12 research outputs found
On the Gauss Map of Ruled Surfaces of Type II in 3-Dimensional Pseudo-Galilean Space
abstract: In this paper, ruled surfaces of type II in a three-dimensional PseudoGalilean space are given. By studying its Gauss map and Laplacian operator, we obtain a classification of ruled surfaces of type II in a three-dimensional PseudoGalilean space
In this paper, we introduce the factorable surfaces in the pseudo-Galilean space G31 and completely classify such surfaces with null Gaussian and mean curvature. Also, in a special case, we investigate the factorable surfaces which fulfill the condition that the ratio of the Gaussian curvature and the mean curvature is constant in G31
Rotational surfaces in isotropic spaces satisfying weingarten conditions
In this paper, we study the rotational surfaces in the isotropic 3-space 3 satisfying Weingarten conditions in terms of the relative curvature K (analogue of the Gaussian curvature) and the isotropic mean curvature H. In particular, we classify such surfaces of linear Weingarten type in 3
Inelastic Admissible Curves in the Pseudo - Galilean Space G
Abstract In this manuscript, we define inelastic flow of curves in PseudoGalilean space G₃¹. Some conditions are given for an inelastic curve flow as a partial differential equation involving the curvature and torsion. Keywords: Pseudo -Galilean Space, Inelastic Curve. Introduction The terms of elastic and inelastic mostly come up in physics. There are elastic and inelastic collisions in physics. In elastic collision, both the kinetic energy and momentum are conserved. In inelastic collision, the kinetic energy is not conserved in the collision. However the momentum is conserved. Curves are a natural shape that many users often wish to use in many different areas such as mathematicians, physicists and engineers. Recently, the study of the motion of inelastic curves has arisen in a number of diverse engineering applications. The flow of a curve is said to be inelastic if the arc-length is preserved. Physically, inelastic curve flows give rise to motions in which no strain energy is induced. The swinging motion of a cord of fixed length, for example, or of a piece of paper carried by the wind, can be described by inextensible curve and surface flows. Such motions arise quite naturally in a wide range of physical applications. I