7 research outputs found

    Better Policing for the City of Buffalo: Toward Community, Transparency, and Justice

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    This policy brief was drafted by Andrea Ó Súilleabháin, Deputy Director at Partnership for the Public Good. It recommends that the Buffalo Police Department expand its community policing efforts through culture change and incentives, a diversified police force, increased training, improved transparency and oversight, more restorative justice and diversion programs, and the use of crime prevention through environmental design. The brief is based on “Collaboration, Communication, and CommunityBuilding: A New Model of Policing for 21st Century Buffalo,” a 2016 PPG report prepared by Sam Magavern, Steve Peraza, Kerry Battenfield, Caryn Blair, Erin Carman, Stephen Hart, Tina Meyers, and Sarah Wooton. It also draws on Open Buffalo’s Community Policing Survey data, collected from 2,018 residents of Buffalo in spring 2016. The research and strategies it sets out inform PPG’s work with Open Buffalo’s Justice and Opportunity Coalition. This table of community groups and individuals seeks an improved relationship between police and community, based on respect, trust, confidence, oversight, and mutual benefit

    Cruelty and Cost: Money Bail in Buffalo

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    It presents new data on bail in Buffalo, including frequency of money bail, average amounts by level and type of offense, and racial disparities. This dataset is based on PPG\u27s observation of 240 arraignment hearings from November 2017 to February 2018

    Prevenir los conflictos transformar la justicia garantizar la paz

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    La Entidad de las Naciones Unidas para la Igualdad de Género y el Empoderamiento de las Mujeres (ONU Mujeres), en coordinación con los Gobiernos de El Salvador y Suecia, lanzaron a nivel regional el estudio mundial “Prevenir los conflictos, transformar la justicia, garantizar la paz”, informe sobre la aplicación de la Resolución 1325, que pone en relevancia la participación de las mujeres en la prevención, gestión y solución de conflictos. Según el informe, las mujeres y las niñas se convierten en la población más afectada, ya que se ven expuestas a experimentar violencia sexual y de género. En el año 2000 el Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas elaboró la resolución 1325 donde destaca la participación de las mujeres, como garantes de la igualdad, en la prevención y solución de conflictos, la consolidación y el mantenimiento de la paz y la seguridad de los países. El estudio mundial fortalece y reconoce el poder de la intervención de las mujeres en la construcción de la paz, asimismo, demuestra que la inclusión de las mujeres mejora la eficacia en la asistencia humanitaria, fortalece los esfuerzos en la consolidación de la paz y la recuperación económica de los países. Con este lanzamiento, ONU Mujeres promueve la implementación de esta resolución en los países del istmo, con énfasis en los del Triángulo Norte. Por su parte, los gobiernos de El Salvador y Suecia muestran su compromiso, este último como socio estratégico, a fin de fortalecer los esfuerzos para garantizar la paz y la seguridad, sobre todo para las mujeres y niñas, quienes son las principales víctimas en estos contextos

    Better Policing for the City of Buffalo: Toward Community, Transparency, and Justice

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    This policy brief was drafted by Andrea Ó Súilleabháin, Deputy Director at Partnership for the Public Good. It recommends that the Buffalo Police Department expand its community policing efforts through culture change and incentives, a diversified police force, increased training, improved transparency and oversight, more restorative justice and diversion programs, and the use of crime prevention through environmental design. The brief is based on “Collaboration, Communication, and CommunityBuilding: A New Model of Policing for 21st Century Buffalo,” a 2016 PPG report prepared by Sam Magavern, Steve Peraza, Kerry Battenfield, Caryn Blair, Erin Carman, Stephen Hart, Tina Meyers, and Sarah Wooton. It also draws on Open Buffalo’s Community Policing Survey data, collected from 2,018 residents of Buffalo in spring 2016. The research and strategies it sets out inform PPG’s work with Open Buffalo’s Justice and Opportunity Coalition. This table of community groups and individuals seeks an improved relationship between police and community, based on respect, trust, confidence, oversight, and mutual benefit.Better_Policing_for_the_City_of_Buffalo__Toward_Community__Transparency__and_Justice.pdf: 281 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Advancing Racial Equity and Public Health: Smarter Marijuana Laws in Western New York

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    This policy brief was drafted by Andrea Ó Súilleabháin, Deputy Director at Partnership for the Public Good, in collaboration with Open Buffalo and the New York office of the Drug Policy Alliance. The brief analyzes the last five years of data on arrests for low-level marijuana possession within the City of Buffalo and across Erie County, obtained from the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services. It explores the consistent racial disparities in arrests from 2012- 2016, the drivers of these trends, and the social and economic impacts of unequal enforcement on communities of color. The brief concludes by considering the potential positive impacts of marijuana legalization, including racial justice, improved public health, and economic benefits for previously targeted communities. The research and analysis in this brief inform PPG’s work with Open Buffalo’s Justice and Opportunity Coalition, which will work toward the adoption of the New York State Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA) in 2018.xAdvancing_Racial_Equity_and_Public_Health_Smarter_Marijuana_Laws_in_Western_New_York_Marijuana_Policy_Brief_Final.pdf: 132 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Cruelty and Cost: Money Bail in Buffalo

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    It presents new data on bail in Buffalo, including frequency of money bail, average amounts by level and type of offense, and racial disparities. This dataset is based on PPG's observation of 240 arraignment hearings from November 2017 to February 2018.cruelty_and_cost_money_bail_in_buffalo.pdf: 49 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Building Resilience in Cities under Stress

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