5 research outputs found

    Community planning as a solution for the challenges of the spatial development

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    One of the weakness points of the Hungarian local development practice is that the participants of the development are not able to recognize the problems of the specific area, the objectives of the community. One of the methods of the regional development is to involve "external" experts, which has several disadvantages like the collected information are centralized in one hand and the decisions are made in that way, so not all of the local actors’ expectations are realized in the final plan. The base of the community planning is the early participation of the local actors in planning process. Hereby the community interests and goals are able to integrate into the final plan. The advantage of this type of planning is that all participants agree on the process and is committed to its implementation. In our research we intended to lit up the advantages of the planning methods as well as the difficulties during their application. Based on the information accumulated, it seems that the community planning requires more energy but still, the development which can be achieved is more successful


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    Az innovációk térszerkezet-módosító hatásai manapság kétségtelenül az érdeklődés középpontjában állnak, mivel a területi különbségek csökkentése elsődleges minden nemzeti kormányzat számára. Mivel már napjainkra a városi élet jellemző problémáit is érintik a területfejlesztés e sürgető problémái, így jelentősen sokan foglalkoznak már ezzel a témával. A jobb gazdasági feltételek és stratégiák iránti vágy egyik alapja az a felismerés volt, hogy folyamatossá válhat a regionális hanyatlás és a térbeli gazdasági, társadalmi válság állandósulhat. Az innovatív fejlesztések mögött egyre inkább az a felismerés rejlik, hogy a nyugat-európai államok területeinek gazdasági bázisát a feszített verseny és a technológiai váltás veszélyezteti. Összességében jól látható, hogy az innovációk bevezetésével megvalósított regionális fejlesztések, hosszú távú megoldásokat adhatnak a térszerkezet változásához.</jats:p

    Community planning as a solution for the challenges of the spatial development

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    One of the weakness points of the Hungarian local development practice is that the participants of the development are not able to recognize the problems of the specific area, the objectives of the community. One of the methods of the regional development is to involve "external" experts, which has several disadvantages like the collected information are centralized in one hand and the decisions are made in that way, so not all of the local actors’ expectations are realized in the final plan. The base of the community planning is the early participation of the local actors in planning process. Hereby the community interests and goals are able to integrate into the final plan. The advantage of this type of planning is that all participants agree on the process and is committed to its implementation. In our research we intended to lit up the advantages of the planning methods as well as the difficulties during their application. Based on the information accumulated, it seems that the community planning requires more energy but still, the development which can be achieved is more successful

    Different administration schedules of darbepoetin alfa affect oxidized and reduced glutathione levels to a similar extent in 5/6 nephrectomized rats

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    Our results suggest that the extent of oxidative stress is similar in response to different dosing regimens of DA in 5/6 NX rats when comparable hemoglobin levels are maintained. These findings remain to be confirmed in chronic kidney disease patients