3 research outputs found

    Datalagringsdirektivet och dess följder för synen på implementering av EU-rätt i Sverige

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    After an increasing development in the field of electronic communication services and a growing need for harmonized legislation within the European union an initiative was taken. Actions towards an harmonization of the EU law regarding that area. The focus of which was concentrated on the data being created when using these types of electronic communications services. The data is being both collected and thereafter used in crime preventing efforts. The result of that was the creation of directive 2006/24/EG, the data retention directive, which was taken into force march 15, 2006. The deadline for implementing the directive was set to september 17, 2007. The principal objective with this essay is to investigate what an implementation, or being in non compliance in regards to the EU law, results in for Sweden in terms of both the view of EU law and effects deriving directly from not implementing. The approach for the essay starts with highlighting the reason for creating the data retention directive in which an increased degree of organized crime was a major underlying aspect. But the main reason was to harmonize the legislation regarding data retention for suppliers of electronic communication services. Furthermore is the EU law, precedent and principles vital to the implementation of directives being introduced. Finally an analyzing part are being conducted where an discussion is being held in regards to the effects deriving from the situation. The primary focus is to investigate whether or not the directive gets direct effect and explore which parts are possibly a question for direct effect. The directive should in present form be able to get direct effect. First, regarding the right for individuals affected by the directive to extradite data in order to take legal action in court. Second, security and privacy rights for subscribers which are affected of the storage of information

    Implications of employer branding: An interpretative case study at Sparbanken Öresund.

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    Thesis Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to highlight, the concept of employer branding, how it is interpreted and what implications the concept might have on an organization. Methodology: The thesis uses an interpretative, abductive and qualitative research method. Theoretical Perspective: The concept of employer branding in relation to the adjacent theoretical foundation of image and identity. Empirical Foundation: The empirical foundation of this thesis was a case study conducted at Sparbanken Öresund. Empirical material was collected through semi structured interviews and secondary data. Conclusion: The concept of employer branding is found to be complex and therefore we believe that conveying the employer brand to potential employees is hard to accomplish. Aligning existing employees with the employer brand can be accomplished but still a complicated task since people are different and thus interpret the brand differently

    Aktieägarförmåner - Mervärde för aktieägarna? - Möjlighet för företagen?

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    Syftet är att undersöka om det är möjligt för företag att generera aktieägarvärde på andra sätt än enbart via kursutveckling och direktavkastning, samt att undersöka vilken roll företagens olika typer av ägare har i förhållande till aktieägarförmåner och rabatter. Vidare ämnas undersöka huruvida investerare efterfrågar denna typ av alternativ aktieägarersättning. Studiens primära angreppssätt är kvalitativ med inslag av kvantitativ metod. Induktiv ansats används, då författarna utgår ifrån empirin med mål om att utveckla ny teori. Teori om Value based management samt Principal – agent teorin har använts för att ge läsaren en grundlig förståelse. Empirin bygger på insamlad data från både företag och aktiesparare. Intervjuer och standardiserade enkäter har använts för att ta fram informationen. Studien visar att aktieägarförmåner skapar mervärde för aktieägare, den visar även att det är en marknadsföringskanal till merförsäljning. Konsumentinriktade bolag som inte har en majoritet av institutionellt ägande har fördelar av att erbjuda aktieägarförmåner. Studien konstaterar även att aktiesparare generellt är positiva till aktieägarförmåner