16 research outputs found
Evaluation of oregano (Origanum vulgare) essential oil supplementation on growth performance, digestive enzymes, intestinal histomorphology and gut microbiota of Black Sea salmon, Salmo labrax
This study aimed to determine the effect of dietary oregano (Origanum vulgare) essential oil (EO) on the growth performance, digestive enzyme activity, intestinal histomorphology, and intestinal microbiota of the Black Sea salmon juvenile (Salmo labrax). Fish were fed diets different levels of oregano EO such as 50, 100, 200, and 400 mg kg-1. For this purpose, a total of 675 fish were distributed randomly in triplicate into 5 experiment groups in 15 experiment tanks. Fish with average initial weights of 3.52±0.01 g were fed by hand at 3% of live weight for 90 days. At the end of the study, feeding with oregano EO supplementation did not significantly affect the growth performance of fish. Except for pepsin, there were no significant differences in the activity of digestive enzymes among the control and oregano EO groups. Besides, oregano EO at the doses of 50 or 400 mg kg-1 may have the potential to increase the surface area required for digestion by increasing intestinal villi length. Moreover, all doses of oregano EO showed antimicrobial properties by decreasing the count of lactic acid bacteria in the intestine. Supplementation with 100 and 200 mg kg-1 oregano EO in diets decreased the total coliform, Escherichia coli and lactic acid bacteria counts when compared to the control group. The results showed that oregano EO may positively affect digestion and absorption without adverse effects on the growth performance of Black Sea salmon juvenile. © 2022 Osman Tolga Özel et al., published by Sciendo
Reproductive Characteristics of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta fario L.) Reared in North-Eastern Turkey
Abstract Spawning time, fecundity, fertilization rate, and egg size of brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) reared in north-eastern Turkey were investigated. Seventeen females were stripped into separate bowls and eggs were fertilized by milt from at least two males. Spawning lasted from mid-November to early January. The mean brood size was 989.4±620.53 g and mean total and relative fecundities were 2029±2051 eggs/individual and 2259±947 eggs/kg body weight, respectively. Mean egg diameters and weights were 5.3±0.40 mm and 93.9±19.37 mg. The mean fertilization and hatching rates were 95.4±4.60% and 83.3±11.79% of the total number of eggs. Correlations were positive between body weight and total (r 2 = 0.8665, p<0.001) and relative (r 2 = 0.1632, p>0.10) fecundity, and negative between egg diameter and body weight (r 2 = -0.002, p>0.10) and total fecundity (r 2 = -0.0865, p>0.05). Our findings suggest that reproductive parameters of brown trout under culture conditions in north-eastern Turkey are similar to those of other salmonid species
Ortadoğu ve Atatürk’ ün ortadoğu politikası
Coğrafi konumu nedeniyle tarihte önemini korumuş olan Ortadoğu, bu önemini günümüzde de dünya siyaseti ve ekonomisi açısından sürdürmektedir. Türkiye bir parçası olduğu bu bölgeyle olan ilişkilerini Kurtuluş Savaşı'ndan itibaren eskisinden farklı bir biçimde yaşamıştır. Bu ilişkiyi doğru bir biçimde ortaya koymak Türkiye'nin geleceğini daha iyi bir doğrultuda çizmek için faydalı olacaktır.
Her ne kadar tarihsel ve toplumsal olarak birbirine yakın özellikleri taşısalar da, Türkiye Kurtuluş Savaşı ile birlikte Ortadoğu'nun diğer ülkelerinden farklı bir gelişme göstermiştir. Mustafa Kemal önderliğindeki Türkiye bağımsızlığı kendisi için temel bir hedef olarak belirlerken, Misak-ı Milli ile de Ortadoğu'da yaşayan halkların kendi kaderlerini belirleme haklarını tanımış ve eskiden Osmanlı Devleti'nin egemenliğinde bulunan bu topraklar üzerinde herhangi bir hak talebinde bulunmayacağını bildirmiştir.
Türkiye bağımsızlığı uğrunda kendi öz gücü olan Anadolu halkı ile, emperyalizme karşı mücadeleye girişmesine karşın, Ortadoğu'daki diğer toplumlar bağımsızlığı Avrupa'nın sömürgeci ülkeleriyle girdikleri ilişkilerde aramış, bunun sonucunda Türkiye Kurtuluş Savaşı'nı başarıyla tamamlayarak bağımsızlığa kavuşurken Ortadoğu'nun diğer toplumları İngiltere ve Fransa'nın kuklası konumuna düşmüşlerdir.
Bu süreçte Mustafa Kemal önderliğindeki Türkiye tarihsel ve toplumsal yakınlığı olan bu ülkelerle -her ne kadar önderleri Türkiye'nin aleyhine İngiltere ve Fransa ile işbirliği yapsalarda- ilişkiyi koparmamış özellikle İngiltere ve Fransa'nın elinde oyuncak konumuna düşen ezilen halklarıyla dayanışmayı geliştirmeye çalışmıştır. Bu durum aynı coğrafyanın komşu halkları olarak gelecekte de bir arada barış içinde yaşamanın gereği olarak olduğu kadar, emperyalizme karşı güçlerin birleştirilmesi politikasının gereği olarak da böyle olmuştur.
Middle East that kept its importance during the history with its geographical location, still continues this from point of view of world politics and economics. From the War of Independence, Turkey experienced its relations with this region to which it is a part in a different way form the past. To correctly examine this relation will be useful to draw the future of Turkey towards a better direction.
Despite they have close historical and social features, Turkey indicated a development different than Middle East countries starting from the War of Independence. Turkey leaded by Mustafa Kemal determined the independence as its basic target, and recognized with Misak-I Milli (The National Pact) the rights of nations of Middle East to determine their future, and declared that it will assume no right on the lands under the sovereignty of Ottoman Empire.
Despite Turkey fought against imperialism with its own source, the people of Anatolia for its independence, other nations of Middle East search their independence through their relations developed with colonist countries of Europe, consequently while Turkey successfully completed the War of Independence and gained its independence, other nations of Middle East become the puppets of United Kingdom and France
During the course of this time, under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal, Turkey did not cut the relations with the countries to which Turkey has historical and social sympathy and concern - despite their leaders cooperated with United Kingdom and France against Turkey - and Turkey tried to develop solidarity especially with the suppressed folks became toys in hands of United Kingdom and France. This was done as a necessity to live in peace in the future as the neighbors in the same region as well as the result of the policy of uniting the powers against the imperialism
Intestine Villi Morphology of Black Sea Trout (Salmo labrax Pallas, 1814)
This study was conducted to determine the effect of
age, sex and weight on the middle intestine villi morphology of fifth-generation Black Sea trout (Salmo trutta labrax Pallas, 1811). The fish were kept in the
freshwater ponds (June-October) and marine cages (November-May) to provide the life
cycle of species. Intestine tissue samples were taken during period when fish
were kept in marine cages. According to the results obtained, middle
intestine villi morphology changed depending on age (1,
2, 3, 4 and 5 years old) and different live weight of similar ages (16 months old). The lowest intestine villi
development was obtained in 1 years old fish. This was followed by 2 years old
fish. The highest intestine villi development was obtained in 3 years old fish.
Besides, intestine villi development of high weighted fish was higher than
those of low weighted fish. However, it was found that middle
intestine villi morphology didn’t changed depending on sex
Relationship of Broodstock Weight and Hatching Yield of III. Generation (F3) Black Sea Trout (Salmo trutta labrax Pallas, 1814)
Bu çalışmada, farklı ağırlık gruplarındaki kuluçkahane kökenli (F3) Karadeniz alabalığı (Salmo trutta labrax Pallas, 1814) anaçlarının, üreme ve kuluçka verimi belirlenmiştir. Doğal anaçlardan üretilen (F3) balıklardan, araştırma için kullanılan dişi balıklarda ortalama ağırlık 1437134,6 g (I grup), 2737210,2 g (II grup) ve 3785162,3 g (III. grup)dır. Sağım işlemi sonrasında; mutlak yumurta verimliliği; gruplara göre sırasıyla (adet/anaç) ortalama 2353205, 5361506, 6603491; nispi yumurta verimliliği (adet/kg) ortalama 1687166, 1968194, 1744114 olarak belirlenmiştir. I., II. ve III. gruplarda yumurta çapı değerleri sırasıyla 4,890,16; 5,210,07; 5,310,06 (mm), yumurta ağırlıkları 776, 904, 963 mg olarak hesaplanmıştır. Döllenme oranı (%) 95,491,23; 96,491,14; 98,390,52, gözlenme oranı (%) 79,975,36; 84,205,23; 94,701,50 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Çıkış oranı (%) 60,577,86; 67,666,42; 84,833,09; kuluçka randımanı (%) ise 58,147,95; 69,776,25; 83,513,29 olarak bulunmuştur. Anaç ağırlığı ile mutlak yumurta verimi (0,0198; 0,0012; 0,3499) ve nispi yumurta verimi (0,3415; 0,0494; 0,00) arasındaki ilişkinin tespit edilmesi amacıyla regresyon analizi yapılmıştır ve sonuç olarak gruplar arasındaki fark önemlidir. Balık ağırlığı ile mutlak yumurta verimi arasında her grup için doğru orantılı zayıf ilişki, balık ağırlığı ile nispi yumurta verimi arasında I. ve II. grupta ters orantılı zayıf, III. grupta doğru orantılı zayıf ilişkilerin varlığı belirlenmiştir.In this study, this was the aimed to determine the reproduction and hatching yields in different weight groups in hatchery origin rootstocks (F3) Black Sea trout (Salmo trutta labrax Pallas, 1814). In this study, the female fishes which produced from natural rootstock were used average weight 1437±134.6 g (Group I) 2737±210.2 g (Group II) and 3785±162.3 g (Group III). After the stripping process; according to the groups, were determined respectively eggs absolute fecundity (number of eggs/broodfish) is average 2353±205, 5361±506, 6603±491, relative fecundity (number of eggs/kg)) is average1687±166, 1968±194, 1744±114. The egg diameter (mm) 4.89±0.16, 5.28±0.07, 5.31±0.06 egg weight (mg) 77±6, 90±4, 96±3 groups I., II. and III. respectively was calculated. The fertilization ratio (%) 95.49±1.23, 96.49±1.14, 98.39±0.52, browse rate (%) 79.97±5.36, 84.20±5.23, 94.70±1.50, has been identified. The output rate (%) 60.57±7.86, 67.66±6.42, 84.83±3.09, the hatchery efficiency (%) 58.14±7.95, 69.77±6.25, 83.51±3.29 was found. relative fecundity average value 168±160, 1968±194, 1744±114.The existence of relationship among the weight of the brood-stock, absolute fecundity (0.0198, 0.0012, 0.3499), and relative egg fecundity (0.3415, 0.0494, 0.00) was tested by regression analysis and consequently the difference between groups were significant. This was determined that between fish weight and absolute fecundity relationship is weak directly proportional for each group, between fish weight and relative fecundity is weak inversely proportional in Group I and II, the Group III is weak for directly proportional
Karadeniz alabalığının (salmo trutta labrax pallas, 1811) rutin oksijen tüketimi
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Karadeniz Alabalığının (Salmo trutta labrax Pallas, 1811) deniz suyunda (‰18 tuzluluk) çiftlik şartlarında tanklarda oksijen tüketim oranını belirlemektir. Denemede ortalama ağırlıkları 54.1 ±3.06 g (n=300) ve 507.0 ±17.71 g (n=32) ve total boyları 17.7 ±0.36 ve 35.5 ±0.44 cm olan iki farklı balık grubu kullanılmıştır. Deneme süresince su sıcaklığı ortalama 10.0 ±0.01°C olmuştur. Her tankın giriş ve çıkış suyunda üç gün boyunca çözünmüş oksijen miktarı ölçülmüştür. Oksijen Tüketim Oranı balık büyüklüğüne bağlı olarak 95.2-140.0 mgO2kg/saat arasında değişmiştir. Oksijen tüketiminin aydınlık dönemde artığı tespit edilmiştir.Aim of this study is to determinate oxygen consumption rate of Black Sea trout, (Salmo trutta labrax Pallas, 1811) in the sea water (18‰ salinity) in tanks at farm condition. Two different fish size were used as small size and big size which average weights 54.1 ±3.06 (n=300) and 507.0 ±17.71 (n=32) g, average total lengths 17.7 ±0.36 and 35.5 ±0.44 cm respectively. Water temperature averaged 10.0 ±0.01ºC during the experiment. The amount of dissolved oxygen was measured during 3 days inlet and outlet of each tank. Oxygen consumption rate was found to be in the range of 95.2-140.0 mgO2kg/h according to fish size. It was observed that O2 consumption increased in the daylight period
Meristic and morphometric characteristics of the Black Sea salmon, Salmo labrax Pallas, 1814 culture line: an endemic species for Eastern Black Sea
The Black Sea salmon Salmo labrax Pallas, 1814 is an essential species for the Turkish aquaculture sector, given increasing trends of the annual productions. To date, there are few studies on meristic and morphometric characteristics of this species. In this study, the fifth filial generation of the species was specified and studied for meristic and morphometric characteristics. The results obtained in this study were compared with available literature and a similarity was found between the study specimens and wild individuals. The morphological characteristics of any cultured species is valuable especially when a new culture generation is formed and therefore this study outcomes may provide important information to the literature
Farklı protein düzeyli diyetlerle beslenen karadeniz alabalığı (Salmo labrax Pallas, 1814)’nın büyüme performansı ve bağırsak villi morfolojisinin belirlenmesi
This study was conducted to determine changes in the growth performance and distal intestine villi morphology of juvenile Black Sea trout (Salmo labrax) fed diets with three different protein levels (40%, 45% and 50%). It was carried out in two separate sections; freshwater (RAS) and seawater. Juvenile Black Sea trout, having average initial weights of 3.44g (freshwater) and 17.70g (seawater), were fed for 90 days. WG, SGR, FCR and survival weren’t affected by dietary treatment. However distal intestine villi length (VL), width (VW) and length to width ratio (VL/VW) were affected by dietary treatments. Villi length, width and length to width ratio in the fish fed with diet containing 50% protein in freshwater were found to be higher than those fed with other diets. Villi length in the fish fed with diet containing 50% protein in seawater was higher than those fed with other diets. Results showed that feeding with diets contained different protein levels did not effect on growth performance of Juvenile Black Sea trout, but affected on distal intestine villi morphology.Bu çalışma, üç farklı protein düzeyi (%40, %50 ve %55) içeren diyetlerle beslenen yavru Karadeniz alabalığı (Salmo trutta labrax)’ nın büyüme performansı ve bağırsak villi morfolojisindeki değişimleri belirlemek için yapılmıştır. Çalışma tatlısu (kapalı devre) ve deniz suyu olmak üzere iki ayrı yetiştiricilik şartlarında yürütülmüştür. Başlangıç ağırlıkları 3.44 g (tatlısu) ve 17.70 g (deniz suyu) ortalamalarına sahip yavru Karadeniz alabalıkları 90 gün boyunca beslenmiştir. Ağırlık artışı, spesifik büyüme oranı, yem değerlendirme oranı ve yaşama oranı diyetsel uygulamalardan etkilenmemiş, bağırsak villi uzunluğu (VL), genişliği (VW) ve uzunluğun genişliğe oranı (VL/VW) ise diyetsel uygulamalardan etkilenmiştir. Tatlısuda %50 protein içeren diyetle beslenen balıkların VL, VW ve VL/VW değerleri diğer iki diyetle beslenenlerden daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Deniz suyunda ise %50 protein içeren diyetle beslenen balıkların VL değeri diğer iki diyetle beslenenlerden daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Bu sonuçlar, farklı protein düzeylerinin yavru Karadeniz alabalığının büyüme performansı üzerinde herhangi bir etkiye sahip olmadığı, ancak bağırsak villi morfolojisi üzerine etkiye sahip olduğunu göstermiştir
Demokrat Parti döneminin toplumsal ve siyasal yapısının Zübük eseri merkezinde yorumlanması
Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, 2012.This work is a student project of the The Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.by İbrahim Mert Öztürk.Öztürk, İbrahim Mert. HIST 203-06ÖZTÜRK HIST 203-06/2 2011-1