806 research outputs found

    On algebraic cellular automata

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    We investigate some general properties of algebraic cellular automata, i.e., cellular automata over groups whose alphabets are affine algebraic sets and which are locally defined by regular maps. When the ground field is assumed to be uncountable and algebraically closed, we prove that such cellular automata always have a closed image with respect to the prodiscrete topology on the space of configurations and that they are reversible as soon as they are bijective

    On surjunctive monoids

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    A monoid MM is called surjunctive if every injective cellular automata with finite alphabet over MM is surjective. We show that all finite monoids, all finitely generated commutative monoids, all cancellative commutative monoids, all residually finite monoids, all finitely generated linear monoids, and all cancellative one-sided amenable monoids are surjunctive. We also prove that every limit of marked surjunctive monoids is itself surjunctive. On the other hand, we show that the bicyclic monoid and, more generally, all monoids containing a submonoid isomorphic to the bicyclic monoid are non-surjunctive

    Expansive actions of countable amenable groups, homoclinic pairs, and the Myhill property

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    Let XX be a compact metrizable space equipped with a continuous action of a countable amenable group GG. Suppose that the dynamical system (X,G)(X,G) is expansive and is the quotient by a uniformly bounded-to-one factor map of a strongly irreducible subshift. Let τ ⁣:XX\tau \colon X \to X be a continuous map commuting with the action of GG. We prove that if there is no pair of distinct GG-homoclinic points in XX having the same image under τ\tau, then τ\tau is surjective.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1506.0694