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    Lives and work of the Serbian scientists

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    The Board for the study of lives and work of Serbian scientist and scientists of Serbian origin, established by the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in 1992, has been publishing the edition entitled The Lives and Work of Serbian Scientists for 15 years now. The first volume was published in 1996. The 15 volumes that have been published so far portray the lives of over 150 scientific experts on nature, mathematics, medicine and technical sciences all of whom have leaf indelible mark on the world of science itself and the on Serbian culture in general both of which are greatly indebted to them and proud of their achievements. Following Volume 10, the Board published a special book in 2006 which contained English translation of the work summaries and biographies of 125 scientists mentioned in earlier editions. This special edition also contained a great deal of useful appendices in which scientists are classified according to the years of their birth, field of expertise, and the like. Basic information about the authors of the summaries has also been included. Readers now have before them Volume 13 of the Edition which contains biographies of 11 new scientists: 1 engineer (Jovan Surutka), 2 chemists (Dragutin Dražić and Milenko Ćelap), 3 physicists (Milenko Šušić, Stevan Koički and Milan Kurepa), 2 physicians (Bogdan Kosanović and Ivan Spužić), 2 biologists (Vladimir Pantić and Vojislav Petrović) and 1 geologist (Nikola Pantić). We are very pleased to once again express our appreciation to all Board members for their efforts on selecting competent authors and reviewers. We also welcome all of their comments and suggestions which helped this book maintain the same quality that the earlier editions are credited with. Acknowledgements are also extended to Mrs Vera Batina, Board Secretary, and the authors of particular articles, reviewers, benefactors, technical staff at the Serbian Academy and the people of the publishing company „Službeni glasnik".Биографије и библиографије / Српска академија наука и уметности : књ. 13. II одељење, Одбор за проучавање живота и рада научника српског порекла ; књ. 1