24 research outputs found

    Az uborka (Cucumis sativus) érése során bekövetkező beltartalmi értékváltozások = Changes in nutritional values during the ripening of cucumber (Cucumis sativus)

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    Az uborka (Cucumis sativus) a magyar lakosság által egyik legnagyobb mennyiségben fogyasztott zöldségféle. A nemzetközi irodalomban számtalan olyan cikk lelhető fel, amelyek más élelmiszerekkel összehasonlítva vizsgálják a vitaminokat, az öszszes polifenoltartalom, valamint az antioxidáns-aktivitás értékeit, ugyanakkor a termés érettségének függvényében nem történtek vizsgálatok. Célunk volt, hogy az érés egyes stádiumban meghatározzuk a peroxidáz (POX)-, glutathion-S-transzferáz enzim (GST) aktivitásának változásait, valamint az összes klorofilltartalom és antioxidáns-aktivitás alakulását. Eredményeink alapján az érés előrehaladtával a peroxidáz-aktivitás csökken, míg a GST-aktivitás nő. A klorofilltartalom folyamatosan csökken, míg az antioxidáns-kapacitás lényegében nem változik. Mindezek alapján elmondható, hogy bár az uborkában igen jelentős növényélettani változások zajlanak, a táplálkozástudományi paraméterek változásai nem követik egyöntetűen az enzimek aktivitásváltozásait. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is one of the most preferred vegetable among the Hungarian population. Altought many article can be found about the vitamin, polyphenol content and antioxidant-activity comparison of cucumber with other vegetables, there are only limited available information about the physiological and nutritional changes of cucumber during the ripening processes of the fruit. One of our aim was to study the peroxidase (POX)-, glutathione-S-transferase - enzyme (GST) activity changes, which indicate the physiological status of the plant tissues. Chlorophyll content and antioxidant-activity alteration via the ripening processes were also assessed. Our results indicate that POX-activity decreases dramatically, while the GST-activity continously increases as the fruit growing. Chlorophyll content decrease, while the antioxidant-activity doesn’t change significantly. From our result we can make the conclusion that although the physiological status of the cucumber fruit change by the ongoing ripening processes; it doesn’t come along with the change of the nutritional value alteration

    Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) Flour Varieties as Promising New Ingredients for Gluten-Free Cookies

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    Monotony in a gluten-free (GF) diet can be a challenge because of a limited choice of acceptable cereal sources. This study investigates the potential of five types of differently coloured lentils in the development of GF cookies using rice flour as a reference. Raw materials (lentil flours) and cookies were characterised in terms of physicochemical parameters (e.g., crude protein content, total phenolics and flavonoids, antioxidant properties, colour, pH); additionally, geometry, baking loss and texture profile were determined for the cookies. A sensory acceptance test was also conducted to find out consumer preferences regarding rice versus different lentil cookies. Results showed that lentil cookies were superior to rice control in terms of higher crude protein (12.1–14.8 vs. 3.8 g/100 g), phenolic (136.5–342.3 vs. 61.5 mg gallic acid equivalents/100 g) and flavonoid (23.8–75.9 vs. 13.1 mg catechin equivalents/100 g) content and antioxidant capacity (0.60–1.81 vs. 0.35 mmol trolox equivalents/100 g), as well as lower hydroxymethyl-furfural content (<1 vs. 26.2 mg/kg). Consumers preferred lentil cookies to rice ones (overall liking: 6.1–7.0 vs. 5.6, significant differences for red and brown lentils), liking especially their taste (6.3–7.0 vs. 5.5). Depending on the target parameter, whether physicochemical or sensory, these lentil flours can be promising raw materials for GF bakery products

    A dietetikus és az élelmezésvezető szerepe a közétkeztetésben és képzésük lehetőségei hazánkban = The Role of Dietitians and Food Service Managers in Public Catering and Their Training Opportunities in Hungary

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    In our country, public catering is a task prescribed and supported by the state for fulfilling the common needs of society. Its goal is to satisfy the nutritional needs of consumers in quantity and quality. It is a regulated matter, which is also important from the perspective of health policy. Family nutrition, the smallest unit of a communal meal, differs from public catering in many ways. One of the fundamental differences is that public catering is based on scientific foundations, designed, organized, and coordinated by professional managers. The manager could be a dietitian or a food service manager with OKJ qualification. The history of their training isintertwined and goes back more than 100 years

    A Dysphagia diétája = Dysphagia Diet

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    Dysphagia esetén a módosított textúrájú étrend támogatja a biztonságos nyelést, és fontos terápiás tényező. Az ételek és italok sűrítéshez módosított étkezési keményítő vagy xantán gumi alapú készítmények állnak rendelkezésre. A diéta célja a fehérje-energia malnutríció és a dehidráció mérséklése vagy elkerülése, amelyhez szükség lehet speciális gyógyászati célra szánt élelmiszerek étrendbe iktatására is. Az étrend gyakorlati megvalósításához az „International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative” a jelenlegi bizonyítékokat felhasználva egy 0-7 szintet tartalmazó keretrendszert hozott létre, amely minden gondozási környezetben, kultúrában, életkorban alkalmazható. Segítségével bármely élelmiszer egyszerű tesztelése és a szintekbe sorolása megvalósítható. Tesztelésre áramlási, villacsepegési, villanyomás, kanál billentési és ujjtesztet alkalmaznak. A dietetikus hasznos segítő a terápiás munkában. Az ételek tesztelésének segítése, a beteg és a hozzátartató oktatása, a beteg állapotának követése, tápláltági állapotának, tápanyag-beviteli értékeinek gyakori elemzése, étrend-kiegészítők, „tápszerek” ajánlása tartozik a feladatai közé. In dysphagia the modified texture diet supports safe swallowing and is an important therapeutic factor. Modified food starch or xanthan gum-based preparations are available for thickening foods and drinks. The aim of the diet is to reduce or avoid protein-energy malnutrition and dehydration, which may require the inclusion of special therapeutic foods in the diet. For the practical implementation of the diet, the International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative has developed a framework of levels 0-7, based on current evidence, which can be applied in all care settings, cultures and ages. This helps to easily test and classify foods and drinks. Flow, fork drip, fork pressure, spoon tilt and finger testing are used. The dietician is a useful assistant in therapeutic work. Duties include assisting with food testing, patient education, monitoring the client's condition, frequent analysis of nutritional status, nutrient intake, and recommending dietary supplements

    Development of Protein- and Fiber-Enriched, Sugar-Free Lentil Cookies: Impact of Whey Protein, Inulin, and Xylitol on Physical, Textural, and Sensory Characteristics

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    Gluten-free (GF) diets often become nutritionally imbalanced, being low in proteins and fibers and high in sugars. Preparing GF foods with improved nutritional value is therefore a key challenge. This study investigates the impact of different combinations of whey protein (11.9%), inulin (6.0%) as dietary fiber, and xylitol (27.9%) as a sweetener used in the enrichment of green- and red-lentil-based gluten-free cookies. The cookies were characterized in terms of baking loss, geometric parameters, color, texture, and sensory profile. The results showed that these functional ingredients had different impacts on the lentil cookies made of different (green/red) lentils, especially regarding the effect of fiber and xylitol on the volume (green lentil cookies enriched with fiber: 16.5 cm3, sweetened with xylitol: 10.9 cm3 vs. 21.2 cm3 for control; red lentil cookies enriched with fiber: 21.9 cm3, sweetened with xylitol: 21.1 cm3 vs. 21.8 cm3 for control) and color (e.g., b* for green lentil cookies enriched with fiber: 13.13, sweetened with xylitol: 8.15 vs. 16.24 for control; b* for red lentil cookies enriched with fiber: 26.09, sweetened with xylitol: 32.29 vs. 28.17 for control). Regarding the textural attributes, the same tendencies were observed for both lentil products, i.e., softer cookies were obtained upon xylitol and whey protein addition, while hardness increased upon inulin enrichment. Stickiness was differently influenced by the functional ingredients in the case of green and red lentil cookies, but all the xylitol-containing cookies were less crumbly than the controls. The interactions of the functional ingredients were revealed in terms of all the properties investigated. Sensory analysis showed that the addition of whey protein resulted in less intensive “lentil” and “baked” aromas (mostly for red lentil cookies), and replacement of sugar by xylitol resulted in crumblier and less hard and crunchier products. The application of different functional ingredients in the enrichment of lentil-based gluten-free cookies revealed several interactions. These findings could serve as a starting point for future research and development of functional GF products