1,321 research outputs found
Sharia and Egyptâs constitution: an Iraqi blueprint
The constitutional debates that took place in the run-up to the formation of the current Iraqi constitution provide a blueprint for the questions Islamic parties must address if they are to be insiders to the process of consolidating democracy
Corporate Ownership, Leadership and Job Charateristics in Russian Enterprises
This study tests the application of the Western theory of organization's ownership in Russia, suggesting that ownership types â such as state-owned and private â influence leadership style and employees' jobs characteristics. A sample of 724 Russian employees in 15 service and manufacturing companies was surveyed. The results indicate that, contrary to Western theories, the leadership in Russian state-owned enterprises tends to be perceived as being more effective than the leadership in private enterprises. Similarly, jobs in state-owned enterprises are more enriched than in private companies. Explanations and implications are provided.leadership, job characteristics, state-owned enterprises, private organizations, Russia
Sexual and emotional jealousy in relation to the facial sexual dimorphism of a potential rival
Background and purpose: Previous studies have shown that men are more sensitive to sexual infidelity, while women are more sensitive to emotional infidelity. Studies have also shown that jealousy is evoked by the rivalâs desirable characteristics. Therefore, it was assumed that women would be more jealous of a woman with a feminine face, while men would report greater levels of jealousy when presented with a rival with a masculine face. It was also predicted that these expected differences would depend on the infidelity type â sexual and emotional. Based on this, the aim of this study was to investigate differences in jealousy in relation to participantsâ sex, the type of infidelity and the rivalâs facial sexual dimorphism.
Materials and methods: The study included 401 (164 men and 237 women) participants, aged between 18 and 35. Jealousy was assessed by using hypothetical scenarios of a partnerâs emotional and sexual infidelity that involved rivals with a masculine and feminine face. Participants reported the intensity of jealousy on a 7-point scale.
Results and conclusions: As predicted, men reported higher levels of jealousy over sexual, whereas women were more upset over emotional infidelity. Moreover, while there was no difference in jealousy among men in relation to the rivalâs facial sexual dimorphism, women reported a higher intensity of jealousy toward a rival with a feminine face, regardless of the infidelity type. These results are interpreted by different adaptive mechanisms in men and women
Home high above and home deep down below -- lending in Hungary
In Hungary in the pre-crisis period, the bank sector-initiated private credit boom significantly contributed to the accumulation of economic imbalances. Nevertheless, before the 2008 crisis no special regulatory measure was taken to mitigate the foreign exchange lending to unhedged borrowers, which was a main moving force of the credit boom. Depreciation of forint-denominated subsidized housing loans and the increased risk premium significantly deteriorated customers'positions and resulted in rocketing nonperforming loans. A recession, deteriorating portfolios, and lack of efficient workout. The introduction of strict regulation froze banking activity and the danger of recovery without lending emerged. This paper compares the pre- and post-crisis lending activity and analyzes the lack of regulation in the pre-crisis period and the inefficient regulation in the post-crisis period.Debt Markets,Banks&Banking Reform,Currencies and Exchange Rates,Bankruptcy and Resolution of Financial Distress,Emerging Markets
Banki viselkedĂ©s a vĂĄlsĂĄg elĆtt Ă©s a vĂĄlsĂĄgban = Bank Behavior before and in the Crisis
A gazdasĂĄgi vilĂĄgvĂĄlsĂĄg magyarorszĂĄgi fejezetĂ©nek alakulĂĄsĂĄt meghatĂĄrozta a devizahitelezĂ©s, illetve annak következmĂ©nyei. 2008 utĂĄn egyĂ©rtelmƱ vĂĄlt, hogy az összes gazdasĂĄgi szereplĆre (a vĂĄllalatokra, hĂĄztartĂĄsokra, a bankrendszerre Ă©s az ĂĄllamra egyarĂĄnt) komoly terhet rĂł a korĂĄbbi, idegen devizĂĄban törtĂ©nĆ eladĂłsodĂĄs. MĂ©g hĂ©t Ă©vvel a vĂĄlsĂĄg kezdete utĂĄn is jelentĆs hatĂĄssal van a hazai bankrendszeri folyamatokra a devizahitelezĂ©s öröksĂ©ge. Az esemĂ©nyek elemzĂ©se, a tanulsĂĄgok levonĂĄsa fontos, hogy a kĂ©sĆbbiekben el tudjuk kerĂŒlni hasonlĂł tĂpusĂș kockĂĄzatok felĂ©pĂŒlĂ©sĂ©t, illetve hogy mĂĄs orszĂĄgok szĂĄmĂĄra is pĂ©ldakĂ©nt szolgĂĄljanak, hiszen a devizahitelezĂ©s tovĂĄbbra is elterjedt a vilĂĄgban. A disszertĂĄciĂł egy, a devizahitelezĂ©s kialakulĂĄsĂĄnak okait feltĂĄrĂł bevezetĆ szakasz utĂĄn öt tanulmĂĄnyt mutat be, amelyek a devizahitelezĂ©sbĆl szĂĄrmazĂł kĂŒlönbözĆ kockĂĄzatokat, illetve azok következmĂ©nyeit tĂĄrgyaljĂĄk. (...
A banki hitelezĂ©st meghatĂĄrozĂł tĂ©nyezĆk â közĂ©ppontban a bankok helyzete Ă©s a makrokörnyezet
A hazai bankrendszer hitelĂĄllomĂĄnya hat Ă©vvel a vĂĄlsĂĄg kezdete utĂĄn is csökken. 11 hazai bank 1999 Ă©s 2013 közötti adatait tartalmazĂł paneladatbĂĄzis segĂtsĂ©gĂ©vel vizsgĂĄljuk, hogy milyen tĂ©nyezĆk ĂĄllnak e folyamat mögött. EredmĂ©nyeink azt igazoljĂĄk, hogy a jĂł finanszĂrozĂĄsi pozĂciĂł (hitel/betĂ©t mutatĂł) tĂĄmogatja a hitelezĂ©si aktivitĂĄst. A likviditĂĄsi kockĂĄzat egyĂ©b jellemzĆi â mint a devizacsere-ÂĂŒgyletekre valĂł rĂĄutaltsĂĄg â pedig negatĂvan hatnak a hitelezĂ©sre. Az, hogy van-e stratĂ©giai kĂŒlföldi tulajdonosa a banknak, nem meghatĂĄrozĂł a hitelezĂ©si aktivitĂĄsban, de a tulajdonos bankcsoport helyzete mĂĄr fontos tĂ©nyezĆ. Azok a bankok hiteleznek aktĂvabban, amelyek anyabankjĂĄnak jövedelmezĆsĂ©ge magasabb, tĆkeellĂĄtottsĂĄga jobb, illetve amelynek a finanszĂrozĂĄsi pozĂciĂłja biztosabb. A vĂĄlsĂĄggal ezek az összefĂŒggĂ©sek nĂ©mikĂ©pp megvĂĄltoztak. 2009 utĂĄn a szolvenciahelyzet meghatĂĄrozĂłbbĂĄ vĂĄlt a hitelezĂ©si aktivitĂĄsban, mĂg a likviditĂĄsi pozĂciĂł szerepe csökkent.
Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kĂłd: E44, E51, G21, G28
International itinerants and traditional expatriates : different breed or different circumstance?
Version of RecordThis exploratory study extends the concept of boundaryless careers toward international career management. It focuses on a new breed of expatriate managers who are becoming more prevalent in multinational corporationsâthe international itinerant. A group of 52 traditional expatriate managers is compared with a group of 86 international itinerants and, contrary to previous propositions no differences have been found in the levels of organizational commitment, locus of control, and instrumentality of the two groups. Explanations of the findings and propositions for future research are provided.Shaydulova A. & Banai, M. (2007, October). International Itinerants and Traditional Expatriates: Different Breed or Different Circumstance? Presented at the Academy of International Business U.S. Northeast Chapter Regional Meeting, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Retrieved from http://academicarchive.snhu.ed
FenntarthatĂł hitelpiac, fenntarthatĂł fejlĆdĂ©s = Sustainable lending, sustainable development
A pĂ©nzĂŒgyi közvetĂtĆ rendszer akkor tudja betölteni tĂĄrsadalmi funkciĂłjĂĄt, ha
az ĂĄltala megvalĂłsĂtott hitelezĂ©s tĂĄmogatja az adott nemzetgazdasĂĄg Ă©s közössĂ©g
fenntarthatĂł fejlĆdĂ©sĂ©t. A magyar bankok nem mindig Ă©s nem minden szempontbĂłl
feleltek meg ennek a feltételnek. Az utóbbi egy-måsfél évtizedben több olyan
banki gyakorlat is azonosĂthatĂł, amely Ă©pp ezzel ellentĂ©tes hatĂĄsĂș volt. Ilyennek
tekinthetĆ többek között a kkv-szektor nem elĂ©gsĂ©ges mĂ©rtĂ©kƱ hitelezĂ©se, illetve
a hĂĄztartĂĄsok devizĂĄban valĂł tĂșlhitelezĂ©se, amit sĂșlyosbĂtott, hogy a magyar lakossĂĄg
pĂ©nzĂŒgyi tudatossĂĄga elmaradt a kĂvĂĄnatostĂłl. A vĂĄlsĂĄg Ăłta eltelt idĆszak
måsodik felében több stratégiai kezdeményezés történt és program indult annak
Ă©rdekĂ©ben, hogy a hitelpiacon mind a kĂnĂĄlat, mind pedig a kereslet a fenntarthatĂł
Ă©s egyensĂșlyi fejlĆdĂ©st segĂtse elĆ, de tovĂĄbbi lĂ©pĂ©sek szĂŒksĂ©gesek ezen a tĂ©ren.
The role of the financial system can be fulfilled in the society only if its lending activity
supports the sustainable development of the society and the economy. Hungarian
banks could not always meet these requirements from every perspective.
Several practices with adverse effect can be identified in the last one and a half
decade. The low SME lending activity of the banking sector can be considered as
an example, or FX lending for the household sector which was aggravated by the
Hungarian householdsâ poor financial literacy. Several strategic programs were
launched in the last half decade to support the sustainable lending both on the
supply and the demand side. But further step should be made in the future
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