11 research outputs found

    The Origin of the Gross Alpha and Beta Radiation Values of the Waters of Çanakkale Strait (Çanakkale/Turkey)

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    This study is an evaluation of radioactivity the waters of the Çanakkale Strait. The gross alpha- and gross beta-radioactivity counts (Berthold, LB770-PC 10-Channel Low-Level Planchet Counter) were calculated for seawater samples taken from eight different regions of the Çanakkale Strait (Şevketiye, Seddülbahir, Lapseki, Kumkale, Burhanlı, Dereliman, Eceabat, and Gelibolu). In the samples, the gross alpha-radiation ranged between 0.064 and 0.046Bq/L and the gross beta-radiation ranged between 14.325 and 10.532 Bq/L. The highest gross alpharadiation concentration was measured at Gelibolu (0.064 Bq/L) while the lowest (0.046 Bq/L) was measured at Şevketiye. The highest value for gross beta-radiation concentration (14.325 Bq/L) was measured in Seddülbahir, and the lowest value (10.532 Bq/L) was measured in Dereliman. The gross alpha-radiation concentrations measured by the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority in Çanakkale’s drinking and utility water ranged between 0.05 and 0.400 Bq/L, and the highest values (0.300 to 0.400Bq/L) were found in the Ezine county. Gross beta-radiation concentrations ranged from 0.05 to 0.500 Bq/L, and the highest values (from 0.400 to 0.500 Bq/L) were recorded in Lapseki province. The gross beta-radiation concentrations in both the sample results and TAEK data were determined to be high in Lapseki and its vicinity. Comparing the mean gross beta- and alpha-radiation concentration values of the Çanakkale Strait with the Bosphorus, the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea, beta-radiation values in the study area were very high. Gross alpha-radiation results were low in the study area compared to other regions. Evaluating the results against the legal limit threshold, the results were above the legal limit for gross beta-radiation. This result indicates that the water is affected by the rocks through which it passe

    Gamma Dose Values of Stratigraphic Units of Behramkale (Çanakkale) - Zeytinli (Edremit-Balikesir) Section of Kaz Mountains

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    In this study, gamma dose values were measured at 25 locations around a distance of 60 km parallel to the Aegean Sea in Güre, Küçükkuyu and Kazdağı regions. These measurements were made by keeping the Eberline Smart Portable (ESP) scintillator detector constant at a height of 1 meter above ground level. A SPA-6 plastic scintillation sensor is connected to the instrument tip to perform the measurement. These devices are direct measurement of external radiation. As the measurements were carried out in the open area, 0.2 occupancy factor was used in the calculations. In the studies, the highest effective dose value was calculated as 0.3 mSv at the location 2 (Asos Kadırga Bay). The lowest effective dose value is 0.054 mSV at the 15th location (Avcılar Village Mountain slope) and the average annual gamma dose is 0.14 mSv. For the study area, when the lifetime risk of cancer was calculated using gamma effective dose values, it was determined at the highest 2. locations (0.0012) and the lowest at the 15th locations (0,21x10-3). The average lifetime cancer risk value (2,39x10-4) of Turkey, were compared with values calculated in this study. In this comparison, the gamma dose values of locations 9 and 15 were lower and the values of other locations were higher. © 2020, Turkish Chemical Society. All rights reserved

    Investigation of Sediment Records of Kulakçayiri Lake (Istanbul)

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    In this study, the date of the Holocene sediments of Kulakçayırı Lake was determined and the sedimentation rates were calculated. The determined sedimentation rates provide important clues about the climatic and ecological characteristics of the study area. Especially in aquatic environments, it is important to date sediment processes in order to monitor the time-dependent changes in the pollution processes of sediments. In this context, radiocarbon (14C) analysis was performed in order to date the sediments. Liquid scintillation spectrometry was used to find the radioactivity of the 14C isotope. Three drilling samples were taken from the study area (Kulakçayırı Lake / Istanbul) for 14C analysis. According to the results of 14C analysis of the samples taken; Sediment deposition in SK-1 sample took place in 5599 years, in SK-2 in 7596 years and in SK-3 in 8060 years. Sedimentation rates are; SK-1> SK-2> SK-3. From the data obtained, it was observed that the sedimentation rate has different rates at different points of the lake. There is no stream bringing material to the lake. Therefore, it can be said that a slow storage dominates the lake in general

    Investigation of Heavy Metal Concentrations in The Gulf of Izmit (Marmara Sea) Altinova Shipyard Region

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    In this study, heavy metal concentrations (Ca, Mg, Hg, As, Sb, Ag, Al, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, Zn, Ti, Th, U, Mo, Cd) amounts were measured by examining marine sediment samples obtained from the coasts of the Izmit Bay Altınova shipyards region. The natural and anthropogenic pollution levels of the region were revealed by the analysis of sediment samples. The extent to which the marine ecosystem may have been affected by the shipyard activities that have been actively carried out in the region for the last ten years was also investigated. Heavy metal analyses of sediment samples were carried out by the XRF method. In addition, the morphological and surface features of the sediment grains were obtained by SEM analysis, and the element contents of seawater samples obtained from the region were determined with an ICP-OES device. The heavy metal pollution level of the region was revealed by evaluation of the data obtained as a result of the analysis. The results of the XRF analysis showed that the heavy metals, which are toxic for humans, such as cadmium (max 17.984 ppm), lead (max 31.302 ppm), nickel (max 71.725 ppm) and arsenic (max 13.852 ppm) were detected. According to the results of elemental analysis with ICP-OES, Hg, As, Sb, Ag, Al, Co, Cr, Ni, Pb, V, Ti, U, Mo, and Cd were below the measurable limit. © 2022, Turkish Chemical Society. All rights reserved

    Pollution analysis and ecological results of Gemlik (Bursa) - Bandirma (Balikesir) sea sedimas in the Southeast Marmara sea

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    Bu çalışma kapsamında Güney Doğu Marmara Denizi'nde Gemlik (Bursa) - Bandırma (Balıkesir) arası deniz sedimanlarının kirlilik analizleri ve ekolojik sonuçları çalışılmıştır. Gemlik-Bandırma arası deniz suyu tuzluluk değerleri ortalama binde 22 olup diğer denizlerimize göre azdır. Gemlik ve Bandırma Körfezleri'nden alınan kor numuneler çoğunlukla az çakıllı, kumlu silt-kil ve siltli kildir. Bu numunelerin jeokimyasal analizleri LIBS ve ICP-OES yöntemleriyle yapılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Değerlendirmede Zenginleşme Faktörü (EF), Kontaminasyon Faktörü (Cfi), Kirlilik Yükleme İndeksi (PLI), Ekolojik Risk İndeksi, Kirlilik İndeksi (PI), Jeolojik Birikim İndeksi (Igeo) değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Çalışmada biyondikatör olarak foraminiferler kullanılmıştır. ICP-OES analiz sonuçları indekslerle değerlendirildiğinde özellikle kadminyum, nikel ve çinko elementlerinin Gemlik ve çevresinde kabuk kökenli olmadığı zenginleşme olduğu belirlenmiştir. İndeks hesaplamaları biribirleri ile örtüşen sonuçlar vermiştir. Kirli olarak tanımlanan bölgelerde çoğunlukla maden cevherleşmelerinin, gemi trafiğinin, sanayinin yoğun olarak bulunduğu görülmüştür. Organik madde analizlerinde % Azot, % TC, %IC ve %TOC değerleri çoğunlukla <1 olarak elde edilmiştir. Organik madde oranlarının yüksek olduğu lokasyonlar özellikle killi ve siltli anoksidan ortamlar olup, bu lokasyonlarda ağır metal açısından da kirliliklerin yoğun olduğu görülmüştür. Çalışma alanında zengin bir foraminifer topluluğu (Adolosina clarensis, Ammonia compacta, Ammonia parkinsoniana, Ammonia tepida, Cribroelphidium poeyanum, Cycloforina contorta, Elphidium crispum, Lobatula lobatula, Massilina guelteriana, Miliolinella elongata, Pseudotriloculina laevigata, Rosalina brody, Sigmoilinita costata, Spiroloculina excavata, Spiroloculina angulosa, Textularia bocki, Quinqueloculina leavigata, Quinqueloculina seminula, Quinqueloculina stalkeri, Quinqueloculina stelligera) saptanmıştır. Elde edilen foraminiferlerin tanımlanması sonucu foraminiferlerin 14 cins ve 20 tür olduğu belirlenmiştir.Within the scope of this study, pollution analysis and ecological results of marine sediments between Gemlik (Bursa) and Bandırma (Balıkesir) in the South East Marmara Sea were studied. The average salinity values of the Marmara Sea between Gemlik and Bandırma are 22 per thousand and the salinity is less than our other seas. Core samples (Sediman) taken from Gemlik and Bandırma Bays are mostly low gravel, sandy silt-clay and silty clay. The geochemical analysis of the samples taken from these surfaces were evaluated by using libs and ICP-OES methods. In the evaluation, Enrichment Factor (EF), Contamination Factor (Cf), Pollution Loading Index (PLI), Ecological Risk Index, Pollution Index (PI), Geological Accumulation Index (Igeo) values were calculated. Foraminifers were used as bioindicators in the study. When the ICP-OES analysis results are evaluated with indices, it was determined that especially cadmium, nickel and zinc elements are not of shell origin and enrichment in Gemlik and its surroundings. Index calculations gave results that were overlapping with each other. It has been observed that there are mostly mineral mineralization, ship traffic and industry in the areas defined as dirty. In organic matter analyzes,% N,% TC,% IC and% TOC values were mostly obtained as <1. Locations with high organic matter ratios are especially clayey and silty anoxidant environments, and heavy metal contamination has been observed in these locations. A rich collection of foraminifera in its samples (Adolosina clarensis, Ammonia compacta, Ammonia parkinsoniana, Ammonia tepida, Cribroelphidium poeyanum, Cycloforina contorta, Elphidium crispum, Lobatula lobatula, Massilina gueltadyteriana, Miliolinella elongata, Pseudioculina, Rosalmoculina, Textularia bocki, Quinqueloculina leavigata, Quinqueloculina seminula, Quinqueloculina stalker, Quinqueloculina stelligera) were detected. As a result of the identification of the obtained foraminifera, it was determined that the foraminifera were 14 genera and 20 species

    Gure (Edremit / Balikesir) and Küçükkuyu (Ayvacik / Çanakkale) in the Aegean sea between the propagation of heavy metal pollution and its impact on the investigation of foraminifera

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    Ege Denizi'ndeki başlıca doğal körfezlerden biri olan Edremit Körfezi gerek jeolojik (yeraltı kaynakları) gerekse hidrolojik (termal kaynaklar vb.) özeliklerinden dolayı son yıllarda araştırılmaya değer bir bölge olmuştur. Bu tez çalışması Edremit Körfezi'nde Güre ve Küçükkuyu bölgesinde deniz dibi sedimanlarını stratigrafik olarak inceleyerek, dip çamuru ve foraminifer topluluklarında ağır metal birikiminin analizlerini yapmayı amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma bölgesi olan Güre ve Küçükkuyu'da iki adet deniz sondajı yapılarak numuneler toplanmıştır. Yapılan sondajlardan elde edilen 2 adet karot numunesinden 141 adet örnekte bentik foraminifer ve ağır metal içeriği incelenmiştir. Bentik foraminifer içeriği için 15 gr kuru sediman numunesi alınmış 125 µ elekte yıkanarak elenmiş ve her örnekte bulunan bentik foraminiferler alındıktan sonra bütün taksonomik tanımlamalar bunlar üzerine yapılmıştır. Ağır metal analizleri için foraminiferlerin derlendiği düzeylerden alınan sediman örneklerinde 12 adet ağır metalin (Cd, Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, Al, Co, Cr, Mn, Ni, As ve Hg) analizi yapılmıştır. Numuneler analiz için Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Merkez Araştırma Laboratuvarı'na (NABİLTEM) gönderilmiştir. Ağır metal analizleri ICP-OS cihazı ile yapılmıştır. Yapılan çalışma sonucunda Güre ve Küçükkuyu foramlarında bazı farklılıklar izlenmiştir. Güre bölgesi foramlarında meydana gelen renk değişimi Küçükkuyu foramlarına göre daha çok ve belirgindir. Güre bölgesindeki termal kaynaklar bu farklılığı yaratmaktadır. Ayrıca Güre bölgesinde Fe ve Al dışındaki ağır metaller ilk düzeylerde yüksek daha derinlerde ise düşük olarak elde edilmiştir. Bu ağır metallerin ilk düzeyde fazla olması güncel dönemde sanayinin, kentsel yerleşmenin ve termal tesislerin son zamanlarda yaygınlaşmasına bağlıdır.Gulf in the Aegean Sea, one of the main natural geological Gulf of Edremit need (mineral resources) as well as hydrological (thermal springs, etc..) In recent years due to their properties has been an area worth investigating. In this thesis, the Gulf of Edremit and Gure in Kucukkuyu examining stratigraphic seabed sediments, bottom sludge and heavy metal accumulation in foraminiferal analysis aims to do. The study area is lush and Küçükkuyu done in two samples were collected from offshore drilling. Obtained from the drilling of two core samples in 141 samples were analyzed foraminifera and heavy metal content. Foraminifera for the content of 15 g of dry sediment samples were sieved and washed in 125 ? sieve benthic foraminifera in each sample taken after all taxonomic identification is made on them. Heavy metal analysis for the foraminifera compilation of the level of the sediment samples of 12 heavy metals (Cd, Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, Al, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, As and Hg) analysis was performed. Samples for analysis Namik Kemal University Central Research Laboratory (NABİLTEM) was sent. Heavy metal analysis was performed by ICP-OS device. As a result of this study, Gur and some differences were observed in Kucukkuyu foraminifera. Foramen occurred in the region of lush color change than Kucukkuyu foraminifera are many and obvious. Gure create these differences in thermal springs are. In addition to the neighboring other than Fe and Al in the first level of heavy metals was obtained as high and low in deeper. This is more than the first level of heavy metals in the current era of industry, urban settlements and recently spread depends on the thermal plants

    Monitoring heavy metal pollution in foraminifera from the Gulf of Edremit (northeastern Aegean Sea) between Izmir, Balıkesir and Çanakkale (Turkey)

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    In this study, the populations and abnormal shell structures of Quaternary foraminifers in the sediments of the North-eastern Aegean Sea were examined. For this purpose, offshore drilling was carried out at three locations, and core samples were collected from 13 locations at Ktichkkuyu (canakkale), Gure (Edremit-Balikesir) and Dikili (Izmir). At these points, drilling reached depths ranging from 3.00 to 22.00 m beneath the seafloor; recent sediments were observed, but the bedrock was not reached. Examination of the faunal and sedimentological properties of the samples showed that the Gulf of Edremit is completely influenced by the sea and has rich foraminifers and ostracod populations. The abnormalities observed in the foraminifer shells, as well as the yellow- and/or black-coloured shells seen in both the foraminifer and ostracod populations, are due to natural and anthropogenic ecological pollution. The vertical (chronological) and horizontal (spatial) distributions of heavy metal concentrations in both the core and drill core samples were investigated to determine the causes of the morphological abnormalities observed in the foraminifers. In the present study, pollution index (PI) values were calculated to assess the degree of heavy metal pollution (Yuman 2017). The current land use status of the coastal areas corresponding to the measured PI values was investigated to identify the sources of the pollution. Especially in the Gure region, a large number of genera and species of benthic foraminifers showed overgrowth in the shell sizes of individuals, and the coloration of the shells is noteworthy. These changes in the shells are a result of thermal sources and agricultural activities in the region. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to perform an elemental analysis of the surfaces of dark yellow-orange foraminifers (Ammonia compacta and Elphidium crispum). The S, Fe and Mn concentrations in the shells were found to be high, based on the SEM analyses. This is similar to the high S and Fe contents of thermal waters. Thus, the main causes of the coloration of the shells have been accepted to be both thermal waters and fertilizers and pesticides that are used in agricultural activities. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Namik Kemal University Scientific Research Projects CommissionNamik Kemal University [NKUBAP.00.17.YL.13.07]The author thanks Yumun Muhendislik Ltd. Sti for their studies on drilling and core sampling and Sevinc YUMUN for the preparation of the samples in the laboratory and for the separation studies of other fossils. Also I would like to thank Guldemin Darbas for the identification of Ostracods. The author also thanks Namik Kemal University Scientific Research Projects Commission for accepting and financing the scientific studies (Project no: NKUBAP.00.17.YL.13.07)


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    This study is an evaluation of radioactivity the waters of the Çanakkale Strait. The total alpha- and total beta-radioactivity counts (Berthold, LB770-PC 10-Channel Low-Level Planchet Counter) were calculated for seawater samples taken from eight different regions of the Çanakkale Strait (Şevketiye, Seddülbahir, Lapseki, Kumkale, Burhanlı, Dereliman, Eceabat and Gelibolu). In the samples, the total alpha-radiation ranged between 0.064 and 0.046 Bq/L and the total beta-radiation ranged between 14.325 and 10.532 Bq/L. The highest total alpha-radiation concentration was measured at Gelibolu (0.064 Bq/L) while the lowest (0.046 Bq/L) was measured at Şevketiye. The highest value for total beta-radiation concentration (14.325 Bq/L) was measured in Seddülbahir and the lowest value (10.532 Bq/L) was measured in Dereliman. The total alpha-radiation concentrations measured by the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority in Çanakkale’s drinking and utility water ranged between 0.05 and 0.400 Bq/L, and the highest values (0.300 to 0.400 Bq/L) were found in the Ezine county. Total beta-radiation concentrations ranged from 0.05 to 0.500 Bq/L, and the highest values (from 0.400 to 0.500 Bq/L) were recorded in Lapseki province. The total beta-radiation concentrations in both the sample results and TAEK data were determined to be high in Lapseki and its vicinity. Comparing the mean total beta- and alpha-radiation concentration values of the Çanakkale Strait with the Bosphorus, the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea, beta-radiation values in the study area were very high. Total alpha-radiation results were low in the study area compared to other areas. Evaluating the results against the legal limit threshold, the results were above the legal limit for total beta-radiation. This result indicates that the water is affected by the rocks through which it passes