 million m3/year and 15 million m3/year for 2020 and 2045, respectively. EDİKAB case study represents up to 90% of GHG emission reduction can be achievable in case of converting LFG into electricity, by producing 7288; 13384 and 28673 MWh cumulative electricity from 2016 to 2020, 2030 and 2045, respectively.Katı atıkların sebep olduğu problemler Türkiye için önemli çevre sorunları arasında gelmektedir. T.C. Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı birden fazla belediyelerin oluşturacağı birlikler üzerinden Bölgesel Katı Atık Bertaraf Tesisleri ile çözüm öngörmektedir. Bu kapsamda atık yönetiminin bölgesel düzeyde gerçekleştirilmesi amacıyla Edirne Katı Atık Yönetim Birliği (EDİKAB) kurulmuştur. Bu çalışmada EDİKAB katı atık bertaraf tesisi uygulama örneği anlatılacaktır. Bölgede 2020 ve 2045 yılları için toplanacak atık miktarı sırasıyla 94,665 ton/yıl ve 274,497 ton/yıl olarak hesaplanmıştır. Bertaraf edilecek katı atıklar; geri kazanılacak ambalaj atıkları, kompost olarak değerlendirilecek organik atıklar ve düzenli depolanacak atıklar olarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Ambalaj atıkları ayrı toplanıp ambalaj atıkları ayrıştırma tesisinde sınıflanarak balyalanacaktır. 2020 yılı için 3.8 milyon m3/yıl ve 2045 yılı için 15 milyon m3/yıl depo gazı oluşacağı hesaplanmıştır. EDİKAB örneği, düzenli depolama ile elde edilecek gazın 2016 yılından itibaren 2020,2030 ve 2045 yıllarına kadar kümülatif olarak sırasıyla 7288, 13384 ve 28673 MWh elektriğe dönüştürülmesi ile sera gazı emisyonlarında %90’a varan azaltma sağlanabileceğini göstermektedir
Examination of the One Hundred Primary Literary Works for secondary education in terms of the aims of Turkish language and literature course
Dil bilinci gelişmiş, kültür düzeyi yüksek, eleştiren ve sorgulayan, estetik duyarlılığı gelişmiş bir toplum haline gelebilmek, okuma alışkanlığı ve eleştirel okuma becerileri gelişmiş bireylerle mümkündür. Bu temeli kurmanın en etkili yolu ise bu yönde geliştirilmiş eğitim programlarının oluşturulmasıdır. Edebi değeri yüksek eserler de bu amaca ulaşmada en etkili kaynaklardır. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı'nın amaçlarından biri de okuma alışkanlığı kazandırmaktır. Bu sebeple Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından 2004/60 sayılı genelgeyle ortaöğretim öğrencilerine okuma alışkanlığı ve okuma zevki kazanmış, kültür birikimi zengin bir toplum haline gelebilmek amacıyla 100 Temel Eser listesi belirlenmiştir. Bu amaca yönelik de eserlerin Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı dersi müfredat programı ile ilişkilendirilip okutulması gerektiği belirtilmiştir. Genelgede yer alan amaçlar, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı eğitimin genel amaçlarıyla örtüşmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı 100 Temel Eserin Dil ve Anlatım ve Türk Edebiyatı derslerinin genel amaçları doğrultusunda incelenmesidir. Araştırmanın evrenini 100 Temel Eser listesinde yer alan roman türündeki eserler oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemini ise, 3'ü yerli, 2'si yabancı olmak üzere 5 roman oluşturmaktadır. Örneklem doğrultusunda seçilen beş eser; tarama modeliyle incelenmiştir. İncelenen eserlerin öğretmenler rehberliğinde okutulduğunda amaçlara ulaşmada etkili olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bu sebeple de 100 Temel Eserin öncelikle öğretmenler tarafından okunması gerekmektedir. Bu eserlere yönelik çalışmalar için bir ders saati ayrılmalıdır. Ulaşılan sonuçlar doğrultusunda eserler Dil ve Anlatım, Türk Edebiyatı dersleri müfredat programlarıyla ilişkilendirilmiştir. Osmanlıca sözcüklerin yoğun olarak yer aldığı eserlerde bu sözcüklerin yoğunluğu öğrencilerin okumadan haz almalarına engel olabileceğinden, bu eserlerin gençler için yeniden düzenlenmesi gerekmektedir. Ayrıca öğrencilerin Türk Edebiyatı ve Türkçenin gelişimini takip edebilmesi açısından listede güncel eserlere de yer verilmelidir. Becoming a society having language awareness, cultural background, questioning and being critical is only possible with individuals who have a reading habit and critical reading skills. The most efficient way to do this is forming programs for these purposes. Moreover, valuable literary works are the effective sources that should be used. One of the aims of the Ministry of National Education is to bring individuals in a reading habit. For this, one hundred primary literary works were identified by the Ministry in 2004 to train high school students having a reading habit and taste. Toward this aim, it was also stated that these literary works should be integrated into the Turkish Language and Literature course. The aims set by the Ministry were compatible with the objectives of the course. The aim of this study is to examine the one hundred literary works in terms of the course objectives. The population of the study is the novels in the one hundred primary literary works list. The sample, on the other hand, is five novels, three of which are domestic and two are foreign. These literary works were examined using screening model. It was found that the literary works were effective in reaching the goals when they were used under the guidance of the teachers. For this reason, the one hundred literary works should be initially read by the teachers. Additionally, class time should be devoted to the activities towards these works. In line with the results, the literary works have been related with the Turkish Language and Literature syllabus. Since there are plenty of words from Ottoman Turkish discouraging students to read, these books should be revised for them. Furthermore, more contemporary literary works should be included in the list so that the students can follow the development of Turkish literature and language
Cellular protection and therapeutic potential of tocotrienols
WOS: 000299624400009PubMed ID: 21774780Tocotrienols, components belonging to vitamin E members, are used as potent therapeutics in the treatment of several diseases. Recent studies suggested tocotrienol to have better activity in many situations compared to tocopherols. Tocotrienols have been shown to lower the atherogenic apolipoprotein B and lipoprotein plasma levels. Additionally, tocotrienols with their anti-tumor effect together with anti-angiogenic and anti-thrombotic effects may serve as effective agents in cancer therapy. Besides these effects, some properties such as water insolubility and low stability limit the usage of tocotrienols in the clinic. However recent studies tried to increase the bioavailability with esterification and combination use. These efforts for the clinical usage of tocotrienols which may help them to take a wide place in the clinic and additional studies are needed to identify their therapeutical mechanisms
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