19 research outputs found

    Quantitative Assessment of 99mTc-Depreotide Uptake in Oesophageal Cancer and Precursor Conditions and Its Reflection in Immunohistochemically Detected Somatostatin Receptors

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    Background. Somatostatin receptors (SSTRs) are over-expressed in several tumors making it possible for imaging with labelled SSTR. A previous study showed feasibility to image oesophageal cancer with SSTR analogue 99mTc-depreotide. Purpose. (1) To investigate expression of the SSTRs in different types of esophageal carcinoma and (2) to correlate such an expression with 99mTc-depreotide uptake in these lesions. Material and Methods. Total 28 patients (17 with esophageal cancer and 11 with Barrett's esophagus) were examined with 99mTc-depreotide scintigraphy. The SSTR2A, SSTR2B, SSTR3, and SSTR5 were analyzed immunohistochemically in the lesion samples. Results. Among the patients with adenocarcinoma 10/11 expressed different amounts of SSTRs, while SSTRs were absent in 5/6 patients with Squamous cell carcinoma (Sqcc). There was no correlation neither between the 99mTc-depreotide uptake and the amount of SSTRs nor between the amount of SSTRs and differentiation grade of the tumor. Conclusions. (1) SSTRs are expressed in esophageal carcinoma and more abundantly so in adenocancer specimens; (2) in vivo 99mTc-depreotide uptake does not obviously correlate with the immunohistochemically detection of SSTRs of different subtypes in esophageal carcinoma

    Sporadiska kolorektala polyper. Uppdaterade riktlinjer for endoskopikontroller

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    No surveillance is recommended after radical excision of low-risk adenomas (pedunculated adenoma irrespective of size, sessile adenoma 10 mm, number > or = 3), as well as after excision of a pedunculated or a sessile adenoma with an unclear resection margin. All above is irrespective of histopathological adenoma classification. An endoscopic check-up is recommended 3 months after radical excision of a highly or moderately differentiated malignant polyp with no sign of invasion into blood or lymph vessels and with a maximum invasion depth stage T1-sm1. Surgical resection is necessary if the malignant polyp is poorly differentiated, and/or invades into blood or lymph vessels, and/or is stage T1-sm3, or is excised with unclear resection margins. Treatment for stage T1-sm2 polyps may be individualized. Individuals with low-risk adenomas and a first degree relative with colorectal cancer, individuals having high-risk adenomas or malignant polyps removed, as well as individuals operated on for colorectal cancer should be subjected to colonoscopy after three years and then every fifth year when < or = 75 years of age