45 research outputs found

    Improving Zero-shot Visual Question Answering via Large Language Models with Reasoning Question Prompts

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    Zero-shot Visual Question Answering (VQA) is a prominent vision-language task that examines both the visual and textual understanding capability of systems in the absence of training data. Recently, by converting the images into captions, information across multi-modalities is bridged and Large Language Models (LLMs) can apply their strong zero-shot generalization capability to unseen questions. To design ideal prompts for solving VQA via LLMs, several studies have explored different strategies to select or generate question-answer pairs as the exemplar prompts, which guide LLMs to answer the current questions effectively. However, they totally ignore the role of question prompts. The original questions in VQA tasks usually encounter ellipses and ambiguity which require intermediate reasoning. To this end, we present Reasoning Question Prompts for VQA tasks, which can further activate the potential of LLMs in zero-shot scenarios. Specifically, for each question, we first generate self-contained questions as reasoning question prompts via an unsupervised question edition module considering sentence fluency, semantic integrity and syntactic invariance. Each reasoning question prompt clearly indicates the intent of the original question. This results in a set of candidate answers. Then, the candidate answers associated with their confidence scores acting as answer heuristics are fed into LLMs and produce the final answer. We evaluate reasoning question prompts on three VQA challenges, experimental results demonstrate that they can significantly improve the results of LLMs on zero-shot setting and outperform existing state-of-the-art zero-shot methods on three out of four data sets. Our source code is publicly released at \url{https://github.com/ECNU-DASE-NLP/RQP}

    Pro-Cap: Leveraging a Frozen Vision-Language Model for Hateful Meme Detection

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    Hateful meme detection is a challenging multimodal task that requires comprehension of both vision and language, as well as cross-modal interactions. Recent studies have tried to fine-tune pre-trained vision-language models (PVLMs) for this task. However, with increasing model sizes, it becomes important to leverage powerful PVLMs more efficiently, rather than simply fine-tuning them. Recently, researchers have attempted to convert meme images into textual captions and prompt language models for predictions. This approach has shown good performance but suffers from non-informative image captions. Considering the two factors mentioned above, we propose a probing-based captioning approach to leverage PVLMs in a zero-shot visual question answering (VQA) manner. Specifically, we prompt a frozen PVLM by asking hateful content-related questions and use the answers as image captions (which we call Pro-Cap), so that the captions contain information critical for hateful content detection. The good performance of models with Pro-Cap on three benchmarks validates the effectiveness and generalization of the proposed method.Comment: Camera-ready for 23, ACM M

    Modularized Zero-shot VQA with Pre-trained Models

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    Large-scale pre-trained models (PTMs) show great zero-shot capabilities. In this paper, we study how to leverage them for zero-shot visual question answering (VQA). Our approach is motivated by a few observations. First, VQA questions often require multiple steps of reasoning, which is still a capability that most PTMs lack. Second, different steps in VQA reasoning chains require different skills such as object detection and relational reasoning, but a single PTM may not possess all these skills. Third, recent work on zero-shot VQA does not explicitly consider multi-step reasoning chains, which makes them less interpretable compared with a decomposition-based approach. We propose a modularized zero-shot network that explicitly decomposes questions into sub reasoning steps and is highly interpretable. We convert sub reasoning tasks to acceptable objectives of PTMs and assign tasks to proper PTMs without any adaptation. Our experiments on two VQA benchmarks under the zero-shot setting demonstrate the effectiveness of our method and better interpretability compared with several baselines.Comment: accepted as Findings in ACL 202

    Framework for Motorcycle Risk Assessment Using Onboard Panoramic Camera

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    Traditional safety analysis methods based on historical crash data and simulation models have limitations in capturing real-world driving scenarios. In this experiment, panoramic videos recorded from a motorcyclist’s helmet in Bangkok, Thailand, were narrated using an image-to-text model and then put into a Large Language Model (LLM) to identify potential hazards and assess crash risks. The framework can assess static and moving objects with the potential for early warning and incident analysis. However, the limitations of the existing image-to-text model cause its inability to handle panoramic images effectively

    Don't Just Assume; Look and Answer: Overcoming Priors for Visual Question Answering

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    A number of studies have found that today's Visual Question Answering (VQA) models are heavily driven by superficial correlations in the training data and lack sufficient image grounding. To encourage development of models geared towards the latter, we propose a new setting for VQA where for every question type, train and test sets have different prior distributions of answers. Specifically, we present new splits of the VQA v1 and VQA v2 datasets, which we call Visual Question Answering under Changing Priors (VQA-CP v1 and VQA-CP v2 respectively). First, we evaluate several existing VQA models under this new setting and show that their performance degrades significantly compared to the original VQA setting. Second, we propose a novel Grounded Visual Question Answering model (GVQA) that contains inductive biases and restrictions in the architecture specifically designed to prevent the model from 'cheating' by primarily relying on priors in the training data. Specifically, GVQA explicitly disentangles the recognition of visual concepts present in the image from the identification of plausible answer space for a given question, enabling the model to more robustly generalize across different distributions of answers. GVQA is built off an existing VQA model -- Stacked Attention Networks (SAN). Our experiments demonstrate that GVQA significantly outperforms SAN on both VQA-CP v1 and VQA-CP v2 datasets. Interestingly, it also outperforms more powerful VQA models such as Multimodal Compact Bilinear Pooling (MCB) in several cases. GVQA offers strengths complementary to SAN when trained and evaluated on the original VQA v1 and VQA v2 datasets. Finally, GVQA is more transparent and interpretable than existing VQA models.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures. To appear in IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 201

    Tips and Tricks for Visual Question Answering: Learnings from the 2017 Challenge

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    This paper presents a state-of-the-art model for visual question answering (VQA), which won the first place in the 2017 VQA Challenge. VQA is a task of significant importance for research in artificial intelligence, given its multimodal nature, clear evaluation protocol, and potential real-world applications. The performance of deep neural networks for VQA is very dependent on choices of architectures and hyperparameters. To help further research in the area, we describe in detail our high-performing, though relatively simple model. Through a massive exploration of architectures and hyperparameters representing more than 3,000 GPU-hours, we identified tips and tricks that lead to its success, namely: sigmoid outputs, soft training targets, image features from bottom-up attention, gated tanh activations, output embeddings initialized using GloVe and Google Images, large mini-batches, and smart shuffling of training data. We provide a detailed analysis of their impact on performance to assist others in making an appropriate selection.Comment: Winner of the 2017 Visual Question Answering (VQA) Challenge at CVP

    MirrorDiffusion: Stabilizing Diffusion Process in Zero-shot Image Translation by Prompts Redescription and Beyond

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    Recently, text-to-image diffusion models become a new paradigm in image processing fields, including content generation, image restoration and image-to-image translation. Given a target prompt, Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPM) are able to generate realistic yet eligible images. With this appealing property, the image translation task has the potential to be free from target image samples for supervision. By using a target text prompt for domain adaption, the diffusion model is able to implement zero-shot image-to-image translation advantageously. However, the sampling and inversion processes of DDPM are stochastic, and thus the inversion process often fail to reconstruct the input content. Specifically, the displacement effect will gradually accumulated during the diffusion and inversion processes, which led to the reconstructed results deviating from the source domain. To make reconstruction explicit, we propose a prompt redescription strategy to realize a mirror effect between the source and reconstructed image in the diffusion model (MirrorDiffusion). More specifically, a prompt redescription mechanism is investigated to align the text prompts with latent code at each time step of the Denoising Diffusion Implicit Models (DDIM) inversion to pursue a structure-preserving reconstruction. With the revised DDIM inversion, MirrorDiffusion is able to realize accurate zero-shot image translation by editing optimized text prompts and latent code. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MirrorDiffusion achieves superior performance over the state-of-the-art methods on zero-shot image translation benchmarks by clear margins and practical model stability.Comment: A prompt re-description strategy is proposed for stabilizing the diffusion model in image-to-image translation. Code and dataset page: https://mirrordiffusion.github.io