1 research outputs found

    Multilingual Android based application for Meteorological Units Conversions and Calculation of empirical relationship.

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    Meteorological data can be expressed in several units. Various climatological and physical parameters are used for calculating evapotranpiration, irrigation demand, soil moisture etc. from meteorological data. Some of these data are directly measured in weather stations. Other parameters are related to commonly measured data on field and can be derived with the help of a direct or empirical relationship. Many a times on field and on time calculation or conversion are required. Android is a mobile based, free of cost operating system; used by majority of the mobile manufactures and equally appreciated and used by handheld users. Person working on field collects data and an android mobile based multilingual converter and calculator can assist in solving major issues pertaining to on field and on time conversions and calculation in regional language. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15011