16 research outputs found

    Prototype System for Multiple Sources Multiple Search Techniques Prediction (Algorithm and architecture)

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    The future of health care may be in “predictive health” that emphasizes prediction instead of diagnosis. Nowadays, the researchers are mining the data provided in social networks, aiming in prediction of diverse phenomena like social, political, medical, etc. The first part of the paper outlines the e-Health revolution phenomena. Next, we are focused on proposing a searching algorithm for predicting children general diseases in FYROM. The prediction task of the health related issues of specific people from noisy data is taken into consideration. We offer a model that can predict children general diseases with high percentage precision and good semantic recall on the basis of special designed ontology and social ties with other people, as revealed by their posts in social networks which is advised to be used by young mothers in our country. Also the architecture for ontology to database conversion is suggested and ready for implementation

    Case Study Analyses of Reliability of Software Application “ePasuria”

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    The focus of the research study is set on analyzes of the reliability of software application, aiming to determine the ways of measurement and determine the parameters of a reliable software application through the case study realized. Measurements of software reliability are important because it can be used to plan and control resources while implementing the software application and offer reliability regarding the correctness of the developed software. Throughout the study we elaborate the analyses of different problems that are encountered in order to maintain a higher level of reliable software application, especially the systems that are more complex and the process of their implementation depends on sensitive data. Furthermore we elaborate ways of detailed analysis and studies in achieving the reliability of software application and researches on the assessment of reliability of the software, and the measurement of the level of the failures in order to realize the level of reliability of a software application

    E-Learning and MOOCs: a Short Investigation in the Context of the FETCH European Thematic Network

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    In this paper we briefly present and discuss the results of an online survey regarding e-learning and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Part of a larger study which considered several aspects of teaching and learning in the fields of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering and Information Systems, the investigation was carried out in the context of the FETCH European Thematic Network. In particular, for both e-learning and MOOCs, we analyse the benefits and disadvantages perceived by people working in the academia (Professors), former students (Alumni) and employers (Industry Representatives). Although the analysis cannot be generalized due to the limited number of participants in the survey, we think that it can anyway provide some interesting insights to lay the ground for more complete studies on the subject

    Design of a Cattle-Health-Monitoring System Using Microservices and IoT Devices

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    This article proposes a new concept of microservice-based architecture for the future of distributed systems. This architecture is a bridge between Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices and applications that are used to monitor cattle health in real time for the physical and health parameters of cattle, where microservice architecture is introduced that enables this form of monitoring. Within this architecture, machine-learning algorithms were used to predict cattle health and inform farmers about the health of each cattle in real time. Within this architecture, six microservices were proposed that had the tasks of receiving, processing, and sending data upon request. In addition, within the six microservices, a microservice was developed for the prediction of cattle health using algorithms from machine learning using the LightGBM algorithm. Through this algorithm, it is possible to determine the percentage value of the health of each head of cattle in the moment, based on the parameters that are sent from the mobile node. If health problems are identified in the cattle, the architecture notifies the farmer in real time about the problems that the cattle have. Based on the proposed solution, farmers will have 24 h online access to monitor the following parameters for each head of cattle: body temperature, heart rate, humidity, and position

    The Use of Reactive Programming in the Proposed Model for Cloud Security Controlled by ITSS

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    Reactive programming is a popular paradigm that has been used as a new solution in our proposed model for security in the cloud. In this context, we have been able to reduce the execution time compared to our previous work for the model proposed in cloud security, where the control of security depending on the ITSS (IT security specialist) of a certain organization based on selecting options. Some of the difficulties we encountered in our previous work while using traditional programming were the coordination of parallel processes and the modification of real-time data. This study provides results for two methods of programming based on the solutions of the proposed model for cloud security, with the first method of traditional programming and the use of reactive programming as the most suitable solution in our case. While taking the measurements in this paper, we used the same algorithms, and we present comparative results between the first and second methods of programming. The results in the paper are presented in tables and graphs, which show that reactive programming in the proposed model for cloud security offers better results compared to traditional programming