18 research outputs found

    Bounded quantifier depth spectrum for random uniform hypegraphs

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    The notion of spectrum for first-order properties introduced by J. Spencer for Erdos-Renyi random graph is considered in relation to random uniform hypergraphs. In this work we study the set of limit points of the spectrum for first-order formulae with bounded quantifier depth and obtain bounds for its maximum value. Moreover, we prove zero-one k-laws for the random uniform hypergraph and improve the bounds for the maximum value of the spectrum for first-order formulae with bounded quantifier depth. We obtain that the maximum value of the spectrum belongs to some two-element set

    Spectrum of FO logic with quantifier depth 4 is finite

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    The kk-spectrum is the set of all α>0\alpha>0 such that G(n,nα)G(n,n^{-\alpha}) does not obey the 0-1 law for FO sentences with quantifier depth at most kk. In this paper, we prove that the minimum kk such that the kk-spectrum is infinite equals 5