1,381 research outputs found

    On partitioning the edges of an infinite digraph into directed cycles

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    Nash-Williams proved that for an undirected graph G G the set E(G) E(G) can be partitioned into cycles if and only if every cut has either even or infinite number of edges. Later C. Thomassen gave a simpler proof for this and conjectured the following directed analogue of the theorem: the edge set of a digraph can be partitioned into directed cycles if and only if for each subset of the vertices the cardinality of the ingoing and the outgoing edges are equal. The aim of the paper is to prove this conjecture

    Highly connected infinite digraphs without edge-disjoint back and forth paths between a certain vertex pair

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    We construct for all kN k\in \mathbb{N} a k k -edge-connected digraph D D with s,tV(D) s,t\in V(D) such that there are no edge-disjoint st s \rightarrow t and tst\rightarrow s paths. We use in our construction "self-similar" graphs which technique could be useful in other problems as well.Comment: 4 page

    Vertex-flames in countable rooted digraphs preserving an Erd\H{o}s-Menger separation for each vertex

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    It follows from a theorem of Lov\'asz that if D D is a finite digraph with rV(D) r\in V(D) then there is a spanning subdigraph E E of D D such that for every vertex vr v\neq r the following quantities are equal: the local connectivity from r r to v v in D D , the local connectivity from r r to v v in E E and the indegree of v v in E E . In infinite combinatorics cardinality is often an overly rough measure to obtain deep results and it is more fruitful to capture structural properties instead of just equalities between certain quantities. The best known example for such a result is the generalization of Menger's theorem to infinite digraphs. We generalize the result of Lov\'asz above in this spirit. Our main result is that every countable r r -rooted digraph D D has a spanning subdigraph E E with the following property. For every vr v\neq r , E E contains a system Rv \mathcal{R}_v of internally disjoint rv r\rightarrow v paths such that the ingoing edges of v v in E E are exactly the last edges of the paths in Rv \mathcal{R}_v . Furthermore, the path-system Rv \mathcal{R}_v is `big' in D D in the Erd\H{o}s-Menger sense, i.e., one can choose from each path in Rv \mathcal{R}_{v} either an edge or an internal vertex in such a way that a resulting set separates v v from r r in D D .Comment: minor non-mathematical change

    The Complete Lattice of Erd\H{o}s-Menger Separations

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    F. Escalante and T. Gallai studied in the seventies the structure of different kind of separations and cuts between a vertex pair in a (possibly infinite) graph. One of their results is that if there is a finite separation, then the optimal (i.e. minimal sized) separations form a finite distributive lattice with respect to a natural partial order. Furthermore, any finite distributive lattice can be represented this way. If there is no finite separation then cardinality is a too rough measure to capture being 'optimal'. Menger's theorem provides a structural characterization of optimality if there is a finite separation. We use this characterization to define Erd\H{o}s-Menger separations even if there is no finite separation. The generalization of Menger's theorem to infinite graphs (which was not available until 2009) ensures that Erd\H{o}s-Menger separations always exist. We show that they form a complete lattice with respect to the partial order given by Escalante and every complete lattice can be represented this way.Comment: 5 page

    Independent and maximal branching packing in infinite matroid-rooted digraphs

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    We prove a common generalization of the maximal independent arborescence packing theorem of Cs. Kir\'aly and two of our earlier works about packing branchings in infinite digraphs.Comment: 26 page

    Uncountable dichromatic number without short directed cycles

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    A. Hajnal and P. Erd\H{o}s proved that a graph with uncountable chromatic number cannot avoid short cycles, it must contain for example C4 C_4 (among other obligatory subgraphs). It was shown recently by D. T. Soukup that, in contrast of the undirected case, it is consistent that for any n<ω n<\omega there exists an uncountably dichromatic digraph without directed cycles shorter than n n . He asked if it is provable already in ZFC. We answer his question positively by constructing for every infinite cardinal κ \kappa and n<ω n<\omega a digraph of size 2κ 2^{\kappa} with dichromatic number at least κ+ \kappa^{+} which does not contain directed cycles of length less than n n as a subdigraph.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figur

    Countable Menger theorem with finitary matroid constraints on the ingoing edges

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    We present a strengthening of the countable Menger theorem (edge version) of R. Aharoni. Let D=(V,A) D=(V,A) be a countable digraph with stV s\neq t\in V and let M=vVMv\mathcal{M}=\bigoplus_{v\in V}\mathcal{M}_v be a matroid on A A where Mv \mathcal{M}_v is a finitary matroid on the ingoing edges of v v . We show that there is a system of edge-disjoint st s \rightarrow t paths P \mathcal{P} such that the united edge set of the paths is M \mathcal{M} -independent, and there is a CA C \subseteq A consists of one edge from each element of P \mathcal{P} for which spanM(C) \mathsf{span}_{\mathcal{M}}(C) covers all the st s\rightarrow t paths in D D

    Gomory-Hu trees of infinite graphs with finite total weight

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    Gomory and Hu proved that if G G is a finite graph with non-negative weights on its edges, then there exists a tree T T (called now Gomory-Hu tree) on V(G) V(G) such that for all uvV(G) u\neq v\in V(G) there is an eE(T) e\in E(T) such that the two components of Te T-e determines an optimal (minimal valued) cut between u u an v v in G G . In this paper we extend their result to infinite weighted graphs with finite total weight. Furthermore, we show by an example that one can not omit the condition of finiteness of the total weight

    Edmonds' Branching Theorem in Digraphs without Forward-infinite Paths

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    Let D D be a finite digraph, and let V0,,Vk1 V_0,\dots,V_{k-1} be nonempty subsets of V(D) V(D) . The (strong form of) Edmonds' branching theorem states thatthere are pairwise edge-disjoint spanning branchings B0,,Bk1 \mathcal{B}_0,\dots, \mathcal{B}_{k-1} in D D such that the root set of Bi \mathcal{B}_i is Vi (i=0,,k1) V_i\ (i=0,\dots,k-1) if and only if for all XV(D) \varnothing \neq X\subseteq V(D) the number of ingoing edges of X X is greater than or equal to the number of sets Vi V_i disjoint from X X . As was shown by R. Aharoni and C. Thomassen in \cite{aharoni1989infinite}, this theorem does not remain true for infinite digraphs. Thomassen also proved that for the class of digraphs without backward-infinite paths, the above theorem of Edmonds remains true. Our main result is that for digraphs without forward-infinite paths, Edmonds' branching theorem remains true as well

    King-serf duo by monochromatic paths in k-edge-coloured tournaments

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    An open conjecture of Erd\H{o}s states that for every positive integer kk there is a (least) positive integer f(k)f(k) so that whenever a tournament has its edges colored with kk colors, there exists a set SS of at most f(k)f(k) vertices so that every vertex has a monochromatic path to some point in SS. We consider a related question and show that for every (finite or infinite) cardinal κ>0\kappa>0 there is a cardinal λκ \lambda_\kappa such that in every κ\kappa-edge-coloured tournament there exist disjoint vertex sets K,SK,S with total size at most λκ \lambda_\kappa so that every vertex v v has a monochromatic path of length at most two from KK to vv or from vv to SS.Comment: 5 page