2,843 research outputs found

    Quantum control and the Strocchi map

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    Identifying the real and imaginary parts of wave functions with coordinates and momenta, quantum evolution may be mapped onto a classical Hamiltonian system. In addition to the symplectic form, quantum mechanics also has a positive-definite real inner product which provides a geometrical interpretation of the measurement process. Together they endow the quantum Hilbert space with the structure of a K\"{a}ller manifold. Quantum control is discussed in this setting. Quantum time-evolution corresponds to smooth Hamiltonian dynamics and measurements to jumps in the phase space. This adds additional power to quantum control, non unitarily controllable systems becoming controllable by ``measurement plus evolution''. A picture of quantum evolution as Hamiltonian dynamics in a classical-like phase-space is the appropriate setting to carry over techniques from classical to quantum control. This is illustrated by a discussion of optimal control and sliding mode techniques.Comment: 16 pages Late

    Gauge Invariance and Symmetry Breaking by Topology and Energy Gap

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    For the description of observables and states of a quantum system, it may be convenient to use a canonical Weyl algebra of which only a subalgebra A\mathcal A, with a non-trivial center Z\mathcal Z, describes observables, the other Weyl operators playing the role of intertwiners between inequivalent representations of A\mathcal A. In particular, this gives rise to a gauge symmetry described by the action of Z\mathcal Z. A distinguished case is when the center of the observables arises from the fundamental group of the manifold of the positions of the quantum system. Symmetries which do not commute with the topological invariants represented by elements of Z\mathcal Z are then spontaneously broken in each irreducible representation of the observable algebra, compatibly with an energy gap; such a breaking exhibits a mechanism radically different from Goldstone and Higgs mechanisms. This is clearly displayed by the quantum particle on a circle, the Bloch electron and the two body problem.Comment: 23 page

    Remarks on some new models of interacting quantum fields with indefinite metric

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    We study quantum field models in indefinite metric. We introduce the modified Wightman axioms of Morchio and Strocchi as a general framework of indefinite metric quantum field theory (QFT) and present concrete interacting relativistic models obtained by analytical continuation from some stochastic processes with Euclidean invariance. As a first step towards scattering theory in indefinite metric QFT, we give a proof of the spectral condition on the translation group for the relativistic models.Comment: 13 page
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