63 research outputs found

    Mediengestützter Deutschunterricht im türkischen universitären Bereich : eine Bestandsaufnahme

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    A trend in nature of a permanent increase towards multimedia lifestyle has arisen in all stratas of the society. Thus, rather than using written course-books, publishing houses prefer to encourage use of multimedia which are dependent to course-book or which are independent of course-book and language learners prefer to learn with multimedia. Thus it is encouraged that courses are supported in that manner. This study aims to examine scope and limits of computer aided German teaching which is flourishing as a foreign language within Turkey university education recently. This study has been applied in preparatory classes of departments which provide four-year education. Results of a survey on use of multimedia dependent on course-book or independent of course-book within courses within Turkey university education has been given within scope of this study. Evidences on competence of German teachers and learners in use of multimedia has been given and have been visualized through use of graphics. Problems of multimedia aided German courses and solutions offers will be submitted

    Almanca Öğretmen Adaylarının Almancadaki İsmin Hallerini Doğru Kullanma Tutumlarına İlişkin Bir Araştırma

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    DergiPark: 326036trakyasobedIn dieser Studie wurde den im sechsten Semester studierenden Lehramtskandidaten der Trakya Universität im Studienjahr 2014-2015 eine Arbeit vorgelegt, die sich aus drei Teilbereichen zusammensetzt. Der erste Bereich befasste sich mit einer Übersetzungsaufgabe aus dem Türkischen ins Deutsche, der Zweite widmete sich der Textproduktion und der letzte Bereich beschäftigte sich mit einem Lückentext. Anhand dieser unterschiedlichen Aufgabentypen konnte eruiert werden, ob die grammatischen Fähigkeiten der Studierenden ausreichen, um zwischen unterschiedlichen Kasus zu differenzieren und sie adäquat zu verwenden. Die Daten, die sich aus dieser Studie ergaben, legten den Schluss nahe, dass die Studierenden bei dem deutschen Lückentext hinsichtlich der Kasusdifferenzierung nicht sehr viele Fehler aufzeigten, jedoch bei der Übersetzungsaufgabe und bei der Textproduktion die Kasus nicht immer korrekt verwendetenBu çalışmada Trakya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Yabancı Diller Eğitimi Bölümü Alman Dili ve Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı 3.sınıf öğrencilerine 2014-2015 eğitim-öğretim yılında üç aşamadan oluşan bir çalışma yaptırılmış, Türkçe bir metnin Almancaya çevrilmesi, serbest olarak Almanca bir metinin yazılması ve boşlukların yer aldığı bir metinde bu boşlukların doldurulması suretiyle Almancadaki ismin hallerini ayırt edecek ve doğru kullanabilecek düzeyde bir dilbilgisi bilgisine sahip olup olmadıkları araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler, Almanca öğretmen adaylarının Almanca bir metinde ismin hallerine ilişkin eksiklikleri tamamlarken fazla hata yapmadıklarını ancak Türkçeden Almancaya çevirdikleri metinde ve serbest olarak yazdıkları Almanca metinlerde Almancadaki ismin hallerini her zaman doğru kullanamadıklarını ortaya koymuştur

    Investigation of Components Forming the Spatial and Landscape Character of Amasya University Yeşilırmak Campus

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    In this study, the study area was chosen as Amasya University Yeşilırmak Campus, located within the borders of Amasya province central county. The aim of the study was to investigate the components comprising the spatial character (buildings, roads and paths, parking areas, equipment elements, sports areas, social areas) and landscape character (topography, presence of plants) in terms of function, current status, environmental and aesthetic features. In line with this aim, the components comprising the spatial and landscape character of the campus were identified with field observations and the functions of the components were defined. An orthophoto for the campus was created using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and maps for the current spatial character, landscape character, social areas and parking areas were obtained. At the conclusion of the study, it is observed that, despite a significant portion of the campus surface being covered by wooded areas, the structures within the campus, such as buildings, parking areas, and vehicular and pedestrian pathways with hard surface materials, are more extensively utilized by the campus users, while the wooded areas remain largely unused. Findings revealed the current status of the campus, and recommendations were made to create a campus with distinctive identity that will be more livable and chosen more frequently by students


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    Bu çalışmada Çevresel Kuznets Eğrisi Hipotezi’nin Türkiye’de 1967-2015 yılları arasında geçerliliği fourier temelli analizlerle test edilmiştir. Veri seti olarak ekonomik büyümeyi temsilen reel gayri safi yurt içi hasıla, çevresel bozulmayı temsilen karbon emisyonu değerleri kullanılmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre ekonomik büyüme ve çevresel bozulma ilişkisinin ters U formunda olduğu Türkiye’de Kuznetz Eğrisi hipotezinin geçerli olduğu kanıtlanmıştır

    Termal etkili iki cerrahi cihaz olan bipolar elektrokoter ve quantum energy surgical device'ın tavşan karaciğerine etkilerinin histopatolojik ve biyokimyasal olarak incelenmesi

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    Amaç: Quantum Energy Surgical Device (QESD) kinetik enerji verilerek plazma haline dönüştürülen yüksek kuantum enerjili argon gazı atomlarının dokulara uygulanması prensibi ile çalışan yeni bir termal cerrahi cihazdır. Bu çalışmada tavşan karaciğerinde QESD ve bipolar elektrokoter (BEC) ile yapılan kısmi hepatektomilerde toplam ameliyat süresi, hemostaz, kesit yüzeyindeki histolojik değişimler ve bu süreçte oluşabilecek serbest radikallerin incelenmesi amaçlandı. Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Onar tavşanda BEC ve QESD ile kısmi hepatektomi yapıldı. Ameliyat anında (akut grup) ve ameliyattan 7 gün sonrası (kısa süre grup) elde edilen materyaller ışık mikroskopisi ve elektron mikroskopisi için ve serbest radikallerin ölçümleri için hazırlandı. Bulgular: QESD ile yapılan uygulamalarda BEC'e kıyasla kanamanın çok daha az olduğu ve operatif prosedürlerin daha kısa sürede tamamlandığı saptanmıştır. Histopatolojik incelemelerde kesit yüzeylerinde her iki grupta da termal travmayla ilişkin farklı değişiklikler saptanmakla birlikte, hemostaz etkinliği yönünden ve oluşan hasar bakımından ve yara iyileşmesi bakımından QESD'in üstünlüğü ortaya çıkmıştır. Serbest radikallerin QESD'de daha az oluştuğu görülmüştür. Sonuç: Bu sonuçlar QESD'in operasyon süresi, hemostaz etkinliği ve yara iyileşmesi bakımından BEC'e kıyasla daha üstün olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Serbest radikallerin her iki cihazda da kabul edilebilir düzeyde olduğu görülmüştür.Objectives: Quantum Energy Surgical Device (QESD) is a recent thermal working surgical device which works with the principle of tissue application of highly quantum-energized argon gas atoms that are transformed into plasma by employing kinetic energy. In this study, we aimed to examine the operation periods, hemostasis and histological changes on the cutting surface, and the free radicals that can be formed during this period in the partial hepatectomies performed with QESD and bipolar electrocautery (BEC). Patients and Methods: Partial hepatectomies were performed with BEC and with QESD on 10 rabbits each. Obtained materials during the operation (acute-term group) and 7 days after the operation (short-term group) were prepared for light microscopy, electron microscopy and measurements of free radicals. Results: In the operations with QESD, hemorrhage was found to be much less and the operation procedures were determined to be accomplished in a much shorter time in comparison with BEC. In the histopathological examinations, while various changes were determined on the cutting surfaces of both groups with regard to thermal trauma, the superiority of QESD drew attention regarding hemostasis activities, damage formed and amelioration periods. Free radicals were determined to be formed less in QESD operations. Conclusion: The conclusions indicate that QESD method is superior to BEC method with respect to total operation period, hemostasis efficiency and wound amelioration. It is revealed that the free radicals are within acceptable levels in both devices

    David Lodge'un "Changing Places: A Tale of Two Campuses" ve "Small World: An Academic Romance"ının Friedrich Nietzsche'in "Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None"ı ışığı altında incelenmesi.

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    The aim of this thesis is to analyse David Lodge’s campus novels Changing Places: A Tale of Two Campuses (1975) and Small World: An Academic Romance (1984) to see how nihilism is dealt with in the modern academic world by the main characters in the novels. The characters will be examined in the light of Friedrich Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None (1883-85). As the prophet Zarathustra in Thus Spoke Zarathustra is the mouthpiece of Nietzsche himself, this thesis aims at studying Lodge’s novels in the light of Nietzsche’s ideas. In this respect, this thesis provides a closer look into Zarathustrian (Nietzschean) concepts of “will to power”, “eternal recurrence” and “overman”, and it reveals to what extent Lodge’s main characters can achieve a full “will to power”, attain a joyful acceptance of “eternal recurrence”, and overcome themselves on the way to becoming “overman”. With the elaboration of these three concepts, this thesis aims to uncover the ways in which Lodge’s main characters recover from the negative effects of futility and depression caused by nihilism in the modern world.M.A. - Master of Art

    Improving Parkinson's Disease Diagnosis with Machine Learning Methods

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    International Scientific Meeting on Electrical-Electronics and Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science (EBBT) -- APR 24-26, 2019 -- Istanbul Arel Univ, Kemal Gozukara Campus, Istanbul, TURKEY -- IEEE Turkey Sect, IEEE EMB, Erasmus+, EuropassParkinson's disease is a type of disease caused by the loss of dopamine-producing cells in the brain. As the amount of dopamine decreases, the symptoms of Parkinson's disease emerge. Parkinson's disease is a slow-developing disease, and symptoms such as hands, arms, legs, chin and face tremors are increasing over time. As the disease progresses, people may have difficulty in walking and speaking. There is no definitive treatment for Parkinson's disease; however, with the help of some drugs, the symptoms of the disease can be reduced. Although there is no definitive treatment for Parkinson's disease, the patient can continue his normal life by controlling the problems caused by the disease. At this point, it is important to prevent early detection and progression of the disease. In this study, different types of classification methods such as Logistic regression, Support Vector Machine, Extra Trees, Gradient Boosting and Random Forest are compared in order to predict Parkinson's disease. A total of 1208 speech data sets consisting of 26 features obtained from Parkinson's patients and non-patients were used in the classification stage. The feature space of the dataset is expanded due to correlation maps. These correlation maps are constructed with the features which are obtained by using Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Information Gain (IG) and all features respectively. It is concluded that, classification results which are attained with expanded features outperform the classification results attained with the original features of the data.WOS:0004914302000602-s2.0-8506858304

    Who Runs the World: Data

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    The fact that any kind of user has the ability to generate data with great ease at any time causes an increase inthe importance of data mining. Considering the reality that the vast majority of the available data is composed ofunstructured data and that the data in the text type is outnumbering, it proves the increasing interest in text miningand the abundance of studies in this field. However, in order to be able to examine an unstructured data type like text,which is quite different from machine language, it is necessary to make this data more structured and make themachine work. At this point, the data pre-processing step, which covers a large part of the entire text mining process,is of great importance. In this chapter, it is aimed to explain the text pre-processing phase on a basic level bysupporting this using visuals. In doing so, it is primarily planned to focus on text mining and to explain in detail thecharacteristics of the data processed. In this context, it is aimed to explain the data pre-processing steps followed inorder to overcome these difficulties by examining the difficulties created by the data in question. As a result, thischapter is a descriptive review of the data pre-processing phase in text mining, which covers some of the studiespreviously conducted on this subject

    Tıp Bilişimi III

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