39 research outputs found

    La criminalité au Québec

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    Analyse spatiale et criminologie

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    This article addresses the spatial analysis of crime. Following a brief historical overview, the author discusses major conceptual and methodological issues relating to the study of space and crime. Emphasis is placed on the description of spatial statistical tools (i.e. spatial mean, standard distance, turbulence...) and on the problem of spatial autocorrection. Two maps are presented and discussed

    Autour de Croissance et décroissance du crime

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    Deux professeurs de l'École de criminologie de l'Université de Montréal réfléchissent sur l'évolution et les fluctuations de la criminalité. Leur débat se situe principalement autour des idées émises par Maurice Cusson dans l'une de ses plus récentes publications. Daniel Élie engage la discussion à laquelle répond ensuite l'auteur

    Autocorrélation spatiale et déplacement de la criminalité

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    This research examines spatial autocorrelation and crime displacement as facts and concepts. The objective of the study concerns both the methodological theory and the practice of applied research in criminology. The two expressions used in the title can be considered a fragmentation of the concept of turbulence. The authors examine the influence of the presence of spatial autocorrelation in the data on tests of the significance of statistics. They attempt to detect it in a part of central Montreal by examining the distribution and evolution of the two types of crime: armed robbery and burglary. Three methods are used: the known coefficients and correlograms, spatial grouping with forces contiguity, and trend surface analysis. The last two methods lead to convincing results. On the other hand, the displacement could not be observed during the time studied. In conclusion, they consider the implications for the methodological practices and usual research strategies in criminology

    L’impact de la réaction policière sur l’évolution de vols avec violence

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    This descriptive and comparative study analyses the effectiveness of police activity on the evolution of robbery and armed robbery in four Canadian provinces and five metropolitan areas. The statistical data used were those furnished by Statistics Canada on cases of robbery, armed robbery, the clearance rate and the number of persons charged with these crimes. The evaluation of police effectiveness was made by analysing the variation in the rate of solution on the rate of crime and the rate of the number of persons accused on the rate of crime. The analysis showed that the influence of police action on the control of robbery and armed robbery, as expresses by the clearance rates is almost the same from one province or metropolitan area to another. Furthermore, the effectiveness of police action seems to depend on the volume of crime that the police have to cope with. Also, the analysis of the variation in the clearance rate and the rate of persons accused in relation to the rate of crime showed that an increase in the volume of crime is independent of the efforts made by the police

    La Moutte d’Allemagne-en-Provence

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    Cet ouvrage expose les apports de la fouille d’un petit castrum de haute Provence occupé durant quelques décennies autour de l’an Mil. Deux incendies successifs ont contribué à la conservation de macrorestes qui ont livré de nombreux détails sur la vie quotidienne et les pratiques alimentaires en produits végétaux, en viandes et même en poissons. Le dernier incendie a provoqué l’effondrement d’une construction dans laquelle tout le mobilier domestique mais aussi des armes ont été retrouvés en place. Le niveau de vie des habitants présente les caractéristiques d’une élite tant par le mobilier que par l’organisation des bâtiments. Les constructeurs ont utilisé des matériaux locaux assez frustes qui ont nécessité des mises en oeuvre tout a fait originales. Les deux états successifs qui ont été mis au jour autour de l’an Mil montrent des changements radicaux suivis à chaque fois d’un ensevelissement mettant en jeu des volumes considérables. Cette pratique n’est pas unique, tout au moins au niveau local, et des hypothèses commencent à émerger pour en expliquer les motifs. Ces transformations complètes des premières formes castrales avaient déjà été étudiées sur un autre site provençal, la Roca de Niozelles, et sont à nouveau observées sur le castrum Archanzoscum qui est en cours de fouille sur la même commune d’Allemagne-en-Provence. Ces découvertes, de prime abord insolites, montrent que la construction de ces châteaux se faisait sans modèle prédéfini et que chacun des titulaires cherchait d’abord a s’installer sur un site dominant topographiquement un terroir pour le constituer en territoire. C’est pour insister sur cette diversité des formes qu’est également exposé le site défensif tout a fait original du « Champ du Seigneur », à Gaubert, prés de Digne

    Dynamics of magnetization at infinite temperature in a Heisenberg spin chain

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    Understanding universal aspects of quantum dynamics is an unresolved problem in statistical mechanics. In particular, the spin dynamics of the 1D Heisenberg model were conjectured to belong to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class based on the scaling of the infinite-temperature spin-spin correlation function. In a chain of 46 superconducting qubits, we study the probability distribution, P(M)P(\mathcal{M}), of the magnetization transferred across the chain's center. The first two moments of P(M)P(\mathcal{M}) show superdiffusive behavior, a hallmark of KPZ universality. However, the third and fourth moments rule out the KPZ conjecture and allow for evaluating other theories. Our results highlight the importance of studying higher moments in determining dynamic universality classes and provide key insights into universal behavior in quantum systems

    Beneficial effect of resveratrol on phenotypic features and activity of osteoarthritic osteoblasts

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    Abstract Background Osteoarthritis (OA) is a complex disease, which affects multiple tissues, namely the subchondral bone, articular cartilage and synovial membrane. Alterations of the subchondral bone include an increased, yet under mineralized osteoid matrix, abnormal osteoblast cell phenotype including elevated alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, increased release of osteocalcin (OC) and transforming growth factor β-1 (TGF-β1). Previous studies have demonstrated an inhibition of the canonical Wnt signaling (cWnt) pathway in OA osteoblasts (Ob). As resveratrol (RSV) has been shown to upregulate the Wnt signaling pathway in different cell systems, we hypothesized that RSV could be beneficial for OA Ob. Method We prepared primary human Ob using the subchondral bone plate of tibial plateaus of OA patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty, or tibial plateaus of normal individuals at autopsy. Sirtuin 1 (Sirt1) expression in normal and OA subchondral bone tissue was evaluated by immunohistochemical analysis. Expression of genes was evaluated by qRT-PCR and protein production by western blot analysis. ALP activity and osteocalcin secretion were evaluated respectively with substrate hydrolysis and enzyme immunoassay. Mineralization levels were evaluated with alizarin red staining. Wnt/β-catenin signaling was evaluated by target gene expression using the TOPflash TCF/lef luciferase reporter assay and intracellular signaling using β-catenin levels in western blot analysis. Extracellular signal-regulated kinase (Erk)1/2 and the Smad1/5/8 pathways were evaluated by western blot analysis. Results Sirt1 expression and production were reduced in OA subchondral bone tissue compared to normal tissue. RSV upregulated Sirt1 and its activity, and reduced the expression of leptin. RSV increased Erk1/2 phosphorylation in OA Ob; however, it had no effect on Smad 1/5/8 phosphorylation. RSV had little effect on cell proliferation and only slightly affected the Bax/Bcl2 ratio. The expression of Runx2/Cbfa1 and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)γ were not affected by increasing doses of RSV. The endogenous increased ALP activity and OC release observed in OA Ob compared to normal Ob were partly corrected only for ALP at high RSV levels but not for OC release. In contrast, RSV increased the mineralization of OA Ob. Moreover, whereas Wnt3a stimulates the Wnt/β-catenin pathway in these cells, RSV further increased the response to Wnt3a. Conclusion These data indicate that RSV promotes Sirt1 levels, inhibits the endogenous expression of leptin by OA osteoblasts and can promote the Wnt/β-catenin and Erk1/2 signaling pathways, which are altered in these cells

    L’abri Pendimoun à Castellar (Alpes-Maritimes) : nouvelles données sur le complexe culturel de la céramique imprimée méditerranéenne dans son contexte stratigraphique

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    International audienceThe authors present the stratigraphical results produced from new excavations in the Pendimoun rock shelter (Castellar, Alpes-Maritimes) ; geoarchaeological, archaeozoological and palaeobotanical preliminary studies are also submitted. New data related to the Early Neolithic period (Impressed Ware Cultural Complex) are more largely developed. This period shows two cultural phases, ancient (Impressa) and recent (Early Cardial), enclosing a funeral episode. This cultural sequence is discussed in a French and Italian context. Twice over, the anthropological field studies presented in this paper give evidence of the voluntary filling of the funeral pits and of the installation of funeral devices upon the burials.Les auteurs présentent la stratigraphie établie lors des nouvelles fouilles de l'abri Pendimoun à Castellar (Alpes-Maritimes) et les résultats des études tests réalisées dans les domaines géoarchéologique, archéozoologique et paléobotanique. Les documents relatifs au Néolithique ancien (complexe culturel de la Céramique Imprimée) font l'objet d'un développement plus large. Cette période montre deux phases culturelles, ancienne (Impressa) et récente (Cardial ancien), encadrant un épisode funéraire. Cette séquence culturelle est discutée dans un contexte géographique limité à l'aire franco-italienne. Les études anthropologiques de terrain présentées ici ont permis de mettre en évidence à deux reprises le comblement volontaire des fosses sépulcrales et l'installation de dispositifs de signalisation des tombes