4 research outputs found

    Architecture of a Web-based Predictive Editor for Controlled Natural Language Processing

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    In this paper, we describe the architecture of a web-based predictive text editor being developed for the controlled natural language PENG^{ASP). This controlled language can be used to write non-monotonic specifications that have the same expressive power as Answer Set Programs. In order to support the writing process of these specifications, the predictive text editor communicates asynchronously with the controlled natural language processor that generates lookahead categories and additional auxiliary information for the author of a specification text. The text editor can display multiple sets of lookahead categories simultaneously for different possible sentence completions, anaphoric expressions, and supports the addition of new content words to the lexicon

    Naturalness vs. Predictability: A Key Debate in Controlled Languages

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    Abstract. In this paper we describe two quite different philosophies used in developing controlled languages (CLs): A "naturalist " approach, in which CL interpretation is treated as a simpler form of full natural language processing; and a "formalist " approach, in which the CL interpretation is “deterministic” (context insensitive) and the CL is viewed more as an English-like formal specification language. Despite the philosophical and practical differences, we suggest that a synthesis can be made in which a deterministic core is embedded in a naturalist CL, and illustrate this with our own controlled language CPL. In the second part of this paper we present a fictitious debate between an ardent “naturalist ” and an ardent “formalist”, each arguing their respective positions, to illustrate the benefits and tradeoffs of these different philosophies in an accessible way. Part I: The Naturalist vs. Formalist Debate

    Writing support for controlled natural languages

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    In this paper we present interface techniques that support the writing process of machine-oriented controlled natural languages which are well-defined and tractable fragments of English that can be translated unambiguously into a formal target language. Since these languages have grammatical and lexical restrictions, it is important to provide a text editor that assists the writing process by using lookahead information derived from the grammar. We will discuss the requirements to such a lookahead text editor and introduce the semantic wiki AceWiki as an application where this technology plays an important role. We investigate two different approaches how lookahead information can be generated dynamically while a text is written and compare the runtimes and practicality of these approaches in detail