2 research outputs found

    [[alternative]]The research on the ROC policy of physical education for schools

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    [[abstract]]The research on the ROC policy of physical education for schools Graduate Student: Tseng Juei Chen In order to investigate the formative background, the main points and characteristics of the ROC policy of physical education for schools after 1949, this research utilizes historical and content analysis methods. Such methods enable us to study and analyze the concepts of the authority towards physical education, the administrative plans and achievement reports of the ministry of education for physical education and all the relative laws and regulations governing physical education. Finally, we are able to reach the following conclusions: Firstly, the formation of the ROC policy of physical education for schools has been influenced by the following factors listed below. These factors include;governmental decision making, current cross-strait political situation, changes in military situation, developments in internal politics, economy and social culture and lastly, the international tendencies toward physical education. Secondly, the main point of the ROC policy of physical education for schools is to cultivate citizens able to defend themselves, and their country. Thus , citizens capable of reviving and reconstructing their nations (as during the ROC government retreat to Taiwan in former years). However, since 1971 , the goal of physical education has shifted to the cultivation of excellent athletes, participation in international competition, enlargement of diplomatic space and in the raising of citizens who are healthy in mind and body, such as were evident at the time the ROC government recoiled from the united nations. Thirdly, the characteristics of the ROC policy of physical education for schools are military-orientated, sport-orientated and education-orientated. After 1971,sport and education became the two main focuses. Fourthly, the development of the ROC policy of physical education for primary school is to inspire students' sports interests;for junior high school is to cultivate the students' habits in leisure and enjoyable sport;for senior high school and beyond, the focus in on promoting students' physical fitness and on the cultivation of good recreation and leisure habits regarding physical activity. The fifth and final point is the goal of raising the quality of physical education teachers, improving and managing the athletic facilities effectively, implementing a multifarious physical education curriculum that is both vigorous and in accord with educational theory. The above are the important stratagem for promoting the normalization of physical education for schools. Key words:policy of physical education, physical education for school, ROC.

    新文化運動時期之體育思想 民國八年∼民國十六年

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    [[abstract]]新文化運動時期,我國思想界蓬勃發展,呈百家爭鳴之狀態。本文為探討此時之體育 思想,乃採「歷史研究法」,搜集史料,做文獻研究。並兼採「外在研究法」與「內 在研究法」,以探討思想與環境之關係並建立思想系統。經探討後,乃獲致以下結論 : 一、在基督教青年會、教會學校、返國留學生與來華體育學者之倡導下,引自美國之 平民主義體育思想乃迅速在我國發展。同時,為對抗西洋體育之侵襲,國家主義體育 思想乃倡導傳統體育。兩者即於我國學校、社會、各自發展。 二、平民主義體育思想主張體育之目的在培養身心健全之國民,以自然活動之內容, 合乎教育原理之教學,普及實施,奠定了近代中國體育發展之基礎。 三、由於西洋體育較具競爭性、趣味性、娛樂性、乃得以各地獲得發展,惟其提倡之 競技運動亦產生「選手制」之流弊。 四、國家主義體育思想則提出體育之目的在強國強種,以武術為代表之傳統體育與軍 事訓練為內容,普遍推展。 五、中、西體育思想在經過排斥、爭論、融合之歷程後,乃逐漸一併成為近代中國體 育之內涵。 #50008935.abs #50008935.abs