371 research outputs found
Differential chemosensitivity to antifolate drugs between RAS and BRAF melanoma cells.
The importance of the genetic background of cancer cells for the individual susceptibility to cancer treatments is increasingly apparent. In melanoma, the existence of a BRAF mutation is a main predictor for successful BRAF-targeted therapy. However, despite initial successes with these therapies, patients relapse within a year and have to move on to other therapies. Moreover, patients harbouring a wild type BRAF gene (including 25% with NRAS mutations) still require alternative treatment such as chemotherapy. Multiple genetic parameters have been associated with response to chemotherapy, but despite their high frequency in melanoma nothing is known about the impact of BRAF or NRAS mutations on the response to chemotherapeutic agents.
Using cell proliferation and DNA methylation assays, FACS analysis and quantitative-RT-PCR we have characterised the response of a panel of NRAS and BRAF mutant melanoma cell lines to various chemotherapy drugs, amongst them dacarbazine (DTIC) and temozolomide (TMZ) and DNA synthesis inhibitors.
Although both, DTIC and TMZ act as alkylating agents through the same intermediate, NRAS and BRAF mutant cells responded differentially only to DTIC. Further analysis revealed that the growth-inhibitory effects mediated by DTIC were rather due to interference with nucleotide salvaging, and that NRAS mutant melanoma cells exhibit higher activity of the nucleotide synthesis enzymes IMPDH and TK1. Importantly, the enhanced ability of RAS mutant cells to use nucleotide salvaging resulted in resistance to DHFR inhibitors.
In summary, our data suggest that the genetic background in melanoma cells influences the response to inhibitors blocking de novo DNA synthesis, and that defining the RAS mutation status could be used to stratify patients for the use of antifolate drugs
Hidrogenoaren ekoizpena hiri hondakin plastikoen pirolisi eta erreformatuaren bidez
Material plastikoen kontsumoak izugarri gora egin du azken mendean. Hori dela eta, material
erabiltzearen ondorioz
sortutako hondakinak asko handitu
Europar Batasuneko
herrialdeetan 250 milioi
tona baino gehiago
n solido
sortzen dira urtero,
urteko %3ko hazkunt
zarekin. K
antitate honen %7a plastiko hondakinei
hots, 17.5
milioi tona.
Itsasoko uretan ere aurki daitezke plastikoak, urtero sei milioi tona eta erdi
botatzen baitira itsasora, mediterraneo
itsasoa izanik munduko plastiko biltegirik handiena.
90 urteraino iraun
eta urte hauetan zehar distantzia handiak egin ditzakete
aldatu gabe. Horregatik esaten da plastikoak iraunkorrak direla.
Egun, hondakin plastikoen portzentaia txiki
bat bakarrik birziklatzen da eta bai biltegiratzea
bai erreketa bidezko eliminazioak ingurumen arazoak dituzte
Gainera, plastiko gehienak
nak dira, urte luzez ingurugiro kalteak eraginez
. Hori dela eta, material hauen
balorizaziorako teknologia
berrien sustapena beharrezkoa da, eskala handian eraginkorrak,
ekonomikoki bideragarriak eta ingurugiroa errespetatuko dutenak.
Hondakin plastikoetatik abiatuz hidrogenoa lortzeko prozesua interesgarria eta bideragarria
da, hidrogenoaren kontsumoaren igoe
ra kontuan hartuz. Gaur egun erregai fosilen
prozesaketatik lortzen da hidrogenoa, CO
ren emisio handiak sortzen direlarik. Emisio
hauen murrizketa beharrezkotzat hartu da.
Hau guztiagatik, Gradu Amaierako Lan honen helburu nagusia plastikoen balorizazio
ikertzea da, konkretuki hiri
hondakin solidoetan aurkitzen diren plast
. Pirolisi eta ur
baporearen bidezko erreformatua erabili dira hidrogenoa lortzeko, azken hau balio handiko
produktua izanik. Horretarako lehenengo
iturri ohantze konikoan,
pirolisia izan da eta bigarrenik
ohantze fluidizatu batean ur baporearen bidezko
burutu da
Helburu nagusi hau betetzeko bestelako helburu zehatzak ezarri dira, hiri
hondakin solidoetan
aurkitzen diren HDPE,
PP, PS eta PET plastiko nahaste baten bideragarritasuna aztertu
aipatutako bi etapen bidez:
Plastiko nahastearen pirolisian sorturiko konposatu hegazkorren erreformatua era
jarraian burutzea.
Zero denboran
rreakzio indizeak (konbertsioa et
a etekinak) eta
lortutako gasaren
konposizioa determinatze
Erreformatuan erabilitako katalizatzailearen desaktibatzeak erreakzioa
ren konbertsio
eta etekina
n duen eragina aztertzea
Change detection of buildings from satellite imagery and lidar data
Geospatial objects change over time and this necessitates periodic updating of the cartography that represents them. Currently, this updating is done manually, by interpreting aerial photographs, but this is an expensive and time-consuming process. While several kinds of geospatial objects are recognized, this article focuses on buildings. Specifically, we propose a novel automatic approach for detecting buildings that uses satellite imagery and laser scanner data as a tool for updating buildings for a vector geospatial database. We apply the support vector machine (SVM) classification algorithm to a joint satellite and laser data set for the extraction of buildings. SVM training is automatically carried out from the vector geospatial database. For visualization purposes, the changes are presented using a variation of the traffic-light map. The different colours assist human operators in performing the final cartographic updating. Most of the important changes were detected by the proposed method. The method not only detects changes, but also identifies inaccuracies in the cartography of the vector database. Small houses and low buildings surrounded by high trees present significant problems with regard to automatic detection compared to large houses and taller buildings. In addition to visual evaluation, this study was checked for completeness and correctness using numerical evaluation and receiver operating characteristic curves. The high values obtained for these parameters confirmed the efficacy of the method
Eficacia de la coronariografĂa en el adulto mayor
Introduction: all people older than 60 years are included in the group of the elderly, although it is recognized that this approach does not take into account: the degenerative processes, chronic clinical conditions, disabilities and dependence.Objective: to determine the efficacy and safety of coronary angiography and percutaneous coronary approach in the elderly.Material and methods: A retrospective, descriptive study was conducted with 5715 patients. They underwent coronary angiography in the hemodynamic laboratory of the Cardiology Center referred from Pinar del Rio province during 2010 and 2013. The sample was comprised of 1933 patients over 60 years old. The information was obtained from the database ANGYCOR considering clinical and angiographic characteristics.Results: the most frequent diagnosis was stable angina (43.5%). The average age of 60-70 years prevailed, mainly group 60-69 years, male patients (77.2%) and hypertension (64.9%); 7.8% of the patients had a previous revascularization. In 98.0% the behavior was successful. It is concluded that the rate of complications and mortality in coronary angiography of the elderly is low, with high success rate, so that appears to be an effective and safe procedure.Conclusions: the rate of coronary angiography in patients older than 60 years is low. The study pointed out the presence of a multi-vessel disease and that major left coronary artery decreases as age increases. The frequency of complications along with mortality is null with high success rates.IntroducciĂłn: se considera adulto mayor a toda persona cuya edad supere los 60 años, aunque se admite que este criterio no toma en cuenta: los procesos degenerativos, las alteraciones clĂnicas crĂłnicas, la incapacidad y la dependencia.Objetivo: determinar la eficacia y seguridad de la coronariografĂa y el intervencionismo coronario percutáneo en el adulto mayor.Material y mĂ©todo: se realizĂł un estudio retrospectivo y descriptivo con los 5715 pacientes. A estos se les realizĂł una coronariografĂa en el laboratorio de hemodinámica del Cardiocentro procedente de Pinar del RĂo, entre 2010 y 2013. La muestra quedĂł formada por los 1933 mayores de 60 años. La informaciĂłn se obtuvo de la base de datos ANGYCOR, considerando las caracterĂsticas clĂnico-angiográficas. Resultados: el diagnĂłstico más frecuente resultĂł la angina estable (43,5%). La edad promedio de 60 a 70 años, predominando el grupo de 60 a 69 años; la masculinidad (77,2%) y la hipertensiĂłn arterial (64,9%). El 7,8% de los enfermos tenĂan una revascularizaciĂłn anterior. En el 98,0% el proceder resultĂł exitoso. Se concluyĂł que el Ăndice de complicaciones y la mortalidad en coronariografĂa del adulto mayor es bajo, con elevado porcentaje de Ă©xito, por lo que parece proceder eficaz y seguro.Conclusiones: el Ăndice de realizaciĂłn de coronariografĂa a pacientes mayores de 60 años es bajo. La indicaciĂłn del estudio, la presencia de enfermedad multivasos y del tronco de coronaria izquierda disminuyen a medida que aumenta la edad. La frecuencia de complicaciones, la mortalidad es nula con elevado Ăndice de Ă©xito
Spatial control of Cdc42 signalling by a GM130-RasGRF complex regulates polarity and tumorigenesis
The small GTPase Cdc42 is a key regulator of polarity, but little is known in mammals about its spatial regulation and the relevance of spatial Cdc42 pools for polarity. Here we report the identification of a GM130-RasGRF complex as a regulator of Cdc42 at the Golgi. Silencing GM130 results in RasGRF-dependent inhibition of the Golgi pool of Cdc42, but does not affect Cdc42 at the cell surface. Furthermore, active Cdc42 at the Golgi is important to sustain asymmetric front-rear Cdc42-GTP distribution in directionally migrating cells. Concurrent to Cdc42 inhibition, silencing GM130 also results in RasGRF-dependent Ras-ERK pathway activation. Moreover, depletion of GM130 is sufficient to induce E-cadherin downregulation, indicative of a loss in cell polarity and epithelial identity. Accordingly, GM130 expression is frequently lost in colorectal and breast cancer patients. These findings establish a previously unrecognized role for a GM130-RasGRF-Cdc42 connection in regulating polarity and tumorigenesis
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