165 research outputs found

    Control of Dissolved Oxygen in Stirred Bioreactors

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    This report discusses control of dissolved oxygen in a bioreactor where the oxygen supply is manipulated using the stirrer speed. In batch and fed-batch cultivations the operating conditions change significantly which may cause tuning problems. Analysis using a linearized process model shows that the process dynamics is mainly affected by changes in the volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient KLaK_La. % To account for the process variations, a control strategy based on PID control and gain scheduling from the stirrer speed is suggested. This approach is straightforward to implement in an industrial control system. Experimental results from a laboratory reactor are presented

    Kamratgranskning av rapporter i kursen Systemteknik

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    Traditionellt har examinationen av mĂ„nga kurser pĂ„ LTH bestĂ„tt av en skriftlig tentamen efter kursen avslutande. Detta instrument för att mĂ€ta och vĂ€rdera studenternas kunskaper har ofta i stor utstrĂ€ckning styrt studenternas studievanor, ofta med intensivt tentalĂ€sande som följd. Kamratgranskning, eller ”Peer Review”, Ă€r en metod som kan anvĂ€ndas som en del i en löpande examination under kursen gĂ„ng. Metoden bygger pĂ„ att studenterna utvĂ€rderar och ger synpunkter pĂ„ varandras arbeten, vilket stimulerar till aktivitet och interaktion under en större del av kursen. PĂ„ Institutionen för Reglerteknik har metoden med gott resultat tillĂ€mpas vid rapportskrivning i kursen Systemteknik som ges för tredjeĂ„rs­studenterna pĂ„ Ekosystemteknikprogrammet. Erfarenheterna frĂ„n det inledande försöket var mycket positiva, vilket lett till att kamratgranskning numera Ă€r ett permanent inslag i kursen

    Kamratgranskning av laborationsförberedelser i reglerteknik

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    Laborationer Àr ett frekvent Äterkommande inslag i kurserna vid Institutionen för Regerteknik. Laborationerna tar mycket resurser i ansprÄk, och det Àr dÀrför viktigt att skapa förutsÀttningar för att studenterna skall fÄ ut sÄ mycket som möjligt av dem. Studenterna förvÀntas inför varje laboration lÀsa pÄ relevanta delar av kursmaterialet, samt i vissa fall Àven lösa nÄgra förberedelseuppgifter. Det skriftliga förhör som traditionellt tillÀmpats för att testa studenternas förkunskaper inför laborationen har medfört att studenterna ofta upplevt stress inför laborationerna. För att skapa en mer positiv undervisningssituation har kamratgranskning av förkunskaper i grupp provats. Reaktionerna frÄn studenterna och har varit mycket positiva. VÄra erfarenheter Àr ocksÄ positiva, Àven om vissa mindre signifikanta negativa bieffekter observerats

    Heparin-binding protein: a diagnostic biomarker of urinary tract infection in adults.

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    Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are associated with significant morbidity and high frequency of antibiotic prescription. Diagnosing UTI is often difficult, particularly in the critically ill patient and in patients with unspecific and mild symptoms. The standard rapid tests have limited value, and there is a need for more reliable diagnostic tools. Heparin-binding protein (HBP) is released from neutrophils and has previously been studied as a diagnostic and predictive biomarker in different bacterial infections

    Decreased plasma concentrations of apolipoprotein M in sepsis and systemic inflammatory response syndromes

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    Introduction: Apolipoprotein M (apoM) is present in 5% of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) particles in plasma. It is a carrier of sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), which is important for vascular barrier protection. The aim was to determine the plasma concentrations of apoM during sepsis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and correlate them to levels of apolipoprotein A-I (apoA1), apolipoprotein B (apoB), HDL-, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol. Methods: Plasma samples from patients with (1), severe sepsis with shock (n = 26); (2), severe sepsis without shock (n = 44); (3), sepsis (n = 100); (4), infections without SIRS (n = 43); and (5) SIRS without infection (n = 20) were analyzed. The concentrations of apoM, apoA1, and apoB were measured with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). Total, HDL-, and LDL-cholesterol concentrations were measured with a commercial HDL/LDL cholesterol test. Results: ApoM concentrations correlated negatively to acute-phase markers. Thus, apoM behaved as a negative acute-phase protein. Decreased values were observed in all patient groups (P < 0.0001), with the most drastic decreases observed in the severely sick patients. ApoM levels correlated strongly to those of apoA1, apoB, HDL, and LDL cholesterol. The HDL and LDL cholesterol levels were low in all patient groups, as compared with controls (P < 0.0001), in particular, HDL cholesterol. ApoA1 and apoB concentrations were low only in the more severely affected patients. Conclusions: During sepsis and SIRS, the plasma concentrations of apoM decrease dramatically, the degree of decrease reflecting the severity of the disease. As a carrier for barrier-protective S1P in HDL, the decrease in apoM could contribute to the increased vascular leakage observed in sepsis and SIRS

    Modeling and Optimization of Grade Changes for Multistage Polyethylene Reactors

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    Grade changes in polyethylene reactors, i.e., changes of operating conditions, are performed on a regular basis to adapt to market demands. In this paper, a dynamic optimization procedure is presented built upon the Modelica language extended with Optimica constructs for formulation of optimization problems. A Modelica library for the Borstar R multistage polyethylene reactors at Borealis AB, consisting of two slurry and one gas phase reactor, has been constructed. Using JModelica.org, a framework to translate dynamic optimization problems to NLP problems, optimal grade transitions between grades currently used at Borealis AB, can be calculated. Optimal inflows and grade key variables are shown

    Remote nocturnal bird classification by spectroscopy in extended wavelength ranges

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    We present optical methods at a wide range of wavelengths for remote classification of birds. The proposed methods include eye-safe fluorescence and depolarization lidar techniques, passive scattering spectroscopy, and infrared (IR) spectroscopy. In this paper we refine our previously presented method of remotely classifying birds with the help of laser-induced beta-keratin fluorescence. Phenomena of excitation quenching are studied in the laboratory and are theoretically discussed in detail. It is shown how the ordered microstructures in bird feathers induce structural "colors" in the IR region with wavelengths of around 3-6 mu m. We show that transmittance in this region depends on the angle of incidence of the transmitted light in a species-specific way and that the transmittance exhibits a close correlation to the spatial periodicity in the arrangement of the feather barbules. We present a method by which the microstructure of feathers can be monitored in a remote fashion by utilization of thermal radiation and the wing beating of the bird. (C) 2011 Optical Society of Americ

    Elevated plasma levels of heparin-binding protein in intensive care unit patients with severe sepsis and septic shock

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    Introduction: Rapid detection of, and optimized treatment for, severe sepsis and septic shock is crucial for successful outcome. Heparin-binding protein (HBP), a potent inducer of increased vascular permeability, is a potentially useful biomarker for predicting outcome in patients with severe infections. Our aim was to study the systemic release and dynamics of HBP in the plasma of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock in the ICU. Methods: A prospective study was conducted of two patient cohorts treated in the ICU at Karolinska University Hospital Huddinge in Sweden. A total of 179 patients was included, of whom 151 had sepsis (126 with septic shock and 25 patients with severe sepsis) and 28 a non-septic critical condition. Blood samples were collected at five time points during six days after admission. Results: HBP levels were significantly higher in the sepsis group as compared to the control group. At admission to the ICU, a plasma HBP concentration of >= 15 ng/mL and/or a HBP (ng/mL)/white blood cell count (10(9)/L) ratio of >2 was found in 87.2% and 50.0% of critically ill patients with sepsis and non-septic illness, respectively. A lactate level of >2.5 mmol/L was detected in 64.9% and 56.0% of the same patient groups. Both in the sepsis group (n = 151) and in the whole group (n = 179), plasma HBP concentrations at admission and in the last measured sample within the 144 hour study period were significantly higher among 28-day non-survivors as compared to survivors and in the sepsis group, an elevated HBP-level at baseline was associated with an increased case-fatality rate at 28 days. Conclusions: Plasma HBP levels were significantly higher in patients with severe sepsis or septic shock compared to patients with a non-septic illness in the ICU. HBP was associated with severity of disease and an elevated HBP at admission was associated with an increased risk of death. HBP that rises over time may identify patients with a deteriorating prognosis. Thus, repeated HBP measurement in the ICU may help monitor treatment and predict outcome in patients with severe infections

    Cadmium-Induced Effects on Bone in a Population-Based Study of Women

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    High cadmium exposure is known to cause bone damage, but the association between low-level cadmium exposure and osteoporosis remains to be clarified. Using a population-based women’s health survey in southern Sweden [Women’s Health in the Lund Area (WHILA)] with no known historical cadmium contamination, we investigated cadmium-related effects on bone in 820 women (53–64 years of age). We measured cadmium in blood and urine and lead in blood, an array of markers of bone metabolism, and forearm bone mineral density (BMD). Associations were evaluated in multiple linear regression analysis including information on the possible confounders or effect modifiers: weight, menopausal status, use of hormone replacement therapy, age at menarche, alcohol consumption, smoking history, and physical activity. Median urinary cadmium was 0.52 ÎŒg/L adjusted to density (0.67 ÎŒg/g creatinine). After multivariate adjustment, BMD, parathyroid hormone, and urinary deoxypyridinoline (U-DPD) were adversely associated with concentrations of urinary cadmium (p < 0.05) in all subjects. These associations persisted in the group of never-smokers, which had the lowest cadmium exposure (mainly dietary). For U-DPD, there was a significant interaction between cadmium and menopause (p = 0.022). Our results suggest negative effects of low-level cadmium exposure on bone, possibly exerted via increased bone resorption, which seemed to be intensified after menopause. Based on the prevalence of osteoporosis and the low level of exposure, the observed effects, although slight, should be considered as early signals of potentially more adverse health effects
