1 research outputs found

    [[alternative]]Method Development for the Analysis of Polynuclear Aromatic

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    [[abstract]]摘 要:近來台灣地區,由於高度工業化與高密度之機動車輛與多處 焚化爐之興建與運轉,造成國內空氣品質日益惡化之主因,其中多環芳香 烴化合物,因石化燃料之使用及塑膠廢棄物之燃燒,廣泛地散佈在空氣塵 粒中,且經証實具有致癌性及基因突變性,因此其研究已引起許多先進國 家的重視,並加以列管。本研究是針對美國環保署所列管之十六種多環芳 香烴化合物,由高流量採樣器與玻璃纖維濾紙採集大氣中之粒狀物,經超 臨界流體萃取法(SFE) 及索氏萃取後,再經膠滲透層析法(GPC) 淨化樣品 ,並由高效率液相層析儀(HPLC)配合紫外光與螢光偵測器進行分析測定。 本研究若僅使用SFE 萃取經認證之標準樣品 SRM 1649 可得 36.67 ﹪∼ 76.92 ﹪之回收率,若輔以索氏萃取 9 小時則具有 74.23 ﹪∼ 110.89 ﹪之回收率。整體而言, SFE 對於較高分子量 PAHs 之萃取效果較差, 輔以索氏萃取則可改善,較傳統之方法具有縮短時間、相同回收效果之優 點。方法偵測極限範圍約在 0.17∼3.86 μg/mL 及 0.39∼2.44 μg/mL 。 ABATRACT:Because of high degree of industrialization, the use of large numbervehicles and the operation of many incinerators, problems caused by air pollution are becoming well-known. Among these pollutants, PAHs are currently regulated by some highly developed countries, such as U.S.,due to their mutagenecityand carcinogenecity . In this study , the analysis of PAHs in airborne particulates is based on supercritical fluid extraction(SFE), soxhlet extraction, and gel permeation chromatography(GPC) followed by HPLC-UV - Fluoescence.with the optimized intrumental conditions, accuracy and precision of the method are varified by the analysis of SRM 1649. The recoveries through SFE range from 36.67 ﹪∼ 76.92 ﹪. The overall recoveries after SFE/Soxhlet extraction range from 74.23 ﹪∼ 110.89 ﹪ . Comparison of the Soxhlet/SFE method and SFE method for the analysis of PAHs in SRM 1649, shows that Soxhlet/ SFE method gave higher extraction efficiencies; but SFE method provided more rapid extraction.The deection limits of studied methodare 0.17 ∼ 3.86 μg/mL and 0.39 ∼ 2.44 μg/mL. ABATRACT:Because of high degree of industrialization, the use