32 research outputs found
Rivâyet asrında illet Bezzâr
06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Hadis ilmine has ıstılahların oluşmaya başladığı rivayet asrı, hadis tarihi açısından büyük önem arz eder. Hadis ilimlerinden olan ilelü'l-hadîse dair kavramlar bu dönemde kullanıma girmiş, ilgili eserler de bu dönemde yazılmaya başlamıştır. İlelü'l-hadîs, hadislerin sened ve metinlerinde bulunan illetleri inceleyen ilimdir. İllet, her ne kadar sonradan büyük kabul gören ıstılahta "rivayetin sıhhatini olumsuz etkileyen gizli kusur" şeklinde tanımlanmışsa da rivayet asrında her türlü kusuru ifade etmek için kullanılmıştır. Bu döneme ait eserlerde bu açıkça görülmektedir. İlletin, rivayet asrında ne ifade ettiğini ve nasıl tespit edildiğini belirlemeyi hedefleyen, ulaşılan sonucu rivayet asrı müelliflerinden Bezzâr'ın ta'lîl metodu üzerinde test etmeyi gaye edinen bu çalışma, bir giriş ve üç bölümde planlanmıştır. Giriş bölümünde çalışmanın konusu, amacı ve yöntemi ele alınmış, konuyla ilgili literatür değerlendirilmiştir. İlk bölümde rivayet asrında illet kavramının hangi anlamlarda kullanıldığı ile illetli durumu ifade etmek için kullanılan diğer kelimeler incelenmiş; bu süreçte telif edilen ilel eserlerinin bir listesi oluşturulmaya çalışılmıştır. İkinci bölüm rivayet asrında illetin belirlenmesinin dayanaklarını tespite ayrılmıştır. Burada illet tespitinde, yetkinlik ve birikime sahip olmanın yanında derin araştırmalar yapma ve tahlilde bulunma hususları üzerinde durulmuştur. İllet tespitinin dayanaklarına dair ulaşılan sonucu, rivayet asrından somut bir örnekle test etmeyi amaçlayan son bölümde ise Ebû Bekr el-Bezzâr'ın hayatı, eserleri ve hadisçiliği ele alınmış, onun ta'lîl metodu incelenmiştir.The transmission period which the concepts of hadith knowledge have begun to be formed in is very important in terms of the history of hadith. In this period, the concepts of 'ilal al-hadith, one of the hadith sciences that examines the 'ilal (flaws) found in the sanads or texts of the hadiths, have been started to be used and related works have also been started to be written. The 'illah was used to express any kind of flaws in this period, although it was later described as "a hidden flaw that adversely affects the authenticity of the transmission." This is evident in the works of this period. This study aims to determine what the 'illah means during the transmission period and how it is determined and also tests this conclusion on ta'lil methodology of Abū Bakr al-Bazzār who is one of this period authors. It includes an introduction and three chapters. In the introductory part, the subject, purpose and method of study were discussed and the related literature was evaluated. In the first part, the meanings of the concept of 'illah which used in the transmission period and the other words used on behalf of the 'illah were examined. A list of 'ilal works that have been written in this period was also given in this section. The second chapter was separated to determinate of the principles on which the detection of 'illah is based during the transmission period. In this section, in addition to possessing competence and knowledge accumulation in the detection of 'illah, it was focussed on the necessity of conducting deep researches and analyzes. The final chapter was targeted to test the conclusion, reached about the principles, which the detection of 'illah is based on it, with a specific example of transmission period. For this objective, Abū Bakr al-Bezzār's life, works and hadith methodology was studied and his ta'lil methodology was analized
Comparisons between ultrasonographic screening results and risk factors of developmental dysplasia of the hip
Amaç: Çalışmamızın amacı ultrasonografik taramanın seçilmiş hastalarda mı (risk faktörleri ya da muayene bulguları olan) ya da genel popülasyon üzerinde mi yapılması gerektiğini değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Kliniğimize 2010-2012 gelişimsel kalça displazisi (GKD) taraması amacıyla başvuran 634 bebek çalışmaya dâhil edildi. Risk faktörleri olarak aile öyküsü, makat gelişi, tortikollis, ilk gebelik, oligohidramniyos, çarpık ayak, kız cinsiyet olarak belirlendi. Graf metodu ile yenidoğan kalçaları taranarak, hastalardaki risk faktörleri ve klinik muayene bulguları istatistiksel olarak duyarlılık ve özgüllük açısından karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya alınan 634 bebeğin 403'ü kız, 231'i erkekti. Hastaların ortalama yaşı 87,45±49,6 gündü. Ortalama anne yaşı 29,6±5,4 yıldı. Ultrasonografik tarama sonucunda 66 bebeğin 71 kalçası displazik bulundu. Bu kalçalardan 30'u Tip 2b, 8 kalça Tip 2c, 3 kalça Tip d, 23 kalça Tip 3, 7 kalça Tip 4 olarak tespit edildi. Sonuç: Çalışmamızda klinik bulguların GKD taraması açısından yeterli olmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bu nedenle de özellikle ülkemiz gibi GKD prevelansının sık görüldüğü ülkelerde seçilmiş hastalara ultrasonografik tarama yapmaktansa tüm popülasyonun ultrasonografik taramasının yapılması gerektiği düşüncesindeyiz.Objective: The aim of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of ultrasonographic screening in general population and selected patients (who had risk factors or clinical findings) for developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH).Material and Methods: 634 babies who had been admittted to our clinic between 2010 and 2012 were included in the study. Family history, breech presentation, torticollis, first child, oligohydramnios, club foot, and female gender were accepted as risk factors. The newborns patients were evaluated with Graf method. Risk factors and clinical findings of the patients were compared with these results for sensitivity and specificity. Results: 403 patients were female and 231 patients were male. The mean age of the patients were 87.45±49.6 days and the mean maternal age was 29.6±5.4 years. In the screeening of the patients 66 babies with 71 hips were dysplasic (30 hips Type 2b, 8 hips Type 2c, 3 hips Type d, 23 hips Type 3, and 7 hips Type 4).Conclusion: According to our study, clinical examination of the patients is not sufficient for the screening of the babies for DDH. We think that the ultrasonographic screening of the babies for DDH is recommended for general population of high risk countries like Turkey
The relationship between attitude toward physical activity and weight gain in children and young adolescence
IntroductionThe purpose of this study was to investigate the association between attitudes toward physical activity and weight gain among children and young adolescents with an additional focus on the impact of gender on these attitudes.MethodsEmploying a descriptive survey method, data were systematically gathered via purposive sampling from 11 specific cities in Türkiye, ensuring representation from all seven regions. A total of 3,138 students, aged between 9 and 14 years, participated in this study, with a distribution of 46% girls and 54% boys. To assess the attitudes of children and young adolescents toward physical activity, the Youth Physical Activity Attitude Scale was utilized. Height and body weight measurements were taken to determine the body mass index of participants. SPSS 26.0 software facilitated the statistical analyses, including Pearson correlation analysis to explore relationships between variables. Multivariate Analysis of Variance was employed to evaluate the impact of age, BMI, and gender on attitudes toward physical activity.ResultsParticipants classified as normal weight exhibited a more positive attitude towards physical activity compared to their obese and overweight counterparts. Moreover, a significant gender difference emerged, with boys demonstrating significantly higher positive attitudes toward physical activity than girls. However, no significant difference was observed in negative attitudes based on gender. The study also revealed that an escalation in negative attitudes towards physical activity correlated with students being categorized as underweight, overweight, or obese, as opposed to having a normal weight status. Additionally, a statistically significant divergence in both positive and negative attitudes towards physical activity was found based on age. Specifically, the results indicated that students aged 9 and 14 exhibited lower levels of positive attitude when contrasted with their counterparts of different age groups. Conversely, in the domain of negative attitudes, students at the age of 9 scored higher than their peers in other age categories.DiscussionAttitudes towards physical activity can serve as a convenient indicator and guide for assessing the effectiveness of various practices or interventions aimed at promoting physical activity, with recognition of the significant gender difference in positive attitudes among children and young adolescents
Investıgatıon Of Structual, Optıcal And Electrıcal Chacterıstıc Of Alxga1-Xn/Gan Hemt Structures Grown On Sapphıre Substrate By Mocvd Method
Bu tez çalışmasında AlxGa1-xN/GaN yüksek elektron mobiliteli transistör (HEMT) yapısı c- yönelimli safir alttaş üzerine Metal Organik Kimyasal Buhar Biriktirme (MOCVD) yöntemiyle büyütüldü. Büyütülen yapının yapısal, optik, morfolojik ve elektriksel karakterizasyonları sırasıyla X- Işını Kırınımı (XRD), Fotoluminesans (PL), Ultraviolet (UV-Vis), Atomik Kuvvet Mikroskopisi (AFM) ve Hall -Özdirenç ölçümleri ile belirlendi. XRD tekniği ile simetrik ve asimetrik düzlemlerde 2, tam genişlikteki yarı yükseklik (FWHM), örgü parametreleri, parçacık boyutu, zorlama, gerilme ve dislokasyon değerleri hesaplandı. PL ölçüm sonucundan 3,24 eV GaN'ın doğrudan bant aralığı belirlendi. UV-Vis'de ise AlGaN tabakasının iletiminin 360 nm'de başladığı görüldü. Hall-özdirenç ölçümlerinde HEMT yapısının taşıyıcı yoğunluğunun sıcaklıktan etkilenmediği ve mobilite değerinin yüksek olduğu hesaplandı. Oda sıcaklığında elde edilen taşıyıcı yoğunluğu ve mobilite değerinin sırasıyla 5,82x1015 1/cm3 ve 1198 cm2/Vs olarak elde edilirken, en düşük sıcaklık noktasında (25 K) ise 5,19x1015 1/cm3 ve 6579 cm2/Vs'dir.In this thesis, the AlxGa1-xN/GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) structure was grown by Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) on c-oriented sapphire substrate. The structural, optical, morphological and electrical characterizations of the enlarged structure were determined by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Photoluminescence (PL), ultraviolet (UV-Vis), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Hall-Resistivity measurements, respectively. The XRD technique calculated 2, full width half maximum (FWHM), lattice parameters, particle size, strain, stress and dislocation values in symmetric and asymmetric planes. The direct band gap of 3.24 eV GaN was determined from PL measurement. In the UV-Vis, the transmission of the AlGaN layer started at 360 nm. In the Hall-resistivity measurements, it was calculated that the carrier density of the HEMT structure was not affected by temperature and the mobility value was high. The values of carrier density and mobility obtained at room temperature are obtained as 5.82x1015 1/cm3 and 1198 cm2/Vs, respectively and the values obtained at the lowest temperature point (25K) are 5.19x1015 1/cm3 and 6579 cm2/Vs
An evaluation of h. motzkis response about g.h.a. juynbolls claims on nafi
Son yüzyılın tanınmış oryantalistlerinden biri olan Juynboll ün hadis tarihi ve rivayetlerin tarihlendirilmesi hakkındaki bazı iddiaları, Müslüman âlimlerce tenkit edildiği gibi bizzat batılı araştırmacılar tarafından da eleştiri konusu olmuştur. Onun, İbn Ömer in azatlısı Nâfi nin kişiliği ve hadis rivayetindeki yeri hakkında yazdığı makalesi Harald Motzki tara- fından analiz edilerek eleştirilmiştir. Bu yazıda Juynboll ün ilgili makalesindeki iddiaları ve Motzki nin ona yönelttiği tenkitler değerlendirilmekte, Nâfinin gerçek kişiliği bu iki bilginin analiz ettiği fitre hadisi özelinde ortaya konulmakta ve bazı mülahazalar arz edilmektedir. Fitre hadisinin Juynboll tarafın- dan şema haline getirilmiş isnad tablosunun bazı eksiklikleri Motzki tarafından tamamlan- mıştır. Ancak yine de bazı tarikler unutulmuştur. Bu sebeple yazının sonunda ilgili hadisin isnad tabloları ilave edilmiştir.Juynboll is one of the most well-known orientalists of the last centuries. His claims on hadith history and the dating of traditions have been criticized by both Muslim scholars as well as Western researchers. Juynbolls article on Ibn Omars mewla Nafi, his personality and his in- fluence on hadith traditions has been analyzed and criticized by Harald Motzki. The current article aims to discuss Juynbolls claims and Motzkis relevant critiques. Thus, Nafis real per- sonality will be portrayed by analyzing the hadith on fitrah. In this paper, Juynbolls claims which are contained in the relevant article and Motkis criticisms about his claims will be evaluated specifically to the fıtrah hadith which is analysed by these two scholars. Nafis real personality will be described and some considerations thereof will be presented. Some short- comings of the isnad table of the Fıtrah hadith which is diagrammed by Juynboll have been completed by Motzki. Nevertheless some tariqs (strands) were forgotten. Thus, the isnad ta- bles of this hadith will be added at the end of this paper
Artificial neural networks for estimation of temporal rate coefficient of equilibrium bar volume
45-55Present study consists the growth of a bar profile
caused by cross-shore sediment transport. This is especially on growth of bar
volume (V) toward equilibrium bar volume (Veq). Three analysis
methods being a power and linear regression analysis (PRA and LRA) and an Artificial
Neural Network (ANN) analysis were performed to determine empirical temporal rate
coefficient (α). Forty-two experimental data
were used for training set and the rest of the experimental data were used for
testing set in the ANN analysis. As the results of analyses, the smallest average
relative and root mean square error (RMSE) computed for the ANN methods are
7.578% and 0.029, respectively. It has been obtained that the ANN analysis,
which is used for determination of α coefficient, gives reasonable results.
Finally, bar volumes were calculated by means of computed α values and compared
with the results of experimental data
Prediction of offshore bar-shape parameters resulted by cross-shore sediment transport using neural network
WOS: 000316533800008In order to understand the features of coastal zone and to utilize the coastal areas, it is necessary to determine the sediment movement and the resulting transport. Waves, topographic features, and material properties are known as the most important factors affecting the sediment movement and coastal profiles. In this study, by taking into consideration of wave height and period (H-0, T), bed slope (m) and sediment diameter (d(50)), cross-shore sediment movement was studied in a physical model and various bar-shape parameters of the resultant erosion type profile were determined. Using 80 experimental data which are obtained from physical model studies, a neural network (NN) has been calibrated to predict bar-shape parameters of beach profiles. A sensitivity analysis was firstly carried out to decide data of training and test sets. Four different models, in which the rates of their training and testing set data were 80% and 20%, 70% and 30%, 60% and 40%, 50% and 50% were constituted and their performances were compared. It was determined that the model, in which the rate of its training and testing set data was 80% and 20%, respectively, has the best results. Therefore, a total of 64 experimental data were used as training set and the remainders of the experimental data were used as a testing set for the model. The performance of the NN model was compared with the regression equations developed in a previous study and the equations cited in literature indicating better performance over the equations. (c) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved