19 research outputs found
Analisa Kinerja Ruas Jalan Underpass Makamhaji Sukoharjo
One of the problems in the city street is the congestion, as in the Makamhaji underpass, which is an alternative path connected to Solo with Sukoharjo. This study analyzes the performance of the underpass road segment to determine environmental condition, road geometry, current volume, road capacity and to know the performance of Makamhaji underpass road, by knowing the volume of traffic flow in the road, and road capacity so that the performance of the road segment results. The method used in this research is done by 2 ways, namely data of traffic volume survey data, road inventory and side obstacle, done directly in field (primary data). And secondary data by way of data settlement either from institution or from internet. Based on the results of all that both the primary and secondary data next to.
Based on the results of the work analysis of Sukamarjo Makamhaji underpass roads calculations showing high side barriers 716 events, traffic volume at peak hour from 945 direction to Solo and 1078 directions to kartasura, capacity value 978,098 smps / hour Solo direction and 1148,202 smp / hour direction of Kartasura, with the degree of saturation (DS) Solo direction of 0.5898 and Kartasura direction of 0.6284, and the free flow rate 30.888 km / h, with the degree of saturation that level of service on Jalan underpass Makamhaji Sukoharjo included in service category C, with steady currents, and speed
The Delays For Signalized Intersection Using Atcs Data And Field Survey Method (Case Study At Simpang Tiga Kerten, Surakarta)
The increasing of traffic volume in Surakarta has caused an increasing of congestion in several road networks. One of traffic jam phenomenon at intersection especially in peak hour can be found at some signalized intersections
and roads especially in Simpang Tiga Kerten. It is located at the meeting between Jl. Slamet Riyadi and Jl. Ahmad Yani, Surakarta. The Local Government through the Communication, Informatics and Transportation Department (Dishubkominfo) Surakarta is developing integrated traffic management control system named Area Traffic Control System (ATCS). The aim of ATCS is to enable the vehicle
movement continuously and minimize the delay in intersection (Risdiyanto, 2014). Traffic delay at signalized intersection is used as an indicator to evaluate
the performance of intersection refers to MKJI 1997. The using of MKJI 1997 method for the traffic condition at present needs to be evaluated. The delay value
needs to be compared with the result of field survey method using ATCS. The implementation of manual traffic counts survey carried out for a day mainly at morning peak hour (06:00-07:00 AM). It is sourced from traffic
counting data from ATCS detector of Dishubkominfo Surakarta after converted in passanger cars unit. The obtained data from field observation for calculating field delay are number of waiting vehicle every15 seconds, stopped (in red and amber time) and not stopped vehicles (in green and amber time). The average delay values by MKJI 1997 method at Simpang Tiga Kerten, Surakarta is 105.50 sec/pcu, while the average field delay values is 16.19 sec/pcu. Based on the comparison, it can be known that the field delay is lower than MKJI 1997 delay. It is caused by the differences in withdrawal traffic flow data that will be used in delay calculation analysis. Inaccurate of determining the
adjustment values (which are: effective width, city size, side friction, turning movement, vehicles stopped ratio and turn at each approach will also cause inaccurate in the delay value
Analisa Arus Lalulintas Menerus (Through Traffic) Di Kota Surakarta Dari Arah Barat
Ruas Jl. Ahmad Yani Kartosura merupakan jalan utama yang
menghubungkan kota Surakarta dari arah Barat dengan Karanganyar, Sukoharjo, Sragen dan kota lain sekitar Surakarta. Setiap hari ruas ini dilewati berbagai jenis
kendaraan bermotor yang memasuki Kota Surakarta baik yang memilih tujuan di dalam Kota Surakarta sendiri maupun di luar Kota Surakarta (through traffic).Keadaan di lapangan semua jenis kendaraan melakukan pergerakan menerus (through traffic) tetapi dalam studi kasus ini pergerakan yang ditinjau hanya kendaraan angkutan barang karena pola pergerakan dan rute perjalanan kendaraan angkutan barang mudah di kendalikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengetahui jumlah arus lalulintas, prosentase, tempat asal tujuan, dan rute perjalanan yang dilewati angkutan barang yang melakukan pergerakan menerus dari arah barat Kota Surakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam 2 tahap. Tahap 1 pada hari Minggu 10 Agustus 2014 yaitu dengan metode perhitungan arus lalulintas secara manual untuk menghitung arus lalulintas kendaraan HV (Heavy Vehicle), LV (Light
Vehicle) dan MC (Motor Cycle). Kemudian Tahap 2 pada hari Minggu 31 Agustus 2014 yaitu dengan metode wawancara pinggir jalan (road side interview) untuk mengetahui asal tujuan angkutan barang yang ditinjau adalah: pick up, truk
ringan, truk sedang dan truk besar.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui total arus lalulintas dari arah Barat-Timur yaitu 13153 kend/12 jam atau 7787,3 smp/12 jam sedangkan Barat-Utara yaitu 5894 kend/12 jam atau 2821,6 smp/12 jam. Prosentase angkutan barang yang melakukan pergerakan menerus dari volume lalulintas untuk angkutan barang dari arah Barat-Timur yaitu 43,34 % dan Barat-Utara yaitu 29,11 %.Kemudian dari asal tujuan angkutan barang meliputi pick up 12 %, truk ringan 16 %, truk sedang 15 % dan truk besar 35 %. Sedangkan dari arah Barat-Utara meliputi pick up 10 %, truk ringan 30 %, truk sedang 10 % dan truk besar 10 %.
Tempat asal dan tujuan angkutan barang yang melakukan pergerakan menerus dari arah barat Kota Surakarta adalah: a) Asal pergerakan angkutan barang di Lokasi 2 dari 220 responden paling banyak dari Jakarta yaitu 63 kendaraan,
sedangkan tujuan pergerakan paling banyak ke Surabaya yaitu 91 kendaraan, b) Asal pergerakan angkutan barang di Lokasi 1 dari 10 responden paling banyak dari Klaten yaitu 4 kendaraan, sedangkan tujuan pergerakan paling banyak adalah
ke Sragen yaitu 2 kendaraan, c) Pasangan asal tujuan angkutan barang dari Barat-Timur yang paling banyak yaitu Jakarta ke Surabaya 42 kendaraan, sedangkan Barat-Utara jumlahnya sama yaitu 1 kendaraan. Jumlah kendaraan pergerakan menerus dari arah barat Kota Surakarta melalui Simpang Faroka yaitu 140 kendaraan, sedangkan Simpang Kerten yaitu 32 kendaraan. Kemudian untuk kendaraan dari arah Barat-Utara yang melewati Jl. Adi Sumarmo yaitu 2
kendaraan, sedangkan yang melewati Jl. Adi Sucipto yaitu 4 kendaraan
Analisis Nilai Waktu Pada Proses Pembangunan Pier Head Pilar Fly Over Palur Surakarta(Studi Kasus Jl.Raya Palur Surakarta)
Masalah kemacetan salah satunya adalah persimpangan, termasuk
Simpang Palur Surakarta. Artikel ini membicarakan tentang masalah transportasi
di proyek pembangunan Fly Over Palur Surakarta. Proyek ini bertujuan untuk
hambatan yang dikarenakan persimpangan sebidang antara jalan raya dengan rel
kereta api. Bagaimanapun juga proyek ini menimbulkan masalah bagi warga
sekitar dan pengguna jalan. Objek dari studi ini adalah untuk determinasi masalah
dari parameter lalu lintas dan juga nilai waktu yang hilang. Nilai waktu yang
hilang akan dianalisis dengan metode income dan choice approach. Studi ini
menggunakan 440 responden, akan tetapi hanya 426 yang valid. Data ini
digunakan untuk mengkalkulasi nilai waktu menggunakan income dan choice
approach. Selain dari responden studi ini juga didapat dari survei lalu lintas, yang
meliputi volume, waktu tempuh. Sejauh ini diketahui terjadi pengurangan volume
lalu lintas dari 5521 kend/hari menjadi 5339 kend/hari selama periode konstruksi.
Kondisi ini juga menambah rata - rata waktu tempuh dari 19,09 dtk menjadi 26,86
untuk melewati jalan sepanjang 100 meter. Berdasarkan analisis nilai waktu
menggunakan metode income approach didapatkan Rp 6700,00 /jam, sedangkan
choice approach didapatkan Rp 1300,00 /jam. Berdasarkan nilai waktu tersebut
didapat nilai kerugian pengguna jalan sebesar Rp 19.497.600,00 /hari sedangkan
menggunakan metode choice approach didapatkan Rp 3.712.000,00 /hari
Analisis Pemilihan Moda Transportasi Penumpang Antara Bus Dan Kereta Api Rute Purwodadi - Semarang
Modes choice of transportation to trevel is influenced by many factors,
including the condition of public transport services. It is also a consideration in
Purwodadi City community to select the mode of transportation. This study aims
to determine the characteristics of respondents as users of public transport, travel
characteristics and create a model of modal choice in Purwodadi. Characteristics
of the traveling in cluded: modal choice, gender, age, and occupation, while the
characteristics of the trip consists of: cost, destination, travel time, and the reason
for choosing a mode of transportation. Analysis of modal choice is based on the
binary logit model differences and ratios. The result of analysis show that: 63% of
respondents choose to use the train, gender is dominated by men (51,7%), with
ages between 31-40 years (36,3%) and worked as self employed (64,8%). In
addition, mayority of respondents spend traveling cost Rp 40,000-Rp 60,000
(45.7%), aimed to Semarang (91,1%), with a long trip around 90-120 minutes
(43,3%), 54% chose bus because of the safety factor, and 43,5% chose the train
because of the speed factor. The obtained modal choice model are: P1= 1/(1
Analisa Kinerja Simpang Empat Manahan Surakarta
The volume of traffic flow that exceeds road capacity, causing a problem such as traffic indicipline, accidents, vehicle queues and delay. Four-Leg Manahan Intersection Surakarta arranged by using traffic signals. In addition, physically, in the middleof this intersection is equipped with a roundabout. This study aims to determine traffic volume, intersection performance using traffic signals setting and roundabout setting. The data consist of primary data i.e. road geometry, road environment condition and traffic volume, and secondary data i.e. Surakarta’s population, Surakarta’s region map obtained from Central Java BPS and signal time from Dishubkominfo Surakarta. Signalized intersection is arranged in 3 phase signals with cycle time is 103 seconds.The performance analysis is done based on MKJI 1997 method. Based on the analysis, it is obtained traffic volume in the morning peak hour is 13472 veh / hour and the afternoon is 11448 veh / hour. The capacity of each approach West 763,21 pcu / hour, North 1069,41 pcu / hour, East 963,45 pcu / hour and South 728.22 pcu / hour. The performance of the signalized intersections is stated in the DS at West Approach is 2.12, North is 0.86, East is 1.62 and South is 1.08. The performance of intersection with the roundabout obtained capacity section BU is 6078,69 pcu / hour, UT 4975.02 pcu / hour, TS 8681,16 pcu / hour and SB 4270,54 pcu / h, expressed in DS section BU 0.72, UT 0.75, TS 0.46 and SB 0.90. The value of roundabout traffic delays (DT) at BU 20,39 sec / pcu, UT 19,44 sec / pcu, TS 1,05 sec / pcu and SB 16,49 sec / pcu. The value of queue probability is obtained BU 13.15% up to 40.38%, UT 15.18% up to 34.96%, TS 5.10% to 10.92%, SB 26.85% up to 58.07%
Analisis Karakteristik Arus Lalu Lintas Ditinjau Dari Time Headway Di Jalan Slamet Riyadi Surakarta
Increasing the amount of development in various fields will affect the increase of transportation
needs. It can be seen from platoon patterns of traffic flow in the urban roads, including Jl. Slamet
Riyadi Surakarta. The parameter used to describe this condition is time headway between two
successive vehicles in the traffic flow. This study aims to identify the patterns of platoon that occur
in the field, to determine the average headway of any kind of existing pattern, and then to calculate
the flow rate of headway based, and then to compare the result with field based. The data used in
this study are: traffic flow recording, geometric and environmental conditions including the road
network. The pattern of platoon is created by the possibility of the number and types of vehicles
that can occur in a selected traffic lane. Based on observation, it can be seen that there are 9
patterns of platoon in the field and it can be grouped as follows: Model 1, MC followed by
MC/HV/LV; Model 2, LV followed by LV/MC/HV; and Model 3, HV followed by HV/MC/LV.
Based on the analysis, it can be seen that the highest of average headway (2.22 seconds) occurred
at 12:05-12:20, while the lowest (1.80) occurred at 10:35-10:50. Derived from the obtained
headway, it is found that the highest flow rate is 2028 vehicles/hours and the lowest flow rate is
1619 vehicles/hours. The results of t-test shown that t-stat is 0.873. Because this value is smaller
than t-critical then it can be said that there was no significant difference flow rate between
headway based and field data based.
Keywords: pattern of platoon, headway, flow rat
Evaluasi Penentuan Tarif Jalan Tol Berdasarkan Pendekatan Biaya Operasional Kendaraan Dan Nilai Waktu (Studi Kasus Ruas Jalan Tol Solo-Karanganyar)
The Solo-Karanganyar toll road section is part of the Solo-Ngawi toll road that connects Surakarta City with Kab. Karanganyar. This study aims to predict the savings in vehicle operating costs (BOK) and Time Value and to evaluate the applicable Solo-Karanganyar Toll Road tariffs. Primary data was obtained in the form of a road user questionnaire survey both online and by interviewing a total of 94 respondents and secondary data was obtained in the form of vehicle speed surveys, technical data, general specifications from PT Jasamarga on the Solo-Karanganyar toll road section. The analysis is in the form of vehicle classification and speed which represents vehicle class I, IIA and IIB. The location of the vehicle speed survey was carried out on the Solo – Karanganyar National Road with an average vehicle speed of 33.8 km/hour Gol.I, 32.73 km/hour Gol. IIA and 18.78 km/hour Gol.IIB while the average speed of vehicles on the Solo-Karanganyar Toll Road is 78.45 km/hour Gol.I, 59.77 km/hour Gol. IIA and 41.84 km/h Goal. IIB. From the results of the analysis of vehicle speed using the Pacific Consultant International (PCI) method, a value of Rp. 72,607/ vehicle Gol.I, Rp. 178,258/vehicle Gol. IIA, Rp. 321,626/vehicle Gol.IIB while using the LAPI ITB method a value of Rp. 77,514/ Gol.I vehicle, Rp. 118,183/Gol. IIA vehicle, Rp. 306,641/ vehicle Gol. IIB. Besides that, the Running Speed Approach method obtained a Time Value of Rp. 1,358/ Gol.I vehicle, Rp. 3,429/ Vehicle Goal. IIA and Rp. 1,273/ vehicle Gol. IIB. The results of BOK analysis using the PCI method and Time Value obtained a tariff of Rp. 51,766/vehicle Gol.I, Rp. 127,181/vehicle Gol. IIA, Rp. 226,029/vehicle Gol. IIB. While the results of BOK analysis using the LAPI ITB method and Time Value obtained a tariff of Rp. 55,210/vehicle Gol. I, Rp. 85,128/vehicle Gol. IIA, Rp. 215,540/vehicle Gol. IIB. The results of the current toll rate evaluation analysis are in accordance with PUPR Ministerial Decree No. 820/KPTS/M/2019 lower
Model Pemilihan Moda Dengan Metode Ahp (Analytical Hierarchy Process) (Studi Kasus: Perumnas Palur, Desa Ngringo, Kecamatan Jaten, Kabupaten Karanganyar)
The needs of transportation is increasing from year to year, it is influenced by the development of an area such as Perumnas Palur located in the Village Ngringo, District Jaten of Karanganyar. The layout is exactly located in a strategic area with many public facilities. This has effect in society activities that influenced the modal choice. Activity modal choice in Perumnas Palur aims to investigate the trip characteristics, socioeconomic characteristics, and modeling of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), also the criteria of modal choices reason. The data is carried out from trip and socioeconomic characteristics questionnaires, also criteria of modal choice questionnaire, all of that filled by citizens. The trip characteristics of the society dominantly using the motorcycle for working, many trips taken more than 5 times of week within the time less than 15 minutes and costs less than Rp10,000.00. While the results of the socioeconomic characteristics represent that mostly consists of housewives and private employees with average income Rp1.714.103,00. The AHP results fairly appropriate to the circumstances in Perumnas Palur in general, with the models of AHP is Pm = Xm1.Y1 + Xm2.Y2 + Xm3.Y3 + Xm4.Y4. With the rank of the modal choice based on the reasons of criteria, i.e. motorcycle (27.5%), walking (26.6%), car (18.5%), bike (15%), and bus (12.4%) from the criteria of the reasons safe (47.5%), time (24%), easy (17%), and fees (11.5%)