3 research outputs found

    Adaptive hypertext and hypermedia : proceedings of the 2nd workshop, Pittsburgh, Pa., June 20-24, 1998

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    Adaptive hypertext and hypermedia : proceedings of the 2nd workshop, Pittsburgh, Pa., June 20-24, 1998

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    WWW 94: videotapes : lectures, CERN, Geneva, 25 - 27 May 1994

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    - Welcome by W.HOOGLAND -Effective rules in cyberspace:what we may wish to do and what we can do.D. CHAUMFirst International Conference on the World-Wide Web. Joseph Hardin's talk on the state of the web.First International Conference on the World-Wide Web. Tim Berners-Lee's keynote speech on the World Wide Web.First International Conference on the World-Wide Web. James E. Pitkow's paper "WEBVIZ: A Tool for World Wide Web Access Log Visualization", Elizabeth Cherhal and Serge Rouveyrol's talk on the use of WWW in a documentary networkFirst International Conference on the World-Wide Web. Shin-ya Sato's paper on dynamic rewriting of HTML documents, Jean-Christophe Touvet's paper on directory Services and Web integration using SOLO and a collective paper on the "microcosm" link service and its application to the WWWFirst International Conference on the World-Wide Web. Christian Neuss' paper on free text searches in the Web, Doug McKee's paper on the integration of dynamic search technology, R.D.J. Post and P.M.E. De Bra's paper on client-based searching, and Roy T. Fielding's paper on distributed hypertext infostructuresFirst International Conference on the World-Wide Web. Robert Cailliau's introduction into the Web, the notion of hypertext and server.First International Conference on the World-Wide Web. Russ Jones presents a case study of digital's web server, S. Srinivasan and R.P. Channing Rodgers talk about their project for the creation of an image database in the field of medical history, Ray Andersom gives a paper "Changing your Business Culture with Mosaic"First International Conference on the World-Wide Web. Børre Ludvigsen's talk "Home on the Web" and Denis Anthony's presentation on NURSE serviceFirst International Conference on the World-Wide Web. B. Rousseau and M.Ruggier's paper on Web DocumentsFirst International Conference on the World-Wide Web. Toshihiro Takada's paper on multilingual information exchange through the World-Wide Web and Nick Williams' talk on WYSIWYG Editor for HTMLFirst International Conference on the World-Wide Web. A workshop on the WEB and its futureFirst International Conference on the World-Wide Web. Steve Glassman's talk on the performance of caching the WebFirst International Conference on the World-Wide Web. Steffen Meschkat's talk on active articles in interactive journals and John Mallery's paper on a common LISP hypermedia serverFirst International Conference on the World-Wide Web. Anders Klemets talk on the design and implementation of a media for WWW and David Wetherall's paper "Active Pages: Intelligent Nodes on the World Wide Web"First International Conference on the World-Wide Web. James E. Pitkow's talk on results from the first World Wide Web user survey.First International Conference on the World-Wide Web. Dimitri Dimitroyannis' paper "Virtual Classroom: A Case Study", David Levine's talk on the virtual reconstruction of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum and Marcus Speh's talk on WWW for the Globewide Network AcademyFirst International Conference on the World-Wide Web. The talk by Gary Seaman and Michael Mascha on interactive education, Steve Putz' paper on interactive information services using hypertextFirst International Conference on the World-Wide Web. A talk on multilingual lexicon on the Web, David Eichmann's paper on MORE system and Carlos A. Varela's talk on Zelig application.First International Conference on the World-Wide Web. Mark D. Pesce's talk on cyberspace and Jean-François Groff's talk "Untangling the Web"First International Conference on the World-Wide Web. Alan Slater's talk "Controlled by the Web!"First International Conference on the World-Wide Web. Ari Luotonen's talk on World-Wide Web proxies, Eric Katz paper on a scalable Web server and Bjorn N. Freeman-Benson's talk on password protectionFirst International Conference on the World-Wide Web. R.Doelz and T.Etzold's talk on the use of WWW in biological research, Bertrand Ibrahim's paper on World-Wide algorithm animation and Pieter A. van Brakel's presentation entitled "Teaching Hypertext Techniques with Mosaic/WWW