23,172 research outputs found


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    Pozivni upitnik upućen je u veljači 2014. na tridesetak adresa za potrebe pripreme šireg priloga o obnovi Francuskog paviljona u časopisu Kvartal te za potrebe tiskanih ili web izdanja Studentskog centra u Zagrebu. Pripremile su ga i uputile Marta Kiš i Karla Pudar, kustosice zaposlene u SC-u Zagreb. Odabrane izjave prenesene su u cijelosti

    The Croatian Adult Health Cohort Study (CroHort) - background, methodology & perspectives [CroHort: Hrvatska kohortna studija kardiovaskularnog zdravlja - pozadina, metodologija i perspektiva]

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    Health interview surveys are important source of health information. All previous adult population-based health interview surveys in Croatia until CroHort, were one-off projects with very limited possibility of data comparison. CroHort enabled repeated survey of CAHS 2003 respondents with almost identical questionnaire, thus providing comparable data on trends of different risk factors as well as their relation to the specific outcomes. Next follow-up survey of the CroHort cohort is foreseen for 2013. Health interview survey according to Eurostat methodology (EHIS) on the new representative sample of adult Croatian population is planned for 2014. As the data from health interview surveys are valuable in health policy, efforts should be made to increase their use by policymakers in Croatia

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    Income distribution in Croatia:what do the household budget survey data tell us?

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    The paper analyses income distribution in Croatia using the Household Budget Survey data. The results point to a mild increase in inequality during the 1998-2002 period. A non-linear increase in pensions in 2001 in favour of the better-off households has contributed to the rising inequality. In the meantime, other social transfers have become better targeted towards the poor suppressing overall inequality increase. Wages and salaries have become increasingly important and more unequally distributed sources of income. The income share of the poorest decile has shrunk due to its lower share in wages and pensions. The paper concludes with a proposal for introducing a panel survey of households in order to improve monitoring of poverty and inequality.income distribution, inequality, Croatia

    Anketa uživatelů TeXu

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    Istraživanje primjene metoda upravljanja financijskim rizicima u hrvatskim poduzećima - anketa na uzorku poduzeća

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    The aim of the research was to get information on usage of financial risk protection instruments in Croatian large and medium-sized companies, as well as to recognize existence of possible differences among characteristics of the companies that use and that do not use them. Survey research based on a telephone interview with financial or accounting managers from a stratified random sample of 101 Croatian companies in October and November 2004 was carried out. The stratification criterion was «number of employees». One stratum contained medium-sized companies that were defined as those with 51-250 employees, and the other one included companies with more than 250 employees. Approximately equal allocation with 50 large and 51 medium-sized enterprises from each of respective strata was applied. Methods of estimation used took into account the procedure of random sampling of units, so that margin of errors could be calculated. Considering normal approximation, in each strata the research result for the proportion, with 95% confidence level and coefficient of confidence z = 1.96, is within margin of error of maximum +/- 14,2%. The results of the survey research based on random sample of 101 Croatian companies shown that there is no statistically significant dependence between the firms’ size and usage of risk protection, so planned stratification was not stressed in further analysis. The research results were compared to the results of similar surveys from Europe and America. The common conclusions in all these studies were that financial managers are aware of the danger arisen from financial and other risks, but the financial policy in most cases is not precisely defined. Even if this policy is defined, it is formal and reactive, and very seldom proactive. Control functions and risk management seem to be quite centralized business functions in most of surveyed companies. There is a lack of systematic standardized «financial risk manager» function, and a well organized financial department seems to be an exception. According to the survey, financial risk protection instruments were used by two fifth of companies from the sample, and the same proportion of them wants to have additional education a about these instruments. Only one fifth of companies covered by the survey have got a kind of developed protection policy. The most often enterprises use financial risk protection services from banks, and in most cases they are satisfied or vary satisfied with these services. The surveyed enterprises worry the most about liquidity risks and currency risks, and interest rate risk is not the subject of such great concerns. This paper deals in details about various haracteristics (such as company size, activity, region, and size of market) of enterprises that are threatened to quite serious extent with various types of financial risks. Interviewees from 41 companies that use financial risk protection methods mentioned that the most often used protection instruments against liquidity risk were: cash flow investment analysis (70% out of 41), and analysis of assets, liabilities and sources (also 70%). Against currency risk surveyed companies most often use: currency futures (34%), selling prices policy (29%) and currency forward (27%). Against interest rate risk the most often applied protection instruments were: interest rate futures (12%) and interest rate management at the money market (10%). The reasons for not using the protection instruments are insufficient knowledge about them, prevailed perception that they are not efficient and that are too expensive. Contribution of this study comes out of the testing of hypothesis about dependence between characteristics of Croatian companies and the usage of financial risk protection instruments. The survey results show that the companies that are using these instruments are more often registered as share holding companies than as limited, they have significantly greater average yearly revenue, and their revenue is increasing more often according to previous year than in companies that are not using protection instruments. Also, companies using controlling approach tend to apply protection instruments in their business. Further, these companies very often use bank services to help them in protection. Last, but not the least, financial managers in companies with active financial protection policy have got higher education than in those companies that are not actively protecting themselves. Usage of financial risk protection instruments contributes the business success of a company. Only continuous and proactive informing about financial position of a company concerning its exposure to total risk may insure survival, keeping market position, and progress of a Croatian company in recognized turbulent environment of domestic transformations, market globalization, and the pressure for accepting rules of a game of international competitiveness. Finally, in the future the researchers and authors of the study paper plan to make a sample survey research based on deeper stratification of population of Croatian businesses, so to include three sizes of companies, concerning number of employees, and to include a kind of financial measure of company’s size, e.g. the factor of yearly revenue, as well, and than it would be possible to make more detailed analysis concerning different companies' features and usage of financial risk management instruments in Croatia.instrumenti upravljanja financijskim rizicima, anketno istraživanje, hi kvadrat-test neovisnosti; Levenov test jednakosti varijanci populacija, t-test razlike aritmetičkih sredina

    Anketa o ponašanju i stavovima roditelja prema dojenju

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    A validated questionnaire is required to evaluate scientifically community-based breastfeeding support and promotion. The aim of this study was to create a valid and reliable questionnaire to measure parents’ behavior and attitudes about breastfeeding. The items in the questionnaire were selected by the authors according to regular data from the professional literature, and in consultation with three pediatric lecturers at higher and secondary health education, fellow pediatricians, and parents. A working version of the questionnaire was available on the website of the For a Healthy and Happy Childhood association from February 1, 2019 to May 31, 2019. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Bjelovar General Hospital. After item analysis, 15 behavioral questions that showed good internal consistency were retained. Concerning the attitudes, principal component analysis showed a four-factor structure with 17 items explaining 46.11% of total variance. Cronbach’s alpha (0.88) indicated acceptable internal consistency. To analyze the ability of the questionnaire to differentiate parents according to the desired outcome, the χ2-test, correlation and logistic regression were used. In the study, the desired outcome was defined as exclusive breastfeeding for 5 or 6 months, as well as breastfeeding for 12 months or more. In conclusion, the final instrument is reliable and valid for collecting breastfeeding data and evaluating changes in parents’ behaviors and attitudes achieved through participation in breastfeeding promotion and support programs. The questionnaire may, in addition to the BIAKQ questionnaire, support professionals and activists involved in breastfeeding to create methodologically well-conceived programs.Znanstvena evaluacija aktivnosti potpore i promocije dojenja u zajednici nije moguća bez uporabe validiranih upitnika. Cilj studije je bio izraditi valjan i pouzdan upitnik namijenjen mjerenju ponašanja i stavova roditelja o dojenju. Čestice upitnika su izrađene u skladu s podacima stručne literature, uz konzultaciju tri predavača pedijatrije u srednjim i visokim školama, kolegama pedijatrima i roditeljima. Radna verzija upitnika je postavljenja na web stranicu udruge „Za zdravo i sretno djetinjstvo“ u razdoblju od 1. veljače do 31. svibnja 2019. godine. Istraživanje je odobrilo Etičko povjerenstvo Opće bolnice Bjelovar. Nakon provedene analize čestica ljestvice ponašanja u upitniku je zadržano 15 čestica koje su pokazale dobru unutarnju dosljednost. Što se tiče ljestvice stavova, analiza glavnih komponenata izdvojila je 4-faktorsku strukturu sa 17 čestica koje objašnjavaju 46,11% ukupne varijance. Cronbach alfa potvrđuje zadovoljavajuću unutarnju dosljednost ljestvice stavova (0,88). Sposobnost upitnika da diferencira skupine roditelja prema željenom ishodu potvrđena je pomoću χ2-testa, analizom korelacije i logističkom regresijom. Željeni ishod je definiran kao isključivo dojenje 5-6 mjeseci, odnosno ukupno dojenje 12 mjeseci i duže. Upitnik je pouzdan i valjan instrument za prikupljanje podataka o dojenju, kao i u evaluaciji promjena ponašanja i stavova roditelja postignutih programima izobrazbe. Upitnik se može primijeniti nakon prethodnog ispitivanja upitnikom BIAKQ te može pomoći stručnjacima i volonterima u izradi metodološki dobro koncipiranih programa promocije i potpore dojenja