151 research outputs found

    Daily Eastern News: December 07, 1988

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    The Trinity Observer, December 13, 1985

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    Daily Eastern News: December 07, 1988

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    The Diamond, December 18, 1970

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    Festival Features Speakers, High School Day; Dekker Interviews Pre-Sems; SC Discusses Festival of Life, Life; Party Features Christmas Is... ; Editorial; Readers\u27 Forum; More Words About Words; One More to Go Says Taylor; Not Quite a Hallucination; Faculty Goes Underground; Students Form New Group; The Hidden Face of Justice; They\u27re Coming to Take Me Away, Ha Ha; Hall Announces Additions in Fund Aid; Chemistry Department Awarded $11,000; Miss Ringerwole, Brass Choir Join in Concert; Messiah Performed; Inside the Blades; JV Racks Up Another Win; Gymnastics Team Bouncing Along; Westmar Takes First Win Over Defenders; Defenders Drop Game to Dakota by 6; Dordt Students Attend Model UN; Sioux Falls Squeaks By Defenders; Fines Set Up for Freeloaders; Chorale to Present Concert at Leota; SC Adds New Members; Student Council Holds Forum with Facultyhttps://digitalcollections.dordt.edu/dordt_diamond/1632/thumbnail.jp

    The Advocate, November 4, 2004

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    Courier Gazette : March 10, 1931

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    Rotunda - Vol 73, No 12 - March 2, 1994

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    The Wellesley News (12-08-1927)

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    "Royal Show" in Qohelet 2:1-11. A māšal - a Mind Exercise

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    Much has been written on the so-called royal fiction in Qoheleth. Generally speaking, scholars agree that it is a literary fiction. However, there is no unanimity as far as the interpretation of its role in the Book is concerned. Some would claim that it expresses a hidden critique of monarchy, while others would argue that it is veiled praise of royal institutions. It is striking, though, that commentators rarely recognize the literary genre of the part concerned. The article offers a different approach to the interpretative challenge it presents. It mainly focuses on the core pericope of the royal part – Qoh 2:1–11 – determining its genre as a māšal. It is a “royal show” craftily fashioned by a brilliant teacher Qoheleth. It is meant to be a mind exercise helping the wisdom searcher to reflect upon his own mindset, goals, and expectations."Królewskie przedstawienie" w Księdze Koheleta (2:1-11). Māšal jako ćwiczenie umysłowe Na temat tzw. fikcji królewskiej w Księdze Koheleta powstało już wiele opracowań naukowych. Komentatorzy w zasadzie zgadzają się, że chodzi o fikcję literacką, a nie o relację z jakiegoś faktycznego zdarzenia. Brakuje jednak jednomyślności w kwestii interpretacji roli, jaką rzeczona „fikcja królewska” pełni w Księdze. Podczas gdy dla jednych stanowi jakiś rodzaj zakamuflowanej krytyki monarchii, dla innych jest ona subtelną pochwałą instytucji królewskich. Co ciekawe, jednak komentatorzy rzadko zadają sobie trud, by rozpocząć swoje dociekania w tej kwestii od oznaczenia gatunku interesującego nas bloku. Ten artykuł proponuje inne podejście do wyzwań interpretacyjnych, jakie niesie on ze sobą. Skupia się głównie na zasadniczej perykopie „fikcji królewskiej”, a mianowicie na Koh 2,1–11. Jej gatunek określa jako māšal, a całość widzi jako „królewskie przedstawienie” – bardzo zręcznie odegrane przez genialnego nauczyciela Koheleta. Jest ono pomyślane jako intelektualne wyzwanie dla odbiorców, którzy przejęci są poszukiwaniem mądrości. Całość ma im pomóc w refleksji nad własnym nastawieniem, określeniem celów i oczekiwań. Całość przypomina współczesną mowę motywacyjną

    The Structure of European Company Law: From Crisis to Boom

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    This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.The two constitutional principles of subsidiarity and integration in the European Union clearly force the system to be one of jurisdictional competition. The text books still do not start from the assumption that diversity, and the tools for making it compatible with integration, are just as important an element of European company law as harmonisation. This paper argues that they should. This would then lead them to discuss in which areas there should be such competition, to identify the conditions for functioning competition and to try to suggest where and how to enhance it. Diversity clearly requires information. Therefore, the second core element of the structure of European company law consists of disclosure rules. These rules are indeed clearly dominant in European company law, be it in accounting law, the law of capital markets or in traditional EU Company Law Directives. On this basis, other important features — pairs of concepts — can also be explained: (1) the fact that European company law focuses on limited liability companies and sometimes exclusively on PLCs; (2) the fact that European company law is so extroverted, that is to say, the regulation of the third-party relationship is so dominant, that shareholders’ rights are really regulated only insofar as the proportionate share is ‘constitutionally’ guaranteed; and (3) the fact that capital markets must clearly be seen as an integral part of European company law and may not be disregarded in any description.Peer Reviewe