7 research outputs found
Pada studi ini dibuat sebuah aplikasi pembelajaran Bahasa Jerman Level Dasar Berbasis Android. Aplikasi ini memberikan fasilitas pembelajaran tentang pengenalan dasar yang meliputi alfabet dan number yang disertakan dengan contoh benda dan dilengkapi dengan suara. Aplikasi ini juga memberikan contoh percakapan singkat yang seringkali terjadi pada kegiatan sehari – hari. Dalam menu dialog, disertakan juga suara untuk mempermudah pemahaman karena dalam mempelajari sebuah bahasa, mendengarkan adalah hal yang sangat utama untuk dipelajari. Aplikasi Deutsch Lernen ini juga mampu menampilkan wortchatz untuk mempermudah mengetahui arti pada setiap kata. Dalam menu grammar aplikasi Deutsch Lernen ini dibuat untuk mempermudah pemahaman tentang tata bahasa yang disertakan dengan contoh – contoh kalimat.Aplikasi ini juga memberikan fasilitas untuk mengevaluasi hasil belajar, yaitu dengan disediakannya latihan soal serta ujian, dimana nantinya user dapat melihat nilai yang didapatkannya selama belajar menggunakan aplikasi Deutsch Lernen.
Kata kunci : Android, Deutsch Lernen, Aplikas
Gambaran Umum Kasus Frambusia setelah Pengobatan Massal dengan Azitromisin di Kota Jayapura
Yaws is still unfinished health problem in Jayapura City, there is still have enclave yaw’s disease. This study aimed to know clinical and result of Rapid Test Diagnostic of yaws after mass therapy used azitromisin and to know about sanitation according to yaws. These was descriptive and cross sectional study design. Method of this study are interview, clinical examination, RDT and lesion sampel using Darkfield microscope and microscope. From 229 respondences after mass therapy of azitromisin in Jayapura City consist of 113 boys and 116 girls. The youngest about 3 years old and the oldest about 15 years old. Most of them have already have good personal hygiene from the highest presentance of taking bath, bathing used soap and changing clothes after bathing. Prevalence of yaws are tend to decreased, we found only 5 RDT (+).
Frambusia masih menjadi masalah kesehatan yang belum terselesaikan, masih terdapat daerah kantong frambusia di Kota Jayapura. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran secara klinis maupun pemeriksaan RDT frambusia setelah pengobatan massal dan mengetahui data sanitasi terkait frambusia ini. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu observasional dengan desain potong lintang (cross sectional). Metode yang digunakan terdiri dari wawancara dengan kuesioner, pemeriksaan klinis, pemeriksaan RDT dan pemeriksaan sampel berupa apusan lesi dengan menggunakan mikroskop lapangan gelap dan mikroskop cahaya biasa (pewarnaan gram). Hasil yang didapat berupa data dari 229 responden yang telah mendapatkan pengobatan Azitromisin di Kota Jayapura yang terdiri dari responden laki – laki berjumlah 113 orang dan responden perempuan berjumlah 116 orang. Umur termuda ditemukan berumur 3 tahun dan umur tertinggi 15 tahun. Sebagian besar responden sudah memiliki personal hygiene yang cukup baik dilihat dari tingginya persentase frekuensi mandi, pelaksanaan mandi memakai sabun dan mengganti baju setelah mandi. Angka kasus frambusia di Kota Jayapura cenderung turun dimana ditemukan hanya 5 responden dengan RDT (+)
Diseases that are the Main Cause of Death During the Covid-19 Pandemic at RSAL Dr. Soedibjo Sardadi, Jayapura City
Background: The spread of COVID-19 in Jayapura City, Papua Province, is getting out of control. The cumulative number of COVID-19 cases in Jayapura City until September 2021 was 12813 people and 271 people died. In addition to deaths that occur due to exposure to Covid-19, other causes of death are caused by various other diseases. Objectives: The overall goal of this research is to describe the main cause of death during Covid-19 at RSAL dr. Soedibjo Sardadi, Jayapura City. Methods: This is quantitative research augmented with qualitative research. On April 2021, data was collected in Jayapura City, specifically at RSAL dr. Soedibjo Sardadi. The quantitative sample in this study was all deaths at RSAL dr. Soedibjo Sarda during the COVID 19 pandemic from March 17, 2020 to March 17, 2021, or saturated sampling. While the informants in this study were chosen using a purposive sampling technique, they included the Head of the RSAL, Dr. Soedibjo Sardadi, the doctor in charge of the ER, and the doctor in charge of COVID 19. The proportions are seen in quantitative data analysis. Result: The deaths that occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic at RSAL dr. Soedibjo Sardadi, Jayapura City, 44 men (61.1%), and 28 women (38.9%). The most deaths were at the age of > 45 years, as many as 34 people (47.2%). The trend of deaths over time looks fluctuating, but it was found that in October 2020 the highest number of deaths was 15.28% and the least in December 2020 and March 2021 at 2.78%. The deaths caused by Covid-19 as many as 8 people (87.5%) and one (12.5%) suffered from Covid-19 with type 2 DM concomitant disease
The Obesity Prevalence in Navy Personal and Civil Servants at Lantamal X Jayapura
Background: Central (visceral) obesity, one of the risk factors of metabolic syndrome, is becoming the major public health concern of non-communicable diseases. Predictions estimated that by 2030, 50% of adults will be listed as obese. This study aimed to examine smoking and exercise as the risk factors of central obesity in navy personal and civil servants at Lantamal X Jayapura.
Subjects and Method: This was a cross sectional study conducted from November to December 2017 at Lantamal X JayaÂpura, Indonesia. A sample of 100 navy personal and civil servants was selected by random sampling. The dependent variable was central obesity. The independent variables were smoking and exercise. Waist circumference was measured by metline. The other variables were collected by questionnaires. Data were anaÂlyzed by Chi square.
Results: The risk of central obesity increased with smoking (OR= 3.13; 95% CI= 1.63 to 5.98; p<0.001) and duration of exercise less than 60 minute per week (OR= 2.49; 95% CI= 1.14 to 5.40; p= 0.017).
Conclusion: Risk of central obesity increases with smoking and duration of exercise.
Keywords: central obesity, smoking, exercise, navy personal, civil servant
Faktor Risiko Potensial Reaksi Kusta Pada Etnis Asli di Dua Kantong Kusta – Papua
Papua and West Papua are two provinces in Indonesia with high rate of leprosy number. One of the problems in leprosy management is the emergence of leprosy reactions. The purpose of this study was to identified potential risk factors affecting to leprosy reaction among indigenous people in two leprosy pockets in Papua and West Papua. Cross-sectional studies were conducted in 10 months (February-November 2018) in Jayapura City and Bintuni District, by interview using questionnaire and physical examination. Successfully found 90 subjects of leprosy patients who are undergoing treatment and 18 subjects had experienced of leprosy reaction. Although no dominant potential risk factor was found, history of previous MDT consumption and history of BCG immunization become potential factors.
Key words: reaction, leprosy, papua
Papua dan Papua Barat merupakan dua provinsi di Indonesia dengan angka kejadian kusta yang tinggi. Salah satu masalah dalam penanganan kusta adalah timbulnya reaksi kusta. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi faktor risiko potensial yang berpengaruh pada reaksi kusta pada etnis asli di dua kantong kusta di Papua dan Papua Barat. Penelitian potong lintang dilakukan selama 10 bulan (Februari-November 2018) di Kota Jayapura dan Bintuni, menggunakan wawancara dengan kuisioner dan pemeriksaan fisik. Berhasil ditemukan 90 subyek pasien kusta yang sedang menjalani pengobatan dan 18 di antaranya pernah mengalami reaksi kusta. Meskipun tidak ditemukan faktor risiko potensial yang dominan, namun riwayat minum MDT sebelumnya dan riwayat tidak diimunisasi BCG menjadi faktor-faktor yang potensial.
Kata kunci: reaksi, kusta, papu
Serologic observation and risk factor of yaws in Hamadi Public Health Center, Jayapura
Latar belakang: Penyakit frambusia masih menjadi masalah yang belum terselesaikan di Kota Jayapura sebab terdapat daerah kantong frambusia di Kota Jayapura. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data status frambusia secara serologi dan faktor risikonya. Metode: Penelitian deskriptif yang dilakukan secara potong lintang. Pemeriksaan laboratorium standar yang digunakan berupa uji Treponema pallidum haemagglutination (TPHA) pada 322 kasus yang didiagnosis Yaws di Puskesmas Hamadi dari Januari – Oktober 2016. Hasil: Faktor risiko frambusia berupa riwayat pernah mengalami frambusia memiliki potensi dua kali lebih besar untuk mengalami frambusia kembali. Faktor risiko frambusia meningkat dua kali lebih besar pada kasus yang kurang berperilaku hidup bersih dan sehat yaitu: jarang mandi dan tanpa menggunakan sabun dan mempunyai kebiasaan jarang/tidak pakai sandal. Potensi risiko meningkat tiga kali pada kebiasaan pakai handuk bersama. Kesimpulan: Secara serologi dengan TPHA yang positif didapat pada 111 sampel dari kasus dan kontak. Periaku hidup yang kurang bersih dan sehat merupakan faktor risiko yang mempengaruhi kejadian frambusia. Kata kunci: TPHA, frambusia, faktor risiko, perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat  Background: Yaws remained an unfinished health problem in Jayapura City, as there still yaws case found. This research aimed to obtain serological prevalence data and determine the risk factors for yaws transmission in Jayapura. Methods: These was descriptive and cross-sectional research, and TPHA was the standard laboratory test used during the research. Results: The risk factor of a frambusia in the history of having experienced frambusia has twice as much potential for experiencing frambusia again. The risk factor of frambusia has increased twice as much in less healthy behaviors: rarely bathing and without using soap and having a rare / non-slip habit. Potential risk increased three times in the habit of sharing a towel together. Conclusion: Serology with positive TPHA was obtained in 111 samples of cases and contacts. Not clean and healthy behavior is a risk factor that affects the incidence of frambusia.Keywords: TPHA, yaws, risk factor, personal hygiene Â