182 research outputs found

    De kinderhuid spreekt!

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    Dat ‘de kinderhuid spreekt!’ zal ik U in het vervolg duidelijk maken. De dermato- venereologie is een deelgebied van de geneeskunde, dat zich bezighoudt met de diagnostiek en de behandeling van ziekten van de huid en de slijmvliezen. Dit vakgebied omvat ook de fl ebologie, hoewel dat in de naam niet tot uiting komt. Flebologie is een belangrijk onderdeel geworden. Door veroudering van de bevolking is dermato-oncologie eveneens een belangrijk sub - aandachtsgebied. Net zoals de gehele geneeskunde heeft de dermato-venereologie een enorme ontwikkeling doorgemaakt. De specialisatie tot dermatoloog kent vele subspecialisaties, waarbij voor ieder onderdeel specifieke kennis en vaardigheden noodzakelijk zijn. Algemene dermatologie, allergologie, oncologische dermatochirurgie, flebologie, proctologie en venereologie wisselen elkaar in de dagelijkse praktijk van de dermatoloog van patiënt tot patiënt af of van dagdeel tot dagdeel af en vragen ieder om een eigen benadering. De subspecialisatie kinderdermatologie neemt daarbij om meerdere redenen een bijzondere plaats in.Rede, in verkorte vorm uitgesproken ter gelegenheid van het aanvaarden van het ambt van bijzonder hoogleraar in de Kinderdermatologie aan het Erasmus MC, faculteit van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam op 16 juni 200

    NLRB v. Noel Canning Presents a Nonjusticiable Political Question

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    This Article argues that the Noel Canning challenge to the President’s use of his recess appointment authority presents a nonjusticiable political question. The work draws from arguments developed for this author’s Supreme Court amicus briefs in Noel Canning, other amicus briefs lodged during the past year for related actions in the Third, Fourth, Seventh, Ninth, and D.C. Circuits, and a variety of this author’s commentary on federal appointments

    Soil heterogeinity as an indicator of naturalness? 2. Biological, structural and pedological diversity in natural and regularly managed beech, oak and pine stands in Brandenburg (Germany) and Northwest Poland

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    Es werden Forschungsergebnisse zur Variabilität und kleinräumigen Heterogenität von Bestandes- und Bodeneigenschaften aus Natur- und Wirtschaftswäldern der Rot-Buche (Fagus sylvatica L.), Trauben-Eiche (Quercus petraea [Matt.] Liebl.) und Wald-Kiefer (Pinus sylvestris L.) (Reinbestände) vorgestellt. Es sollte die Hypothese geprüft werden, dass Naturnähe mit einer höheren alpha- und beta-Diversität von Parametern des Bodens sowie weiterer Ökosystemkompartimente verbunden ist. Verschiedene Bodenparameter wurden an insgesamt 9.282 Mineralbodenproben aus 7 Tiefenstufen (0 – 5, 5 – 10, …, 25 – 30, 30 – 40 cm) ermittelt und geostatistisch ausgewertet. Begleitend dazu wurde die Diversität bestandesstruktureller, floristischer und bodenfaunistischer Eigenschaften (Lumbriciden) untersucht. Es wurden verschiedene Bestandesstrukturindices, die Durchwurzelungsstruktur und die (Bio-) Diversität der Waldbodenvegetation, sowie der Regenwurmfauna ermittelt. Kennwerte des Baumbestandes und der Bodenvegetation erwiesen sich in den Naturwäldern diverser als in den entsprechenden Wirtschaftswäldern gleicher Bestockung. In den Naturwäldern waren generell höhere Variabilitäten der Bodenkennwerte pH-Wert, effektive Kationenaustauschkapazität und Basensättigung nachzuweisen. Beim Humus-, C- und N-Gehalt trifft das auf die Buche und Eiche, jedoch nicht auf die Kiefer zu. Die Variabilität und Autokorrelationslängen der Auflage- und Horizontmächtigkeiten zwischen Natur- und Wirtschaftswäldern ergaben ein uneinheitliches Bild. Es wird versucht, die Autokorrelationslängen verschiedener Bodenkennwerte als Ausdruck des kleinräumigen Bodenmusters mit ökosystem- (= baumarten-)spezifischen und hemerobieabhängigen ober- und unterirdischen Bestandeskennwerten in Zusammenhang zu bringen. Der Einfluss der mittleren Baumabstände auf die pH-Werte und die Basensättigung, sowie die Bedeutung der Wurzelstruktur und des räumlich differenzierten Streuaufkommens für die Humus-, C- und N-Akkumulation werden diskutiert. Diese ersten Ergebnisse zur naturnäheabhängigen Bodenvariabilität und kleinräumigen Bodenheterogenität sollten in Zukunft durch die geostatistische Untersuchung weiterer Bestandestypen und ein optimiertes Probenahmedesign validiert werden. Schlüsselwörter: Bestandesstruktur, Bodenvegetation, Wurzelstruktur, Regenwürmer, Bodeneigenschaften, α-, β-Diversität, Variabilität, Heterogenität, Autokorrelation, Naturwald, Wirtschaftswald, Fagus sylvatica, Quercus petraea, Pinus sylvestrisIn the second part of this paper research findings are presented which describe variability and spatial heterogeneity of stand and soil properties in six pure beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), oak (Quercus petraea [Matt.] Liebl.) and pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands (three natural and regularly managed forests, respectively). The hypothesis was tested that naturalness is connected with higher alpha- and beta-diversity concerning parameters of soil and other ecosystem compartments. A total of 9282 soil samples were analyzed and various soil parameters in 7 soil layers (0 – 5, 5 – 10, …, 25 – 30, 30 – 40 cm) were investigated using statistical and geostatisticalmethods. Furthermore the diversity of ground vegetation as well as stand structural and soil faunistical (Lumbricidae) properties was examined. Various indices to characterize stand structure, the rooting structure and the variability of the forest ground vegetation and earthworms, respectively, were calculated. Stand parameters and ground vegetation indicated more (bio-)diversity in the natural forests than in the regularly managed forests with corresponding tree species. In the natural forests generally higher variabilities and ranges of the soil parameters pH-value, effective cation exchange capacity (CECeff) and base saturation occurred. The same could be found out for humus, C- and N-content in the examined beech and oak stands, but not in the pine stands. The variability and autocorrelation of pedogenous properties (development of organic layer and soil horizons) give some inconsistent differences between natural and regularly managed forests. It was tried to find relations between the autocorrelation lengths of various soil properties as an expression of smallscale spatial soil pattern and ecological stand characteristics depending on hemeroby. The influences of the mean tree distance on pH-values and base saturation as well as the role of the rooting structure and local differing litter fall for the accumulation of humus, C and N are discussed. This paper is a first approach to describe soil variability and heterogeneity (small-scale soil pattern) as an indicator for naturalness. It is recommended to validate the presented results by further geostatistical analyses of spatial soil data of different stand types and by optimized sampling design. Keywords: stand structure, ground vegetation, root distribution, earthworms, soil properties, α-diversity, β-diversity, variability, heterogeneity, autocorrelation, natural forest, regularly managed forest, Fagus sylvatica, Quercus petraea, Pinus sylvestri

    Meetprotocol en voorschriften

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    Meetprotocol en voorschriften

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    The Congressional Chaplaincies

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    Roughly twenty-five years ago, in Marsh v. Chambers, the Supreme Court considered the congressional chaplaincies, and concluded that they were not an \u27establishment\u27 of religion or a step toward establishment, but instead were simply a tolerable acknowledgment of beliefs widely held among the people of this country. \u27 That latter phrase has been repeated hundreds of times in cases and law review articles; it suggests that the chaplaincies are uninteresting and uncontroversial and that they have been so throughout our history. The Court in Marsh looked only briefly at the history of the chaplaincies.2 A deeper look at that history reveals an American institution that is neither boring nor entirely benign. The chaplaincies have a remarkable, and a remarkably checkered, history. Sometimes, they have indeed been a source of unity for the country, as Marsh intimated. But they have also, at times, been a source of discord and dissension. Indeed, perhaps one lesson taught by the history of the chaplaincies is that they operate in the way one would expect any religious establishment to operate-when the government is empowered to act religiously, there is a natural but sometimes unenviable fight for control. The history of the chaplaincies is, at least in part, a history of that fight for control. In the last decade, this fight has reached a critical stage. While Marsh approved legislative prayer, it did so only with constitutional restrictions-restrictions which have themselves now become sources of constant litigation. In these modem battles, as was the case with Marsh itself, history plays an influential role. It is thus now more important than ever to bring to light certain episodes, some untold and some somewhat misremembered, in the history of the chaplaincies

    The Impact of Land on the 'Right to Energy' in Namibia

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