17 research outputs found

    A Rare Presentation of Acquired Laryngomalacia and Tracheomalacia in a Child Associated with Apricot Sulfurization

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    Sulfur fumigation has come to replace traditional sun drying methods for drying fruits over the years around the world as it is a cheaper and faster method because of its pesticidal and anti-bacterial properties. We report the case of an 11-year-old boy with acquired severe biphasic stridor who was exposed to extremely high concentrations of sulfur dioxide (SO2) during apricot sulfurization processes with his mother. The patient's bronchoscopy revealed severe glottic and subglottic damage. Exposure to SO2 is a health risk, particularly for individuals who are sulfide-sensitive, especially in childhood. The pulmonary epithelium may be directly injured by inhaled toxic substances at various levels of the respiratory system. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case reported of acquired airway damage associated with sulfurization in a pediatric patient without a known history of any respiratory disease or symptoms

    Evaluation of sexual functions in patients with chronic suppurative otitis media

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    Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate sexual function scores in patients with chronic suppurative otitis media.Patients and Methods: A total of 35 patients (20 male, 15 female) who had purulent discharge in one or both ears for at least threemonths and were diagnosed with chronic otitis media were included in the study group, while 30 volunteers (15 males, 15 females)who had no problem with their ears were included in the control group. Patients and controls underwent otolaryngology and urologyexaminations; female participants were asked to fill the female sexual function index and male participants were asked to accomplishthe international index of erectile function. Pure tone audiometry, tympanometry and speech discrimination tests were applied on allparticipants.Results: A significant difference was found between patients and controls in terms of scores for the subscales sexual desire(p=0.044), erectile function (p=0.012), and overall satisfaction (p=0.002) of the international index of erectile function in males.No significant difference was found between both groups in terms of other subscale scores (p>0.05). A significant difference wasfound (p0.05) between both groups only in the subscale pain (p=0.450).Conclusion: Chronic otitis media also negatively affected sexual function scores and it should also be examined from this aspect

    Does adenoid hypertrophy affect disease severity in children with allergic rhinitis?

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    WOS: 000393599900025PubMed ID: 27405740Our study aims to evaluate the presence of adenoid hypertrophy (AH) in children with allergic rhinitis (AR) and the association of AH disease severity and clinical laboratory finding from retrospective, cross-sectional, and nonrandomized trial. The study included 566 children being treated and followed up for allergic rhinitis. Skin prick test for the same allergens was performed for all patients. Adenoid tissue was analyzed by an ENT specialist and the diagnosis was confirmed based on the patient history, endoscopic physical examination and radiology. Adenoid hypertrophy was detected in 118 (21.2 %) of the children with AR. Children with and without AH did not differ statistically and significantly by gender, age, presence of atopy in the family, exposure to smoke (p > 0.05). Comparison of the groups for AR duration demonstrated significantly higher frequency of persistent rhinitis in patients with AH (p 0.05). On the other hand, sensitivity to Alternaria alternata was significantly more frequent in AR patients with AH (p = 0.032). The presence of AH increased the severity of the disease and prolongs disease duration. There was a negative relationship between AH and asthma in children with AR. AH is more common among children with mold sensitivity. AH should be considered and investigated particularly in non-asthmatic children with pronounced nasal congestion and A. alternata sensitivity

    Reply to the letter to the author concerning: 'Does adenoid hypertrophy affect disease severity in children with allergic rhinitis?'

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    WOS: 000425281500025PubMed ID: 29423746We would like to thank the author for making valuable comments about our article entitled “Does adenoid hypertrophy affect disease severity in children with allergic rhinitis?” [1]. However, we think that the reviewer has made several mistakes while evaluating the content of our article and the details of the literature. Firstly, as we have already pointed out in our trial, our study aims to evaluate the presence of adenoid hypertrophy (AH) in children with allergic rhinitis (AR) and the connection between AH disease severity and clinical laboratory findings. The aim of the study is not about exploring the effects of adenoidectomy on the patients with AR and A

    Parotis bezi kitlesi olarak semptom veren nazofarenks karsinomu

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    Even though metastatic tumors of the parotid gland are rarely seen, they are observed more frequently than other salivary gland metastatic masses. The reason why this gland is more frequently affected by metastatic tumors as compared to other salivary glands relies on the higher number of intraglandular and periglandular lymph nodes that the parotid gland contains. The incidence of metastatic parotid masses is relatively low compared to other head and neck neoplasms, consequently, few cases have been reported in the literature. Here, we present a patient referred to our clinic with parotid gland masses on both sides suggesting malignant neoplasm after fine needle aspiration biopsy of both sides. In this report, we aimed to draw attention to nasopharyngeal carcinoma metastasis in the differential diagnosis of parotid gland masses and to emphasize the importance of a careful endoscopic examination and magnetic resonance imaging before deciding on total parotidectomy.Parotisin metastatik tümörleri nadir olarak görülmesine rağmendiğer tükürük bezlerinin metastatik kitlelerinden daha sık olarakizlenir. Bu bezin metastazdan diğer tükürük bezlerine göre daha sıketkilenmesinin nedeni içerisinde bulunan intraglandular lenf nodlarıve periglandüler nod sayısının daha fazla olmasındandır. Kliniğimizeyüzünün her iki yanında parotis kitlesi nedeni ile refere edilen veince iğne aspirasyon biopsilerinin sonucu maligniteyi düşündürenbulgular olarak rapor edilen bir hasta vesilesiyle total parotidektomikararı vermeden önce nazofarinks karsinom metastazını ekarteetmenin ve dikkatli bir endoskopik muayene ve manyetik rezonansgörüntülemenin önemini vurgulamak istedik

    Assessment of patient satisfaction with evaluation methods in open technique septorhinoplasty

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    WOS: 000374761200079PubMed ID: 26967078The aim of this study was to measure the postoperative satisfaction of patients who underwent open technique septorhinoplasty (SRP) using Nasal Obstruction Symptoms Evaluation (NOSE), Rhinoplasty Outcomes Evaluation (ROE) and visual analog scale (VAS), and to assess the reliability and usability of these forms in the outcome of SRP. Forty-five patients who underwent primary open technique SRP were included in the study. The levels of patient satisfaction were assessed before the surgery and in the long-term using NOSE, ROE, and VAS. Nasal Obstruction Symptoms Evaluation scores were found to be decreased significantly after surgery, whereas ROE scores were increased postoperatively (P 0.05). There was a statistically significant positive relationship between ROE difference before and after surgery, and functional VAS difference (r = 0.544, P = 0.001). There was a positive correlation between pre-postoperative ROE difference, and aesthetic VAS difference (r = 0.766, P = 0.001). The relationship between the pre-postoperative NOSE score difference and functional VAS difference was found to be significantly negative (r = -0.833, P = 0.001). The relationship between pre-postoperative NOSE difference and aesthetic VAS difference was also significantly negative (r = -0.475, P = 0.001). There was a significant negative correlation between ROE difference between before and after surgery, and NOSE difference (r = -0.640, P = 0.00). The disease-specific quality of life assessment forms used to evaluate patient esthetic and functional satisfaction correlate significantly with nasal obstruction and ROE

    Multipl kranial sinir tutulumu gösteren Herpes Zoster Oticus olgusu

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    Herpes Zoster Oticus described a virus caused by facial nerve paralysis associated with herpetic eruption of the pinna and suggested that it resulted from a geniculate ganglionitis. However, this condition represents a polycranial neuronitis and not simply a geniculate ganglionitis. We here present a Herpes Zoster Oticus case with multiple cranial nerves involvement and discussed with literature.Herpes Zoster Otikus; virüs kaynaklı bir genikulat ganglion inflamasyonuyla kulak kepçesinde herpetik döküntü ile ilişkili fasiyal paralizi olarak tanımlanmıştır. Bununla birlikte bu durum sadece bir genikulat ganglion inflamasyonunu değil polikranial bir nöriniti temsil eder. Burada multipl kranial sinir tutulumu ile birlikte herpes zoster otikus olgusu literatür eşliğinde tartışıldı

    Effect of a moustache on nasal Staphylococcus aureus colonisation and nasal cytology results in men

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    WOS: 000350246200008PubMed ID: 25599929Objective: This study compared the results of nasal Staphylococcus aureus carriage and nasal cytology in men with and without a moustache. Methods: The study group comprised 118 adult men with a moustache, and the control group consisted of 123 adult men without a moustache. Samples were taken from the participants' right nasal cavity for cytology and from the left nasal cavity for microbiology. Results: The results for S aureus were positive in 19.5 per cent (n=23) of participants with a moustache and in 20.3 per cent (n=25) of men without a moustache. This difference was not significant (p>0.05). However, nasal cytology revealed rich eosinophil clusters in participants with a moustache. Conclusion: The presence or absence of a moustache had no effect on nasal S aureus colonisation. However, further research is needed to understand whether the presence of a moustache increases the risk of allergic or non-allergic rhinitis

    Oropharyngeal branchial cyst in a young child

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    WOS: 000337098200003PubMed ID: 24799101Second branchial cleft cysts are almost always located in the neck. Their presence in the oropharynx is extremely rare. An oropharyngeal branchial cyst in a 4-year-old child diagnosed by magnetic resonance and histopathology was presented. Anatomic location and pathological findings indicated the second branchial pouch origin. The cyst was excised transorally. Six months' follow-up of the child was uneventful and there was no recurrence

    Intranasal ectopic tooth causing septal deviation

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    Ektopik diş insidansı giderek artmakta olup birçok vakada ektopik diş etyolojisi tanımlanamamıştır. Dişin normal dental yapıdan farklı bir yerleşim yerinde bulunarak nazal septum yapısı bozması çok nadirdir. Tanı klinik ve radyolojik muayene ile konulmaktadır. Bizim olgumuzda uzun süredir burun tıkanıklığı şikayeti olan 51 yaşında erkek hasta sunuldu. Klinik muayenede nazal septum deviasyonu saptandı. Bilgisayarlı tomografide maksiller krest içerisindeki ektopik yerleşimli dişin nazal septum yapısında deformasyon yaparak septum deviasyonu patolojisine yol açtığı izlendi. Hastaya septoplasti operasyonu uygulandı. Bu işlem sırasında ektopik diş eksize edildi. Nazal septum deviasyonu yaygın bir patoloji olmasına rağmen etyolojisinde ektopik dişin saptanması çok nadirdir.The ectopic tooth incidence is increasing gradually. The etiology could not be explained in so many cases. It is very rare for the tooth to be in a place outside the normal location, and disrupt the structure of nasal septum. The diagnosis can be made by physical examination and radiology. In our study, the case of a 51-year-old male patient, with a complaint of stuffy nose for a long time is presented. Septal deviation is diagnosed. Ectopic tooth causing septal deformation is observed in the maxillary crest in CT scans. Septoplasty is performed. Ectopic tooth is removed while septoplasty. Septal deviation is a well-known common pathology, but ectopic tooth as an etiologic factor for septal deviation is rare